July 12, 2010
3:30 p.m.
Eureka Campus – Lakeview
Attendees: Vinci Adams, Michelle Anderson, Ahn Fielding, Dr. Utpal Goswami, Anita
Janis (via telephone conference), Geisce Ly (via telephone conference), Dr. Jeff Marsee,
Roxanne Metz, Susan Mindus, Karen Nelson, Dr. Keith Snow-Flamer, Steve Stratton,
Cheryl Tucker
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
The Budget Planning Committee reviewed prioritization of several schedules including:
Exhibit C, Budget Cuts – Unfunded Projects; the Enrolment Management Committee
(EMC) Student Services Resource Rankings; and the Integrated Planning Equipment
Committee list.
The Resource Rankings list was categorized by EMC in order of Staffing, Technology,
Equipment, and Facilities.
The Integrated Planning Equipment Committee list was prioritized based on the rubric
priority of health and safety, direct classroom instruction, strategic initiatives,
assessments of SLO and PLO’s, and equipment to enhance Instruction. The cost was not
listed. The list originated from Program Review from Fall of 2009.
The following items were listed under Equipment/Budget on the EMC list and do not
seem to qualify as equipment: Accuplacer tests, coach travel, text books, travel money,
coach association dues and professional development. If funds can be reallocated, these
items might be better placed in discretionary funds.
Equipment may be defined as free standing, not a fixture, have a life expectancy of at
least three years, tangible (as opposed to software, supplies, etc.), and valued at not less
than $250. Equipment cannot be “consumable.”
The committee reviewed Exhibit C – Unfunded projects – from the March 17, 2010
Special Board Meeting.
Item number 1: CSEA/Confidential, Admin/Managers steps for $242,229 has been
Item number 2: Bus Passes for $75,000. Cheryl Tucker reported that
40% of the Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) ridership are using the subsidized bus
passes. If the bus pass program is cancelled, HTA may cancel the evening pick-up.
President Marsee inquired about what the effect would be if CR offered the bus pass for
evening courses only. The student would need to be enrolled in six units or more. The
bus pass would be effective from 4:00 p.m. until the last run of the evening. Cheryl will
follow up with HTA. Next steps would be finding out what the cost savings would be,
how many students would be served, and if HTA would keep the evening routes.
Item number 3: 3 Classified Positions for $185,093. Student Services requested a
Transcript Evaluator, Administrative Services requested a maintenance mechanic, and
Instruction requested an Administrative Office Assistant II for the Deans.
Item number 4: DIEM for $50,000. President Marsee asked the Budget Planning
Committee members to bring Instruction equipment repair needs back to the committee.
Item number 5: Personal Computers Replacement for $250,000 District Wide. President
Marsee asked how many computers were purchased last year and are still in the
warehouse. Steve Stratton will report back on this.
Item number 6: Fund 15 or Fund 10 are being considered for the Imaging System for
Item number 7: Pelican Bay Start-up for $35,000. There is a question in how this is
going to be funded. Anita Janis will determine if Del Norte’s budget included this item.
Item number 8: Diesel Faculty Position for $35,000. According to Roxanne, the diesel
program would need at least $150,000 for faculty and equipment. $50,000 - $75,000 for
one piece of equipment and three are needed. Can diesel be integrated into Agriculture?
Item number 9: 32 Passenger Bus for $100,000. President Marsee is concerned for the
safety of CR athletes when traveling long distances to other schools. There are
opportunities for the bus to be used by Instruction for field trips, use for community
programs and student life. The bus could be used by all athletic teams except football.
Item number 10: Emergency Generators for $172,000 has been purchased of with
Measure Q funds.
Item number 11: Marque Sign – Parking lot for $35,000. The sign should be read from
the highway.
Item number 12: Expand Datatel Licenses for on-line registration for $250,000 does not
qualify for Measure Q. There is a one time expense of $250,000 and an annual recurring
expense of $20,000. The one time expense may qualify for Fund 15. Another alternative
to Datatel is Sequel. Another solution is a data warehouse system that is not in real time.
Keith will ask Maggie to put together a summary of how they are registering students at
El Camino.
Next steps:
The state requires that College of the Redwoods submit its budget to the state no later
than September 15th. The focus of the Budget Planning Committee at this time will be to
develop incremental ($100,000) add ons to the budget (priority list) should additional
funds be made available. If we reload the budget in increments of $100,000, aggregate
budgets will be reviewed by the Vice Presidents.
Next Meeting:
Monday, July 26th at 10:30 a.m.