College of the Redwoods Strategic Plan Presentation March 14, 2012

College of the Redwoods
Strategic Plan Presentation
Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
March 14, 2012
Roxanne Metz, Director of Planning, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Planning Elements
Strategic Plan
 Education Master Plan
 Functional Plans
Facilities Plan
Technology Plan
Enrollment Management Plan
Staffing Plan
Budget Plan
Unit-Level Plans
How do these plans connect?
CR Strategic Planning Process
2010-11: Decision by College Council to
roll over the plan for one year.
 Planning Director identified
 Convocation Address
 Planning Committee Formation
 District-wide Planning Meetings
 Themes
 Goals, Objectives, Indicators, and Targets
Strategic Planning Committee
Reviewed environmental scanning
summary provided by IR
 Using the college’s mission and vision as a
guide, conducted a gap analysis
 Conducted meetings throughout the
district to develop planning themes
 Identified broad, overarching goals
(statements) of what the college desires to
accomplish over a five-year period
 Identified annual objectives (actionable,
measurable statements about end results)
Goal 1 Focus on Learners: Developmental,
Career Technical, and Transfer Education.
College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services,
and organizational structures to meet the needs of learners
and ensure student success.
Desired Outcomes
Objective 1.1 Match student readiness
with educational pathways.
Students will be effectively evaluated and
placed in appropriate programs of study.
Objective 1.2 Continuously assess and
evaluate programs to provide effective
educational programs and services for all
The college will facilitate successful
achievement of intended learning outcomes.
The college embraces equity and diversity with
effective policies and practices.
Objective 1.3 Enhance student support
and student engagement
Students will be actively engaged and
institutionally supported.
Objective 1.4 Improve basic skills
More students will complete any necessary
remediation within one year of admission.
Objective 1.5 Support faculty
development and instructional innovation
Faculty will employ innovative teaching
Goal 2 Focus on Learners: Community
College of the Redwoods will provide, in
partnership with the community, training and
education to contribute to the economic vitality
and lifelong learning needs of the community.
Objective 2.1 Provide
workforce development
Objective 2.2 Respond to
business and industry shortterm training needs
Desired Outcomes
The Business Training Center will provide
industry-recognized certifications in strong
and emerging industries.
The Business Training Center will
collaborate with business and industry
partners to offer contract training for
incumbent workers.
Objective 2.3 Develop noncredit programs
The college will create non-credit programs
to meet the lifelong learning needs of the
Goal 3 Fiscal and Operational Sustainability
College of the Redwoods will pursue strategies that
lead to fiscal and operational sustainability.
Desired Outcomes
3.1 Reduce reliance on
apportionment-based funding
Increased funding through a revived
foundation, grants and contracts, and
entrepreneurial ventures.
Improved operational efficiencies through
effective management of human, physical,
technical, and financial resources.
3.2 Improve college operational
3.3 Increase funding available
for strategic initiatives
The college will tie resource allocation to
outcomes and planning.
3.4 Increase community support
for the college.
3.5 Practice continuous quality
The College of the Redwoods Foundation
will raise money for college use.
3.6 Practice continuous
adherence to accreditation
Services and related processes are
continuously evaluated for improved
effectiveness and efficiencies.
The College will create structures and
processes to ensure accreditation standards
are maintained.
Goal 4 Technological Relevance
College of the Redwoods will develop infrastructure, adopt
best practices, and conduct data analysis to utilize current and
emerging technologies to support the learning environment
and enhance institutional effectiveness.
Objective 4.1 Improve technology
infrastructure to support all college
Objective 4.2 Improve technology
to support effective teaching and
Objective 4.3 Improve efficiency
through technology
Objective 4.4 Utilize computer
technology, management science,
and statistics to improve
instructional, student service, and
administrative decision making.
Desired Outcomes
Day-to-day operations will be supported
Current technology will be available to
support new initiatives
Faculty and staff will effectively utilize
technology in teaching
Faculty will have appropriate tools available
Students will have access to tools they need
Faculty, staff, and students will experience
improved effectiveness and efficiency when
using college technology.
The college will effectively use data and
analysis to improve teaching and institutional
Goal 5 Enhance Institutional Profile
College of the Redwoods will engage in activities and
initiatives to elevate the college’s profile in the community.
Desired Outcomes
5.1 Enhance support for the
college community.
Provide services and support for students and
the community.
