REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Education Master Plan Team

Meeting of the Education Master Plan Team
Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Board Room
Meeting called to order at 1:00 p.m.
Keith Snow-Flamer (Co-Chair)
Allen Keppner (Co-Chair)
Jason Leppaluoto
Justine Shaw
Pat Girczyc
Matt Malkus
Carol Mathews (Phone)
Michael Thomas
David Bazard
Mike Wells
Jim Sylvia
Dave Seda
Joe Hash
Chris Gaines
Not Present: Melissa Green, Geisce Ly
Guests: Julie Hatoff (CCBT-Phone), Roxanne Metz, Crislyn Parker, Lynsey Parlea, Cheryl Tucker, Doug
Edgmon, Michael Viera(CCBT-Phone)
1. Announcements & Additions/Adjustments to Agenda
a. ASCR Representative David Seda; new member of committee
b. Ed Plan Website is up and running, go to
c. Updated ed plan outline is included in today’s packet, organized chronologically
2. Approval of Minutes of October 8th
a. Approved
3. Ch. 7 Status Report
a. Planning Implications Subcommittee Report (Martha and Cheryl)
i. Met Oct 14
ii. Jim Sylvia- Building this new planning framework gives us a great opportunity to
come up with some fresh, new, innovative ideas
 Need more advising
 Need classes that meet populations’ needs, that reduce barriers
iii. Dave Bazard- Maybe there needs to be a survey to find out what exact barriers we can
help students overcome. There may be some we are unaware of.
iv. Allen Keppner- New ideas should address a need that has been discovered and has not
been met
b. Targets of Opportunity
i. Roxanne Metz- Ahn has been working with Martha Davis to map the occupations that
the targets point to with our programs
ii. Martha Davis- The three highest opportunities identified in the report are already being
served by CR (healthcare, construction, agriculture)
iii. Allen- This website is very useful, I strongly encourage divisions to use it
c. Other Reports: Ch. 7
i. We want to concentrate on students we already have that we are losing
 I would suggest that division chairs take responsibility for finding ways to
increase retention in their departments
ii. Planning Assumptions group assumes there is academic oversight within the divisions
 Dave Bazard- Division Chair has responsibility, but the faculty person in the
classroom has a big effect on data that drives indicators
iii. Ch. 7
Justine Shaw- Positive or negative indicators at the discipline level are effected
by more factors than just the instructor; proper counseling prior to students
enrolling in classes effects indicators
Roxanne- I feel that the product of the planning assumptions subcommittee’s
work will be a suggestion that says “we need a comprehensive approach to
student retention on the instructional and non-instructional side.” The discussion
on what the solutions are still needs to happen
Profile of Campus and Community– Martha Davis
(i) student demographics and trend information can be found at inside.redwoods
by clicking the “Institutional Research” link, then “IR Reports”, then
(ii) Student Success info can be found by clicking “IR Reports” then “Program
Review” then “Course Retention” and “Course Success”
b. We may want to consider study groups or learning communities to
increase student success
(iii) Remedial and At Risk Students information can be found by clicking “IR
Reports” then “Program Review” then “Grade Distribution Reports” gives you
every grade given by every instructor for the last three academic years, by
b. Market penetration by high school can be found at
Allen Keppner – Can we get market penetration rates for homeschool students?
a. Matt Malkus – You can get a list from the Humboldt Co. Office of
Education for “Homes-school Affidavits”
b. Martha Davis- Can we get information on students graduating from
charter schools?
i. Roxanne- Data is available at CBETS
(iii) Enrollment, FTES, FTEF, trends and targets
a. We are declining
b. Allen- We need to revise out requirements for students to earn a degree.
Our requirements are outdated and discourage people from trying to
reach a degree
c. Enrollment reports and certificate trends can be found by clicking “IR
Reports” then “Enrollment”
d. FTES and FTEF can be found at “IR Reports” then “Program Review”
then “End of Term Enrollment, FTES, and TLU”
4. Assessment Team Report (Cheryl Tucker)
a. Met Friday the 10th, discussed Ch. 3, 4, 8 in the outline
b. DE and learning outcomes assessment needs to be addressed in outline, added to Ch. 7 under
“Planning Implications”
c. Focused this year on developmental stage of ACCJC rubric, establishing authentic assessment
strategies for assessing student learning outcomes
d. Working with existing org structure, setting up more assessment development for faculty and
staff who write student learning outcomes in program reviews.
e. Advocating for resource allocations to promote study of assessment and student learning
f. Keith- Cheryl and Susan are pulling assessment pieces from program reviews. They are
targeting reviews without thorough assessment so training can continue. We are still capturing
assessment information through the PRC and the CPC
5. District Communications (Roxanne Metz)
a. Building an ed master plan page at:
i. Content includes:
 Agendas and Minutes
 EMPC members
 Meeting timeline
 Ed Plan framework and timeline
b. Writing an article for linkages
c. Suggestions for what we want to communicate?
i. Martha- We can provide Planning Assumptions minutes and reports
ii. Roxanne- We can also make outline interactive, as you develop pieces of the outline,
give them to Doug Edgmon and he can link them to the outline
iii. Allen- As people ask us what is going on with the Ed Plan, ask them what they would
like to know and how they would like to access that info, then report back to committee
iv. Dave Bazard- During our weekly division meetings, I give an Ed Plan update; people in
my division are well informed on the process
v. Allen- College council has asked for updates, maybe we could give scheduled updates
at each meeting
6. Agenda Items for next meeting
a. Martha- Planning assumption people will meet again and give a report at the next meeting
b. Agenda will follow plan outline
Meeting adjourned at 1:55
Minutes taken by Doug Edgmon: 4148 or