Another India Agenda for Equality: the possibilities and limits of affirmative action 16-18th May 2016, Scarman House 5pm, 16th May, 2016: Followed by wine reception; Room H303 Film and discussion: Divided Colours of a Nation Discussants: Prof Ashwini Deshpande and Prof Shireen Hassim 17th May– 18th 2016 Workshop Affirmative action or quotas or reservations continue to be regarded important policy solutions to social inequalities, but do they work? Speakers include Prof Shaheen Sardar Ali (Warwick) Dr Matthew Clayton (Warwick) Dr Adnan Farooqui (Jamia Milia University) Prof Niraja Gopal Jayal (JNU) Prof Shireen Hassim (Witwatersrand University) Dr Jinock Lee (Sogang University) Prof Shirin Rai (Warwick) Prof Vidhu Verma (JNU) This workshop is open to anyone with interest in this issue; but spaces are limited to facilitate open, questioning interaction, so please register on a first come first in basis: