Document 12365149


Annual Program Review Update

*Be sure to include information from all three campuses.

Program: Northcoast CalSOAP Consortium Date: 2008-2009 Academic Year

Name Daniel Bixler

CalSOAP Director / Daniel Bixler


(707) 476-4276

1. State your program’s mission and its relation to the mission of the college.

Northcoast CalSOAP Mission Statement:

The Northcoast Consortium will combine resources to increase the college going rate among local students who traditionally do not attend postsecondary institutions, (e.g., low income, first generation college bound, or other students attending schools). The services of the Northcoast CalSOAP Consortium will be designed to provide access to college, and opportunity for academic success for targeted students and their families.

The Northcoast CalSOAP Consortium’s and The College of the Redwoods mission statements communicate a commitment to students and educational success. The CalSOAP mission naturally dovetails into College of the Redwoods mission of targeting to prepare secondary education students for college attendance.

College of the Redwoods mission statement does not explicitly mention secondary students, however asserts a priority to support preparatory college work, pre-college math, English, and ESL.

CalSOAP is dedicated to providing tutoring in pre-collegiate core subjects, explicitly stating a mission to combine resources (with educational community members).

2. P rogram Changes:

Have there been any changes in your program or area since your last Program Review?

No ____ (go to next question)

Yes X Describe the changes below:

The Northcoast CalSOAP Consortium has experienced budget modifications related to California

State Government’s economic crisis. CalSOAP has experienced several years of reduced grant awards and cuts:

In the 2007-2008 academic school year, The California Student Aid Commission shifted the Northcoast CalSOAP funding source from a state source to a federal source; granted and dispersed by the State of California via California Student Aid

Commission. This shift in funding has impacted Cal SOAP budget and activities:

1) Fiscal calendar changed from July 1–June 30, to Aug. 13-Aug 12

This left a gap period deficit this year of approximately $17,000.00, which

The Student Aid Commission stated they would not fund,

and College of the Redwoods covered.

Grant contract deadline changed, period reports were in flux

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at the beginning of the year, however maintained the same

quarterly dates.

2) California Student Aid Commission was instructed by the California State

Assembly to reduce the statewide CalSOAP project budget’s by a total of

$116,000.00; reducing Northcoast CalSOAP’s budget by an additional


This budget reduction restricts staff development and training,

(components crucial under new direction). Other essential

expenditures such as materials, travel, and supplies

will be restricted due to budget changes.

3) Northcoast CalSOAP has made organizational changes since the last

Program Review. The previous Director planned to re-organize

the role of the senior most

Academic Advisor to perform some of the duties assigned to an Assistant

Director. This updated position is called Lead Academic Advisor and

assumes additional responsibilities and coordination with

partner schools, Academic Advisors, and tutors.

3. Program Trends

If applicable, describe how external or internal changes are impacting your program and describe efforts within your area to address these impacts. Include supporting data from

Institutional Research or other sources in your discussion.

North Coast public schools have developed a trend to discourage pulling students out of class for special programs activities. Not all of our partner schools have stopped “pull-outs” however, a significant number have required our tutors / advisors to enter the classroom to deliver services.

These changes have stimulated innovation and flexibility in the CalSOAP program. CalSOAP continues to provide College Knowledge advisory presentations, however can no longer provide individual college advising due to pull-out restrictions.

Summary of services 2007-2008

Service Recipient

High School Students

Middle School Students

Elementary School Students

Students at Other Sites



Intensive General Total

Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual

945 452

940 583

110 270

175 392

1,055 722

1,115 975

250 189

0 0

0 0

2,135 1,224

175 118

0 0

740 631

1,200 1,411

425 307

0 0

740 631

3,335 2,635

As demonstrated above, intensive services have decreased from intent. These changes are due to decrease in individual contacts, and to new no pull-out policies.

You may also note CalSOAP has increased general contacts due to school program trends.

During the 2007-2008 school year CalSOAP discontinued elementary school services

(grades 3-6) effective January 2008. These changes were made due to drastic state budget

cuts in the 2007-2008 school year; and were maintained for the current year.

