College of the Redwoods Education Master Planning Committee Meeting Proposed Agenda

College of the Redwoods
Education Master Planning Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Proposed Agenda
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., AT-103
8:00 a.m.
Call to Order
8:15 a.m.
2. Review Current Draft
a. Discuss Revision Suggestions
b. Update Draft
10:00 a.m.
3. Adjourn
DRAFT Education Master Plan Goals and Objectives for College of the Redwoods – April 25, 2012 Goal 1 Ensure Student Success College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services, and organizational structures to meet the needs of learners and ensure student success. Objectives
Desired Outcomes
Potential Action Plans and Initiatives
Indicators (and targets)
1.1 Provide structured
academic pathways
Students will identify their educational
goals, and all students with an
identified degree or certificate goal
will develop a student educational
plan in their first semester.
Build a process to enable students to develop
student education plans.
1.2 Improve support for
College practices and procedures
support students.
Improve First Year Experience Program.
The college will identify all students who
have an educational goal of degree,
certificate, or transfer.
OR meaningful education goals are
By Spring 2017 all full-time students will
have a student education plan in place
in their first semester.
Perceived student engagement (NSSE
or SSI) among students in their first
year of college.
Implement an early alert system to identify at-risk
all students go through the
matriculation process
Faculty participate in early alert system.
Develop a mandatory student orientations for face-toface students and on-line students
1.3 Focus basic skills
More students will complete any
necessary remediation within one
year of admission.
Develop innovative approaches to basic skills
education based upon best practices.
1.4 Increase degree
and certificate
The college will increase the number
of degrees awarded.
Develop a master scheduled based on aggregate
data from student education plans.
The college will increase the number
of career and technical degrees and
certificates awarded
Develop appropriate methods to recruit, orient, and
advise students in CTE programs.
1.5 Professional
programs will be
focused on
improvement of
College will provide training and
support for instructional improvement
and innovation.
Degree audit will be utilized to inform and advise
students that are close to completion of degrees and
Professional improvement activities will be
documented in program review along with
assessment activities that demonstrate improvement
of educational effectiveness
Redirect staff resources to support
demonstrated student outcomes.
By 2017 all full-time students will have a
student education plan in place.
The percentage of incoming students
completing math and English
remediation Basic Skills within one year
will rise to the statewide average.
Degrees awarded.
All programs will be clearly defined with
structured scheduling.
CTE students receive advising that
supports goal identification and
CTE degrees and certificates awarded.
Faculty and staff participating in college
training in instructional improvement.
Professional development participation
will be included in faculty performance
Funding allocated for professional
development related to improved
educational effectiveness.
1.6 Improve success
among Sspecial
The college embraces equity and
diversity with effective policies and
Develop alternative ways to provide professional
development to part-time faculty to insure all new
associate faculty receive an orientation to the
college, to institution-wide assessment and to their
respective departments’ assessments plans and
Percentage or number of part-time
faculty trained.
Surveys and public forums will be held to determine
needs and interests of special populations.
Student Equity Plan measures.
Participation of underrepresented
groups will increase by 2% per year.
Strengthen and augment services to enhance access
and success for underrepresented populations.
Goal 2 Develop programs and services to meet community needs College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with the community, training and education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the community. Objectives
Desired Outcomes
Potential Action Plans and Initiatives
Indicators (and targets)
2.1 Survey community
The college gains knowledge about
the training needs of the various
communities the college serves.
Business Training Center program
revenue will grow by 10% per year
through fiscally sustainable growth.
2.2 Expand business
training center
operations for
contract training
and for incumbent
2.3. Develop not-forcredit and noncredit programs
Workshops meet the training needs of
business and industry.
Evaluate certifications needed to support local
incumbent workers and industries.
Develop trainings in areas where certified
employees are needed by local employers.
Develop technology systems to provide bundled
education and training for smaller communities.
Create CEU training opportunities to meet the
region’s needs.
Collaboration between curricular and
co-curricular education to meet the
training and education needs of the
Develop internal articulation agreements between
credit and non-credit or not-for-credit instruction.
2.4 Respond to
community training
Career and technical programs are
prioritized to meet workforce training
Work with regional partners and the Centers of
Excellence to analyze real-time labor market data.
2.5 Develop non-credit
The college will create non-credit
programs to meet the lifelong learning
needs of the community.
Work with the Chancellor’s Office to adopt the
“Doing what Matters for Jobs & the Economy”
Discontinue obsolete programs and build programs
in emerging industries.
Assess needs and identify priorities for ESL, GED,
short-term vocational training, and job readiness.
Collaborate with faculty to develop needed
Number of contract training clients and
incumbent workers trained will grow by
10% per year.
Number of programs that are articulated
between credit and not-for-credit.
Number of programs/courses that can
flexibly move in response to the college’s
enrollment cap. IMPACT?
Number of TLUs allocated for training in
strong or growing occupations
Number of TLUs deallocated from
obsolete programs.
Number of programs added to support
emerging industries and number of
obsolete programs terminated
Non-credit FTES
Fiscal sustainability of non-credit
Goal 3 Practice Continuous Quality Improvement
Desired Outcomes
Potential Action Plans and Initiatives
Indicators (and targets)
3.1 Improve tools for
3.2 Student learning will
be a visible priority
in all practices and
Standard reports are available to the
college community
Improve query reporting tools
Availability of web-based reporting tools.
Faculty will ensure that all curricula
and programs demonstrate robust
assessment activities and continued
Faculty will update all curricula and programming
on a regular basis.
All courses and programs will be updated
at least once every five years.
The College will implement a program revitalization
and discontinuation procedure.
Program revitalization and discontinuation
process will be implemented in 2012-13.
3.3 Student learning
outcomes and
assessment are
systematic, and
used for continuous
Degrees and certificates are current,
relevant, and recognized by the
Chancellor’s Office.
Update all curricula and programming.
Employer satisfaction for CTE programs.
Transfer success
3.4 Systematically use
data to inform
decision making.
3.5 Provide continual
and inclusive
Certificates that are required for
external accreditation, but are not
recognized by the Chancellor’s Office
will be tracked through Admissions
and Records.
Faculty regularly conduct authentic
assessment of student learning
Data provided by the Program Review
Committee and the Assessment
Committee will be used to inform
integrated planning committees and
recommendations for assessment
Faculty and staff employ best
practices in assessment.
Submit all certificates of 12 or more units to the
Chancellor’s Office for approval.
Faculty and staff responsible for assessing student
learning outcomes will be provided with training
and orientation to assessment techniques and
Develop a means for retrieving course outline of
record information in CR’s database.
Schedule institutional flex days for assessment
Redirect appropriate staff resources and hold
employees accountable for ongoing, robust
assessment activities district wide.
Updates to certificates of 12 or more units
will be sent to the Chancellor’s Office
each spring.
SLOs and Assessments will be included
in faculty performance reviews.
All SLOs and Assessments will be
reported on-time each semester.
Availability of reports
Demonstrated quality improvement
initiatives resulting from institutional
All planning activities will link to
measureable objectives or outcomes
assessment.demonstrate a clear link to
Units and departments will participate in all
assessment and program review related activities.
Staff is in place, employee accountability
is enforced, and funds are allocated and
spent to support necessary assessment
activities throughout the District.
All course and program outcomes are
assessed during a two-year cycle.
Online training is made available to faculty and
All programs participate in program
review. 100% compliance with program
review and assessment.
Faculty will provide flex training on assessment.
Staff and faculty participate in
assessment and program review related
training and activities.
Assessment training sessions offered.
3.6 Encourage
participation on
accreditation teams
Faculty and staff will participate on
accreditation visit teams.
The president will recommend at least one faculty
and one staff to the ACCJC each year.
If the ACCJC extends an invitation, the
employee and the district will make every
effort to participate on ACCJC visit team.
Employees participating in visiting teams
will lead a flex day session on lessons
Goal 4 Maintain Technological Relevance College of the Redwoods will support the learning environment through appropriate technology and facilities. Objectives
Desired Outcomes
Potential Action Plans and Initiatives
Indicators (and targets)
4.1 Develop a lab repair
and upgrade plan.
