Student Equity Annual Plan Progress Report 2014-15

Student Equity Annual Plan Progress Report 2014-15
The College of the Redwoods Student Equity Plan Committee is tasked with producing an Executive Summary Report that
lists actions that demonstrate evidence of progress toward achieving specified goals and implementing activities of the
Student Equity Plan. The committee is charged with aligning these initiatives with institutional planning and college
resources. Each year, Student Equity Annual Plan is created with action items that are driven by these goals. This document
provides an update on any action identified in Program Reviews 2013-14 specifically Program Plan sections which
demonstrate evidence for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations which were
completed during the 2013-14 year.
Goal A - Student Success Indicator for Access
Increase enrollment of underrepresented students, specifically Hispanic students by creating a welcoming campus where all students in
the community feel welcomed, supported, included and valued by the College and each other. This goal will be addressed through
additional communication with, and offerings for disproportionately impacted student groups.
Goal B – Student Success Indicator for Course Success and Completion
Increase the percentage of first-time, full-time students who return one semester later to take at least one class and increase the
percentage of degree seeking students who attend for three consecutive semesters, especially African Americans.
Goal C – Student Success Indicator for ESL and Basic Skills Completion and Progression
Increase the number of all students, especially African American, Native American, Hispanic, over 50 years old students, and Foster
Youth who complete a college level course.
Goal D – Student Success Indicator for Degree and Certificate Completion
Increase the percentage of students who complete a degree, certificate or transfer compared to the number of degree, certificate and
transfer completions for equity and other student populations.
Goal E – Student Success Indicator for Transfer
Implement initiatives which continue to address disproportionate impact of the rates of college transfer.
Annual Planning Actions
(mark one)
Annual Action Plan
Progress Update
Promote and support a Student Multicultural
The Department of Spanish offered Spanish Conversation times for
Spanish speakers or students looking for a place to further practice
language skills held weekly Fall 2014 semester.
_x_In progress,
Film Event sponsored by student organization LiNK Liberty in North
Korea organization that supports North Korean refugee's December
3, 2014
__Change in
Student Equity Annual Plan Progress Report 2014-15
Offer sections of Native American Studies (NAS
1), Anthropology 3 Cultural Anthropology,
Geography 2 Cultural Geography and Sociology
9 Introduction to Women’s Studies.
NAS 1 Course Outline of Record updated with Curriculum
Committee Fall 2014.
NAS 1 S2015 CRDN
ANTH 3 F2014 EKA
S2015 EKA
S2015 CRDN
S2015 CRKT
S2015 EKA
GEOG 2 S2015 EKA
SOC 9 S2015 EKA
__In progress,
Identify Student Equity Plan in the Integrated
Planning Model to promote the institutional
commitment in the mitigation of
disproportional impact on student access and
At the Institutional Effectiveness Summit in April 2014 dialogue
supported student equity initiatives as critical to the institutions
annual planning priorities.
__In progress,
The Student Equity Plan 2014-17 was submitted in October of 2014
to the Chancellor Office and included an updated Integrated
Planning Model as evidence.
__Change in
Provide diversity awareness in-service
training on classroom dynamics, and
retention and persistence of
underrepresented students.
Convocation professional development activities
August 22, 2014:
 Classroom Strategies for Enhancing ESL Student Success
 Classroom Strategies for Enhancing Student Success for
historically underrepresented students
 Infusing Multicultural Education into the Curriculum
 Interacting With Members of the LBGTQI Community in
the Classroom
 SSSP & SEP Overview
__In progress,
Student Success Summit was held on January 30th, 2015 with a
focus on changing institution culture to improve student success.
Small group discussions included strategies for retention and
persistence for under representative students.
Two Spanish Conversion workshops held on Eureka Campus Fall
2014 for Spanish speakers or students looking for a place to
further practice your language skills.
A visiting lecture was held by Korean Consulate Mr. CG Han
March 2015 to promote goodwill for US-Korea relations.
Two activities sponsored by MDC and BSU for African American
History; movie and dialogue on race and relations held March
Webinar Supporting Men of Color in Community CollegesTeaching and Learning Strategies for the Classroom in
September 2014
EOPS Outreach Spring 2015 included Higher Education Interagency
Summit; Local Foster Youth Higher Ed Committee plans the
Educational Dreams lunch that rotates between CR and HSU.
__Change in
__Change in
Student Equity Annual Plan Progress Report 2014-15
Investigate and implement Early Alert Process
to intervene with students who are at-risk.
Early Alert Task Force convened in Fall of 2014. The group identified
the most important needs of an early alert system. Some of those
included alert that is truly early, and a feedback mechanism
following a referral. Ellucian’s Retention Alert system was
determined to address these needs, and to provide easy integration
into WebAdvisor.
_x_In progress,
__Change in
Ellucian’s Retention Alert module has been purchased. Ellucian is
sending a consultant who is a retention expert to host a three day
workshop with faculty and staff in May 2015. The workshop will
help CR identify the most effective way to implement the retention
alert system. Implementation of the system will being in summer
2015 following extensive faculty and staff input.
Identify intervention strategies for Basic Skills
students on probation.
EDUC 215, cap and gown program, persistence data from Fall to
Spring for student athletes
_x_In progress,
Sheila will provide update
Develop communication management systems
to notify students of educational planning
All new students receive regular communications to about the need
to update their student ed plan.
_x_In progress,
Sheila will provide update
Implement student education planning
module for students.
Increase the number of students who
complete degrees and certificates.
__Change in
All incoming students will declare a degree, certificate, transfer
major program goals to increase completion rates.
__Change in
__In progress,
Students declaring program goals is part of Student Success Support
Program (SSSP) requirements.
x_Change in