These changes in services affected the ratio of types of service delivered and the total number

of students served.

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Another trend, which has significantly impacted CalSOAP programming, is student access and confidentiality issues. Due to changes to access of confidential scheduling, demographics, and grades of students, Academic Advisors must rely on school employees for data essential to the

CalSOAP grant. Academic Advisors have demonstrated patience and flexibility in working with school administration and teachers in order to continue to deliver our services.

Our college going rates continue to nearly double the state and county-wide college going rates; college going is defined by California Student Aid Commission as enrolled in a post secondary institution the fall following high school graduation. According to California Post Secondary

Commission statistics the 2007 average college going rate for Humboldt County was 46.9%,

California 56.7%. The Northcoast CalSOAP Consortium has always maintained a college going rate above 70%, in 2007 83.16%. It is pertinent to note our participants are under-represented secondary students, if this population’s college going rate was scored by the California Post

Secondary Commission it would likely to be significantly below average.

4. Budget Resources

List your department’s budget for the following categories in the table below. Restricted funds have a sponsor/grantor/donor (federal, state, local government, etc). The funds are restricted by the sponsor/grantor/donor. Everything else (including action plans) is unrestricted.


Supply and printing budget

Equipment replacement and repair budget

Professional Development

Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds

$ 11,097.

$ 3000.


Work-study funding

Additional Budget Items

Other (i.e. Collections)


Is the funding for these areas adequate? NO

If not, describe the impact of unaddressed needs on your program outcomes and ability to serve students and the community.

Due to funding constraints, annual staff development spending has been reduced to a bare minimum, $400.00. This is significantly inadequate considering CalSOAP has a new director.

Training, materials, and supplies have also been drastically reduced to budget related issues.

Had our program additional funding, CalSOAP would integrate staff development and training prioritizing affective communication, team collaboration and program planning skills to help our team (with a new director and several new employees) to increased support and ultimately, the educational success of our secondary students.

In addition, CalSOAP is not able to provide our students with a college tour this year due to funding issues.

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5. Staff Resources

Complete the Classified Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff). This does not include faculty, managers, or administrative positions. If a staff position is shared with other areas, estimate the fraction of their workload dedicated to your area.

Staff Employed in the Program

Losses over Prior

Year (give reason: retirement, reassignment, health, etc.)

Assigned Area





Full-time staff

(classified and management)

(give number)

Gail Cagle


Part-time staff

(give number)

Katy Keyser

37.5% CalSOAP



Gains over Prior


Lead Academic



Office Assistant

Brady Wells

Amanda Holt


Do you need more full-time or part-time classified staff? If yes, explain why.

Our main campus part-time Academic Advisor should be increased to full time in an effort to meet participant tutoring and advising needs.

6. Work study Resources


Work study students employed in the program

Assigned Area How many? “Type” of work

(give number) study(federal,



Gains over Prior


Losses over Prior


Do you need more work study student help? If yes, explain why.

7. Facilities and Technology

Are facilities adequate for achieving the outcomes of this department/program? ( ) Yes ( X) No

If No was checked, complete the following grid for each space that does not meet the needs of this department/program:

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List space (classroom, instructional, office) name/number:

Check if any of the following are not adequate:

( X)

Ventilation / room temp

( ) ADA access

( ) Number of seats / work stations

( ) Technology

(computers, projectors, internet)

( X) Other (briefly describe):

Describe the specific action and estimated cost (if available) to make this space adequate for your needs:

1) CalSOAPs offices do not have adequate window closures to keep winter temperatures out; there is no glass on a portion of the office windows only metal outer shutters and screens.

2) CalSOAPs office flooring is old and crumbling; potential exposure to asbestos due to outdated flooring, requiring carpeting.

Cost Analysis estimated by College of the Redwoods Director of Maintenance:


3) CalSOAP and Upward Bound employees struggle with parking due to public law enforcement utilizing College of the Redwoods staff parking areas. Eight parking spots have been designated, out of thirty spots, for College of the Redwoods Staff.