Lab repair and upgrade plan will be
comprehensive and fiscally
Update lab inventories, consult with advisory
committees and document needs in district-wide
program review.
Advisory committee recommendations
and support for upgrades.
Student satisfaction with technology
Budget plans related to technology
replacement and upgrade cycle
Work with the foundation to develop
industry financial support of program
needs (donations or purchases of
equipment, etc.)
Develop relationships with regional industry
leaders to ensure technology is current.
Purchase warrantees for specialized equipment.
All specialized equipment purchases include
an extended warranty when available.
4.2 Develop a
replacement plan
4.3 Enhance distance
education or
4.4 Effectively utilize
technology in
Faculty will have appropriate tools
Students will have access to tools
they need.
Faculty utilize the college’s robust
hybrid and fully online programs.
Faculty will effectively utilize
technology in teaching to improve
educational effectiveness and reduce
the total cost of education.
Assess computer platform and software needs.
Update replacement schedule
Update software acquisition plan
Explore inclusion of laptop purchase in financial aid
Assess student readiness for eLearning
Enhance mandatory DE/technology orientations for
Consider specific initiatives related to fully online
and robust hybrid programs
Evaluate and assess online course functionality.
Faculty will participate in distance education and
technology staff training on technology and trends
New full-time and part-time faculty will participate in
orientation on the use of technology in teaching
Average age of computers
Currency of software in instructional labs
and classrooms
Students reporting personal access to a
Improved outcomes retention and
success in elearning courses.
Percentage increase in faculty teaching at
least one fully online or hybrid course.
Increased enrollment FTES in fully online
and hybrid programs.
Up to four all-college trainings on
technology and trends will be held each
year and faculty will attend at least one
session per year.
Percentage increase in faculty completing
technology orientation training.
Upgrade all classrooms to “smart classrooms”, as
Percentage increase in faculty engaged in
elearning and other technology tools in
Number of “smart” classrooms
Number of course sections where faculty
integrate smart features into instruction.
Goal 5 Increase Student Participation in Campus Activities
Desired Outcomes
Potential Action Plans and Initiatives
Indicators (and targets)
5.1 Improve student
engagement among
incoming full-time
Full-time students demonstrate
increased engagement.
(*note/concern about only needing 6
units to be elected to ASB.)
Further develop the first-year experience program
to create cohorts for entering full-time students
Perceived student engagement (NSSE or
SSI baseline to be established 2012-13).
Implement student mentor/tutoring programming.
Full-time student persistence.
Involve ASCR and other student groups in
designing initiatives to meet this objective.
Number of cohorts created.
Online tutoring will be available to
5.2 Faculty in CTE
programs will
develop orientation
to engage students
in their programs.
5.3 Increase student
engagement in the
Students will be knowledgeable about
career training opportunities at the
Involve advisory committees in developing
Number of CTE programs with orientation
Increased development of community
projects through clubs and
Develop cooperative work experience programs
based upon best practices.
Number of students participating in
cooperative work experience programs.
Increased enrollment in work
experience programs
Use marquees in the cafeteria and around campus
to publicize upcoming campus community events.
Number of employers hosting CR
students for work experience
Promote the opportunity for enrolling in WE credits
5.4 Faculty and staff
will model positive
engagement in the
college community
and community at
The community will be aware of CR
faculty and staff engagement in the
Explore the potential for service learning
Publicize CR employees’ involvement with student
clubs, organizations and college-wide projects
In-house recognition/ acknowledgement of CR
personnel involvement in off-campus community
organizations, especially any leadership roles or
project successes
Share faculty academic accomplishments/
achievements publicly
Faculty and staff activities will be reported
and displayed on CR webpage and on
campus marquees.
Faculty or staff club advisors are identified
Number of faculty or staff attending CR
events, such as games, exhibits, etc.
The Board report is expanded to include
other employees groups’ noteworthy
Web page exhibits current employees’
various community involvement activities