Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3 July, 2011, 219-229 Green Adhesives Using Tannin and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid for Environment-friendly Furniture Materials Jeong-Hun Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim† School of Architecture, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea Abstract: Sick building syndrome symptoms that are experienced by building occupants may be caused by toxic substances such as formaldehyde and VOCs, which are known to be emitted from building materials and wood composite products such as wood-based panel, furniture, engineered flooring and construction adhesive. In Korea, the use of wood composite products for indoor environments has increased over the last decade. Recently, wood composite products have been installed in approximately 95% of newly constructed residential buildings. The use of these products has resulted in problems related to human health, and consequently a realization about the importance of indoor air quality. In addition, consumer demand is increasing for natural materials because conventional building materials and wood composite products are made by adding urea-formaldehyde resin or they contain formaldehyde-based resin. More recently, many efforts have been made to reduce formaldehyde emission from building materials that laid in the indoor environment. Especially, if conventional formaldehyde-based adhesives are replaced with green adhesives for residential spaces, it is possible to reduce most of the emission amounts of formaldehyde in indoor environments. In line with this expectation, many researches are being conducted using natural materials such as tannin and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). This study discussed the affects and possibilities of green adhesives to reduce formaldehyde emission in indoor environments. Keywords: green adhesive, tannin, CNSL, VOCs, formaldehyde 1. Introduction renovated housing. Sick building syndrome (SBS) 1) is a serious problem of poor air quality caused by Recently, residents have been spending almost 90% of their time indoors, which presents a high- indoor contaminants in the home and work place (Hodgson, M. 2002; Menzies, D. et al. 1997; Lee, er risk from inhalation of pollutants than when S.-w. et al. 2007). they spend time outdoors. It has been reported in recent years that many people complain of symp- For all pollutants, building materials play a major role in determining the indoor air quality ow- toms of illness such as headaches, irritation of the ing to their larger surface area and permanent ex- nose, nausea, skin disorders, and fatigue after spending some time in new buildings or newly posure to indoor air. Building materials can release a wide range of pollutants, particularly VOCs, which can degrade the indoor air quality making it worse than that of outdoor air. Recent studies of VOC emissions in four newly built un- Received for publication: June 28, 2011; Reviewed: July 6, 2011; Accepted: Received in revised form: July 14, 2011; July 16, 2011 † Corresponding author: Sumin Kim ( occupied test houses showed that the building 219 220 Jeong-Hun Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim (Pickrell et al. 1986). The use of low emission materials or materials with no-added formaldehyde is considered a fundamental method to reduce formaldehyde emission in indoor environments. The possibility of using replacement materials for UF and PF adhesives has also been studied for some time. Among alternative materials, tannin, soybean and CNSL are considered appropriate natural materials to replace formaldehyde-based resin (Bisanda and Ansell 1992; Kim 2009, 2010; Emiliano et al. 2010). Fig. 1. Chemical structure of some phenols synthesized from HT (Bisanda et al. 2003). materials are the main source of indoor air pollu- In this study, we discussed the applications of natural phenolic compounds for green adhesives and the affects and possibilities of green adhesives to reduce formaldehyde emission in indoor environments. tion (Yu and Crump 1998). Polymeric materials are used widely in buildings for the construction, decoration, and furnishing of homes, offices and 2. Tannin Based-Adhesive 2.1. Tannin Based-Adhesive schools, as well as other non-industrial work places. Many of these materials are high VOC emitters, such as solvent-borne paints and adhesives. Some constitute large surface areas within buildings, such as coatings and coverings on walls, ceilings, and floors (Schmidt-Etkin, D. 1992). In addition, formaldehyde is a suspected human carcinogen that is released from wood-based Recently, there has been growing interest in tannin-based resins. Tannins are naturally occurring phenolic compounds that have been a subject of extensive research leading to the development of a wide range of industrial applications. Tannins have traditionally been used for converting animal hides to leather, known as tanning, due to their ability to interact with and precipitate panels used in home construction such as prod- proteins found in animal skin. The term tannin ucts made with urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins (e.g., particleboard, hardwood plywood, medium originates from the ancient Celtic word for oak, density fiberboard (MDF), and paneling) (Otson in converting animal skin into leather (tanning). Today, in addition to oak (Quercus sp.), there are and Fellin 1992; Kelly et al. 1999). Many consumer products containing formaldehyde-based resins release formaldehyde, leading to consumer dissatisfaction and health-related complaints. These emissions have resulted in a variety of symptoms, the most common of which is irritation to the eyes and upper respiratory tract which remains a popular source for tannins used many other plant species that are being used to produce commercial tannin. These include plants such as Acacia sp. (wattle), Eucalyptus sp., Mirtus sp. (myrtle), Acer sp. (maple), Betula sp. (birch), Salix Caprea (willow), Pinus sp. (pine), etc. ( Bisanda et al. 2003). Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 Green Adhesives Using Tannin and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid for Environment-friendly Furniture Materials 221 R = H : procyanidin : R = OH : prodelphinidin Fig. 2. Chemical structure of wattle tannin (Acacia mearnsil) flavonoids (Bisanda et al. 2003). Fig. 3. Chemical structure of proanthocyanidins and reaction with formaldehyde (Ping et al. 2011). Chemically, tannins are made up of complex name of Nox Primer for the treatment of rusted steel surfaces prior to painting. phenolic compounds of high molecular weight, ∙Rust converter to transform oxidized steel in- ranging from 500 to 20,000. There are two main to a smooth sealed surface. categories of tannins: (a) hydrolysable tannins (HT) and (b) condensed tannins (CT). Generally, ∙Wood adhesives for bonding wood chips in producing particle board building materials. tannins are soluble in water, with the exception ∙Rust inhibitor where tannin is added to min- of some very high molecular weight compounds. HTs are readily soluble in water, making it possible for them to react with other substances to eral oil to protect cold rolled steel from corrosion during transportation or storage. yield a wide range of water-soluble chemicals such as gallic acid (-gallotannins) or ellagic acid 2.2. Preparation of Tannin Based-adhesive (-ellagitannins). Fig. 1 shows the chemical structures of simple phenols obtained in HT. CTs (Proanthocyanidis) have a condensed chemical nature, even though they are still capable of undergoing further condensation reactions. They have complex chemical structures made of flavonoid units, with variations on the sites at which the flavan bonds are created. In general, CTs have rigid carbon–carbon bonds that cannot be broken easily by hydrolysis. Fig. 2 shows the Wood adhesive condensed tannins with forlaldehyde, have been used industrially since the 1970s for the interior and exterior wood bonding of products such as particleboard and plywood. They are obtained by the hardening of polymeric flavonoids by polycondensation with formaldehyde, involving their more reactive A-ring according to Fig. 3. Thus, it was demonstrated that condensed tannins are both chemically and economically interesting for the preparation of adhesives and that they could be successfully chemical structure of wattle tannin (Acacia mearnsii) flavonoids according to Pizzi (Pizzi used as substitutes for phenol in the production of resins (Pinga et al. 2011). Generally, most tannin-based adhesives are 1983, 2006). A wide range of other industrial applications have been found for tannins, in addition to their fortified with a synthetic polymer system such as commercial UF (Bisanda et al. 2003; Pizzi 2006), commercial PF (Vazquez et al. 2003), re- widespread use in tanneries. These include an use in the manufacture of inks for dyeing of textiles, and as a corrosion inhibitor. In Chile and Brazil, sorcinol-formaldehyde (Wen and Wei 2006) and a variety of products have been developed from isocyanates (Batubenga 1995). T. Tabarsa et al. studied four types of resins: tannin (Bisanda et al. 1992): ∙Anti-corrosive primer, sold under the brand PF, T10%PF, T20%PF, and T30%PF, which Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 222 Jeong-Hun Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim were tannin-modified PF resins containing 0, 10, 2.3. Discussion of Tannin Based Adhesive 20%, and 30% tannin content, respectively. The The objective of T. Tabarsa’s work is to eval- PF resin was supplied in liquid form, and before uate the mechanical and physical properties of an use, a 2% by weight hardener zink acetate [Zn three-layer boards made with wheat straw and (CH3COO)2] was added and the mixture was bonded with a tannin-based adhesive. The me- thoroughly stirred. The tannin was extracted chanical properties of panels were evaluated by from oak (Quercus castaneifolia) trees. The mod- static bending, modulus of rupture (MOR) and ification of