Human Resources
February 2012
Overtime Policy
This new policy aims to provide guidance to managers and staff on the operation of overtime, to ensure that it does not impact negatively on either the individual or the University.
The aims of the policy are to
reward those individuals who show flexibility;
ensure consistency of management practice;
avoid an overtime culture, and to ensure that the Working Time Directive is complied with and that health and safety and duty of care considerations are made;
ensure that departments have access to sufficient resources to meet their operational needs;
provide a simple-to-understand policy.
The policy outlines the rates of pay applied to overtime worked and sets out eligibility criteria. It should be noted that all overtime must be authorised in advance by the relevant line manager. Departments are not authorised to agree contractual overtime without consultation with the Human Resources Department.
Levels 1a to 5
This policy applies only to those employees on levels 1a to 5.
The University recognises that there may be a need for some staff to work over and above their normal contractual weekly hours in order to carry out specific projects or work during busy times. Where this is required, it shall be compensated either by time off in lieu (TOIL) or by the payment of enhanced rates.
When requesting an individual employee to work non-contractual overtime, management must, at the time, advise the employee of the arrangement for compensation. It is then for the individual employee to accept or indicate to management the preferred method of compensation and to decide whether or not to work the overtime on the terms offered. Wherever possible, management should try to ensure a balance between methods of compensation.
Callout and Standby arrangements are covered under a separate policy.
Rates of pay
Overtime is paid at the following enhanced rates.
Day Six (usually Saturday)
Time and a half (150%)
Time and a half (150%)
Human Resources
February 2012
Overtime Policy
Day Seven (usually Sunday) Double time (200%)
Where an employee works past a midnight which overlaps the two rates defined above, the appropriate higher enhanced rate of pay will apply to the hours worked in each day.
Time off in lieu
Where it is agreed that TOIL will apply, this will be on an hour-for-hour-worked basis.
TOIL should be taken as soon as practicable after accrual and not later than 3 months after accrual. In exceptional circumstances, owing to operational needs or in cases of absence, this may be extended up to 12 months with the agreement of the Head of Department.
Public Holidays and Customary Days
Where an employee is required to work on a Public Holiday and it is not part of their normal rostered shift pattern, hours worked will be paid on the basis of 300%
(i.e., a normal day’s pay plus 200% per hour worked) or time off in lieu at 2 hours per hour worked (i.e., a normal day’s pay plus time off in lieu at 2 hours per hour worked).
Where an employee is required to work on a Customary day and it is not part of their normal rostered shift pattern, hours worked will be paid on the basis of 250%
(i.e., a normal day’s pay plus 150% per hour worked) or time off in lieu at 1½ hours per hour worked (i.e., a normal day’s pay plus time off in lieu at 1½ hours per hour worked).
Where an employee is rostered to work on a Public Holiday, they will be paid their normal day’s pay, plus the hourly rate (100%) multiplied by the number of hours worked, up to their normal contractual hours for that day. In addition, time off in lieu is granted at a later date equivalent to the contractual number of hours worked. If agreed in advance, time off in lieu may be paid.
Where an employee is rostered to work on a Customary Day, they will be paid their normal day’s pay, plus 50% multiplied by the number of hours worked, up to their normal contractual hours for that day. In addition, time off in lieu is granted at a later date equivalent to the contractual number of hours worked.
Where two enhanced rates apply to the hours worked during a public or bank holiday, the appropriate enhanced rate to be paid will be the highest.
Payment conditions
The senior line manager (at level 6 or above) must authorise the undertaking of all additional hours worked in advance. If this agreement has not been made, then any additional hours worked will not qualify for an overtime payment, except in exceptional circumstances.
Human Resources
February 2012
Overtime Policy
The normal 36.5-hour working week must be worked completely by full-time staff before they are eligible for an enhanced payment to be made. Where employees are part-time, any hours worked above their contractual hours during their first 5 working days of the week will be paid at basic rate until 36.5 hours are worked, after which point the relevant overtime rates will apply. Where employees who are part time work on day 6 and/or day 7, the relevant overtime rates will apply if the employee has worked their contractual hours. Certified sickness and approved paid leave will count as hours worked for this purpose.
Overtime will be paid only for periods of 15 minutes or more in any one day. After that, payment will be made for each completed period of 15 minutes worked.
Where an employee is expected to work on Saturdays or Sundays as part of their normal roster and/or contract of employment, payment at the normal basic hourly rate will apply if they have not already worked 36.5 hours. Certified sickness and approved paid leave will count as hours worked for this purpose. Any overtime worked on the sixth day of working will be paid at time and a half (150%) and overtime worked on the seventh day of working will be paid at double time
Where employees are contracted to work above 36.5 hours, those hours above
36.5 will be paid at the relevant overtime rate in the employee’s annual salary.
These payments will be pensionable and will be taken into consideration in the calculation of all statutory entitlements such as sickness, maternity leave and redundancy.
Claims must be submitted on a weekly or monthly basis, as appropriate, for overtime worked in the previous period, on the appropriate overtime claim form.
All claims must be authorised by the relevant senior line manager (level 6 or above).
Payments will be made through the University payroll; however, processing claims will depend upon the deadlines for processing closure set each week or month by the payroll office.
Where two or more enhanced rates apply to the same hours of work, pay is calculated on the basis of highest of the enhancements unless otherwise stated.
All non-contractual overtime payments are non-pensionable.
Level 6 and above
Employees who are employed on level 6 or above are expected to work such hours as are necessary to meet the responsibilities of the position to which they are appointed. This applies to all staff in these roles.
Where employees on level 6 or above are requested to work on a rest day, they will be eligible for time off in lieu on an hour-for-hour basis. This does not include those on level 9.
Human Resources
February 2012