UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON CORPORATE PLANNING STATEMENT 2010 Strategic Priorities and Areas of Activity 2010-11 with update for 2009-10 MISSION STATEMENT UCL – London’s Global University We are ! a world-class centre of research and teaching, dedicated to developing and disseminating original knowledge to benefit the world of the future. We believe ! in engaging fully with the world around us ! in breaking new ground through challenging convention ! in progress through partnership. We value ! creativity and innovation ! independent thought ! integrity ! energy ! perseverance. We are committed ! to pursuit of excellence and sustainability ! to maintaining rich academic diversity embracing the Arts and Sciences ! to equality of opportunity and fulfilment of potential for all our staff and students. We strive always ! to lead ! to inspire ! to achieve. ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENTS: TEACHING AND RESEARCH 2009-10 General ! As London’s Beacon of Public Engagement, produce and implement a strategy to embed engagement as a core activity across UCL ! Promote public engagement through recognition, training, provision of grants and fellowships and introduce new Awards scheme ! Prepare an over-arching UK/EU UCL student recruitment strategy ! Commence piloting of criteria-based selection by dedicated admissions professionals across undergraduate degree programmes ! Achieve strategic enhancement of prospective student communications, particularly those focused on the graduate and international markets ! Review the range of postgraduate pathways through UCL -1- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Formalise the process for the approval of all research degree supervisors Pilot an online application for students to record their skills development throughout their studies; to be integrated with UCL Student Records System (Portico) Introduce the Common Timetable with a web-based, on-line interface for administrators, staff and students Implement and promote UCL’s Cultural Property Policy, developing a register of UCL’s cultural and heritage assets Develop and begin to implement vision for UCL public realm, including museums and spaces for exhibitions and events Market testing of planned Liberal Arts Degree Further Grand Challenge development in the area of Intercultural Interactions specifically in Human Wellbeing A second Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities Develop mentorship and monitoring programmes to further enhance UCL's research grant capability Develop UCL's Research Impact agenda for the Research Councils and the REF Continued dialogue with the Institute of Zoology to develop a closer relationship, especially with the Faculty of Life Sciences (Genetics, Evolution and Environment) and with the Natural History Museum to consider further collaborations Further develop UCL's relationship with Academic Analytics and Elsevier to facilitate greater understanding of our academic research capabilities and outputs (publications). Arts and Social Sciences ! Launch of Centre for Trans-National History keynote lecture series and round table ! Develop new MSc programme in Economic Policy (to commence September 2010), aiming to provide high-level training for economist careers in the civil service and the wider public policy community ! Development and submission of Doctoral Training Centre bid to ESRC ! Develop a new portfolio of MSc programmes in aspects of physical geography, drawing on strengths in climate change and environmental modelling ! Further develop teaching and research links between Archaeology and Anthropology ! Develop a new undergraduate programme BSc(Econ) in Economics with a Year Abroad, based on collaboration with leading institutions in the US, to prepare students for work in the global economy ! Develop an innovative MRes in Economic Research, providing a clearly-defined sequence of high-level training for Economics PhD students ! Develop a two-year Masters programme in Public Administration, to be taught in partnership with New York University ! Start of major research programme on the history of British slave ownership ! Implement first phase of Modern Languages Review, bringing changes to administration and to graduate provision within the Faculty of Arts & Humanities ! Programme of events, grants and training sessions resulting from a donation to the Humanities for Business scheme from SHM Productions ! Develop the Digital Humanities initiative following the successful application to the Provost’s Strategic Development Fund ! Further collaborative work towards the launch of the European Institute as part of the Intercultural Interactions Grand Challenge in October 2010 ! The early stages of the possible development of a Digital Journalism initiative ! Review of the long-term future for the CETL Languages of the Wider World project ! Establish the Centre for Ethics and Law, Institute for Human Rights, Centre for Criminal Law, and Centre for Law and Economics ! Establish UCL student-run Human Rights Programme in Laws. -2- Sciences ! Develop an accommodation strategy for the Bartlett to meet the needs of the Faculty’s current and future operation ! Establish the Centre for Medical Image Computing as a stand-alone interdisciplinary centre with participation from across Faculties, in particular, Biomedicine and from UCL Partners and explore development of an over-arching Institute for Translational Medical Imaging and Bioengineering ! Explore with Biomedicine other areas for possible interdisciplinary research, in particular in orthopaedics and musculo-skeletal diseases ! Evaluation of the opportunities for establishing a Masters in Management programme at UCL and, in the longer term, prospects for developing a Management school at UCL ! Harmonisation of the nine EPSRC funded centres for doctoral training programmes at UCL which includes renewal of four of the previous Engineering Doctorate Centres as ‘Industrial Doctorate Centres’ and extension to concentrations of other doctorate studentships in key, strategic areas of research ! Implement a continuing professional development (CPD) Engineering Doctorate in collaboration with a major industrial partner (Arup) and international university partners ! Further develop the UCL Molecular Beam Epitaxy Facility for the growth of novel semiconductor materials in collaboration with university partners to provide a mid-range interuniversity service ! Work with university partners in the UK to establish a Dark Fibre Infrastructure facility for development of future high-bandwidth communications in digital Britain ! Establish a pilot collaborative project with the Center for Design Research (CDR) at Stanford University ! Participate in an Erasmus Mundus mobility scheme with Chinese and European partner universities at postgraduate, research and academic staff level ! Set up (with funding from the British Council) a framework for collaborative projects with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and with the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Rwanda ! Develop proposals for the relocation of the Grant Museum of Zoology, and move the museum to interim accommodation. Biomedicine The following high level strategic aims for SLMS will guide the development of Faculty strategies and operational objectives: ! The overarching objective of the School is to harness academic excellence in pursuit of health, economic and social gain for the benefit of humanity - regionally, nationally and internationally ! We aim to be the best institution nationally in terms of Biomedical and Life Science research and education, and comparable with the best institutions in the world ! Whilst fostering a culture of investigator-led research excellence and a commitment to fundamental research we will establish an optimal fusion of basic and applied research, and ensure the most effective translation of scientific knowledge into health, wealth and social gain in conjunction with health service and industrial partners ! We will be the premium location for the education and training of the next generation of clinical and non-clinical scientists, equipped to drive forward the strategic agenda above. Faculty of Life Sciences - specific strategic aims: ! Identify and support excellent investigator-led research ! Align our strengths in teaching, both undergraduate and postgraduate, with our strengths in research to their mutual advantage ! Promote strategic teaching and research developments, including inter-disciplinary research across UCL -3- ! Ensure provision of appropriate services and facilities to support world class teaching and research. Faculty of Biomedical Sciences - specific objectives: ! Implement Taskforce 2, analysing the academic and financial performance of academic groups within the Faculty’s 14 Divisions and Institutes ! Continue progress towards development of a performance management tool that takes into account the full range of staff activities ! Develop funding and support for the proposed Institute for Population Health ! Continue to develop new academic programmes for formal consideration and recognition by UCL Partners ! Continue the implementation of the FBS Estates re-structuring exercise ! Continue the establishment of the Advanced IT Support Centre, integrating IT support staff across the Faculty ! Progress plans for the refurbishment of the Rayne Institute in University Street. 2010-11 General ! Partnership with Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan to support development and delivery of NU School of Engineering and the Centre for Preparatory Programmes ! Establish a research-led campus in the Middle East specialising in cultural heritage ! Implement revised overarching Admission Structures and Selection Processes: " Develop and pilot criteria-based selection for UG and PGT programmes with selection templates prepared by academics but implemented by admissions professionals " Establishment of a single centrally-managed team of admissions professionals " Introduction of a web-based electronic admissions system that interfaces with the student records system for PGT then UG applications ! As London’s Beacon of Public Engagement, produce a strategy to embed engagement as a core activity across UCL ! Implement proposals for 2010-11 outlined in revised UCL Learning and Teaching Strategy ! Implement new structure for the support of learning and teaching following review of the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching ! Develop plans for a UCL Summer School Programme ! Identify suitable space for an exhibitions gallery for UCL and produce business plan for operation ! Re-launch Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in existing accommodation and identify suitable space for re-housing ! Re-open the Grant Museum of Zoology in the Rockefeller Building ! Develop the external profile and cross-UCL activities of the UCL European Institute in its first year ! Build on the successful launch of the European Institute with a full programme of events and activities ! Widen the collaboration with Yale University to extend beyond the biomedical sphere to Arts and Humanities, Laws, Engineering and Social Sciences etc ! Further develop the Grand Challenges of Intercultural Interactions and Wellbeing to the same level of maturity as Global Health and Sustainable Cities ! Explore and develop strategic industrial partnerships in the areas of the Grand Challenges and the environment ! Implement the UCL strategy on Public Policy -4- ! ! Explore and expand funding opportunities from areas not yet fully exploited by UCL researchers Look to develop areas of collaboration between UCL and other appropriate institutions in the SE of England. Arts and Social Sciences ! Second stage of development of School of European Languages, Culture and Society, including curricular reform ! Establishment of Arts and Humanities Faculty Institute for Graduate Studies (FIGS) to foster a planned and coordinated expansion of graduate numbers ! Develop activities of Humanities for Business ! Establish parameters for the new BABSc programme of study, house the BABSc within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities ! Develop further the work of the Centre for Digital Humanities, including the development of a degree in Digital Journalism ! Work on establishing a 2+2 degree between UCL’s European Social and Political Studies Programme and Sciences Po ! Put appropriate interdisciplinary structures in place in readiness for the potential award of the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre grant ! Continue collaboration between the Faculties of Arts and Humanities, and Social and Historical Sciences; including the creation of joint administrative posts in the Faculty Office ! Implement the recommendations of the joint Faculty IT Review, working closely with Information Services Division ! Contribute to the Library masterplan by developing joint Faculty requirements for the refurbishment of the library space in the North Junction ! Review the achievements of the Urban Laboratory, and develop subsequent plans ! Develop arrangements to implement the joint Masters in Public Administration with NYU, and appoint core staff ! Establish UCL Judicial Institute in the Faculty of Laws ! Develop a coordinated approach to grant applications under the new AHRC research themes (A&H, SHS, SSEES, Laws) ! Continue to locate UCL at the forefront of the debate on modern languages, including interdisciplinary language-based area studies (A&H, SSEES, Language Centre) ! Further UCL’s internationalisation agenda through reapplication for continuation of the Erasmus Mundus International Master’s programme IMESS (SSEES) ! Develop Law Without Walls programme with a range of international Law Schools ! Establish post-CETL collaboration with SOAS in Languages of the Wider World. Sciences ! Implement the accommodation strategy for the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment ! Develop a new design-led MRes in Architecture, Art and Writing based in the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment ! The Bartlett will take a lead in developing an interdisciplinary understanding of the actions required to create and operate a built environment appropriate to the increasingly severe challenges facing it over the next 20-50 years ! The Bartlett will establish an outreach and knowledge transfer network (Bartlett Associates) to industry and practice to disseminate its learning. The Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, comprising the Departments below, will: ! Develop a forward staffing strategy to support strategic developments within the Faculty ! Work to improve the appearance and efficiency of its estate within the context of the estates masterplan -5- ! Develop initiatives targeted on the student experience, particularly exposing our students to research with the aim of increasing our postgraduate research student numbers ! Review organisation of postgraduate programmes across the Faculty ! Improve the diversification of research funding ! Develop a strategy for interaction with UKCMRI ! Pursue opportunities for cost-saving and streamlining in view of decreased public funding ! Further pursue interdisciplinarity in teaching and research including the