When you have completed this form, please email it as... Chris Penfold Commissioning Editor, UCL Press

UCL Press
Publishing Proposal Form
When you have completed this form, please email it as a Word attachment to:
Chris Penfold
Commissioning Editor, UCL Press
Author / Editor Details
Work address:
List of recent publications (Alternatively, please provide a link to your UCL IRIS profile).
Brief education / employment history (Alternatively, please attach a CV or provide a link to your UCL
IRIS profile).
The Book
Please provide a few sentences summarising the contents of the book.
What are the main aims and scope of the book? What does it do differently or better than other books
on the subject?
Please provide a contents list and a synopsis of each chapter of up to 400 words. For edited
collections, please also include a list of contributors and their affiliations.
Is the book based on PhD research? If so, please outline how the manuscript has been, or will be,
revised, and please include the names of any supervisors or examiners who helped to develop the
Market and Competition
Are there any books already published on this subject? If so, please provide details and explain what
makes your book different.
Who is the audience for the book? Please indicate what level of reader you expect to read the book
(e.g. student, postgraduate, specialist, general audience).
If the proposed book is a textbook, please supply information about the courses on which it is likely to
be adopted (where possible, giving details of institution, title of course and number of students).
Length, Illustrations and Submission Date
What is your proposed date for submitting the manuscript?
What is the expected word count (including all prelims pages, contents, acknowledgements,
references and all end matter). If it is an edited collection, how long is each chapter?
Do you require illustrations, tables, graphs or diagrams? If so, how many? Where appropriate, please
provide details of copyright clearance you have secured for the use of third-party material.
Is the proposal currently being, or has it been previously, considered by another publisher? If so,
please provide details.
Does any of the material in the proposed book appear in any other publications such as journals,
edited collections or online? If so, please give an indication of the percentage of pre-published
Does the book need to be published by a particular date?
Peer Review
Please provide names and affiliations of five experts in your field of research who are well positioned
to evaluate the proposal. Please note that, although we consider these suggestions, we may not
necessarily use them.
If you are a non-UCL scholar, please confirm how you plan to meet the BPC (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/uclpress/publish) to enable UCL Press to publish Open Access.
Creative Commons Licence
We suggest that our authors choose the CC-BY Creative Commons licence
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/). Please indicate that you are happy with this, or let us know
which licence you would prefer to use.
UCL Press
As we have only recently re-launched, please briefly outline why you have decided to submit a
proposal to UCL Press.