Although Criminal Justice staff has been very cooperative in resolving this issue, public law enforcement personnel, who use the shooting range, continue to illegally park.

If applicable, list the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections.

Sections: NA Students: NA



Is the available equipment adequate to achieve the outcomes of the department/program?

( ) Yes (X ) No

If No was checked in Item 8, complete the following grid for each piece of equipment being requested for this department/program:

Equipment Approximate


Number of students using equipment each semester (if applicable)

Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program outcomes

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Equipment Repair

Is the equipment used for your department/program in need of repair, which is outside your current budget allotment? This does not include classroom specific equipment repair described in the facilities section . ( ) Yes ( X ) No

If Yes was checked, provide the following information to justify a budget allotment request:

Equipment requiring repair

Repair Cost /

Annual maintenance cost

Number of students using equipment each semester (if applicable)

Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program outcomes


Faculty Resource Needs (If applicable)


If applicable, complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (please list full- and part-time faculty numbers in separate rows):

Faculty Load Distribution in the Program








Load for fall 2007 term

% of


Load by




% of Total

Load by



% Change from fall


% Change from fall


Explanations and



(e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) a. If you are requesting a full-time faculty position develop an attachment to this report that addresses the following criteria (as listed in AR 305.03)

The ratio of full-time to associate faculty

Current availability of associate faculty

Relation to program review recommendations

Effect on diversity of the faculty

Effect on academic offerings and ability to serve students and the community

Effect on the vitality and future direction of a program and/or the college

Effect on student learning b.

If your Associate Faculty needs are not being met, describe your efforts to recruit

Associate faculty and/or describe barriers or limitations that prevent retaining or recruiting Associate Faculty

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10. Learning Outcomes Assessment Report

List all expected program-level outcomes, whether you have completed the assessment loop or not.

For each outcome, identify the means of assessment and the criteria for success. Summarize the data that have been collected in the ‘Assessment Results’ column. If no data have been collected and analyzed for a particular outcome, use the ‘Assessment Results’ column to clarify when these data will be collected and analyzed. In the fourth column, indicate how the assessment results are being used to improve the program.

Program Outcomes (may be operational for some student service and administrative areas)

Means of

Assessment and



Assessment Results Summary Use of Results

CalSOAP Staff will reorganize to establish a

Lead Academic Advisor

Establish community fund raising for program activities restricted by

CalSOAP budget restraints.

Collaboration with Human

Resources to complete and verify reorganization.

Documentation of fund utilization through internal program bookkeeping and College of the Redwoods


Completed reorganization will help mitigate director going from 100% to 50%, and save the program funding resources and utilize staff resources more efficiently.

Increased essential academic activities will increase participant retention, participant knowledge of college life, and increase participant academic knowledge and interests.

CalSOAP participants receive direct services from staff more knowledgeable about

CalSOAP’s administrative and academic functions.

Participants receive additional individual attention when demonstrating need due to emphasis on

Academic Advising over administration.

Additional funds utilized for college tours, weekend and evening activities such as science night or leadership training.

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List all course-level student learning outcomes for which some assessment activity (assessment, analysis, or use of results) has taken place since the most recent program review, and complete the table below as appropriate

Student Learning Outcomes


Means of

Assessment and



Assessment Results Summary Use of Results

Maintain participant college-going rate above

70%, as defined by

California Student Aid

Commission: page 4, paragraph 2 above

Maintain Grant standards, two year participant contact following high school.

Utilize State of

California institutional research data and statistics

In 2007 83.16% of our participants attended college; whereas

California’s 2007 college-going rate was

46.9%, with Humboldt

County’s rate at 46.7%, as listed on the

California Post

Secondary Education

Commission site.

Maintain objective outcomes to provide tutoring and academic advising to underrepresented secondary students .

A minimum of 70% of

CalSOAP student participants will attend

College Knowledge presentations on four subjects:

Study Skills

Career Exploration

College Options

Financial Aid Knowledge

CalSOAP particpants will demonstrate a minimum of 50% knowledge improvement in four program areas:

Study Skills

Career Exploration

College Options

Financial Aid Knowledge, within one academic year

CalSOAP tutors and


Advisors will administer and analyze program activities.