development and expansion of the Natural Sciences Degree programme ! Establish means of improving the employability of our graduates ie by developing their transferable skills, particularly focusing on leadership and equipping them to be 'global citizens'. The Department of Chemistry will: ! Establish a new master’s course in energy materials coordinated through the Chemistry Department ! Develop a new initiative/appointments in materials synthesis. The Department of Science & Technology Studies will: ! Re-establish UCL's provision for teaching and research in the History of Medicine on a firm and sustainable footing ! Strengthen science communication across UCL. The Department of Earth Sciences will: ! Further develop the recently established Institute for Risk & Disaster Reduction (IRDR) that will lead research, knowledge exchange with business and humanitarian agencies, and advanced teaching in the area of risk and disaster reduction (R&DR). By providing a focus for UCL’s R&DR activities, with its breadth of disciplinary emphasis, promotion of novel multidisciplinary research and translation into practice, the Institute aims to assume leadership in R&DR both in the UK and internationally. The Department of Mathematics will: ! Re-house or refurbish the Department of Mathematics and develop plans for an Institute of Mathematical Sciences involving a programme in Financial Mathematics and colocation with the Department of Statistical Sciences. The Department of Physics & Astronomy will: ! Develop a world class high energy physics theory group to complement our excellence in experimental work. ! Consolidate MAPS faculty activities in Biological Physics with a view to enhancing interactions with other areas of UCL. The Department of Space & Climate Physics will: ! Be selected to provide innovative space hardware on all of the European Space Agencies next generation of space science satellites ! Deliver space hardware to NASA’s replacement to the Hubble Space Telescope ! Become a partner in the new International Space Innovation Centre. The London Centre for Nanotechnology will: ! In collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, establish a Centre for Materials Discovery involving the appointment of new staff and the identification of suitable space ! Develop a translational nanomedicine initiative which will involve collaboration with UKCMRI and also bring in a major corporate partner (eg Pfizer) ! Novel computation - including quantum and biologically inspired paradigms ! Environmental nanotechnology, including especially nanofluidics, novel filtration, photocatalysis etc for dealing with water purification. The Faculty of Engineering Sciences, comprising the Departments below, will: ! Review and develop a new communications strategy ! Broaden engagement of staff with the Faculty as a unified engineering school -6- ! ! Develop a forward staffing strategy to support strategic developments outlined below Work to improve the appearance and efficiency of its estate within the context of the estates masterplan ! Develop initiatives targeted on the student experience, particularly exposing our students to research ! Strengthen faculty activities through initiatives in engineering policy and biomedical engineering ! Review organisation of postgraduate research programmes across Faculty ! Reorganise to secure enhanced direct industrial funding for research ! Pursue opportunities for cost-saving and streamlining in view of decreased public funding. The Department of Computer Science will: ! Develop its research presence in the area of financial computing ! Strengthen its activities in the area of biomedical informatics, spanning bioinformatics, imaging and health informatics ! Revise its undergraduate programmes, specifically developing a problem based learning approach in undergraduate Years 1 and 2 ! Undertake a reorganisation of its Masters degree programmes to take advantage of the breadth of offerings. The Department of Medical Physics & Bioengineering will: ! Expand its research activity in the areas of sensors embedded in interventional devices (eg smart needles and catheters) ! Extend promising research in phase-contrast x-ray imaging ! Develop a distance-learning MSc in Physics and Engineering in Medicine ! Replace its Year 1 and 2 undergraduate modules (with modules covering new topics in medical physics). The Department of Management Science & Innovation will: ! Increase its research footprint in operations & technology management and R&D project management ! Extend interdisciplinary research collaboration with other Departments within the Faculty of Engineering Sciences ! Increase its offerings of postgraduate programmes in the management of information, technology, and science ! Strengthen its CPD and executive education activities. The Department of Chemical Engineering will: ! Continue to upgrade its energy research facilities ! Pursue a plan for advanced chemicals manufacture ! Review and develop its use of problem-based learning especially in undergraduate Years 1 and 2 ! Review and develop its use of virtual learning environments across the curriculum. The Department of Security and Crime Science will: ! Pursue the establishment of a secure data lab as a means of strengthening research links with external partners ! Strengthen the cross-disciplinary nature of crime science through collaborations with other Departments, for example, developing research capacity in e-crime ! Review its postgraduate programmes, with a particular focus on expanding distance education options ! Explore possibilities of offering undergraduate courses, perhaps beginning by contributing to cross-UCL programmes. The Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering will: ! Develop important research directions in the growth of novel quantum dot materials for integrated photonics on silicon ! Extend research on the development of future wireless access technologies -7- ! ! Introduce a new MSc programme in Telecommunications with Business Support the further development of experimental scenarios teaching in the undergraduate curriculum. The Department of Civil and Geomatic Engineering will: ! Strengthen its multidisciplinary capability in enabling wellbeing in an changing environment ! Strengthen its capabilities in Geotechnical Risk Engineering and interfaces between ground and structures ! Reinvigorate its taught Masters programmes to make a better fit for society’s needs in the 21st century ! Develop its industrial engagement activity to ensure appropriate activity to the benefit of students, researchers and the wider world. The Department of Mechanical Engineering will: ! In collaboration with other Departments in the Faculty expand its MSc courses portfolio with programmes having significant elements of finance, management and entrepreneurship ! Strengthen the Thermofluids research area by completing appointments and seeking new research opportunities in environment and health-related areas ! Introduce further design-make-test projects in its undergraduate programmes ! Raise the profile of engineering through entries in national and international student racing competitions such as Formula Student and SolarFox. The Department of Biochemical Engineering will: ! Develop new UG programmes, one for Life Science the other with a strong management of medicines innovation ! Play a full role in the new UCL BA programme by providing key material on medical advances and modules on business entrepreneurship for the life science sector ! Broadening of our small molecules research to embrace more in the industrial biotechnology area of the synthesis of novel synthetic chemical