Planning for the 2015-16 Budget Year
JANUARY 23, 2015, 11:00 A.M. SS 104
1. Call Meeting to Order – 3:00 pm
2. ACTION REQUIRED: Approve Meeting notes from December 10, 2014
1. ACTION REQUIRED: Measure Q bond project rebalancing. Please see the report
included after this agenda.
2. INFORMATION ONLY: January Governor’s Budget Proposal. Please review the
Admin Services Information item in the February BOT agenda.
3. INFORMATION ONLY: Review FPC recommendations on furniture purchases and
gender neutral bathrooms.
a. For furniture, the request is for the FPC to recommend a line of furniture for the
District to use for future purchases and a vendor (Ikea, or whoever) or vendors
who can source these items.
b. For gender neutral bathrooms, the FPC is being asked to recommend a set of
existing bathrooms that might be designated gender netural with only minor costs
related to signage and a recommendation for gender netural bathrooms in major
capital upgrade projects.
4. INFORMATION ONLY: Review TPC recommendation on student ID card equipment
upgrades. TPC is asked to recommend an ID card solution that will move ID cards out of
the Redwoods Bldg A at the Eureka campus and will provide the Del Norte campus with
a reliable ID card printing solution.
1. Discuss: Plus, Minus, Delta/Closing the loop on this meeting – 4:25 pm
CR BPC website: http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/
CR Accreditation website: http://www.redwoods.edu/accreditation/
CCC confer is available for those unable to attend in person.
> Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 450-4821
> Cell phone users dial: 719-785-4469
> Enter your passcode: 412235
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Planning for the 2015-16 Budget Year
ACTION REQUIRED: Measure Q bond project rebalancing
In closing the books on 2013-14, final entries were made related to the sale of the last remaining
$7.2 million in measure q bond authority. To maintain a fiscally conservative accounting of the
bond funds, certain amounts of the bond premium were transferred to the debt service fund. The
result was that taxpayers will be required to pay less over the life of the bond, but less funds went
into the District’s bond fund for allocation to project budgets. Also, certain life safety projects
need to be funded as soon as possible, and we need to cover the cost for Canvas. In the proposed
rebalancing below, several items are proposed to be removed from the measure Q list. Most of
these projects may be completed with other funding, such as categorical funds, student
technology fees, or general funds. An initial preliminary draft rebalancing is presented below for
BPC review and discussion.
Measure Q proposed rebalance
Preliminary Draft
ADA tab: AT: Repair walkways
Cell signal boosters
Computers for Nursing lab
Potential alternatives
Jan 2015
(35,000) Categorical or operating funds
(50,000) Tech fee or operating funds
(6,000) Categorical or operating funds
Correct service windows in new admin/student svc bldg
(15,000) Categorical or operating funds
Emergency Response Training Center
Exterior paint and light upgrades
(30,961) Categorical funds
Fine Arts 3D Printer
Install data cable to AR bldg
Original ADA safety: Accessible paths
Report writer bolt on for Ellucian/Datatel
Sewer inspection camera
Smart boards, projectors, 3D printing for Drafting Tech
Software for non-credit readiness classes
Whiteboards and other class needs
Welding area cover expansion
15 laptops & mobile cart for Sciences
Original ADA safety: Reduce lab risks
(6,300) Categorical or operating funds
(15,000) Operating funds
(150,000) Much work completed; Categorical or operating funds
(20,000) Operating funds
(5,000) Purchased
(16,400) Categorical or operating funds
(5,000) Categorical or operating funds
(5,000) Categorical or operating funds
(15,000) Use staff for some work
(5,000) Categorical or operating funds
(10,000) Use staff for some work
Original ADA safety: Admin: Accessible restrooms
(25,000) Reduces bgt, not eliminated
Cover budget gap
Life Safety: AJ storage ventilation & other life safety
Ventilation problem/possible mold problem
Life Safety: Address SWACC inspection rpt deficiencies
Annual inspection rpt dated 11-13-2014.
Original ADA safety: Student Union safety needs
Additional Dining equipment & repairs
Technology Infrastructure Upgrades: Canvas implementation
Startup costs
Modernization & Engineering for Projects
12,293 To cover repair to bldg access control system (Tech Infrastructure Upgrades)
Original ADA safety: Signage for entire campus
Partially retask to cover repair to bldg access control system (Tech
21,707 Infrastructure Upgrades). $300K reamins in Security, Marquee Upgrades and
Fire Alarm
From Life Safety: Exterior Paint & Light, Upgrade
DN exterior lighting
DN campus exterior lighting upgrade to match EKA campus upgrade
Also in the list above are three proposed reallocations. $12,293 is proposed to be repurposed to
cover a repair on a building access control system. $21,707 is proposed to be reallocated to help
cover the building access control repair. Without these repairs, doors may not meet the
requirements for handicap accessibility. Also, $25,000 is proposed to be reallocated for life
safety remediation to cover costs to replace the very old and sometimes broken exterior lights at
the Del Norte campus. With categorical funds, the Eureka campus pathway lights were
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Planning for the 2015-16 Budget Year
upgraded. Your approval of the entire slate of adjustments is requested, or an alternative slate of
adjustments that results in a balanced measure Q bond fund.
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Planning for the 2015-16 Budget Year
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 - 3:00 p.m.
Board room
Summary Notes
Sue Alton, Michael Dennis, Doug Edgmon, Tami Engman (phone), Lee
Lindsey, Tami Matsumoto (phone), Steven Roper and Lorie Walsh.
The meeting was called to order by Lee Lindsey
The summary notes from November 5, 2014 were approved as
Mr. Lindsey reported that there is news coming from the Chancellor’s office
regarding a new Enrollment Growth Funding Model. He noted the new model
would allocate funds differently than the present model. He continued by
explaining that the new model would not be based strictly on enrollment but would
also take into consideration such factors as unemployment, Pell Grant
eligibility(poverty), participation rate and unfunded FTES in each district. He
stated that this new model might possibly help to stabilize funding for CR and
other small districts throughout the community college system. He noted that the
current funding model is not sustainable with only the COLA increase each year.
If there’s no growth, a COLA in this year’s range of less than 1% is not enough for
the district to survive on long term without further budget actions.
Mr. Lindsey stated that he will be attending a meeting this coming Friday with
other Northern California CBOs and he will be able to get a clearer perspective of
how the new funding model may work a couple of years from now. He stated that
he will send out an update when he has more information.
Mr. Lindsey reported that the portion of the STRS and PERS benefits that the
district pays are increasing significantly possibly two percent or more. He went on
to say that the Governor’s budget may allow for approximately a one percent
COLA which will help with these costs.
He stated that the deficit factor has been moving down and the last solid numbers
from the Chancellor’s Office reflect the improvement.
Mr. Lindsey stated that the deficit factor is based on property tax and how it comes
in to the state. He also stated that the department of finance is improving their
processes and the numbers are getting more accurate.
4:30 p.m./ Submitted lw
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