the PF resin was made through the modulus of elasticity (MOE), the internal bond substitution of 10, 20% and 30% of a solution of (IB) tests. Physical properties such as water ab- 40% tannin extract (Tabarsa et al. 2011). sorption (WA) and thickness swelling (TS) in wa- A. Moubaric et al. studied cornstarch-que- ter were determined. In general, all types of straw bracho tannin-based resins designed as adhesive panels produced in this work met the MOR, in plywood production. The resol type of phenol formaldehyde with a solids content of 46% and a MOE, IB and TS requirements for general uses according to European standards. Although the viscosity of about 450 cp was prepared using a wheat straw boards made with tannin-modified 2.2 : 1 formaldehyde: phenol ratio and 7.3% (w/w) of NaOH. The resols were prepared in a PF resins had slightly poorer mechanical properties compared to the boards made with pure PF, two liter glass reactor with mechanical stirring the T10% PF resin showed higher bond ability and temperature control. The necessary amount of reactive according to the established for- than other modified PF resins. The highest MOR, MOE, IB and the lowest WA and TS were mulation was fed into the reactor, and when the achieved at a 12 min press time and by using operating temperature was reached 90°C, the extension of reaction was monitored, measuring the Type 10% PF resin. An increase in the press time positively affected the physical and mechanical resol viscosity at 25°C. The adhesives were pre- properties of the panels produced. With respect pared by copolymerisation at the room temperature of cornstarch and quebracho bark tannins to the findings of the study, it may be stated that wheat straw can be used as a promising raw ma- in variable quantities with the previously pre- terial for panel production with the use of a tan- pared resols (Moubarika et al. 2009). S. Kim studied PVAc/Tannin hybrid adhesives nin-modified PF adhesive. The aim of Amine A. Moubarik’s work was to in accordance with the wt% of tannin. The pre- demonstrate the performances of cornstarch– pared adhesives were used on the face of the decorative veneer bonding of engineered flooring quebracho tannin-based resins designed as adhesives in plywood production. The cornstarch and and the formaldehyde emission level and surface quebracho tannin was introduced in the classic bond strength were evaluated. PVAc was added to the natural tannin adhesive to increase the vis- adhesive formulation in order to supply part of the phenol–formaldehyde (PF). The physical cosity of tannin adhesive for surface bonding. For properties of rheological characterization, ther- tannin/PVAc hybrid adhesives, 5, 10, 20% and 30% of PVAc were added to the natural tannin mogravimetric analysis and solid phase 13C NMR analysis of the formulated resins were adhesives (Kim 2009). measured. In order to evaluate the mechanical performances of optimal cornstarch–quebracho Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 Green Adhesives Using Tannin and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid for Environment-friendly Furniture Materials 223 Fig. 5. VOC emission concentrations (toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and styrene) from engineered flooring bonded with natural adhesive and tannin/PVAc hybridadhesives as determined by the VOC analyzer (Kim 2009). Fig. 4. Initial adhesion strength of natural tannin adhesive and tannin/PVAc hybridadhesives (Kim 2009). tannin-based resins, plywood panels were produced and mechanical properties were investigated. These mechanical properties included then decreased. The initial adhesion strength was tensile strength, wood failure and 3-point bending strength. The performance of these panels is sufficient to be maintained within the optimum initial tack range. comparable to that of plywood panels commer- In addition, the standard formaldehyde emis- cially made with PF resin. The results showed that plywood panels bonded with cornstarch - sion test (desiccator method), field and laboratory emission cell (FLEC) and VOC analyzer were quebracho tannin - PF resins (15 : 5 : 80, w/w/w) used to determine the formaldehyde and VOC exhibited better mechanical properties than plywood panels commercially made with PF resin. emissions. Using the desiccator method and FLEC, the formaldehyde emission level of each The introduction of small proportions of corn- adhesive showed a similar tendency to that of the starch and quebracho tannin in PF resins contributes to the improvement of the boiling water per- natural tannin adhesive. PVAc did not cause increasing formaldehyde emission. All adhesives formance of these adhesives. The formaldehyde satisfied the E1 grade (below 1.5 mg/L) and E0 emission levels obtained from panels bonded with cornstarch - quebracho tannin - PF were grade (below 0.5 mg/L) with UV coating, as shown in Table 1. VOC emission results obtained lower than those obtained from panels bonded by the FLEC and VOC analyzer differed from the with control PF (Moubarika