building blocks ! Move cellular therapy moving closer to a commercial outcome, lead research into the methods for commercialization funded through TSB grants. The School of Energy and Resources, Australia will: ! Increase its research profile and outputs in the energy and resources area, with greater collaboration with UCL London researchers ! Continue to develop and grow its MSc and PhD programme ! Recruit world-class staff in key areas to support its activities ! Develop its executive education offerings. Biomedicine ! Roll out of ‘SLMS domains’ concept, involving reconfiguration of website, alignment of external communications activity and publications, and alignment of research co-ordination activity ! Establishment of Experimental Medicine as a cross-cutting initiative focused on the Wolfson institute for Biomedical Research but confederated with Institute for Cancer Research, the Rayne etc ! Establishment of a Population Health cross-cutting initiative embracing the Division of Population Health, Health Services Research Capacity and Institute of Global Health ! Development of Institute alignment initiatives eg joint studentships, ‘bench-bedsidepopulation’ lecture series, ‘speed dating events’ ! Actively promote engagement in Grand Challenges and links with other UCL faculties ! Continue the work on the rationalisation of platform technologies ! Conclude negotiations of the JVA and governance arrangements for UKCMRI that optimises our ability to act as the academic conduit for UK and international links -8- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Progress the pan-London PET scanning consortium and our involvement as a founding partner Progress the development of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour ensuring continuing engagement of the local neuroscience community and the development of additional capacity in this area through initial recruitment in advance of Centre opening and the appointment of fixed-term interim director Pursue exploratory neuroscience links with KCL Build on our success in the ‘Therapeutic Capability Cluster’ exercise by forging closer links with GMEC partners in the immuno-inflammation field Progress the revision of the MBBS programme (and associated intercalated degree programmes) according to agreed principles to achieve a commencement date of September 2011 Review undergraduate provision across both SLMS faculties Create a school community of educational scholars with a common visiting expert programme and intra and extra-mural support Review individual distance learning initiatives and develop a coherent strategy and business plan for development of resources that takes account of UCL’s central activity in this area Ensure, through liaison with the Education Board, where appropriate, that research training for doctoral students is consistently high quality Celebrate educational excellence through internal and external communication Ensure all prospectuses reflect our ambition to become the optimal host site for the development of the next generation of life and biomedical scientists. LEARNING AND TEACHING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Develop and approve an action plan by the Post-Institutional Audit Steering Committee Review of the Institutional Learning and Teaching Strategy Incorporate object-based learning into induction and training of new academic staff Pilot methods of measuring object-based learning impact Develop Global Citizenship framework to include student careers dimension and further training for staff Establish E-examination Project Board Establish protocol on levels of course information to be held on Moodle Review of the professional development needs of staff in line with UCL’s aim to further internationalise the curriculum Develop on-line resources for academic staff to support education for global citizenship and the internationalisation of the curriculum Implement the Personal Tutoring Strategy Implement Strategy and guidelines on Assessment and Feedback and development of supporting on-line resources Hold UCL Teaching and Learning Conference Undertake Review of Academic Committee and its substructure Develop and launch some initial distance learning programmes at the MSc level, in particular to be piloted in health informatics, crime science and medical physics Explore the extent to which novel programmes developed at UCL, such as Information Management for Business, might be ‘licensed’ for the development of sister programmes by other institutions -9- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Develop and launch a distance based MSc programme for sustainable facility and environmental management for delivery in Singapore in collaboration with the Building and Construction Authority Develop and launch an MRes in Heritage Science Launch new MSc taught Masters programme in Energy Materials in 2010 Faculty of Arts & Humanities review of the Year Abroad Pilot a better legal writing workshop in Law Writing and learning mentor scheme in Law Introduce a pre-sessional online course in common law, EU law and international law on LLM Graduate Tutor hour: sessions in developing critical analysis skills in law Initiate teaching Away-days to share best teaching practice in Law Review structure and content of the UCL Academic Manual Review the role of students in Internal Quality Review. 2010-11 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Implement outcomes of the Review of Academic Committee and its substructure, which will rationalise and strengthen the committee structure relating to teaching and learning Launch revised Academic Manual Establish Task Force for Innovation in Teaching and Learning Implement modifications to the IQR process in order to strengthen the role of students Review of Assessment Strategy and associated policies Review policy on direct undergraduate entry to second year and transfers between UCL programmes Expand use of object-based learning and use of Museums and Collections resources in teaching Develop framework for quality assurance and enhancement of e-learning provision Review policy on Accreditation for Prior Learning Review policy on Experiential Accreditation for Prior Learning Continue development of HEAR ready to produce documentation in 2011-12 Implementation of new Personal Tutoring Strategy for UG and PGT students Scope new structure for student academic activities in the post examination period Adopt ECTS credits across all courses at UCL and promote a clear understanding of academic equivalence and credit transfer Implement standards for student feedback across all courses Implement minimum standards for the use of Moodle Review programme diets, especially for PGT Scope provision of a significant on-line resource for teaching and learning. WIDENING ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! Develop plans for the UCL Academy Develop and deliver academic and communications plan to support 2012 introduction of the GCSE modern language requirement Delivery of JP Morgan Horizons Programme ‘success’ and ‘achievement’ strands Launch of renewed and re-focused UCL City and Islington College Partnership Develop and deliver Black Achievement programme Implement geodemographic data analysis to identify target schools and colleges for widening participation activity - 10 - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Evaluate primary school object-based outreach activity and promote findings Develop A level Extended Project offer Promote UCL’s exhibitions and events policy and guidance, and purchase new temporary display system Develop qualitative evaluation measures for public engagement activity Roll out Transitions Programme across all UCL Departments City and Islington Laws mentoring scheme Laws master-class at UCL widening participation summer school Pathways to law programme. 