Meeting of the Educational Master Plan Committee Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Allen Keppner, Keith Snow-Flamer, Melissa Green, David Bazard, David Seda, Joe Hash, Jason

Leppaluoto, Justine Shaw, Chris Gaines, Martha Davis, Jim Sylvia, Matt Malkus, Carol Mathews(Del


Redwoods Community College District

Meeting of the Educational Master Plan Committee

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Board Room

Others Present:

Jeff Marsee, Karen Nelson, Crislyn Parker, Roxanne Metz, Paul DeMark, Julie Hatoff (CCBT-phone),

Not Present:

Michael Thomas, Pat Girczyc, Mike Wells, Michael Viera (CCBT-phone), Geice Ly (Mendocino – phone)


Announcements/Additions/Adjustments to Agenda a.

Jim S. asked committee members to use a classroom voice so all can hear. He expressed this was his main concern last week when he spoke.


Review Approve Minutes for October 29, 2008 a.

Minutes approved


Clarify/define planning terminology (e.g. indicators, drivers, targets and outcomes) a.

Handed out Strategic Planning Definition of Terms b.

EMPC members already had a copy of these terms but they were passed out for the discussion of planning terminology. c.

Allen and Roxanne noted this is not a new document, just a different format. They both note it is the same strategic planning definition of terms. d.

Keith notes the purpose of the terminology is to prep the committee for the data that will be presented next week. The EMPC will be reviewing data from Martha and the

Data Analysis Task Force at the long November 12 meeting. It is important for all to know what targets and indicators are. e.

Melissa wanted to know if this was emailed and Allen noted it was emailed many meetings ago but here in the meeting in hard copy form. f.

Keith notes that Jeff M. will be providing a brief overview/preview of what the Data

Analysis Task Force will be discussing in the November 12 meeting. Jeff M. will be talking extensively on drivers and indicators today and the next meeting. Keith wants everyone to know what drivers and indicators are, how they will inform the planning process, and make sure everyone is on the same page when we discuss these terms next week g.

Allen asked if any one had questions regarding these terms.


Growth Opportunities for CR (Jeff Marsee) a.

Jeff welcomes everyone and notes this is a briefing for next weeks meeting. b.

Comments how there will be a formal presentation next week with four to five presenters. The presenters will note the different aspects of our district in relation to current assessment of our district (what we look like now) using quantifiable,


measurable indicators. Presenters will also be identifying potential target indicators and driver indicators. c.

Target indicators are the district’s goals of what we want to achieve/where we will try to end up and driver indicators are measurable/identifiable/assessment points of where we are/where we are starting using measurable quantifiable objectives and incremental expectations, as we try to reach our target indicators. d.

Jeff notes the different presentations that will be discussed at next meeting i.

One presentation will focus on the Targets Of Opportunity (TOO) Report developed by the Workforce Investment Board


Will identify commercial/for profit opportunities and how our programs look as it relates to the market sector


Includes 6 targets


Will not include the 7 th

target- the public sector, which represents 25% of our counties employment


Will examine how our programs look in comparison to these commercial and/or job market looks like.


Discusses how TOO comments affects the EMP and our planning efforts


Hopes this gives the EMPC a good idea of what this planning process will look like ii.

Second presentation will focus on the organization of the district


Will include financial issues and aspects a.

Based on/driven by targeted FTES b.

Issues we must deal with such as the number of full time faculty

CR will add at each incremental step, plus the number of full time classified staff we will have to add c.

Noting if the targets are realistically based on anticipated growth revenue projections


Will note are we planning and is this planning affordable?


It is a milestone check point e.

Notes the discussion of FTES’s bothers people f.

Use of FTES is not intended to be an absolute g.

FTES is a target indicator among others iii.

Third presentation will be a reflection of our district as it exists now and several critical areas that are measured and are measurable such as:


Relating to our current population-what percentage are coming from the high school population directly a.

Which high schools are producing what yields and providing us with numbers of students b.

Will help with recruitment strategies, yield rates strategies and FTES target yield strategies c.

As an example: high school yield rate is a driver indicator d.

Presenter will note what the high school yield rate (driver indicator) must be or strategies to improve the rate to reach the FTES target indicator


Penetration by zip code a.

Including subsets of demographics such as race



Less than 12% of the CR district is

Hispanic but 12% of the districts’ population is Hispanic b.