CalSOAP database will track numbers.

Pre and post tests administered to all participants before and after College

Knowledge presentations.

CalSOAP participants will increase their knowledge of crucial areas relating to attending post secondary education.

These measurements will be administered and analyzed by

CalSOAP staff each academic year.

CalSOAP participants will increase their knowledge of crucial areas relating to attending post secondary education.

These measurements will be administered and analyzed by

CalSOAP staff each academic year.

These activities increase our college going rate for

CalSOAP participants, and provide a foundation of pre-college experience for secondary school students and under-represented secondary populations.

These results appear in our CalSOAP end of the year report, will be utilized annually in grant renewal, will be compared to previous years results, and provide feedback on the effectiveness of our

College Knowledge presentations.

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Discuss the extent to which part-time faculty (if applicable) have been involved in the dialogue about assessing student learning outcomes:

Northcoast CalSOAP Consortium employs approximately 50 part-time financial-aid eligible college students to provide tutoring and college advising curriculum to secondary students. These employees are directly involved in student learning outcomes, administering assessment tools related to College

Knowledge curriculum, and meet with CalSOAP Academic Advisors regularly to engage in ongoing student related dialogue.

11. Curriculum Update (if applicable)

Identify curricular revisions and innovations undertaken:

The CalSOAP program provides specific college preparedness presentations called College

Knowledge to secondary students and requires College Reading and Learning Association tutor certified training of each part-time college tutor advisor.

The CalSOAP program innovates tutor training to meeting the needs of our secondary student participants and our partner schools.

Complete the grid below -


Last Updated Update


Was the course added or deleted?

If the proposed course outlines updates from last year’s annual update (or comprehensive review) were not completed, please explain why.

12. Communication

Are the current lines of administrative, faculty, and staff communication adequate to meet the needs of this department/program? Describe representative example of effective or ineffective communication.

Yes, each year there is administrative contact with our partner schools followed by program contact and implementation by Academic Advisors and tutors at the partner sites.

Effective communication is demonstrated by schools expressing they are pleased with our services and that their needs have been met; this is also demonstrated by our secondary school student’s academic success.

13. Action Plans


List any action plans submitted since your last annual update. Describe the status of the plans.

If they were approved, describe how they have improved your department/program.

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14. Department Goals Report

List goals the department will attempt to accomplish in the next three years. Each year, you will be asked to update the Goals Report to make adjustments to the goals the program enters this year.

College Strategic Division Goal Department Goals FY2008-11

Plan Goal

1) Maintain grant status

2) Increase staff development and program training time

3) Develop evaluation tool for staff to give feedback to director on their performance as a manager and

Program Director

4) Increase part-time academic advisors to fulltime employees

5) Implement community fundraising events and activities


15. Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

The QIP is intended to assist the program in thinking and planning for a minimum of the next three years. Many factors that influence the implementation of the department/program’s plans can and do change over time. Each year, you will be asked to update the QIP to make adjustments to the plans the program enters this year.

Because this document will be used to inform planning processes, it is very important that all the requested information be provided. The form has been designed to elicit the information needed for this process. Each “block” on the form is for a single recommendation; thus, the department/program should complete all the fields for each of the recommendations.

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Quality Improvement Plan


Category Descriptions

Department Goal the Action is

1) Increase staff development and program training time

2) Develop evaluation tool for the provision of job performance feedback to director from staff

3) Increase part-time academic advisors to fulltime employees at our main campus and at our

Del Norte campus

4) Implement community fundraising events and activities

Recommendation Number and Title

September 1, 2009 Planned Implementation Date

Estimated Completion Date


Measure of Success/Desired Outcome

Estimated Cost(s)

Who is responsible?

Consequence if not funded

External Accreditation Recommendations

(if applicable)

December 31, 2009


CalSOAP Director and staff

Maintain grant implementation status continue work on program goals


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