2010-11 ! ! Review and update UCL Access Agreement Embed and expand the Transitions Programme for first year students. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 2009-10 Academic and Academic-related ! Initiate Admissions Structures and Selection Processes project ! Develop and part-implement a Public Realm/Public Engagement Vision including UCL Museums and Collections ! Joint Faculty team In Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences working together to provide enhanced, more flexible support to students. Student Administration ! Implement new arrangements for the UCL “Opening of Session” ! Successful launch and operation of PBIS Tier 4 (Students) Sponsor Management System and monitoring of attendance arrangements ! Undertake preparatory work to implement new PORTICO functionality for Admissions, Medical School Student Records and Academic Review, and consolidate and enhance existing functionalities ! Complete interim phase of the project to create a single, focal location for the delivery of services to students, including integration of services within Registry ! Review the Scholarships and Student Funding Strategy ! Review child protection procedures in preparation for the introduction of the Independent Safeguarding Authority. Student Computing/IT and other teaching facilities (see also under Information Strategy section) ! Introduce new electronic student-attendance monitoring system in Laws ! Pilot project for electronic forms of assessment in Laws. Library ! Refurbish the library spaces in the North Junction of the UCL Main Library, in line with the Library’s Master plan ! Identify a sustainable home for UCL Special Collections ! Complete a new five-year Library Strategy for 2011-2015 ! Finance permitting, enhance provision of digitised/born-digital materials for taught course and research provision, and extend move to e-only delivery for journals and monographs ! Identify and implement plan for self-sustaining remote storage at Belnor House - 11 - ! ! ! ! ! Implement FIS throughout the UCL family of libraries Report on the implementation of the first phase of Key Performance Indicators Embed the UCL Open Access mandate into UCL’s corporate life, with a consequent increase in the number of papers deposited in UCL E-Prints Develop the Library’s presence on iTunes U and other social networking sites Further review of Opening Hours across all UCL library sites. Careers ! Continued development of the GradClub programme with HEFCE funding support ! Develop resources and labour market research for international students (initially focused on PR China and India) ! Further research into the opinions of non-users of the Careers Service and modification of the careers service and or marketing as appropriate. Student Residences ! Complete a comprehensive review of student accommodation and residences and commence implementation of agreed conclusions. Student Counselling ! Refurbishment of new rooms in progress, expanding facilities for one-to-one sessions and workshops ! New website fully operative and will be maintained. Students’ Union facilities ! Existing Medical Students Union facility in Huntley Street to be relocated as a consequence of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre project. 2010-11 Academic and Academic-related ! Re-launch and progress Admissions Structures and Selection Processes project ! Roll-out processes for recording Key Skills aspirations and achievement, for taught students ! Implement UCL-wide personal tutoring systems ! Implement changes and enhancements resulting from the 2009-10 review of the examination experience ! Revise UCL Scholarships Strategy ! Undertake engagement monitoring for Points Based Immigration System ! Implementation of policy on withdrawal of undersubscribed programmes ! Maintain and enhance the generic skills training for research students and staff ! Implement within Human Resources system the recording of approved research student supervisor status for staff ! Develop Key Skills support for taught students (undergraduate and Masters) across UCL to enable students to set personal development objectives and record evidence in consultation with personal tutors ! Formalise templates for pathways to postgraduate study at UCL. Student Administration ! Finalise arrangements for, and complete, outsourcing for the dispatch of prospective student marketing materials to enquirers ! Establish a physical location for the Student Centre, as a core student enquiry point, and progress the incremental development of a single, focal location for the delivery of services to students - 12 - ! ! ! ! ! ! Consider options to integrate student fees and funding functions and take forward agreed plans arising from such consideration Implement arrangements for the collection of an application processing fee for admission to taught graduate programmes Operationalise UCL’s Highly Trusted Sponsor status in relation to PBIS Develop a new Scholarships and Student Funding Strategy, in the light of the 2009-10 review Implement new PORTICO functionality for Admissions (on-line application, portal and electronic workflows), Medical School Student Records and Academic Review, the national Higher Education Achievement Report on-line enrolment for new students and consolidate and enhance existing functionalities Develop and implement student enquiries management systems. Student Computing/IT and other teaching facilities (see also under Information Strategy section) ! Provide improved computer network access for students using WIFI from a variety of mobile and personal computer devices ! Upgrade student computer cluster facilities to provide easier access to services when they want and how they want ! Implement common student applications on smart phones and other mobile devices ! Increase uptake of Moodle VLE system with more course materials and collaboration opportunities ! Use eLearning technologies to improve assessment and feedback ! Provide an integrated facility in learning spaces with improved audio-visual and related technology. Library ! Continue refurbishment programme for library spaces ! Introduce RFID self-issue pod in Learning Laboratory, UCL Science Library ! Introduce new central web search facility/tool to search UCL’s own and UCL-licensed content ! Pursue and identify solutions to accommodation for UCL Special Collections ! Make active UCL’s membership of UKRR for the relegation of older print journals ! Embed UCL Discovery (formerly UCL Eprints) into UCL’s Research Publications Service via a new UCL Publications Policy ! Lead on UCL’s contribution to the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Open Access Roadmap ! Plan and secure implementation of TALIS Aspire for a pan-UCL tool to support Reading Lists in the UCL VLE. Careers ! Undergo professional re-accreditation (Matrix Standard) in October 2010 ! Set up ‘UCL Talent Pool’ – an online service whereby recruiters and students can be matched on essential and desirable criteria ! Pilot new international recruiter presentations via both live-weblink and pre-recorded podcasts (depending on time differences) ! Promote broader range of career options to students and engage with traditional non-users of the Service ! Develop new careers website ! Develop plan for Departments to integrate at least one annual Careers Service-led, discipline specific careers session into the timetable for each year of study. - 13 - Student Residences ! Complete a strategic review of student