Redwoods Community College District Meeting of the Education Master Planning Committee Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Board Room Present: David Seda, Jim Sylvia, Joe Hash, Martha Davis, Melissa Green, Matt Malkus, Justine Shaw, Michael Thomas, Mike Wells, Allen Keppner, David Bazard, and Carol Mathews (Phone). Others Present: Ahn Fielding, Roxanne Metz, Crisyln Parker, Doug Edgmon, Cheryl Tucker, Lynsey Parker, Kerry Mayer, Paul DeMark, Karen Nelson, Jeff Marsee (Phone), Michael Viera (CCBT-Phone), and Julie Hatoff (CCBT-Phone), . Not Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Chris Gaines, Pat Girczyc and Geice Ly 1. Announcements, Additions, and Adjustments to Agenda a. Karen Nelson introduced to committee. Karen will record EMPC minutes. b. Next EMPC meeting will be held in the Lakeview Room c. No additions or adjustments to agenda 2. Approval of October 15 minutes a. Minutes reviewed and approved 3. Planning Assumptions Subcommittee Report (Martha Davis) a. Discussed report for data analysis portion of EMP (Education Master Plan) b. Primarily IR requests for data to support EMP c. ARCC report (discussed last meeting), report available on IR website. Now includes ranking in each peer group d. Market penetration by zip code for 2007-2008 completed. Will be on IR website soon. Hand out provided to meeting attendees. Not much change from 2006-2007 to 2007-2008; penetration remains similar. e. Market penetration by high school is complete and available on the IR website. f. Enrollment Demographics compared to population demographics is incomplete to date. IR has enrollment demographics and population demographics but they have not been compared yet. Enrollment demographics are available on the IR website. Martha and IR have begun these comparisons. g. Completion by program is complete and available on the IR website h. Course retention and success is complete as discussed at the last meeting and is available on the IR website. i. Scheduling spreadsheets for each division is available upon request. j. Distance Education indicators were requested for the EMP from the IR department. The Planning Assumptions Subcommittee has yet to 1 determine if these indicators are viable data sources to evaluate distance education for the EMP. k. Allen questioned if people had more information to add or things they wanted IR to review if they could send those to IR. Martha confirmed this is encouraged and acceptable. l. Allen noted there is more data to support the EPM coming in the month of November. m. Roxanne noted that it has been discussed whether and how the EMPC will use and interact with the data that is provided to the EMPC. It has been suggested that the EMPC create teams to interpret, play and interact with the data, to create a common interpretation of the data and the planning assumptions the data may lead to. The EMPC may be able to do this in a longer meeting in November. n. Allen noted a longer meeting in November be discussed at the end of the meeting. o. Allen noted that there are a lot of background materials coming to the EMPC and that it is frustrating waiting for the data information and an opportunity to be involved. Soon we can collaborate, feel more productive and create an EMP that the whole district can buy into the EMP, not just who is at the table. 4. Additional Item: Targets of Opportunity (Ahn Fielding) a. Roxanne noted that there is an addition to the planning assumptions piece relating to the targets of opportunity work conducted by Ahn Fielding and Martha Davis. b. Ahn noted it is a good time to ask questions if people do not understand the targets of opportunity. (TO) (Handout provided.) c. TO is a regional workforce study and notes what occupations there appears to be projected growth within our region. d. Targets focus on growth clusters; they don’t focus on the majority of our regions workforce but what areas could be growing. e. Ahn took the growth clusters and identified six growth categories. f. Ahn took Datatel information and noted what (CR) offers (degrees, certificates, achievements) and where it seemed to fit within the six growth categories. Ahn then cross-examined CR offerings and the six growth categories noting what areas we are succeeding in and what areas we could improve in now and for the future. (Hand out provided) g. Ahn will then identify (although not completed) specific careers within these six categories and measure them as low, medium and high wage jobs as in the TO study. Ahn will be molding the study to fit the needs of CR by job type, within what job category and by what CR offers. h. Ahn noted the study was a five county study (Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, Mendocino, and Siskiyou) i. Allen spoke of the meeting for the TO study, how it was helpful and may be helpful for the EMP. j. Ahn also noted that there were areas of growth not noted in the study and make up over 41% of Humboldt County’s payroll such as government, 2 forestry and logging, education and research and K-12 education. Ahn notes that growth clusters were based on “five quality factors” and did not include some large employers in the county. These large employers were not included because of “no growth” factors, not because they were not producing employment. k. Martha praised Ahn’s work, how diligent and demanding it was and worked with Ahn to make sure Datatel’s information (degrees to targets) matched the information with the TOO study. This will be very helpful for the EMP. l. Dave Bazard wanted to know exactly where the EMPC is on Ch.7 data collection. Where are we on the timeline? Wants to know about transfer analyses available? Are we conducting these transfer analyses? m. Martha noted the transfer information available on the IR website is part of the Chancellor’s office Datamart and that data does not match the information provided from the National Student Clearinghouse. IR is settling these discrepancies and coordinating them. The articulation agreements are on the IR website but Martha noted there were disconnects and need to be considered and checked by all involved. In regards to the scheduling