Redwoods Community College District
Meeting of the Coordinated Planning Council
Wednesday, February 17, 2009
1:00pm-2:30pm - Board Room
Chris Romero, Judie Hinman, Pam Kessler, Martha Davis, Steve Stratton, Mike Wells, Keith
Snow-Flamer, Sheila Hall, Tracey Thomas, Doug Edgmon, Tim Flanagan, Debbie Williams,
Martha Davis, Carol Mathews (Del Norte-phone), Geisce Ly (Mendocino phone)
Not Present:
Jose Ramirez, Tony Sartori
Announcements/Additions/Adjustments to Agenda a.
No announcement or adjustments
Review/Approve Minutes for January 14, 2009 a.
Minutes approved
Report on CR’s Technology Master Plan (Steve Stratton) a.
Not many changes with plan itself b.
Projects being started i.
Replacement of HP 9000 system is hardware that runs Datatel, at end of life status ii.
One quote from vendor- system is approximately $165,000 iii.
Additional $40,000 for backup, power, network upgrade, etc. iv.
Money has been ear-marked and set aside v.
No timeline as of yet, looking at options
choose one vendor
look for several proposals vi.
Bookstore POS systems in Eureka, Del Norte and Mendocino
$80,000 for package a.
Three registers in Eureka, 1 for Del Norte, 1 for
Mendocino b.
Server computers
opens up door for online book and/or memorabilia sales
looking to have this finished by Fall 2009 c.
As Education Master Plan and Facilities Plan is finalized, the Tech Plan will need to be revisited and updated d.
Keith asked how Program Review and Tech needs are being folded together i.
Steve responds that it is being done through subcommittee, looking for overview of what is needed and using the computer replacement guidelines that were set up last year. e.
Additional wireless location access points on campus will be added to all campuses by Fall 2009 i.
Cafeteria/Student Union ii.
Del Norte iii.
Mendocino iv.
Talk of putting wireless system in FM206 area, but not confirmed v.
Concern about security to inside network has to be worked around
Currently using Meraki devise in LRC, looking to get updated version in order to have a dedicated CR website. vii.
Tracey asks for clarification on the money Dr. Marsee has set aside for computer replacement and who is making decisions as to how the money is spent.
Steve responded that there is no specific timeline
Will be guided by program review
CPC should have a role in this decision
The $300,000 set aside is part of budget assumption that Cabinet put together for next year 2009-2010, Keith is hoping one of the outcomes of the CPC is that there will be a whole plan for the college and there will be recommendations on the Technology and how to use the money.
Report on Facilities Master Plan (Tim Flanagan) a.
Series of 4 meetings with consultants i.
Site visits to Eureka, Del Norte and Mendocino campuses
reviewed process
defined preliminary goals ii.
Combined Educational Master Plan Committee and Facilities Master
Plan Committee iii.
Second meeting had power point presentation of the sites, information found and some suggestions. Reviewed information found from site visits and defined key planning issues. iv.
Third meeting reviewed 5 year construction plans, Fusion Data, reviewed space inventory, important to development of plan and what district will be eligible for in growth projects. Projection of Fusion Data in 2014 shows CR short on lecture space. Discussed different campus layout options. Agreed not to go forward with removal of Student Union, money will be redirected to other projects on the campus which frees up
$10.5 million to use for other projects. v.
Fourth meeting reviewed campus layout options and discussed preferred options.
Will prepare a draft report of Master Plan recommendations that will be presented to college for district wide review in approximately two weeks and then be EMP will be prepared for a final. b.
February 27 th meeting at Wharfinger building to discuss EMP and FMP plans. c.
Tim comments on the positive way consultants are looking at Facilities Master
Plans, looking at different options to be presented, looking at vehicular traffic, pedestrian traffic, flows around campus paths. The architectural group and
Deborah Shepley that is helping to guide us through the steps. d.
Concerns were brought up about the Linkages report that lists priorities taken from the Facilities Master Plan meetings and how the decisions are being made to spend the money that is available. i.
Doug responds that the list is taken from minutes from a meeting, and that the priorities were taken directly from a slide, and that they are not necessarily in order of priority, but just ways to possibly proceed. ii.
Tim explains that many of the priorities and the Master Plans are for the present and the future; there will be further and continuing direction from different groups and committee’s.
Carol and Tim respond similarly that the plans are visions and long range plans. iv.
Tracey comments that the wording in Linkages and other public places should be more carefully worded in regard to the plans of the college. v.
Keith comments that the CPC will work to fit into the decision making process. e.
Pam expresses concern about how the FMP will “fold” into EMP and that it sounds as if priorities were inserted that is not the vision of the college. Also how is the spending of the $10.5 million going to be decided? i.
Tim responds that EMP and FMP aren’t necessarily going to be folded together. They reflect present and future plans that will continue to receive direction from different committees. ii.
Pam is concerned there is no formal structure for everyone to contribute to the planning. iii.
Mike explains that his impression of the meetings were giving directions and options for long range plans and possible directions we could go, that they are not necessarily going to happen in the near future. iv.