5.2 Support/increase cultural
activities at the college
The college will support cultural activities on
5.3 Develop partnerships for
utilization of the available
5.4. Create an alumni association
Business, industry, governmental, or non-profit
entities partner with the college to use
available buildings.
The college will have an active alumni
Residents in the community will understand
the college’s mission and challenges.
5.5 Increase communications and
outreach to the community
5.6 Develop a governmental
relations function
Federal, state, and local officials will
understand how regulatory issues affect the
5.7 Increase public support for the The public will vote for state and local
measures that support the college mission.
Sample Indicators
1.1 Match student
readiness with
2.1 Provide
3.2 Improve
Desired Outcomes
Students will be effectively
evaluated and placed in
appropriate programs of study
The Business Training Center
will provide industryrecognized certifications in
strong and emerging industries
Improved operational
efficiencies through effective
management of human,
physical, technical, and
financial resources.
The college will tie resource
allocation to outcomes and
3.3 Increase
funding available
for strategic
4.3 Improve
Faculty, staff, and students
efficiency through will experience improved
effectiveness and efficiency
when using college
Indicators and Measures
Participation in math and English
Number and percentage of students
with student educational plans in place.
Industry-recognized certifications
Program completers who obtain
Maintenance-related tickets
Fund balance (≥ 10%)
Dollars allocated strategically in
response to assessment and program
System outages (e.g. email, network,
internet, phone)
Average age of computers and servers
Unresolved technology tickets/number
of work orders/response time.
A Planning Example
DRAFT Strategic Plan Goal 2
Focus on Leaners: Community Partnerships
College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership
with the community, training and education to
contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong
learning needs of the community.
Objective 2.1: Provide workforce development
A Planning Example
DRAFT Strategic Plan Goal 2 – Focus on Leaners:
Community Partnerships
College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with
the community, training and education to contribute to the
economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the
Objective 2.1: Provide workforce development training
Example Education Master Plan Initiative:
The Business Training Center will provide
new workforce training programs in each
of the Targets of Opportunity clusters.
A Planning Example
Strategic Plan Goal 2 – Focus on Leaners: Community Partnerships
College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with the community, training and
education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the
Objective 2.1: Provide workforce development training
Example Education Master Plan Initiative:
The Business Training Center will provide new workforce training programs in each of
the Targets of Opportunity clusters.
Example Functional Plans:
 Facilities Plan: Ensure appropriate facilities
for BTC programs
 Budget Plan: Assist BTC to develop
overhead rates for contract training
A Planning Example
Strategic Plan Goal 2 – Focus on Leaners: Community Partnerships
College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with the community, training and
education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the
Objective 2.1: Provide workforce development training
Example Education Master Plan Initiative:
The Business Training Center will provide new workforce training programs in each of
the Targets of Opportunity clusters.
Example Functional Plans:
Facilities Plan: Ensure appropriate facilities for BTC programs
Budget Plan: Assist BTC to develop overhead rates for contract training
Example BTC Plan: Program Review QIP to include a plan to
provide contract training for new clients in each of five
industries specified in the Education Master Plan.
Another Planning Example
DRAFT Strategic Plan Goal
Developmental, Career Technical, and Transfer
College of the Redwoods will employ
programs, services, and organizational
structures to meet the needs of learners and
ensure student success.
Objective 1.4: Improve basic skills success
Another Planning Example
DRAFT Strategic Plan Goal
Developmental, Career Technical, and Transfer Education
College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services,
and organizational structures to meet the needs of
learners and ensure student success.
Objective 1.4: Improve basic skills success
Example Education Master Plan Initiative:
Align basic skills education with individual
student educational goals.
Another Planning Example
DRAFT Strategic Plan Goal
Developmental, Career Technical, and Transfer Education
College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services, and
organizational structures to meet the needs of learners and ensure
student success.
Objective 1.4: Improve basic skills success
Potential Education Master Plan Initiative:
Align basic skills education with individual student educational goals.
Example Basic Skills Plan: Develop
contextualized basic skills instruction for
CTE students.
Another Planning Example
DRAFT Strategic Plan Goal
Developmental, Career Technical, and Transfer Education
College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services, and organizational structures to
meet the needs of learners and ensure student success.
Objective 1.4: Improve basic skills success
Potential Education Master Plan Initiative:
Align basic skills education with individual student educational goals.
Example Basic Skills Plan: Develop contextualized basic skills instruction for CTE students.
Example Instructional Area Plans:
 Update course outlines for basic skills math and English
classes to include technical applications
 Incorporate math and English concepts into technical