DRAFT Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives for College of the Redwoods (approved by the Board on 4‐3‐12) Goal 1 Focus on Learners: Developmental, Career Technical, and Transfer Education. College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services, and organizational structures to meet the needs of learners and ensure student success. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 1.1 Match student readiness with educational pathways. Students will be effectively evaluated and placed in appropriate programs of study. Develop processes and policies to increase participation in math and English placement. Assess online readiness for students who intend to take a DE course for the first time. The college will facilitate successful achievement of intended learning outcomes. Programs and services will be evaluated to ensure currency and effectiveness. Develop structures and assign responsibility to ensure assessment of course, program and institutional outcomes. Number of students participating in math and English placement. Number of first-time distance education students completing online readiness assessment. Increase by 5% per year the number of students completing career exploration activities. By 2017 all full-time students will have a student education plan in place. All programs will participate in assessment annually. Develop structures and assign responsibility to ensure evaluation of program and service effectiveness. All programs will participate in assessment and program review annually The college will increase the number of degree and certificate completions. The college will increase the number of transfers to four-year colleges. Students will be actively engaged and institutionally supported. The college embraces equity and diversity with effective policies and practices. Align course offerings with aggregate data from Student Educational Plans. By 2017 the number of degrees, certificates, and transfers will increase by 30%. Improve First Year Experience Program. Develop summer bridge and other shortened “classes” to provide assistance in targeted content areas in math and English. Perceived student engagement (NSSE or SSI baseline to be established 2012-13). Student Equity Plan measures. Participation of underrepresented groups will increase by 2% per year. Number of BPs and APs updated to incorporate equity and diversity principles. Maintain course retention rates ≥ 85% By 2017, ARCC persistence rates will rise to 60%. Number of students completing math and English remediation within one year (determine baseline, set targets). Faculty development committee will allocate funds for pedagogical improvements. Sabbaticals will be awarded for plans to improve pedagogy. College will provide training and support for instructional improvement and innovation. Number of faculty funded for instructional improvement initiatives. Number of sabbaticals funded for instructional improvement. Number of faculty participating in college training in instructional improvement. Provide career exploration activities to educate students about possible careers and related training and education opportunities. Enable students to develop student education plans. 1.2 Continuously assess and evaluate programs to provide effective educational programs and services for all learners. 1.3 Students will be able to complete their desired educational goals. 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement (see 5.1). The college will improve persistence and retention rates. 1.5 Improve basic skills success. 1.6 Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation More students will complete any necessary remediation within one year of admission. Faculty will employ innovative teaching practices. Strengthen and augment services to enhance access and success for underrepresented populations. Update Board Policies (Chapter 5, Students and Chapter 7, Human Resources). Ensure all students go through matriculation process. Goal 2 Focus on Learners: Community Partnerships College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with the community, training and education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the community. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives 2.1 Provide workforce development training. The Business Training Center will provide industry-recognized certifications in strong and emerging industries. 2.2 Respond to business and industry short-term training needs. The Business Training Center will collaborate with business and industry partners to offer contract training and scheduled workshops for incumbent workers. The college will create non-credit programs to meet the lifelong learning needs of the community. Evaluate certifications needed to support local incumbent workers and industries. Develop trainings in areas where certified employees are needed by local employers. Develop a training calendar of workshops that meet the training needs of business and industry. 2.3 Develop non-credit programs. Evaluate priorities for ESL, GED, short-term vocational training, versus job readiness. Collaborate with faculty to develop needed curriculum. Indicators (and targets) Program revenue will grow by 10% per year. Number of contract training clients and incumbent workers trained will grow by 10% per year. Non-credit courses established. Goal 3 Fiscal and Operational Sustainability College of the Redwoods will pursue strategies that lead to fiscal and operational sustainability. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 3.1 Reduce reliance on apportionmentbased funding. 3.2 Improve college operational efficiencies. Increased funding through a revived foundation, grants and contracts, and entrepreneurial ventures. Improved operational efficiencies through effective management of human, physical, technical, and financial resources. Streamline grant development processes Develop partnerships to support programs. By 2017, 15% of the budget will be nonapportionment based revenue. Establish benchmark for effective measures Practice data-driven process reengineering to increase efficiencies. Maintain cost/FTES at the statewide average. Maintenance-related tickets. Perceived processing bottlenecks. 3.3 Increase funding available for strategic initiatives The college will tie resource allocation to outcomes and planning. 3.4 Increase community support for the college. 3.5 Practice continuous quality improvement The College of the Redwoods Foundation will raise money for college use. Services and related processes are continuously evaluated for improved effectiveness and efficiencies. The College will create structures and processes to ensure ACCJC accreditation standards are maintained. The Budget Planning Committee will consider alignment with strategic initiatives in the development of funding priorities. The college will save excess reserves for use in strategic initiatives. Hire a development director. Dollars allocated in support of institutional plans and in response to assessment and program review Fund balance percentage will be at the statewide average. Foundation assets will grow by $250,000 per year. Units and departments will participate in all assessment and program review related activities. Quality improvement plans and reports 100% compliance with program review and assessment. Number of outstanding recommendations from the ACCJC. 3.6 Practice continuous adherence to accreditation standards. Responsibility for adherence to accreditation standards will be assigned to appropriate units and individuals. The college will evaluate adherence to the standards at least once per year. Goal 4 Technological Relevance College of the Redwoods will develop infrastructure, adopt best practices, and conduct data analysis to utilize current and emerging technologies to support the learning environment and enhance institutional effectiveness. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 4.1 Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations Day-to-day operations will be supported effectively. Current technology will be available to support new initiatives. The college will update aging information technology infrastructure. The college will deploy ubiquitous and secure wireless through the district. Upgrade video conferencing capabilities Average internet speed available on CR computers Average networking speed 4.2 Improve instructional labs to support effective teaching and learning Faculty will have appropriate tools available Students will have access to tools they need. Faculty and staff will effectively utilize technology in teaching The college will develop an instructional lab improvement plan to include replacement at appropriate intervals. The technology plan will included a software replacement component. Provide training throughout the year on the appropriate use of technology and to review emerging technologies. The college will develop replacement and upgrade plans for relevant technologies in CTE areas and incorporate it into the budget cycle. 4.3 CTE programs will have technology relevant to their disciplines 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology (see objective3.2) Students will have access to current and emerging technology in the classroom environment. Faculty, staff, and students will experience improved effectiveness and efficiency when using college technology. Employ a process and structure to increase the efficiency and reliability of technology systems. 4.5 Improve data gathering and utilization to support instructional, student service, and administrative decision making. The Institutional Research Department will have an increased capacity to support the institution’s data needs. The college will effectively use data and analysis to improve teaching and institutional outcomes. Improve the utility of MIS data for reporting purposes. The college will implement a data warehouse and reporting system. Adopt a set of clearly defined data elements that are consistently reported. Participation of employees at all sites and centers in college dialogue. Student and faculty satisfaction Assessment results related to improvements/ Current versions of ADA software. Number of employees participating in training on utilization of technology in the ‘classroom.’ Student satisfaction with technology Budget plans related to technology replacement and upgrade cycle System outages Number of servers with disaster recovery system in place. Average age of computers and servers. Unresolved technology tickets/number of work orders/response time. Assessment results. Use of Institutional Research reporting tools. Goal 5 Enhance Institutional Profile College of the Redwoods will engage in activities and initiatives to elevate the college’s profile in the community. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 5.1 Enhance support for the college community. 5.2 Support/increase cultural activities at the college Provide services and support for students and the community. Support community activities consistent with the college mission. Community survey. The college will support cultural activities on campus. Support cultural activities consistent with the college mission. 5.3 Develop partnerships for utilization of the available buildings 5.4. Reactivate the alumni association. Business, industry, governmental, or non-profit entities partner with the college to use available buildings. Investigate public-private ventures. Investigate opportunities for a business incubator in partnership with Humboldt State University Events held at the college. Students and community members who participate in events at the college. Revenue generated by cultural events. Partnerships established. Revenue generated from partnerships. The college will have an active alumni association. 5.5 Increase communications and outreach to the community. 5.6 Develop a governmental relations function. Residents in the community will understand the college’s mission and challenges. Create a website for alumni. Conduct graduation survey. Create a database of alumni residing within the college’s service area. Senior administrators and trustees will participate in community activities. Federal, state, and local officials will understand how regulatory issues affect the college. Present regular reports to the Board of Trustees on government relations matters. Trustee advocacy as appropriate. 5.7 Increase public support for the college. The public will vote for state and local measures that support the college mission. Produce a yearly update to the community. Conduct an economic impact study. Create an institutional fact book. Alumni engagement. Targeted media coverage to the community. Community perceptions of the college. Outreach event participation. Meetings with, and literature provided to elected and appointed officials. Staff, faculty, students, and trustees participating on publicly-appointed bodies. State and local bond dollars available to the college. Statewide and federal education initiatives supported by voters in the college’s district.