accommodation assets and progress recommendations, including the potential for bringing in private sector management and capital ! Exploit opportunities to acquire additional accommodation. Student Counselling ! Provision of more efficient interaction between counsellors and students via newly refurbished space, including facility for group workshops ! Implement change in working practice to reduce the waiting list for assessment and treatment ! To further improve waiting time, software has been purchased and will be trialled to provide online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for students suffering from anxiety and depression. Students’ Union facilities ! Construction work is in hand on the new facility located in the Lewis' building on the corner of Gower Street and Gower Place and should be operational in March 2011. LINKS WITH BUSINESS 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Enhance the range of strategic alliances with business Further relationships with SMEs in North London Build an effective relationship with the Technology Strategy Board to further UCL's relationship with businesses Appoint a Head of Contracts to improve the identification of opportunities for and management of relationships with business Develop a strategy to enhance engagement with business in the built environment sector Strengthening links with legal practitioners and the judiciary Law and Ethics Centre links with legal practice and large business enterprises Carbon capture and storage partnership with business Expansion of interactions by UCL Centre for Commercial Law with business community. 2010-11 ! ! ! ! ! ! Enhance the range of strategic alliances with business at a global level, in growth sectors such as telecommunications, space industry, energy and resources Develop sector-based or interdisciplinary integrated partnerships with industry, government and funding agencies, which stimulate higher levels of interest and funding for significant UCL projects Further develop breadth and scope of relationships with SMEs in London Develop the contracts process and related activities within UCL to ensure greater simplicity in operation and more effective outcomes Work with Faculty of Engineering Sciences and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and external partners, to establish a Future Media Institute that will include facilities for developing interactions with the commercial sector and incubating initiatives Develop our organisation and external partnerships in response to the challenges of the new funding environment for the knowledge transfer, commercial and student skills agendas - 14 - ! ! ! ! ! Promote inward and outward secondment schemes for staff/students to enhance the competitiveness of local businesses, and in particular to develop and expand the KTP office Develop community hub physical space in addition to the virtual collaboration spaces for business and academics Develop further support mechanisms for student businesses SLMS to develop new style academic partnerships with industry focused on Phase 1/ early Phase 2 activity and validation of drug targets becoming the preferred UK Partner for at least one major international company Identify KT ‘champions’ within each SLMS division/UCCP theme who can act as a focal point for identification of IP, development and promulgation of policy and process. LINKS WITH THE LOCAL COMMUNITY AND LONDON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 2009-10 ! ! ! ! Public engagement projects with Beacon and other London Partners, such as Bloomsbury Festival and Create Kings Cross to strengthen community links Establish the Voluntary Services Unit as core-funded unit of UCL Expand the number of students involved in voluntary work on local community projects Develop co-ordinated pro-bono activities in Laws. 2010-11 ! ! ! ! Expand further the number of UCL students involved in community volunteering Increase further the number of post-graduate students in volunteering and public engagement activities through new and existing programmes Develop further links with not-for-profit organisations within Camden Establish the Centre for Access to Justice and Community Engagement in the Faculty of Laws. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 2009-10 ! ! ! ! Develop support for the new international university in Astana with the government of Kazakhstan Launch of Masters programme at the UCL School of Energy and Resources, Australia Disseminate Pro-Provost’s new regional strategies Develop further targeted international research collaborations in support of UCL Grand Challenges. 2010-11 ! ! ! Establishment of the Nazarbayev University School of Engineering with UCL as a mentoring partner and delivery of programmes through the Nazarbayev University Centre for Preparatory Studies Establish a research-led campus in the Middle East specialising in archaeology and cultural heritage Further development of UCL SERAus to include major industry and government partnerships and establishment of the International Energy Policy Institute in Australia - 15 - ! ! ! ! ! Promotion of research and teaching inter-campus synergies with UCL operations overseas Enhance the availability of international management information via the development of IRIS Develop proposal to establish UCL as a hub for collaboration with international partners for teaching exchanges and international teaching fellowships Prepare a partnership initiative with an Indian Postgraduate Institute of international standing consistent with collective academic objectives and our commitment to global Health Establish the ‘Office of Yale Affairs’ and implement the governance framework. INFORMATION STRATEGY 2009-10 Strategic Information Services Planning ! Tactical reorganisation of the IS Division to consolidate groups undertaking similar work and review and implement efficiency savings across the Division ! Undertake Strategic review of UCL information needs, systems and reporting capabilities. Governance ! Implement a governance structure to support the newly created Faculty of Biomedical Sciences IT Division ! Create and implement a revised and consolidated single major incident plan for ISD ! Undertake preliminary work to implement key elements of the ITIL systems management framework, including: " a Change Advisory Board to provide quality assurance and risk management on all changes to the central IT infrastructure " an ITSM Configuration Management system which will provide a single repository for information regarding the configuration and interaction of all our systems, making change management more predictable " a Service Definition and Risk management exercise which will document all the services provided by ISD along with the levels of service expected by UCL. Establishment of key underpinning systems and technologies ! Following extensive remedial work throughout 2008-09 it has not been possible to fully resolve all the issues inherent with core components of the central desktop (WTS) and Filestore systems. Replacing these during 2009-10 with a solution that can be adopted across UCL will be a priority ! Implement a new datacentre in Torrington Place which will provide capacity for growth over the next two to three years whilst a strategic solution to our needs can be found. Delivery of key service initiatives A key priority in 2009-10 is to provide fully integrated systems solutions that will automate some of the main activities within UCL, providing a much more efficient and effective working environment, these include: ! A fully on-line, end to end harmonised process and systems to manage both direct and indirect Admissions to