BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) Tuesday, March12, 2013 10:00 a.m. LRC 107 Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order – 10:00 a.m. 2. Approve Meeting notes from February 20 and 22, 2013. DISCUSSION 3. Resource Requests from Program Review 4. Updated Budget Forecast for Board of Trustees workshop 5. Garberville CR Accreditation website: http://www.redwoods.edu/accreditation/ CCC confer is available for those unable to attend in person. PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 450-4821 > Enter your passcode: 565058 BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:00 p.m. LRC 107 Draft Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp, Michael Dennis, Tami Engman, David Gonsalves (phone), Utpal Goswami, Anita Janis (phone), Lee Lindsey, Tami Matsumoto, MaryGrace McGovern, Keith Snow-Flamer, and Steve Stratton. ALSO PRESENT Joe Hash, Bill Hole CALL TO ORDER ACTION APPROVE SUMMARY NOTES The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown. DISCUSSION THREE YEAR BUDGET FORECAST The summary notes from February 12, 2013 were approved as presented. Vice President Lindsey reported that we are still waiting to get the report from the Chancellor’s office that will show the district’s funding and enrollment cap. It appears that we will not meet this year’s enrollment target. He also reminded the committee that the district is currently on stability funding because we didn’t make last year’s enrollment target. Possible solutions to the district’s deficit include taking money from the auxiliary programs; however, there is much deferred maintenance that needs to be done in these areas. Another solution would be to borrow form the Employee Benefit Fund which has already been approved by the Board of Trustees. Mr. Lindsey stated that neither are good long-term solutions. Next year the governor has proposed a slight funding increase (1.6%) per FTES but our expenditures are expected to increase by 2.4%. He went on to say that enrollment growth alone will not solve the district’s fiscal challenges. The long-term solution is for there to be enrollment growth and increased funding from the state. Mr. Lindsey stated that as the Budget Planning Committee we need to come up with a plan to close the budget gap and make a formal recommendation to the President. The committee agreed to meet again on Friday, February 22, at 3:00 p.m. to identify budget savings options that will be recommended to the President. BUDGET OPTIONS Mr. Lindsey asked that committee members review the list of budget balancing options that were identified last year. Discussion continued among the committee regarding any new revenue generating ideas or areas where savings may be recognized. Bob Brown reminded the committee of its scope. DISTRICT WIDE OPEN FORUM A district wide open forum will be scheduled in the near future regarding budget and accreditation. ADJOURNED SUBMITTED The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. lw BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Special Workshop Friday, February 22, 2013 3:00 p.m. SS 109 Draft Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp (phone), Michael Dennis, Tami Engman, Tim Flanagan David Gonsalves (phone), Utpal Goswami (phone), Anita Janis (phone), Lee Lindsey, Tami Matsumoto, MaryGrace McGovern, Keith Snow-Flamer, and Steve Stratton. ALSO PRESENT Jeff Cummings, Paul DeMark, Michelle Hancock (phone), Bill Hole, Todd Olsen, Michael Regan CALL TO ORDER ACTION The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown. OBJECTIVE The objective of this meeting was to prioritize budget savings options for recommendation to the President. BUDGET OPTIONS Vice President Lee Lindsey called attention to the email from Special Trustee Henry emphasizing the importance for the district to fully resolve all financial deficiencies as stated in the recent letter from the ACCJC. Mr. Lindsey presented four budget savings options to close the $1.7-$2.1 M budget gap. The following rubric was used: 1. Limit the impact on students 2. Promote fiscal stability 3. Maintain accreditation standards Options 1-4 are listed on the BPC website at http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/ Option 1 Relies heavily on payroll concessions, further RIFs and a Parcel tax in 2014-15. Option 2 Relies on a medium level of payroll concessions, further RIFs, close sites/centers and Parcel tax in 2014-15. Option 3 Relies heavily on payroll concessions and further RIFs. Option 4 Limited payroll concessions, program discontinuance, further RIFs, close centers/sites and Parcel tax 2014-15 There was lengthy discussion by the committee regarding how the possible options would impact students, employees, and the district as a whole. Of the four options there was agreement that Option 4 was the least viable because the level of RIFs and program cuts assumed in this option would cause serious deficiencies and jeopardize accreditation. The committee agreed that Option 1 best met the rubric; Option 2 was the next best. Option 3 was agreed to be a contingency plan. It was also noted by committee members that various pieces from each option could be put together to create another option. Some committee members vocalized concerns regarding the Garberville site and suggested that it would be wise to “cut our losses” and sell the site. Committee members commented that even though Garberville does not currently have a huge impact on the District’s general fund there will be an impact in the future. There was discussion regarding a parcel tax and the need for community awareness regarding the budget cuts from the state. It was strongly expressed that it is important to let the public know if “they” are not willing to pay, (parcel tax) programs and services will be cut. Vice President Lindsey stated that he will re-work the options and incorporate suggestions from the committee. He will send the new versions out via email within the next few days so that all committee members can review and vote to endorse the options. ADJOURNED SUBMITTED The meeting was adjourned at 4:40p.m. lw