Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Date TOTAL PROPOSALS: 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate Notes 108,000 122,000 Planning Objective Lower the thermostats across the campus (62 degrees was mentioned) suggest people wear sweaters. 2/4/2012 5,000 5,000 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Turn off the hot water in the bathrooms. 2/4/2012 1,000 1,000 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Reduce supplies expenses across-the board pro-rata to all depts. 2/4/2012 30,000 30,000 To convert whiteboards to chalkboards may require a Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability little up front, so savings more likely in 2013-14 Ban portable space heaters across the district email 5,000 5,000 Ban portable refrigerators (use breakroom fridge) email 3,000 3,000 Shut down campus during breaks email 5,000 5,000 Shut down a building email Reduce the times when the college is open Waterless urinals in men's rooms email email 1,000 Review our software expenses – analyze all software expenses to determine if they are necessary or secondary, including Tutor.com and Parature 2/4/2012 10,000 Discontinue the football an athletic program and put education first. 2/4/2012 Eliminate or reduce the travel budget Probably can't do, since no duplication of facilities at other bldgs email 10,000 Reduce number of Trustees, reduce benefits, benefit copay 2/9/2012 10,000 Eliminate Dean of Reduce Distance Education budget replace with Faculty Coordinator 2/13/2012 Garberville – do not staff it. Sell it. 2/9/2012 Place billboards on our unused land for rent. 2/4/2012 3,000 Grow and sell organic hay at the Shively Farm. Reduce Shively Farm costs 2/4/2012 5,000 Allow a Cell phone service provider to place a cell phone tower on our property. 2/4/2012 6,000 Lease the space that to the Academy of the Redwoods is currently using to the Academy of the Redwoods. 2/4/2012 2/16/2012 11:10 AM Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability 1,000 Will need to plan this sort of a change through 10,000 Technology Committee and other constituents. Transition costs to go to new software. For dept cut, better to give the Dept a budget cut target, than to specify every cut. Total travel budget is about $200K. We must pay for travel between Mendocino, KT, Del Norte, etc. We 10,000 have already limited travel, so cannot realistically budget for a substantial cut. Current Trustees complete their term, so maybe no 10,000 svgs short term. For benefits, will need JPA action and may allow Blue Shield to rebid. For dept cut, better to give the Dept a budget cut target, than to specify every cut. Garberville budget is minimal (utilities), so recommendation is to not add staffing. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability 6,000 Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability 5,000 Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Would need to find if any cell phone provider wants to 12,000 Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life put up a tower Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Need to consider our agreements with AR. 1 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Date TOTAL PROPOSALS: 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 108,000 2013-14 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective 122,000 Timber harvest team in the forestry department to harvest our timber for sale. 2/4/2012 1,000 1,000 Timber may be mostly firewood, so limited value. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Fees for Science Night 2/9/2012 1,000 1,000 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Use more automated or web based services for routine interactions: Registration, financial aid, payments, parking permit purchase. email 5,000 5,000 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Use higher one card for student ID email 5,000 10,000 Priority parking spaces email 1,000 1,000 Student lockers on campus email 1,000 1,000 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life General wage cuts across the board. 2/4/2012 Negotiable item Plan for higher wage costs down the road as longevity moves employees’ salaries into higher wage brackets. 2/4/2012 Negotiable item [Review all positions] Evaluate each position and classification of employee and make changes to normalize us with other districts. Asses if we really need to have the positions classified where they are. 2/4/2012 Negotiable item. HR recently completed a position realignment Combine positions to reduce reliance on part-time staff (saves benefit costs) email Employees contribute to cost/premiums of health care benefits 2/13/2012 Employee contracts for less than 12 months, i.e. 11 months, 10 months Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 3.4 – Increase data-informed decision-making Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Negotiable item. Health and welfare benefits cost Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability about $1,900/mo or $22,800/yr per covered employee. Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Negotiable item. Salaries are about $20 million annually. email Furloughs 2/13/2012 Voluntary reduced salaries (banking the money until November or banking the money after November.) 2/9/2012 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Reduce the colleges overall dependence on temporary employees. 2/4/2012 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices 2/16/2012 11:10 AM Negotiable item Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices 2 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Date TOTAL PROPOSALS: 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 108,000 Notes Planning Objective 122,000 Removed from list (Duplicate, may generate cash long term, but won't generate cash near term, etc.): N/A 4) Sell [or lease] the Garberville property. 2/4/2012 N/A 10) Have the CR Business dept. run a business that brings in revenue. 2/4/2012 N/A 11) A monthly black tie event sponsored by the College for students and CPA’s to build relationships there would be a charge of $25 per person for attendance at this event. 2/4/2012 N/A 9) Review Administrative Salaries; determine equity between administrative salaries and faculty salaries. 2/4/2012 N/A N/A N/A 12) Look at the leases on the bookstore and café; when they expire run these enterprises internally. 21) Snack shacks around campus making it convenient for students. 23) A mini bookstore placed on campus to sale sundries. 2/4/2012 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability This property was marketed for a couple years before Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers the transfer to CR, so a quick sale at any reasonable Goes against: Objective 5.3 – Reduce transportation barriers price is unlikely. for students Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers - - Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life - Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices - - The bookstore, dining and housing currently pay rent to CR, so we already do this. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life 2/4/2012 2/4/2012 N/A 27) Self-borrowing from our Capital Projects. 2/4/2012 N/A 29) Examine the last point of stability and analyze our current faculty structure. 2/4/2012 N/A Reduce benefits offered to Trustees 2/9/2012 N/A Eliminate health benefits coverage for employees who are covered by their spouses. 2/9/2012 N/A Mendocino Excess Property – sell it, use as a campground 2/13/2012 - - While this is a creative idea, it would be inappropriate to borrow from capital projects. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Currently, CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, provided all are covered. Blue Shield would re-price and would increase the fee per remaining covered employee. Need to research, proceeds from a sale cannot be used to pay operating costs, and cannot assume that a sale will be complete by next year. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers N/A Lease vacant buildings 2/13/2012 Once buildings are vacated, will need to market the space, and will need to spend up front to do any agreed-upon renovations, so positive cash flow not likely next year. More liklely for the year after next N/A Create a list of assets for possible sale 2/13/2012 Need to research, proceeds from a sale cannot be Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability used to pay operating costs, and cannot assume that a Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers sale will be complete by next year. 2/16/2012 11:10 AM 3 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Date TOTAL PROPOSALS: N/A Timber tax 2/13/2012 N/A Eliminate four Trustees 2/13/2012 N/A N/A Board of Trustees ask for loans from community members Advocacy at the State 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 108,000 Notes 122,000 Timber tax revenue is already included in the budget. The question related to how much timber tax revenue Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability is coming in. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Duplicate Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Loans would need to be paid back, so doesn't help Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability long run fiscal stabiliity Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Good idea, but can't assign a dollar amount to this. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Duplicate Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability duplicate Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Facilities Planning and Budget Planning ranked a capital budget item for energy savings, so this is Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability already planned. Also a couple other specific energy savings ideas are included for ranking Duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Will still need a ticketing system, so savings is the Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability delta. Also, will be a transition cost the first year. Early retirement incentive is already included in the Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability budget forecast. Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices 2/9/2012 2/9/2012 Harvest trees from CR’s Forest 2/9/2012 Employees take only part of a raise 2/13/2012 Energy Savings 2/9/2012 Evaluate Tutor.com Get rid of Parature Ticket system in Ask CR- $50,000 per year. 2/9/2012 Planning Objective 2/13/2012 Early Retirements 2/9/2012 Reducing faculty TLU’s 2/13/2012 The budget forecast already includes a TLU reduction. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Reduce Administration 2/13/2012 Projected budget scenario includes $435K in reductions Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Employee participation in benefit costs and/or wage cuts based on each employee’s current salary, not the employee group or classification of the position held. 2/4/2012 Duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Reduce Shively Expense 2/13/2012 duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Rent out the unused buildings on campus. 2/4/2012 Will need to go through the planning process and Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability upfront expenses may be incurred for leasehold Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers improvements, so no revenue until 2013-14 at earliest Sell [or lease] the property that is not being utilized in Fort Bragg or other locations. 2/4/2012 Renting out the unoccupied dorms in the summer for groups who may be interested in visiting our area. 2/4/2012 2/16/2012 11:10 AM Need to research, proceeds from a sale cannot be Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability used to pay operating costs, and cannot assume that a Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers sale will be complete by next year. Residence halls are rented during the summer. Need to know the summer vacany rates for potential Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability revenue. - 4 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Date TOTAL PROPOSALS: 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 108,000 Notes Planning Objective 122,000 The foundation holding events to generate funds. 2/4/2012 duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Rent out the Dorms over the summer 2/9/2012 Residence halls are rented during the summer, but down time is required for scheduled repair and maintenance. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Close sites and Centers 2/9/2012 McKinleyville and Arcata sites proposed for closure. EKA downtown costs will be reduced. Already assumed on the budget forecast. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers 2/9/2012 Currently, CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, provided all are covered. Would require action by JPA. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Blue Shield would re-price and would increase the fee Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices per remaining covered employee. Eliminate duplicate health benefits coverage for couples working within the CR District. Hiring Freeze 2/4/2012 Voluntary furloughs 2/9/2012 Use our theatres on campus to stage money making events such as concerts and theatrical performances. Foundation fundraisers. 2/4/2012 2/16/2012 11:10 AM - No college or university can ever have a complete hiring freeze; exceptions for health & safety, to provide - instructors for classes, to fill mission-critical duties. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Partial freeze is in place where position requests go to Cabinet -- This will continue. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Duplicate Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Good idea, but not appropriate to budget for this Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community without any recent track record of positive net revenue. Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life 5 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary