Student Equity Annual Plan 2015-16 Student Equity Plan identifies actions to improve district success outcomes, particularly for students who have been historically underrepresented and underserved. The Student Equity Plan has been created based on the planning actions in the Strategic and Education Master Plans, coordinated to align student outcomes and actions in the district’s Student Success and Support Program Plan (SSSP) as well as the Basic Skills Plan. These actions are then integrated into the College’s Annual Plan. This alignment of goals ensures that the district has identified strategies to monitor and address equity issues, makes efforts to mitigate any disproportionate impact on student access and achievement, and efficiently allocates college resources in budgeting and planning. Goal A - Student Success Indicator for Access Increase enrollment of underrepresented students, specifically Hispanic students by creating a welcoming campus where all students in the community feel welcomed, supported, included and valued by the College and each other. This goal will be addressed through additional communication with, and offerings for disproportionately impacted student groups. Goal B – Student Success Indicator for Course Success and Completion Increase the percentage of first-time, full-time students who return one semester later to take at least one class and increase the percentage of degree seeking students who attend for three consecutive semesters, especially African Americans. Goal C – Student Success Indicator for ESL and Basic Skills Completion and Progression Increase the number of all students, especially African American, Native American, Hispanic, over 50 years old students, and Foster Youth who complete a college level course. Goal D – Student Success Indicator for Degree and Certificate Completion Increase the percentage of students who complete a degree, certificate or transfer compared to the number of degree, certificate and transfer completions for equity and other student populations. Goal E – Student Success Indicator for Transfer Implement initiatives which continue to address disproportionate impact of the rates of college transfer. Annual Planning Actions Goal Action to be taken Responsible Party Semester Evaluation Plan Goal A Access Develop website in Spanish with relevant college information. Web Master, Dean Arts and Humanities 2015-16 By 2015-16, a Spanish website will be available from the CR homepage. The traffic to the page will increase each semester. Baseline data will be collected. Resources Student Equity Annual Plan 2015-16 Goal A Access Implement a non-credit pathway at College of the Redwoods Del Norte including ESL placement, articulation for English for Speakers of Other Languages to for-credit courses or other identified goal. Offer trainings that support access for underrepresented students Basic Skills Committee, CR Del Norte Director, Business & Training Center 2015-16 Deans, Academic Senate, Basic Skills Committee, CR Del Norte Director, Business & Training Center 2015-16 Goal C Basic Skills Completion and Progression Identify intervention strategies for Basic Skills students on probation. SSSP, Basic Skills Committee, Director of PE & Athletics 2015-16 By 2015-16, the percentage of African Americans who complete Basic Skills math sequence will increase. Goal C Basic Skills Completion and Progression Provide accurate & current placement information to students regarding Math, English & ESL placement, assessment & service referral information. SSSP Director Special Programs, CR Del Norte 2015-16 By 2015-16, the number of Hispanic students in Del Norte and Eureka who take ESL placement and register in a credit or non-credit courses will increase. Goal A Access By 2015-16, Del Norte campus will schedule classes and increasingly enroll students in non-credit ESL courses. By 2015-16 campus sites will continue efforts to disseminate ESL related information for internal referral and placement and increasingly enroll students in forcredit ESL courses. Student Equity Annual Plan 2015-16 Goal C Basic Skills Completion and Progression Implement assessment/placement process to meet requirements of SSSP. SSSP VPISD Deans, Director of Institutional Effectiveness 2015-16 By 2015-16, identify multiple measures strategies that mitigate circumstances which impact underrepresented students during the placement process and increase assessment outcomes of SSSP. Goal C Basic Skills Completion and Progression Develop strategies to promote outreach to ESL students in all classes. Basic Skills Committee 2015-16 By 2015-16, identify approaches such as outreach across curriculum that establishes communities to support ESL students. Goal D Degree and Certificate Completion Implement student education planning module for students. SSSP, Basic Skills Committee, Dean PE, Athletics and Health Occupations 2015-16 Goal E Transfer Implement student education planning module for students. SSSP 2015-16 By 2015-16, the number of underrepresented students, especially African Americans, who persist will increase. By 2015-16, collect data to better understand barriers to transfer for all equity populations especially students with disabilities and females.