improve the quality of the experience and to make the process more efficient ! Roll-out a fully automated system to support the requisition, procurement, receipt and payment of goods and services ! Implement a fully automated, on-line Travel and Expenses claim system - 16 - ! ! Introduce a new student email service based on one provided at no charge to UCL by Microsoft A further phase of the IRIS research information system which will see the capability to automatically find and link to publishing and bibliographic information drawn from a variety of external sources. Support and expansion of existing services notably ! Research Computing to be significantly enhanced this year, in its first year as a recurrent funding item within UCL. Particular attention to be paid to less traditional users of research computing such as bioinformatics, and in providing services in addition to raw computing power ! Implement Legion phase II which will lead, over three years, to a doubling of power of the Legion machine ! A central storage facility to be created for up to a Petabyte of research data, which is rapidly becoming a critical need for UCL. 2010-11 Strategy ! Focus ISD on three strategic aims: " World class IT enablement of Teaching & Learning and Research " High quality efficient and effective standardised shared services " Highly responsive and agile with strong customer orientation. Organisation and function ! Review and update the ISD organisation to focus on the strategic objectives given above and also to remove duplication and inefficiency ! Complete reviews with other departments to look at how local IT provision can be standardised and better integrated with the central standardised services to increase efficiency and reduce duplication. Establishment of key underpinning systems and technologies ! Upgrade and where necessary replace infrastructure and related technologies that are no longer fit for purpose ! Increasing virtualisation of servers to provide a more agile, efficient and effective capability ! Provide a standardised common desktop facility across the University to improve access to services, increase reliability and efficiency ! Provide a universal and standardised Microsoft based email facility using a shared service cloud based delivery model ! Rollout ITIL standardised support processes to cover Incident Management, Problem Management, Capacity Management and Change Management etc ! Establish a clear data centre strategy aimed at moving from the current fragmented set of inefficient data centres to two consolidated facilities; one onsite and one offsite. Seek opportunities for sharing facilities with other HE institutions and to substantially reduce the environmental impact of our data centre facilities. Delivery of key service initiatives including ! Undertake review of key administrative finance and HR applications to identify opportunities for lower costs, increased service and better integration across the functions ! Improve access to research computing facilities by less traditional users of research computing such as bioinformatics, by providing consultancy and other services in addition to raw computing power - 17 - ! ! ! ! ! ! Complete the Legion HPC upgrade project and implement Legion phase 3 which will double the processing capacity of the facility which will go some way to meeting current demand levels Implement a much needed petascale research data storage environment that will aid research collaboration and access to data Implement technology to enable more effective cross institution research collaboration both nationally and internationally Deliver improved Teaching & Learning IT services including the Moodle VLE, audiovisual technology in learning spaces, better wireless connectivity for mobile and fixed devices and improved facilities for student collaboration Complete the implementation of improved application processing and admissions processes Provide enhanced facilities to increase the efficiency and productivity of the institution, both in the administrative areas but also within the Teaching domain and Research. ESTATES AND FACILITIES 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Commence a review and implement a plan to improve facility customer service standards, service integration, processes and communication Review the Estates Strategy including, space allocation principles, the effectiveness of estate utilisation, and opportunities for rationalisation and consolidation Develop clear and transparent metrics for the efficiency and effectiveness of the estate, and benchmark within and outside the sector Continue the drive to improve the resilience and condition of the estate through the long term maintenance programme Take a leading role in the UCL wide environmental sustainability initiative, driving the carbon reduction plan and supporting cultural and behavioural change programmes by encouraging recycling, re-use and waste-reduction Implement the outcome of the review of the Combined Heat and Power infrastructure Commence a review of teaching and learning spaces and opportunities for more flexible learning and multi-use facilities. 2010-11 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Progress implementation of plans to improve facility customer service standards, service integration and delivery, processes and communication Following the Estate Utilisation Study, develop a comprehensive new estate strategy, the core of which will be the report of the Bloomsbury Masterplan Develop opportunities for more flexible and multi use teaching and learning spaces Review opportunities to further develop commercial opportunities across the estate, particularly commercial conferencing Establish and embed metrics to make transparent the efficiency and effectiveness of the estate, and benchmarks within and outside the sector Continue the drive to improve the resilience and condition of the estate through the long term maintenance programme Complete a strategic review of estate maintenance requirements and delivery Take the lead role in driving improved performance across the environmental sustainability agenda, make further progress with EcoCampus accreditation, develop a new carbon management plan to deliver challenging targets for carbon reduction by 2020 (34%), and support cultural and behavioural change programmes by encouraging recycling, re-use and waste-reduction - 18 - ! ! ! Take direct control of the UCL’s Combined Heat and Power (CHP) infrastructure and explore the feasibility of developing CHP capacity Complete the integration of the Post Graduate Institutes and satellite medical school estate management operations Ensure the vacation of the Windeyer Building in preparation for the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre build occurs with minimum disruption to the excellent research contained therein. FINANCE 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! Introduction of more detailed three year financial plans at Faculty level and for the Corporate Support Services Work with Schools to develop savings plans for next three years to meet anticipated funding cuts Initiate 18 month Purchase to Pay Programme to streamline and standardise purchasing processes across UCL Integrate Resource Allocation Model with Financial Accounting so that from 2010-11 onwards management reporting can be unified and simplified Implement more robust multi year research income forecasting Develop Financial Strategy. 