Coordinated Planning Council
Friday, October 24th, 2008, 11:00 a.m.
Keith Snow-Flamer (Co-Chair)
Judie Hinman
Tracey Thomas
Martha Davis
Tim Flannagan
Carol Mathews (Phone)
Pam Kessler
Sheila Hall
Chris Romero
Roxanne Metz
Cheryl Tucker- Subcommittee chair
Doug Edgmon-Minutes
1. Announcements & Additions/Adjustments to Agenda
a. Item 5, b, 3 of 10-17 CPC minutes: IR has not populated data into strategic planning KPI
table because the baseline data need to be in context. IR has been working with Julie
Hatoff of the Brain Trust discussing good ways to display the data.
b. In the future, the CPC agenda will include, as a standing item, presentation of pertinent
information which effects integrated planning but is not directed by CPC. Action items
and informational reports will be clearly identified.
2. Approval of Minutes of October 17th Special Meeting
a. Approved as written
3. Review/Discuss Revisions to CPC Operating Agreement (Keith)
a. Planning support team revised the operating agreement to consider tasks discussed at 1017-08 CPC meeting, Roxanne and Doug incorporated language from the operating
agreement that was proposed in September.
1. As a committee, CPC decided to change bullet 4 under Item 6, “Planning
Process Outcomes” to read:
1. “Make data informed recommendations for resource allocation to support
the strategic plan.”
2. As a committee, CPC decided to change the second bullet under scope to read:
1. “Make recommendations for resource allocation to the Budget Planning
3. As a committee, CPC decided to change the fifth bullet under Scope to read:
1. “Plays a central role in coordinating and integrating planning activities
including, but not limited to, educational and facilities master plans,
diversity and student equity, staffing, CTEA, technology, research, basic
skills, and enrollment management.”
4. As a committee, CPC decided to change the fifth bullet under “Planning Process
Outcomes” to read:
1. Ensure that assessment is an integral part of planning.”
4. Report on Subcommittee Formation and Processes (Roxanne)
a. PST had a WIKI training Wednesday Oct 15 in distance ed room. Three more are
scheduled for next two weeks. PST needs more feedback from program review authors.
1. Subcommittee chairs need to meet with PST so they know what outputs are
required of them and by when
2. PRC, from now on, will inform program review authors that participating in the
program review analysis and feedback portion of the process through, will be their next step in the review process
3. PST will reach out to review authors who have already turned in reviews to
instruct them on using PBWiki to provide feedback to subcommittees
5. Report on Vision Statement Development and Ed Master Plan Committee Discussion
(Mike Wells)
a. Draft was drafted, but EMPC had recommendations for revisions
b. Mike Wells and Sheila Hall and committee will take EMPC feedback and make revisions
to the draft vision statement. The revised draft will then come back to CPC and EMPC.
6. Agenda Items for next meeting:
a. Informational item: Report from Judie Hinman on BSI Plan
b. Updated CPC Operating Agreement
Minutes taken by Doug Edgmon @ 4148 or