piece Martha only has data from the past. n. Dave Bazard noted some work has been done by others regarding scheduling (Division Chairs have met with Dean Cunningham for example). He continues to note the issue of timelines, where people were on completing the data needs listed on calendar and where they are in reporting to the EMPC. He continues to note how it would be nice to have all the information noted in the EMP calendar but realistically getting it done by the deadline is another issue. o. Allen noted that some issues for the EMP have been completely left out of the discussion at meetings, or the EMP process as a whole. He notes that voting on the process used has been absent from EMPC decision process. This includes issue such as: maybe this calendar format does not fit or work well for CR; maybe there is a better model or format, maybe an alternative model or a hybrid model would be a better format for CR. He continues to note how Roxanne and others have noted the model must be altered to fit the needs of CR. The plan is supposed to be uniquely CR’s. p. Allen notes another discussion that has been lacking is what is the time period for EMP: 2015?, 2020? q. EMPC members had different answers. r. Michael recommends matching the EMP and the FMP use the same timeline. He recommends combining the two groups because they are mutually supporting. The FMP is looking at both 2015 and 2020 for their mater plan timeline. s. Allen notes that is a larger question that will be discussed at the next meeting. 5. Vision Statement Discussion (Item #4 on the agenda) a. Allen notes this item has been on the agenda before and was bumped. 3 1. Roxanne provided a list of terms used in Strategic Planning noting what is a mission, vision and value? (Handout provided) a. Mission statement includes what we do, in a nutshell what is our function b. Vision statement includes where we see ourselves for CR in 2020 c. Values include statements about how we work together, how we do our work to achieve the mission and vision 2. Allen notes there was confusion as to who or what group is responsible to create the vision statement or at least the initial vision statement to be brought back. The CPC supposedly noted reluctancy to write this vision statement. a. Report from CPC subcommittee noting the draft vision statement noted by Mike Wells. He said the CPC was not reluctant. b. Mike Wells noted a draft of the vision statement written by the CPC subcommittee and included Debbie Williams, Mike Wells, Steve Stratton and Sheila Hall. (Handout included) c. Allen wanted to know how does this (the draft vision statement) match against the definition of the vision? d. Mike noted the CPC subcommittee looked at many other college examples. e. Comments on the draft being an “are statement”, as in the present. f. Allen recommended the committee engage on the issue. g. Julie notes the vision should summarize the aspirations of the college and to raise their expectations for the future. h. Mike notes the subcommittee met twice and revised the previous vision statement. i. Martha says it could be shorter? j. Allen asks if the draft vision gives us a target for the future? k. Discussion of present tense of draft vision statement l. People discussed portions of the draft they liked such as” the leading contributor”, intellectual and economic growth” m. Dave Bazard notes the draft begs the need for operationalizing. n. Jeff Marsee felt the need for a vocational element, and a macro look not a micro look o. Others noted on the area we serve, who do we serve?, where are we now?, where do we want to be? Others noted we need to note the different technological and methodologies CR will use to serve our district, for example Distance Learning, a nd how that serves the international and national community p. Julie thought the economic macro view should be used. Economic development for the region from the district and service to business and industry. q. Jeff noted we have to look at access to populations and we have an isolated region, with an isolated population. He feels we need to be innovative and effective, look at the penetration rates Martha read earlier 4 r. Julie does not like “success for every student” s. Roxanne wants to know what is meant by “programs”? Is a program not academic? t. Dave Bazard noted how many student services are programs, the bookstore, the library, the gym, art department, etc. u. Martha feels this is beyond the vision statement v. Julie notes the statement should be unique to the district, a mission is key to test the institutional effectiveness and the vision is how you are going to do it. w. Mike Wells feels a vision statement is in a perfect world where the district would be x. Roxanne feels it is more like a mission and not a vision y. Cheryl Tucker notes three main themes in people’s comment’s: Access to our isolated area, vocational readiness and technology and distance learning to serve our unique community z. Mike Wells will report back next week 3. Julie Hatoff reported on the process for developing/vetting a vision statement for CR. a. Julie recommends that all college members provide input and feedback and that most people associated with CR: students, faculty or staff should know the districts mission and vision. No vision statement with “plans to plan”. 6. Integration of Education and Facilities Master Planning Process (Item #5 on the agenda item) a. Combining committees and/or planning process b. Jeff Marsee thinks that is a good idea as well as both of the consulting groups. c. Jeff Marsee wants to know if there are any complaints from others 7. Planning to schedule a longer meeting in November to review/interpret data and develop planning assumptions a. Allen asks all members to check their calendars to have an extended meeting b. Finally allow EMPC to “sink their teeth into” some of this work. c. Apporixamtely two to three hour meeting in November d. Jeff Marsee notes all research should be done by mid November Closing of EMPC meeting Notice that the next EMPC meeting will be held in the Lakeview room. Minutes submitted by: Karen Nelson Planning Support ext. 4273 5