Carol agrees with Mike, EMP and FMP are long range visions of what the campus could be. f.
Question was brought up about the possible locations for the new academic building. i.
Tim explained the discussions were looking to the center of campus with two buildings and developing exterior space, decision has not been set, but trenching in the area has left fewer options. g.
Chris took a moment to publicly thank Tim and his staff for the job they did with parking construction at the beginning of school, the attendants did an outstanding job mitigating traffic and other issues. h.
Keith paraphrases Pam’s question; how will 10.5 million be spent and who will be making the decisions and whether or not the original purpose of the bond will be looked at and whether or not it is legal to change the purpose. i.
Pam – how do we spend money and how do we collaboratively make decisions. ii.
CPC should be fit into the process. iii.
Tim assures committee that all projects that facilities has done have first had the approval of committees.
Education Master Plan Update a.
Board retreat on Feb 27 th i.
Morning to early afternoon devoted to Education Master Plan ii.
Last two hours will be focused on Facilities iii.
Martha will be presenting the targets and drivers iv.
Consultants will facilitate discussion of the plan v.
Presentation about ARCC vi.
Facilities Master Plan b.
Keith reminds everyone that feedback can be given on the wiki c.
Keith received some comments on how divisions get credit for which targets, revenue and budget. This needs to be looked into and mitigated as quickly as possible to clear up confusion. i.
Will be brought up with Cabinet and pushed down to budgeting committee d.
Once Education Master Plan has been approved by the Board, CPC will be pulling it together and tie EMP to Facilities Master Plan.
Keith suggests take a look at how to pull everything together so we have a vibrant and worth while EMP. f.
Pam questions when and how feedback and concerns will be taken into account and will the Master Plan be revised and updated in regard to these. She also questions whether the comments and concerns communicated at the Feb 27 th meeting will be included and updated in the EMP and will there be opportunities to make comments at all. i.
Martha responds that any errors need to be brought up and corrected ii.
See below for further g.
Tracey asks Martha about disability demographics being included in the data. i.
Martha advises that it wasn’t requested in demographics, but will meet with Tracey to get what information they need and is available that has to do with projections and FTES. h.
Judy asks about the retreat on the 27 th being a presentation or a place to give feedback. Linkages states retreat will not be a place to give feedback, and that comments need to be given ahead of time. i.
Keith advises his understanding is that this will be more of a presentation to learn about EPM. ii.
Each table will be assigned a target or driver and will develop action plans to hit driver. iii.
Retreat will not give deep input on EMP. May look at it in two phases.
Look at what can be done with this EMP on the 27 th , and look at what
CPC wants to see long term on EMP through changes and revisions.
Accreditation Update (Keith) a.
Clean bill of health with one recommendation on Program Review and
Assessment b.
Over break a task force met, President asked to hold further meetings until
Program Review has a chance to meet with him to explain where we are and how we stand on Program Review and Assessment c.
President also asked that we contract a consultant to look at where we are with
Program Review and Assessment and help guide us in the right direction d.
Fred Trapp has been contracted to consult on Program Review and Assessment e.
Letter to commission due on April 1 st followed by another visit from the commission (unknown date)
Action Plan Process and Timeline (Doug) a.
Action Planning committee met, talked about Rubric and how to grade Action
Plans i.
Which indicators to address and how to measure progress of plan b.
Action plans due from authors on March 23 rd i.
Planning support will edit and send back if more info is needed ii.
Sent to Action Plan Committee iii.
Action Plans will be forwarded to and presented to CPC on April 21 st iv.
Approval of Action Plans by CPC by April 24 th v.
Action plans will then be forwarded on to Cabinet c.
Two Action Plan Training sessions on Feb 17 th d.
Second reminder to be sent on timeline of Action Plans e.
Pam suggests that before CPC evaluates Action Plans, what form CPC will take to make their decisions. i.
Doug suggests that Action Plan Committee will review and summarize and give feedback of recommendations on all Action Plans.
Martha suggests committee can bring brief paragraph of each reviewed
Action Plan iii.
Action Plan Committee will keep CPC updated throughout process
Review/Ratify Goals and Objectives for 2009/2010 a.
Add to next agenda: Ratifying Vision Statement b.
Judy requests documents get sent earlier that the morning before a meeting c.
Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives have not been accomplished and no new data is available d.
Keith suggests to table this item until further data is available to compare data and see where we stand i.
Martha will collect data and fill in the information available to us by the next meeting on March 13 th e.
Chris noted that KPI top table says “employee” and Objective indicators says
“Employers” i.
Doug will correct this error f.
Pam noted that Goal 1, Objectives states that only Basic Skills Math and English have a retention and success goal, but shouldn’t all programs and courses have the same. i.
Keith wants to give committee time to collect data, review strategic plan and decide whether to make changes within the committee or go through process with suggestions from committee to make slight changes.
Set meeting date for subsequent meeting of CPC (27 th conflicts) a.
Next meeting Friday March 13 th , 1PM – 2:30PM
Minutes submitted by:
Lynsey Parker
Planning Support
Ext. 4273