et al. 2009). In S. Kim’s study, tannin/PVAc hybrid adhe- formaldehyde emission results. Fig. 5 presents the concentrations of the four indicated VOCS sives showed better bonding than the commercial from engineered flooring bonded with each adhe- natural tannin adhesive with a higher level of wood penetration. Fig. 4 shows the probe tack re- sive system, as determined by the VOC analyzer. Xylene was the highest detected compound in all sults for maple decorative veneer. With the in- samples, followed by ethylbenzene and toluene crease of open assembly time, the probe tack of the natural tannin adhesive and tannin/PVAc consecutively. Styrene, however, was not detected in any of the systems. However, the TVOC hybrid adhesives increased for a certain time and emission of the PVAc added tannin adhesive sys- Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 224 Jeong-Hun Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim Table 1. Formaldehyde and TVOC emission of engineered flooring bonded with naturaladhesive and tannin/PVAc hybrid adhesives by desiccator and FLEC methods (Kim 2009) Equipment FLEC (mg/m h) Formaldehyde Air pollutant a 2 Dessicator (mg/L) Formaldehyde TVOC 0.34 0.2 0.32 0.44 0.21 0.39 0.47 0.21 0.4 a Non-coated Coated Natural tannin adhesive 1.19 Tannin90/PVAc10 1.32 Tannin80/PVAc20 1.33 UV curable urethane acrylate coating. polymer scientists throughout the world because of its potential attribute as substitute petrochemical derivatives. With petroleum production in- (a) Anacardic acid (b) Cardanol creasingly facing exhaustion, scientists and technologists focus their attention towards renewable resources because these materials may act as potential raw materials for the manufacture of polymers in the 21st century (Bhunia et al. 1999). CNSL, an agricultural by-product of the cashew (c) Cardol (d) 2-methyl cardol nut processing industry and a renewable resource, is a source of a long chain, m-substituted Fig. 6. Components of CNSL (Park et al. 2005). phenol which promises to be an excellent mono- tem was slightly increased compared to the natu- mer for polymer production. CNSL occurs as a reddish brown, viscous fluid in the soft honey- ral tannin adhesive. This tendency of form- comb structure of the shell of cashew nuts. Many aldehyde and TVOC emission from the natural tannin adhesive and tannin/PVAc hybrid adhe- researchers have investigated on the chemistry and composition its extraction. CNSL contains sives was confirmed by the FLEC test as shown four major components: 3-pentadecenyl phenol in Table 1. The difference between each system of formaldehyde emission was not shown in the (cardanol), 5-pentadecenyl resorcinol (cardol), 6-pentadecenyl salicylic acid (anacardic acid) and FLEC data, while the TVOC of tannin/PVAc 2-methyl 5-pentadecenyl resorcinol (2-methyl hybrid adhesives was slightly increased by adding PVAc compared to the natural tannin adhesive cardol). Fig. 6 gives the chemical structure of these components. The application of CNSL as a full replacement (Kim 2009). 3. Green Adhesive Using Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) for synthetic resins is of immense interest in the current climate of diminishing petroleum reserves. About 90% of CNSL consists of anacardic 3.1. CNSL acid, cardanol and cardol (Mwaikambo and Ansell 2003). Cardanol, which can be obtained The synthesis of polymers from renewable re- by thermal treatment of CNSL, is a phenol de- sources has attracted considerable attention from rivative mainly composed of the meta substitute Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 Green Adhesives Using Tannin and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid for Environment-friendly Furniture Materials 225 phenol-HCHO resin. In this study, the effect of CNSL-based phenolic resin in an adhesive formulation for aluminium-aluminium bonding (Al-Al) was studied. The effect of fillers and adhesion promoters in the adhesive formulation Fig. 7. Possible CNSL-formaldehyde structure (Lubi and Thachil 2006). were also studied (Lubi and Thachil 2006). 3.2. Preparation of CNSL Based-adhesive of a C15 unsaturated hydrocarbon chain with one Biswas et al. describe the preparation and char- to three double bonds (Kim et al. 2007; Bhunia et acterization of a CNSL modified phenol - form- al. 1998). Double vacuum distillation of CNSL aldehyde resin. The optimum settings disclosed yields pure cardanol at 50% yield (Ikeda et al. are CNSL: phenol weight ratio of 2 : 1 and their 2000). CNSL constitutes nearly one-third of the total nut weight. Thus, a large amount of CNSL reaction with formaldehyde at a temperature of is formed as a by-product of the mechanical processes used to render the cashew kernel edible and its total production approaches one million tons annually (Park et al. 2005). CNSL has potential industrial applications such as for resins, friction lining materials, and surface coatings. Especially in the field of polymers, CNSL has mostly been studied as a modifier of phenol–formaldehyde resins due to its structural similarity with phenol. CNSL reacts 30∼40°C (Biswas et al. 2009). Mwaikambo and Ansell describe the synthesis of a resin with CNSL and formaldehyde using NaOH as catalyst and hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) as hardener (Mwaikambo and Ansell 2003). Bisanda et al. have synthesized a resin consisting of CNSL, hydrolyzed tannin and urea - formaldehyde resin. This resin was tested in particleboard production. Although the CNSL modified phenolic resins are suitable for many applications and perform improved corrosion and insulation resistance, they have the disadvantage of requiring a with formaldehyde under a variety of conditions, yielding both resol and novolak resins depending longer time to be totally cross-linked (set) compared to their petrochemical counterparts. This on the catalyst used. Fig. 7 shows the possible structure of cross-linked CNSL-formaldehyde resin where R represents the side chain. The phenolic nature of the constituents of CNSL along consideration has thus far constrained their broad utilization by the wood-based panels industry, since the manufacturers are reluctant to use a resin that is regarded as needing longer pressing. with varying degrees of unsaturation in the side chain makes it a highly polymerizable substance This would affect a manufacturer’s profits as it would mean an increase in the production costs amenable to a variety of polymerization reactions. The most obvious and common method of obtaining polymeric materials from CNSL is and lowering of the economic benefits (Bisanda et al. 2003). the condensation reaction with formaldehyde. The reaction of CNSL with formaldehyde is slow compared to that of phenol with formaldehyde. 3.3. Discussion of CNSL Pure CNSL-HCHO resin is a rubbery substance CNSL is a natural product, and because of its phenolic nature it undergoes reactions similar to with inferior mechanical properties compared to those of phenol. The cost of CNSL is consid- Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 226 Jeong-Hun Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim Fig. 8. Bonding strength between the face of the decorative veneer and plywood substratein engineered flooring: CNSL-formaldehyde (CF) resin and CF/PVAc green adhesives (Kim 2010). Fig. 9. Formaldehyde emission from engineered flooring bonded with CNSL-formaldehyde (CF) resin and CF/PVAc green adhesives as determined by thedesiccator method (Kim 2010). erably less than phenol. P. A. Mahanwar experimentally investigated the effect of replacing resin based on CNSL can be employed in adhesive formulations. It improves the bonding phenol with CNSL on the properties of novolak strength of Al-Al significantly. The addition of and resole resins. The addition of CNSL into phenol seems to increase reaction times for the 3-aminopropyl triethoxy silane improves the shear strength and peel strength of adhesives used preparation of novolak as well as resole type in metal-to-metal bonding considerably. Although resins. When CNSL with an acid value of more than 10 was used, no satisfactory resin could be the copolymerization of crude CNSL and phenol has generally led to some deterioration of shear formed. The resulting mass was only a viscous and peel performance compared to the case of fluid with very low resin content. This suggests that only CNSL with an acid value less than 10 pure phenol- based resins, considering the low cost of CNSL and its renewable nature, the parti- was suitable for resin preparation. In conclusion, al use of CNSL for this adhesive application is an the addition of CNSL leads to a decrease in tensile strength but an improvement in the impact attractive proposal (Lubi and Thachil 2006). S. Kim carried out the reduction of form- strength and electrical properties of the resole aldehyde and VOCs emission from wood-based resins. CNSL with an acid value above 10 is unsuitable for making resins (Mahanwar and Kale flooring by green adhesive CNSL. In this study, to discuss the reduction of formaldehyde and 1996). VOC emissions from engineered flooring, CNSL- CNSL is a desirable starting material for adhesive formulations due to its renewable nature, formaldehyde (CF) resin and CF/PVAc resin were applied for the maple face of the veneer high polarity, inherent tackiness of phenolic ma- bonding on plywood. The bonding strengths of terials, and ease with which liquid-to-solid conversions can be accomplished. M. Lubi C. and the engineered flooring samples bonded with CF resin and PVAc are shown in Fig. 8. The bonding Eby Thomas Thachils’study aims to investigate strengths of the non-treated (before boiling), en- the effect of the incorporation of CNSL-based resin in neoprene adhesive formulations. Phenolic gineered flooring samples made using CF/PVAc hybrid adhesives were considerably higher than Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 Green Adhesives Using Tannin and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid for Environment-friendly Furniture Materials 227 those of the CF