I. below. Improve support for incoming students. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 1 and Education Master Plan Goal 1 and includes the actions outlined Annual Action Plans When? I.A. Develop a First Year Experience (FYE) program. Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages Plan will be developed and incorporated into preliminary/ tentative 2013-14 budget SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement 1. Form FYE steering committee 2. Develop Framework for FYE Program 1. 03/2012 3. Develop budget/ costs for FYE 4. Include Program Plan for FYE in Counseling/ Advising Program Review 5. Develop and publish materials 6. Provide staff training 2. 09/2012 3. 10/2012 V.P. Student Development/ Course success CSSO EP 1.2 Improve support for students EP 1.6 Improve success among underrepresented populations Status/Update On track Course retention 4. 11/2012 Student persistence 5. 02/2013 6. 03/2013 I.B. Develop “mandatory” student orientations for face-to-face and on-line students Program assessments (CATs) 1. Develop/ refine orientation format V.P. Student Development/ Number of students CSSO participating 2. Pilot new orientation format 3. Implement as mandatory (assumes BOG action taken) 1. 11/2012 2. 01/2013 3. Fall 2013 Will be Fall 2014 Student satisfaction SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement “Mandatory” put in quotes because implementation of “mandatory has been delayed. EP 1.2 Improve support for students Implementation as “mandatory” will be moved to 2013-14. Assessment Summit Theme – Counseling and Advising Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? I.C. Include SEP development into all new student orientations Evaluation Linkages Number of students with SEP in place. SP 1.1 Match student readiness with educational pathways 1. Refine SEP format 2. Review with staff and Enrollment Management Committee. 1. 09/ 2012 3. Full implementation 2. 10/2012 V.P. Student Development/ CSSO Course completions Student persistence. 3. 01/2013 EP 1.1 Provide structured academic pathways. EP 1.2 Improve support for students EP 1.4 Increase transfers and degree and certificate completions Assessment Summit Theme – Counseling and Advising Status/Update Current action plan is on track, electronic implementation will be in 2013-14 plan. Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages Status/Update II. Improve academic programs to support student success. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 1 and Education Master Plan Goal 1 and includes the actions outlined below. Annual Action Plans II.B. Embed advisors into GS 1, GS 6, and Reading 360 courses When? Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 II.C. Develop degree plans 1. Identify list of courses for which student success rates are reasonable at each basic skills 1. level Responsible person? Evaluation Students in GS 1, GS 6, SP 1.4 Enhance student and READ 360 develop support and student SEPs engagement EP 1.2 Improve support for V.P. Student Development/ Course success students CSSO EP 1.6 Improve success Course retention among underrepresented populations Student persistence SP 1.1 Match student Course retention readiness with educational pathways V.P. Instruction/CIO in collaboration with V.P. Student Development/ CSSO 3. Develop recommended degree plans for all degrees and certificates based upon basic skills level. 2. 11/2012 2. 3. 3. Spring 2013 3/2013 Fall 2013 Status/Update On track as scheduled EP 1.1 Provide structured academic pathways. 10/2012 2. Map courses to program requirements for students based upon various basic skills levels Create course pathways for degree attainment based upon various basic skill levels Linkages Course success See timeline edits, revised wording for step #2. Student persistence Annual Action Plans VI. When? Evaluation Linkages Status/Update Meet community needs. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 2 and includes the actions outlined below. Annual Action Plans When? VI.B. Develop one non-credit program 1. Identify one program to develop 2. Develop curriculum 3. Internal CR approvals 1. 2. 3. 11/2012 01/2013 02/2013 Submit curriculum to CCCCO 4. 05/2013 4. Responsible person? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages Status/Update V.P. Instruction/CIO Non-credit enrollment SP 2.3/EP 2.5 Develop noncredit programs Sandra Rowan (Associate Faculty in Business) is considering building a VITA (volunteer income tax assistance) program Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages Status/Update MID-YEAR ADJUSTMENTS/ADDITIONS Annual Action Plans When? SP 1.2 Continuously assess and evaluate programs to All programs are provide effective educational evaluated based upon the criteria in AP 4021. programs and services for all learners. Addition I) Implement AP 4021 Program Revitalization or Discontinuation Process 1. Identify programs with trends showing low or declining enrollment, decreasing demand, or obsolescence 2. Form task forces to review data and issue written reports of recommendations 1. Dec. 2012 3. Develop action plans for program revitalization or discontinuation V.P. Instruction/CIO in collaboration with faculty and in consultation with Expanded Cabinet Action plans for weak SP 3.5 Practice continuous programs are developed. quality improvement EMP 2.4 CTE programs respond to community training needs 2. Feb. 2013 3. Mar. 2013