2010-11 ! ! ! ! ! Agree and start to implement actions needed in response to Browne Review and CSR Complete roll out of P2P project including iExpenses Move to monthly period ends from quarterly Implement further procurement initiatives eg online RFQ system, supplier portal Review UCL Financial Controls Framework to ensure it is fit for purpose to face financial challenges of next few years. HUMAN RESOURCES 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Coordinate the implementation of an action plan to address areas of concern identified by the 2009 Staff Survey and lead on four of the initiatives within it regarding training and policy review Support the development of management competence and the enabling framework required for UCL to manage change effectively and remain agile in challenging times Develop staff with the skills to enable them to contribute effectively to organisational change Restructure the organisational and staff development interface with Faculties and Divisions to build on recent service improvements and better meet the Faculties’ needs Introduce pension salary exchange arrangements relating to the USS and SAUL schemes to achieve savings for staff and UCL and re-tender the Child Care Voucher contract to achieve cost savings and service enhancements Develop Total Reward Statements to better communicate the value of UCL's pay and benefits offering Review the current interfaces between UCL systems for the sharing of people and pay data, identifying a programme of changes which will improve their effectiveness and reduce re-keying of data - 19 - ! ! ! ! ! Explore the use of an electronic document record system for employment and staffing records across UCL with a view to establishing a project for implementation 2010-12 Lead the review of UCL’s Corporate Equality Objectives and updating of UCL’s Race Equality Policy and Action Plan Review UCL’s mediation needs following the new ACAS guidelines for dealing with discipline and grievances in the workplace Review and revise (non professorial) Grade 10 pay arrangements Facilitate a 'Women into Leadership and Management' project to tackle the underrepresentation of women in senior roles. 2010-11 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Coordinate UCL’s 2011-12 staff survey Develop the management competency framework to extend to all managers Commence the project to manage employment records electronically across UCL with a view to completion in 2012 Implement new Grade 10 pay arrangements for senior managers Launch Total Reward Statements to better communicate the value of UCL’s pay and benefits Review and revise Statute 18 in consultation with the UCU Provide improved support to managers in enhancing performance and managing change Facilitate recruitment and secondment to UCL’s overseas initiatives ensuring that staff are adequately prepared for, and supported in their new working environment Launch a package of voluntary benefits for UCL employees as part of UCL’s remuneration strategy and maximise the use of salary sacrifice arrangements where appropriate Establish Equality Champions from within UCL Council and the Provost’s SMT to lead and energise new equality initiatives and devise a Single Equality Scheme to consolidate UCL’s action plans in this regard Maximise the uptake of available support services to improve wellbeing at work. DEVELOPMENT AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS 2009-10 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Raise awareness of the alumni network amongst the current student body including student attendance at alumni events (and vice versa) and more alumni included in student publications Increase use of email as main form of communication with alumni to better engage with young alumni and to reduce the substantial costs associated with paper mailings Continued use of small targeted events to re-engage alumni including professional networking (eg Women in Leadership), Provost’s Lunches and Breakfast Briefings Launch of Provost’s Circle, a £1000+ gift club to help motivate increased levels of giving and donor retention Promote awareness of UCL’s approach and achievements through stronger relationships and enhanced communication with key opinion formers with a particular focus government Launch of new UCL homepage in October 2009 as a result of the market research undertaken in 2008-09 Launch of new event listing (in conjunction with ISD) and increased circulation of Brain Food to continue to raise UCL’s profile as a venue for interesting and cutting-edge events. - 20 - 2010-11 DEVELOPMENT AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATONS HAS SPLIT INTO TWO NEW DIVISIONS: DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI RELATIONS ! ! ! Establish a comprehensive programme to engage with current students with the aim of engaging alumni in student activities and programmes during 2010-11. Establish an alumni presence and profile in student programmes and activities. Establish an annual student survey to monitor alumni awareness and engagement with the alumni community Build on the existing programme of initiatives and reduce the number of lost alumni by 5% (10,000). Increase the percentage of email addresses held Develop a more coordinated approach to use of volunteers in fundraising and alumni engagement activities. Expand the programme of volunteer-led international alumni activity. Recruit a team of volunteers to undertake peer-to-peer cultivation and solicitation activities to increase participation in fundraising programmes. CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS ! ! ! ! Build on results of market research amongst key opinion formers to deliver a targeted programme of communications to promote awareness of UCL’s approach and achievements Continue to develop a social media strategy to ensure innovative communications channels are exploited effectively Deliver a series of high quality events, exploiting the appearances of world-renowned speakers to promote our profile and reputation Implement comprehensive communications strategies to support developing UCL priorities, including Environmental Sustainability. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE 2009-10 ! ! ! Defining process for the next Council effectiveness review (to be conducted and completed in 2010-11) Review of UCL’s procedures for (i) responsible practice in research and (ii) research misconduct - in light of publication of relevant codes of practice by Research Councils UK and UK Research Integrity Office Review of UCL committee structure and system. 2010-11 ! ! ! Review of UCL’s instruments of government (Charter, Statutes and Regulations for Management) Phase two of UCL committees reform process – with further review of committees to be taken forward in conjunction with findings of Council effectiveness review now underway (and being conducted by external consultants) Development of enhanced organisation and presentation of online information about UCL governance and committee processes etc. November 2010 - 21 - Key to abbreviations: A&H CETL CPD ECTS GMEC HEFCE IQR IRIS ITIL ITSM JVA KPI MAPS REF RFQ SHS SLMS UCL SERAus UKCMRI VLE WTS Arts & Humanities Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Continuing Professional Development European Credit Transfer System Global Medical Excellence Cluster Higher Education Funding Council for England Internal Quality Review Institutional Research Information Service IT Infrastructure Library IT Service Management Joint Venture Agreement Key Performance Indicator Mathematical and Physical Sciences Research Excellence Framework Request for Quotation Social & Historical Sciences School of Life and Medical Sciences UCL School of Energy and Resources, Australia UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation Virtual Learning Environment Windows Terminal Service - 22 -