College of the Redwoods Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2012

College of the Redwoods
Strategic Planning Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Meeting Notes
3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Boardroom
Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Utpal Goswami, Mary Grace Barrick, Tim Flanagan, Sheila Hall,
Kathy Goodlive, Jeff Cummings, Rachel Anderson, Roxanne Metz, Anita Janis-phone, Geisce
Ly-phone, Julia Peterson, Julia Morrison, Steve Stratton, Angelina Hill, Sydney Larson, Pat
Girczyc, Crislyn Parker - notes
Absent: Michael Butler, Ahn Fielding, Lee Lindsey, Kerry Mayer, Chuck Snowden, Carla
Meeting was called to order at 3:05pm
Review Notes from January 24, 2012
 No comments were made on the January 24, 2012 notes.
Review Strategic Plan Outline
 A suggestion was made to include a brief outline of how each level of planning works or
is linked to the preceding and subsequent stage, and includes where/how the planning
committees fit. It was noted that the integrated planning model does not link planning,
but rather links resource allocation to unit-level plans.
 Clarification was made on how to link unit-level planning to institutional-level plans
(linking a need to the next step in planning is linking to the strategic plan). Unit-level
plans and resource requests have many sources (e.g. to link to institutional plans, to
improve unit operations, or to address compliance issues). Unit-level plans that are linked
to institutional plans may be linked to functional plans such as technology, facilities, and
enrollment management plans and not necessarily directly linked to the strategic or
education master plans. For example, admissions and records can link a request directly
to the Enrollment Management Committee, which links to the strategic plan; academic
programs can link to student or program learning objectives, which links to the strategic
Review and Discuss Plan Goals and Objectives
 Discussion opened with the question: Is this plan viable and does it move the college
ahead? The committee overall was satisfied with the draft plan, with the exception of
Goal 1: Fiscal Sustainability and Goal 3: Student Goal Attainment, on which most
discussion focused.
 The strategic plan should shore-up the infrastructure to do the core work. When we meet
this plan’s goals and objectives, is this where we want to be in five years?
 Goal 1: Fiscal Sustainability:
o Discussion and agreement to revise it to Fiscal and Operational Sustainability.
o Discussion to add Objective 1.5 Practice Continuous Improvement. Indicators and
Measures will include Policies revised; policies changed and improved; policy
discussion regarding communication; policy on how continuous improvement is
identified and handled.
o maybe reword the Desired Outcome of Objective 1.3 to “tie resource allocation to
outcomes and planning”
Goal 3: Student Goal Attainment:
o Discussed and agreed to change the description line of Goal 3: Student Goal
Attainment to: Meet the needs of students and our community (swap in for and).
o Discussion on where objective 3.2 takes the college; how do we measure social,
behavioral, intellectual guidance? Also discussed Goal 3 should include a basic
skills objective and an objective about being proactive to changing demographics.
o Discussion whether to change Objective 3.1 descriptor to: address student
readiness (instead of assess).
o Discussion on whether to include objectives about moving toward contextualized
programs and enhancing out of classroom support services (non-fiscal).
Goal 4: Training and Education
o A suggestion to swap training and education, making the goal read: Education
and Training
Timeline and Next Steps
 Once strategic plan is completed and vetted, the other plans (educational master plans,
technology master plan, facilities master plan, etc.) will be updated to show the links
between each of the planning stages and include measureable objectives. Following the
revisions noted below, the document will be sent out to the committee for email approval
by the end of this week, to send out document for community feedback by March 6. The
completed first read will go to the Board on March.
a. redo some of the language, especially in the first column
b. include themes as a prelude to document
c. send revised document to committee members for ok to release
d. release to district for a period of review
Adjourn & Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 6, 2012