Redwoods Community College District Meeting of the Facility Planning Committee Eureka Campus Board Room MINUTES Thursday, October 8, 2009 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Present: Mike Mendoza, Melissa Green, Michael Bailey, Tim Flanagan, Ruth Bettenhausen, Ray Kingsbury, Jim Sylvia, Anita Janis (by phone), David Maki (by phone) Absent: Paul Agpawa, Maggie White, Dave Arnold 1. Meeting called to order at 2:33 PM A. Dave Arnold has been appointed Co-Chair but was not present at this meeting. 2. Meeting Minutes Review – August 31, 2009. There were no comments. Jim Sylvia asked if there were any seismic problems with the new buildings that could delay the construction or funding. The Administration/Theatre Building plans are at the Division of the State Architect (DSA). LACO engineers wrote a report and sent it to the California Geological Survey (CGS) that described forces that were worse than what we had designed to. They are having another report done that will hopefully be in line with the design. We anticipate going to bid in late spring 2010, with construction starting in fall 2010. 3. New Business A. Ruth reviewed the membership list. She would like about twenty members on the committee, with five faculty members including at least one from the Centers. We need one student. Jim Sylvia requested that each subcommittee has at least five members. He recommended adding a faculty member to the Eureka Deferred Maintenance sub- committee. Michael recommended e-mailing all faculty requesting participation. E-mail should state objectives. Jim requested that we ask the Academic Senate for more members. Ruth will inform the Academic Senate she’s requesting additional faculty membership. B. There was a discussion regarding the Capital Projects List. There was a question about the Utility Infrastructure Replacement project for the Eureka campus. This would replace all underground utilities with systems that are more resistant to seismic events. We submitted the project to the state using the FUSION program. This is the program used to submit all projects requesting state funding. The project was submitted as an Initial Project Proposal (IPP). Ruth will bring a copy of the IPP to the next meeting. The FUSION list is not a complete list, of all projects, we may add to it. We support some projects with Measure Q funds (Local). C. Ruth responded to a question by David Maki about the difference between Instructional Centers and Instructional Sites. She responded that Garberville is considered an Instructional Site, not a Center. Centers are recognized by the State and we receive money from the state to operate them. Sites receive no separate funding from the state and have no central student services. Eureka Downtown, Arcata and McKinleyville Instructional Sites are associated with the Eureka campus. Hoopa is associated with Del Norte. We need to review the capital needs for the instructional sites as a group later this year. We will need to review data from IR, sometime in the spring. Ahn Fielding has a model we can review. C. Ruth shared a copy of plans for the new Student Services, Administration, and Theater building with the committee. The architects for this project will possibly do a presentation at the November Board meeting. We will try to schedule our meeting so they can present to the committee as well. D. The committee was given a Deferred Maintenance List prepared last year for the Eureka Campus. The Deferred Maintenance sub committee needs to add detail to the projects so it is easy to understand what the request is for. Limit for projects on the list is $5,000 and above. If appropriate, bundle like projects together. We need more comprehensive projects. When they are prioritized they will be divided by years, 5 to 10 years out. Projects can always be added/deleted or re-prioritized to the list. Old Business A. Tim presented an update on the first meeting of the Eureka Deferred Maintenance sub- committee. The existing list is not complete, and needs further review of the campus needs and to be prioritized. Safety and compliance issues need to be top priorities. Ruth stated that the Committee needs input from the Centers on their maintenance needs and these sub-committees need to review the Centers for a comprehensive list and be prepared with prioritization recommendations to the whole committee. B. There was a question if we will be set up on MyCR. Ruth requested that Melissa check and see if it would be useful. She will report back at the next meeting. Ruth stated that when she has administrative support the FPC website as it currently exists will be updated. Jim motioned for meeting to adjourn, seconded by Melissa. Meeting was adjourned at 4:02 PM.