Assumption will be to improve the penetration rate by zip code and create sub strategies to improve enrollment by race, gender, age and other subsets h.

Jeff notes CR must create planning assumptions based on data. We can’t just create new programs and expect students to come. No “build it they will come” mentality. i.

Jeff notes our high school population is declining and even if we improve our high school penetration rates or yield rates we still need new groups of students. We have almost exhausted this young student group (18-25 years). j.

We need to talk about strategies for new student populations such as the adult learner. k.

Jeff notes Martha will expand on these details in her presentation i.

What components of services we already provide do we need to enhance to keep our students here? ii.

What new components do we need to add? l.

Jeff notes three main modeling methods for planning: data gathering and understanding, components already in place at CR we can enhance and distance learning through distance education m.

What additional numbers of students can we realistically expect to generate from

Distance Education (DE). n.

Lots of concerns surrounding DE such as quality of education and faculty job security. o.

Jeff personally feels CR should not have more than 20% or 1 in 5 courses taught through DE. p.

Notes Cerro Coso College has used this model and it works well. They have a district geographically similar to CR and are very similar to CR in campus and center components. It has also passed through accreditation and developed its DE model over twenty years and it runs very efficiently. q.

Jeff wants to see a top quality DE program and this task has been given to the DE committee to create such a program. r.

National standards exist for DE and CR should follow them to examine our forty existing DE courses as well as apply these standards to all new DE courses. s.

Jeff notes we will fix our existing DE programs before CR works on new DE programs t.

Notes CR needs to look at strategies to attract more students u.

We have declining high school students, increasing adult students, more female than male students v.

CR needs to look at how we attract/recruit male students w.

EMPC needs to evaluate and validate if the target of FTES is an appropriate number for

CR? If not, a new FTES target will have to be created. We have to create achievable target indicators. x.

The EMPC will be looking at a lot of data over the next few weeks and will have to decide if appropriate planning assumptions can be made, and if not, create new ones. y.

Overall, the result will be an EMP that will validate where we are, where we want to go and how we are going to get there as a district. Our strategies must include data driven decision making processes using verifiable, quantifiable measurements as it relates to target indicators and driver indicators. z.

Jeff reiterates what target and driver indicators are



Other target indicators include ARCC indicators, e.g. retention bb.

CR must note the component assessments of our driver indicators that help us reach our target indicators cc.

Helps CR note what is working and what is not, where we need to add more efforts, what do we need to do better, or differently to improve dd.

Jeff notes CR has a lot of work to do, and that this EMP is a designed plan of direction which is a drastic change from where we were. He notes these are not small changes in maintenance or a change in philosophy ee.

Paul asks who will be presenting the data next week ff.

Jeff notes a majority of the research is already done and will be presented by: i.

Martha D.- IR data/ARCC data ii.

Ron Cox- Finances iii.

Ahn Fielding- Targets of Opportunity iv.

Roxanne Metz- Demographics v.

Jason Leppaluoto- Distance Education gg.

Jeff notes Jason has worked with Martha to see if the gap can be closed to increase enrollments and if we will reach our 20% cap on DE courses. hh.

Roxanne had questions about definitions and confirmed with Jeff that target indicators are equivalent to lagging indicators and driver indicators are equivalent to leading indicators. Jeff concurred with Roxanne’s term definitions and notes if the group wants to abandon his terms for the Strategic Planning terms that it is okay.


Preview of November 12 th Meeting a.

Keith notes he and Roxanne will work to clarify the details b.

Keith wants to give the group a preview of what will happen on the 11/12/08 meeting c.

Keith notes Julie Hatoff will facilitate the meeting and will discuss indicators and our future next steps d.

The meeting will be broken into three segments. The first segment will be the presentation of the data and will be approximately 45 minutes. The second segment will be breaking the EMPC into groups and discussing the data, what it means to them, coming up with some indicators. This will be approximately 60 minutes. The third segment will be a report out of each small group and what findings they came up with.

This is a rough road map for the next meeting to be held 12-3 on 11/12/08 in the boardroom. e.

Roxanne anticipates a majority of the presentations information will come from the

Data Task Force, and other supplemental data from other sources noted in the EPM outline and Martha and IR handed out today and previously handed out in EMPC meetings and on the IR website. f.

Roxanne also notes the second segment, breaking into groups and reviewing the data as a chance to evaluate, to vet the information, what each group thinks the assumptions are and to really get their hands on the data. g.

Martha asks where her handout fits into today’s meeting and Allen notes the next action item on the agenda, which will be discussed now.


Review Sections 3-4 and parts of 5 of the EMP a.

Keith provided the group with sections 3-4 and parts of 5 for review b.

It is not to be reviewed in depth right now, but is provided for the committee to critique and provide feedback later.



Keith notes there are holes in the document which will obviously be filled in later, this is a working draft d.

Keith wanted to let the EMPC and the CR community that work is progressing on the plan, that work is being completed. e.

Keith also notes there are portions of section 5, in which Martha will provide a brief presentation today on section 5 which consists of demographic data. f.

Keith apologizes to those on the phone but we didn’t have a chance to email the section

5 information to them prior to the meeting g.

Martha notes the indicators she was asked to assemble and comment on and how this information will supplement the presentations next meeting h.

Martha notes there are a variety of charts, graphs and diagrams labeled with a labeled profile addendum noting a description of each. There is a diagram and writing for each.

She notes she will not discuss all in detail today, that you can review them on your own time. i.

Martha notes she will point out a few surprising findings j.

Headcount by age range: CR has a 12% population comprised of students over the age of 50. k.

CR has an 8% population of Hispanic students and 13% in the state. We are lower than the state. We are also lower in the state by whites. l.

Hispanic population is growing overall for the state but 74% of that growth is expected to be inland and will not affect our district. m.

Remedial and Basic skills (requested by Julie Hatoff): In 2007 21% took basic skills classes, and our weekly contact hours are only 8% of our total population noting a disconnect n.

Dave B wants to have the basic skills broken apart for Math and English because they vary o.

Martha notes a basic skills presentation will be made soon and will note detailed information p.

Martha notes she will make pie charts for Math and English q.

Dave B notes most students do not place into college level algebra math classes r.

Martha notes remedial statistics are included in her hand outs. She notes that we had more students place in remedial courses although these students did not take remedial courses s.

Martha notes high school penetration will be discussed next week at the meeting but will be reviewed quickly now. She notes the high school populations are decreasing at

CR and the high school populations in the county are decreasing as well. t.

Justine asks about CR Academy students and how they fit into these statistics u.

Martha notes they are assigned a code from Datatel and that number affects their inclusion in these statistics. To date they are not included, they are coded as Academy student. She notes this should be fixed in Datatel along with other data issues v.

Allen asked if charter and/or home schools were included and Martha noted it was just high schools w.

Martha notes the high school aged population as a whole is going down in our counties x.

Keith would like to see charts for adult aged students by the district based on enrollment. Martha notes we have that information already and she will graph it. Keith asks for clarification regarding an adult student. Martha notes age ranges 25 and older

(which the state reports use) would be considered an adult student. y.

Martha notes the over 50 population in this academic years statistics was interesting; it ranked fourth among enrollment groups. Although this group’s enrollment has declined


over the years, this population sector is increasing. Population increases for this age group data is not provided but the group is rising as a population z.

Matt M. asks if the Academy students are include in these headcounts by age group and

Martha notes yes in the 19 or less aa.

Matt M notes last year there were 150 Academy students and 197 this year. Matt told

Martha they should get together and exchange information because he has their CR id numbers which may help in data analysis bb.

Matt asks about high school penetration rates listed in graph form on page four and if these numbers are in hundreds. Martha notes that these are the totals and that they do not include Academy students which would boost our totals. cc.

Roxanne notes she talked to state personnel Gus Cubillo. who manages the CBED database, in an attempt to locate our Academy students. Gus gave her the code for the

Academy of the Redwoods but it was unclear exactly where they show up in the data file. dd.

Martha expressed the state does not have locations (tracking) on CR’s Academy students and notes we should give them a code for data purposes, so we can track them each year. ee.

Dave B. notes the large increase in 19 years or younger students by academic term and wonders where the increase came from 06-07 to 07-08. He asks if these include

Academy students and Martha concurs ff.

Dave notes that is still a large increase minus the Academy students and asks if it is home schooling, but why is that number so large gg.

Allen asks these numbers should be cross referenced against the number of units taken per term hh.

Dave notes this is a very surprising result and a huge surge in population ii.

Martha would like to know where those students originated and how we obtained them jj.

Melissa G notes you could run a data analysis on minors kk.

Dave B just wanted to note the demographic jump not about minors and how it explains almost our entire growth last year. He wants to know what we did right to get all these students. ll.

Roxanne wonders if there was weird coding in Datatel noting the 19 and under numbers for 03-04 which had a (N) of 40 students. She has a hard time believing that with total enrollment of 10,513 for 03-04. mm.

Martha notes it could be a Datatel issue and that prior years have flaws in the data (years 02-03 and prior) nn.

Martha urges all members to look at the data and tells all that she will recode the data for 17 and younger to look for Academy students oo.

Martha asks if Allen would like her to review the data in any other way. pp.

Allen notes that it would be helpful for members to have time to review and digest this data and no more analysis required today. He notes that members may have more analyses for Martha to run after we digest this information. qq.

Keith notes if any one feels data is missing to contact Martha to get that data for next week. rr.

Dave would like to know where the information will be presented in section 5 of the

EMP, noting it will go before distance education information. ss.

Keith notes yes, but that the outline is fluid and changes tt.

Martha notes that students took an average of 2.8 units, and if CR increased the number of units students took it would help tremendously. She notes that this would be an issue


of programs, enrollment, counseling and advising. Martha notes this as a driver indicator and Jeff concurs uu.

Allen notes a few years ago CR did this for two years, advising students to take one more class and as to why this would be advantageous. Students did take more units but he also noted left to their own decisions students do not take more classes. vv.

Jeff notes students must take a minimum of 6 units to qualify for the HTA bus pass beginning in spring 2008. He expressed hope that students enroll in more courses in order to qualify requirement ww.

Dave B notes it is important to note sequencing of classes and not scheduling in isolation. He notes this is done in departments and sometimes through divisions but it should be done through all courses in all divisions. He notes this holistic scheduling should be done xx.

Allen notes the class schedule used to be filtered through the counseling office to check for class offering discrepancies; this has ceased to occur given that there are fewer staff to review these issues.


Process Check-In (Positive/Negative/Delta) a.

Allen asks for the positive: b.

Melissa notes it was nice and reassuring to see the document c.

Jim notes it will be nice to have time to digest the data that Martha produced d.

Allen suggests people should get together in groups or through divisions to review the data e.

Justine notes she does share EMPC meeting information with her division and asks for this information in electronic format. Keith notes it will be sent out f.

Allen asks for the negative: and no negative provided g.

Allen asks for delta: h.

Carol (on the phone) asks for the data discussed today not provided before the meeting i.

Jeff notes that Barbara Beno will be at CR on December 5, 2008 for her site visit. She asked Jeff to present her a letter presenting evidence that CR is in planning mode and is progressing. Jeff also notes this is not a negative j.

Jeff also notes Beno is in support of helping the college get off sanction and is an ally of

CR and that we need to give her all the evidence CR can to provide evidence CR is doing as the accreditation team asks. k.

Jim notes tomorrow the Facilities Master Planning Committee (FMPC) is meeting for the first time and feels it is relevant l.

Jeff is confused and asks for clarification, noting that the FMPC should be a sub portion of the EMPC, or that was what he was told m.

Jim notes that the FMPC has not met yet so we are unaware and to check with Tim

Flanagan a co-chair for the FMPC n.

Jeff asks for commentary from the committee regarding the FMPC meeting and that the

EMPC should be clear with the FMPC o.

Allen asks what is on the agenda for the FMPC p.

Jim notes he does not know, it was not sent out q.

Jeff notes coordination should occur between groups because the EMP will inform the

FMP r.

Dave B notes a previous discussion at last weeks meeting that the groups would remain separate until January and then combine s.

Jeff recommends the EMPC guide the consultants for the FMP and not to use the FMPC presently t.

The consultants will be at CR Thursday and Friday



Jim notes that Tim F understands the numbers involved in both committees and the combining of them in the future v.

Roxanne notes that formal liaisons for both groups were supposed to be created as well as members who encompassed both groups and how the committees’ co-chairs would meet and discuss the dimensions of sharing information. w.

Allen asks if anyone has other questions regarding the FMPC x.

Allen asks if people have recommendations for the November 12

“marathon meeting” th

meeting, the

Closing of the EMPC meeting

Minutes submitted by:

Karen Nelson

Planning Support

Ext. 4273

