College of the Redwoods Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 20, 2012

College of the Redwoods
Strategic Planning Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Meeting Notes
Present: Utpal Goswami, Roxanne Metz, Sheila Hall, Rachel Anderson, Mary Grace McGovern,
Sydney Larson, Lee Lindsey, Angelina Hill, Steve Stratton, Pat Girczyc, Julia Morrison, Julia
Peterson, Kathy Goodlive, Tim Flanagan, Mike Butler, Geisce Ly (via conference call), Anita
Janis (via conference call), Michelle Anderson - notes
Absent:, Ahn Fielding, Kerry Mayer, Chuck Snowden, Keith Snow-Flamer, Jeff Cummings,
Carla Spalding
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:00.
Review Notes from March 6
March 6, 2012 meeting notes were amended to eliminate the reference to Sydney Larson
as providing the community feedback.
Review PRC Master Executive Summaries, 2009-10 and 2010-11 for potential
impact on strategic and education master plans:
 The need to address technology and technology upgrades was summarized.
 Need to support increased Institutional Research capacity vis-à-vis program review
o Mike Butler suggested online learning placement
 Mike Butter suggested a need to assess students’ readiness to learn online. Dr. Goswami
indicated this may be incorporated into the education master plan
Review PRC Master Executive Summaries, 2010-11
 Rachel Anderson reported the 2010-11 report addressed the need to adopt and implement
AP 4021 Program Revitalization and Discontinuation
Evaluation of 2008-2011 Strategic Plan Indicators
The group reviewed the KPIs and Objectives and Indicators of the 2008-2011 Strategic
Dr. Angelina Hill reviewed the Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard.
Dr. Goswami stated that we the Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard will be loosely tied
to the Strategic Plan but that a separate assessment rubric will be used.
Discussion of Action Plans, Indicators, and Targets
Geisce Ly expressed concern regarding Objective 1.3 stating that budget constraints may
inhibit reaching the target.
Dr. Goswami responded that indicators and targets can be changed and adjusted.
Mike Butler stated that Objective 1.4 should link back to the Student Equity Plan.
Mike Butler reported on behalf of Dr. Mark Winter that student success is not obvious
within the goals and objectives.
Lee Lindsey suggested adding the concept of the Cloud or back-up systems as an
indicator for 4.4
It was suggested that Objective 4.5 include language to increase capacity of Institutional
It was suggested to add ARCC Fall-to-Fall persistence rates to the indicator for Objective
It was agreed that the Strategic Plan is a living document.
Summary of Academy of the Redwoods Student Interviews
Students were surveyed on the role technology plays in their academics.
Dr. Hill reported that a common answer and theme amongst the Academy of the
Redwoods students was “The tools to work are the same tools to play.”
Dr. Hill explained that attendance at CR is increased if a high school student has an
example of someone who has attended CR.
When asked why some people continue their education, students responded that finances
played a big role.
Timeline and Next Steps
Strategic Plan will feed into the Education Master Plan
Members of the Strategic Planning Committee will be asked to join the Education Master
Plan Committee.
Elements of the Education Master Plan will likely include Student Success, Community
Education, Development of new programs and services, evaluation of programs and
services, assessment of SLO’s and PLO’s. This draft will be completed by the end of
April. Roxanne commented that the Education Master Plan will have qualitative and
quantitative measures. Dr. Goswami handed out a draft of the EMP Structure.
The Strategic Plan will go to the Board for approval at their April 3 Board meeting.
Committee members will only have a day or two to review and comment on the changes
made to reflect the committee discussion.