1 Student Equity Annual Planning Actions Progress | 2012-2014 Executive Summary Overview The College of the Redwoods Student Equity Plan Committee is tasked with producing an Executive Summary Report that list action which demonstrate evidence of progress toward achieving specified goals and implementing activities of the Student Equity Plan. The committee is charged with aligning these initiatives with institutional planning and college resources. Each year, Student Equity Annual Plan is created with action items that are driven by these goals. This document provides an update on any action identified in Program Reviews 2012-13 specifically Program Plan sections which demonstrate evidence for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations. Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiative Equity Indicator I: Access SEP.I. 1. Increase Hispanic Enrollment. SEP.I. 2. Increase Black Student Enrollment SEP.I. 3. Increase Native American Student Enrollment SEP.I. 4. Maintain and/or Increase Enrollment of Traditionally Underrepresented groups SEP.I. 5. Increase Disabled Student Enrollment Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiative Equity Indicator II: Course Completion SEP.II. 1. Increase multiculturalism and awareness. SEP.II. 2. Increase course completion rates for all groups SEP.II. 3. Increase course completion of African American Native American, Pacific Islander, and Hispanic students. Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiative Equity Indicator III: Degree and Certificate Completions SEP.III. 1. Gather data to better understand barriers to degree/certificate completion SEP.III. 2. Achieve greater rates of completion for equity and other populations Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiative Equity Indicator IV: ESOL/ Basic Skills Completion SEP.IV. 1. Improve ESOL and Basic Skills Completion SEP.IV. 2. Increase the overall success rates of equity populations SEP.IV.3. Improve data collection and analysis Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiatives Equity Indicator V: Transfers SEP.V.1. Increase the numbers of transfer students COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2012-2013 2 SEP.V.2.Obtain better transfer data Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiative Equity Indicator VI: Retention SEP.IV. 1. Improve ESOL and Basic Skills SEP.IV. 2. Increase Black Student Enrollment SEP.IV. 3. Increase Native American Student Enrollment SEP.IV. 4. Maintain and/or Increase Enrollment of Traditionally Underrepresented groups Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiative Equity Indicator VII: Campus Climate SEP.VII. 1. Improve the campus climate for students from diverse backgrounds Student Equity Plan (SEP) Initiatives Equity Indicator VIII: Systematic Implementation SEP SEP.VIII.1. Continually update, implement and integrate the Student Equity Plan Indicator/ Initiative SEP I I.5. Increase Disabled Student Enrollment SEP I I.1. Increase Hispanic Enrollment SEP VII SEP.VII.1. Improve the campus climate for students from diverse backgrounds SEP I I.1. Increase Hispanic Enrollment SEP IV SEP.IV. 2. Increase the overall success rates of Student Equity Annual Planning Actions Program Review/Activity Progress Update Status Technology Services Program Review 2012-13 ADA Website Access Compliance Priority 1 & 2 issues addressed on redwoods.edu. The number of ADA compliance issues is now being tracked regularly. Tracking has allowed issues to be identified and addressed on an ongoing basis. Errors determined in ADA compliance were corrected and reduced 30% in the first month of testing See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 59 for activity details. EOPS Program Review 2012-13 The Educational Dreams Committee, a county partnership EOPS has been a part of that is dedicated to helping Foster Youth in our county be successful in life and academically, is now entering its sixth year. EOPS staff works directly with the Foster Youth and Kinship Group Coordinators on our campus to outreach to potential students. EOPS staff completed outreach to community schools in our area, as well as populations considered at-risk or having the “Dream Act” status (certain immigrant students who have grown up in the U.S. and graduated from high school but have limited mechanisms to obtain legal residency). ongoing Counseling and Advising Program Review 2012-13 Staff participated in LatinoNET Health Fair and other outreach events for the ESL population. Counseling and Advising staff continue to promote a wider distribution of marketing materials in Spanish and English, for the Dream Act and ESL credit and non-credit courses. Improvements to the math and English placement process for ESL students were made in 2012-13. Completed and ongoing See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 57 for activity details First Year Experience Program Review 2012-13 Success for General Studies in 2012-2013 was 67% (increase from 59% in 2011-2012). As a program, these courses compare favorably well to district averages, even though the program includes some of the most at-risk students in the district. While success Completed and ongoing Completed COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2012-2013 3 equity populations rates have been somewhat lower, retention is significantly higher overall. This data may imply that students are staying longer than average, and therefore gaining critical skills that will benefit them in the future, even if their immediate success may not always be apparent. See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 63 for activity details SEP IV SEP.IV.1. Improve ESOL and Basic Skills completion SEP.IV. 2. Increase the overall success rates of equity populations SEP VI SEP II SEP.II.1. Increase multiculturalism and awareness SEP VII SEP.VII.1. Improve the campus climate for students from diverse backgrounds SEP I I.1. Increase Hispanic Enrollment Academic Support Center Program Review 2012-13 Completed Changes were made in Accuplacer to the back ground, and multiple measures questions. After a review and comparison of CR’s application questions against the ones asked in Accuplacer, questions were streamlined to eliminate redundancy. Advisors and faculty reviewed and adjusted questions that were related to the placement of students into English as a second language classes to more accurately reflect student need. See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 63 for activity details First Year Experience Program Review 2012-13 The success of students in General Studies and Guidance is lower than the district-wide percentage for both males and females: 63% success for females in GS/Guid as compared to 71% for females in the district, 62% success for males in GS/Guid as compared to 68% for males in the district. However, Retention is higher for GS/Guid students as compared to the district: 93% retention for females in GS/Guid as compared to 88% retention for females in the district, 91% retention for males as compared to 87% retention for males in the district. Generally, the same comparison (lower success, but higher retention compared to the district) is also true for age, ethnicity, DSPS, and Basic Skills placement. Completed Completed and ongoing Enrollment Services Program Review 2012-13 The Veterans Resource Center provides services to increase outreach and support student retention and success by participating in local veterans outreach events (Veterans Stand Down, out-processing for local Coast Guard station, Veterans Resource Day,). The Veterans Coordinator has presented several staff development activities during Flex Days for staff and faculty to broaden the understanding of issues facing veterans as they transition from military to civilian life. Enrollment Services staff conducted outreach activities to other underrepresented populations including Hoopa, Klamath River Early College of the Redwoods, Expanding Youth Horizon, Basic Life Skills and Baby Steps in Del Norte county. See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid pages 59 & 66 for activity details Computer Information Sciences (CIS) Program Review 2012-13 CIS faculty completed training in strategies for retention and success of underrepresented groups to improve enrollment and retention of underrepresented students in CIS. In 2011-12 success rates for Hispanic students enrolled in CIS courses was 41%, 2012-13 the success rate climbed 40 points to 81% well above the 67% District average in success. Retention of this group is also quite high at 93% also above the District average of 87%. Completed and ongoing See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 59 for activity details. SEP I I.1. Increase Hispanic English, ESL, Reading, and Writing Center Program Review 2012-13 Completed and ongoing COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2012-2013 4 Enrollment Community education ESL courses were developed and are being offered in the Eureka area, on campus as well as off campus. The offering of ESL community education courses in Del Norte and Mendocino are being explored New ESL Curriculum ESL-302B approved. Planned offering Spring 2014. New non-credit ESL curriculum developed and offered Fall 2013 See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 57 for activity details. SEP II During 2012-13 Native American Studies course (NAS 1) was offered: SEP.II.3. Increase course completion of African American Native American, Pacific Islander, and Hispanic students Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 SEP II SEP.II.1. Increase multiculturalism and awareness SEP I.4 Develop a noncredit or not for credit English for Speakers of Other languages (ESOL) program: SEP II.15 Analyze activities at the Klamath-Trinity site that support Native American students and offer similar support measures at all other sites SEP VII Completed and ongoing Klamath Trinity Instructional Site Eureka main Del Norte Education Center Eureka main See the** 2012 Student Equity Plan Implementation Grid page 61 for activity details. Under the purview of the Academic Senate, the Multicultural and Diversity Committee (MDC) submitted the Diversity and Common Ground requirement consistent with articulation criterion at Humboldt State University was composed and considered by the Academic Senate May 2013. Further review remains to determine next steps of the Diversity and Common Ground requirement. In progress Non-credit ESOL courses currently being taught in Eureka and Ferndale. In a report to the MDC on December 6, 2013, instructor Mike Clark noted the growing success of these courses in raising awareness in the Hispanic community about the presence of CR and the possibility of attending with ESOL support. Inquiry is currently being made about starting a similar program in Del Norte. In progress Two grant-funded programs to support retention of students. The Hoopa Career and Technical Education Program have existed for 19 years in partnership with CR under a MOU. The grant provides student retention services in the form of tuition and fee support, mileage reimbursement, an hourly stipend for attending classes disbursed biweekly, individual and group tutoring, enrollment support, progress reporting, academic advising and education planning, transcript evaluation and related services. The grant is primarily oriented toward vocational training but includes degrees. Hoopa Fast Track Program (initiated in September 2012), students enroll in mandatory remedial skill building courses required to be part of the program. The grant focuses on certificate programs in CR’s catalog: small business management, forestry technician, and ECE, plus offers services as part of the grant. Further review is required in order to recommend strategies which may benefit students at other sites in district. Promote and support a Multicultural and Diversity Resource Center Ongoing In progress SEP.VII.1. Improve the campus climate for students from diverse backgrounds COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2012-2013 5 COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2012-2013