resin. With increasing PVAc con- to the overall properties of the resin (Papadopou- tent, the bonding strength was increased until a lou and Chrissafis 2011). PVAc content of 20% was obtained. Fig. 9 The understanding of the thermal character- shows that the CF resin and CF/PVAc resin sys- istics of the CNSL resin curing is essential for the tems with UV coating satisfied the E1 and E0 materials selection, design and manufacture of grades of the Korean Standard. Before surface natural fiber reinforced composite material. coating, the formaldehyde emissions from the Therefore, there is intense interest in under- products glued with CF resin were already less standing the curing characteristics and properties than the E1 grade of the formaldehyde emission of CNSL-based resins. In L. Y. Mwaikambo level in the Korean Standard, even though the CF resin contained formaldehyde. Renewable phe- and M. P. Ansells’s work the DSC technique has been applied to study the change in the glass tran- nolic compounds from trees and plants such as sition temperature of the oven-cured resin with tannin, lignin and CNSL were successfully applied as a thermosetting wood adhesive for wood and without HMTA in order to monitor the extent of the cure. The glass transition temperature panels to reduce formaldehyde emission. These was found to rise when the alkaline catalysed res- renewable phenolic compounds give excellent adhesive performance, good moisture resistance, in was subjected to higher curing temperatures regardless of the concentration of formaldehyde and tend to give a lower formaldehyde emission used. The mode of cure of the NaOH-catalysed than UF resin (Kim 2010). In E. Papadopoulou and K. Chrissafisbs’ study, CNSL-formaldehyde resin has been found to be more regular with HMTA hardener. FT-IR spec- an experimental phenol–formaldehyde resin troscopy has been used to study the neat CNSL with 20% phenol replacement by CNSL was studied and compared with a conventional phe- and polymerised CNSL-formaldehyde resin with and without HMTA. The use of the DSC and nol–formaldehyde resin synthesized totally from FT-IR techniques to elucidate the extent of cure petrochemical raw materials. The adhesion strength of these resins was investigated by their applica- of CNSL resins is a valuable step towards the production of commercially successful CNSL-natu- tion in plywood production. The plywood panels ral fiber composites. were tested for their shear strength and wood failure performance while their free formaldehyde 4. Summary emissions were determined with the desiccator method. It was proved that although the neat CNSL modified PF resin (PCF) cures at a longer time and higher temperature than a conventional PF resin, wood affects it more significantly, resulting in curing on the evening of their curing Tannin is a renewable resource obtained from plants such as Acacia sp., Eucalyptus sp., Mirtus sp., Acer sp., Betula sp., Salix Caprea, Pinus sp. (pine), etc. Also, CNSLs are a by-product of the agriculture industry. They are naturally occuring phenolic substances. Being an agricultural by- performance. This is a novel finding that manifests the possibility of replacing a conventional PF resin by a CNSL modified resin in the ply- product, they have the advantages of low cost wood production, without changing any of the and renewable supply. They can replace phenol in many applications. Tannins and CNSL are production conditions and with an improvement groups of natural resins that are receiving wide Journal of the Korea Furniture Society Vol. 22, No. 3, 2011 228 Jeong-Hun Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim attention as alternative materials to synthetic binders in the production of biocomposites. UF is the commercial resin popularly used for wood-based panel production. The most significant problem is the emission of formaldehyde and TVOC from wood-based panel. To improve indoor air quality, the reduction of using UF resin is considered to be the most effective solution. In previous works, many authors suggested that tannin and CNSL are appropriate resources as resins for wood-based panel production and proved the reduction of toxic substances by using tannin and CNSL. However, there are a number of problems using tannin and CNSL, such as decreasing in bonding strength, MOE and MOR. Thus, in previous works, many efforts had been made to improve mechanical properties by seek of an optimal ratio with a synthetic polymer system such as commercial UF, PF, resorcinol–formaldehyde, or adding PVAc, etc. As a result, the mechanical properties of green adhesives exhibited the performance that met the minimum performance requirement. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Converging Research Center funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010K001141). Batubenga, D. B., A. Pizzi, A. Stephanou, R. Krause, and P. Cheesman. 1995. Isocyanate/phenolics wood adhesives by catalytic acceleration of copolymerization. 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