Section III Annual Program Review Update Annual Program Review Update *Be sure to include information from all three campuses. Program/Discipline: __NR __________________________ Date: ___9/12/2007_________________________ Trends and Relevant Data 1. Has there been any change in the status of your program or area? (Have you shifted departments? Have new degrees or certificates been created by your program? Have you added or deleted courses? Have activities in other programs impacted your area or program? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life-science courses.) If not, skip to #2. Note: curricular changes should be addressed under 12-14. There have been no major changes in the status of the Forestry/Natural Resource program since the transition from Professional and Technical programs to Science and Math in 2003, a comprehensive curriculum revision in 2003 creating new degree pathways and an external review by the Statewide Agriculture Advisory committee in 2005 (copies available upon request). Currently most NR courses are offered only at the Eureka campus though several 100 level NR courses are offered to the California Conservation Corps centers. In addition, NR 65 Introduction to GIS is offered every other year at the Mendocino Coast campus by an associate faculty. 2. Have there been any significant changes in enrollment, retention, success rates, or student demographics that impact your discipline? If so, please include data sheets (Excel or Word format) showing these changes. Enrollment increased approximately 10% between 2005 and 2006 though the program has had some volatility in enrollment because of limited course offerings and course cancellations. Overall retention rates are generally high (>90%) and success rates are comparable to other science courses. 3. Occupational programs must review the update of their labor-market data, some of it provided by Institutional Research, to illustrate that their program: a. Meets a documented labor market demand, Current and prospective demand for forest and natural resource technicians is high and is expected to increase for the next 10 years due to baby boomer retirements and overall declining enrollment in forestry nationwide over the last 15 years. Recent data from a survey from HSU indicates broad hiring in industry and government over the next decade. However, the lack of 1 program accreditation precludes students from being able to use the degree in lieu of 2 years of experience when qualifying to become a Registered Professional Forester in California. This could explain in part the very strong enrollments observed at Reedley College compared to other programs in California. b. Does not represent duplication of other training programs (in the region), and There are no other 2-yr Forestry and Natural Resource programs in the region. The closest comparable programs are at Shasta Community College in Redding and Reedley College in Fresno. Of these, only Reedley is an accredited program (College of the Redwoods is not currently accredited due to insufficient Forestry/NR faculty numbers, see Attachment C) c. Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students. Completion success is difficult to track under current information structures. Perhaps half of all Forestry/Natural Resource students transfer to Humboldt State without completing a degree, in part because of differences between counseling advice and program faculty advice. In addition, a portion of the students in the program receive degrees in more general areas such as University Studies because of inconsistent advising or course offerings. Anecdotal evidence suggests every student who pursued a job in the field was able to get employment with several receiving multiple offers. Other Resources 4. Do you have needs (professional development, library resources, and so forth) not previously required by the discipline or not previously addressed in budget or equipment considerations? Please describe. Currently we are deficient in journal subscriptions within the field of Forestry and Natural Resources. While we have attempted to bring students into wider contact with relevant publications, budgetary limitations at the College level have precluded obtaining the major journals in the field. 5. Does your discipline need additional support from Student Services beyond that previously provided? Primarily the program needs support in specialized tutoring for technical courses and accurate and consistent advising for students. The advising problem is being addressed but still needs better counseling/faculty communication. 2 Human Resource Needs 6. Complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (please list full- and part-time faculty numbers in separate rows): Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for fall 2006 term % of Total Teaching Load by FullTime Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by PartTime Faculty Changes from fall 2005 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) NR 26 59 41 +6.5 TLU Cancelled NR 58 in F2005 Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for spring 2007 term % of Total Teaching Load by FullTime Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by PartTime Faculty Changes from spring 2006 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) NR 12 100 0 -6.0 TLU Taught additional FOR 1 section in place of NR 80. Additional course offerings are limited because of faculty shortages. Do you need more full-time faculty? Associate faculty? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. An additional full-time faculty in Forestry is necessary for several reasons: program accreditation requirements (see Attachment C), gain consistency in course offerings that has not been possible with Associates and to offer additional introductory level courses to increase enrollment in more advanced topics and to aid in staffing recruitment enterprises for the program. We currently use approximately 80-90 TLUs per year with a curtailed schedule (between the FOR and NR programs with no advanced GIS courses, limited sections of introductory courses). We have had to cancel sections because of an inability to locate qualified associate faculty in some courses, particularly in GIS where we’ve hired 6 different associates in 6 years for 1 section/yr. 3 7. Complete the Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff numbers in separate rows: Staff Employed in the Program Assignment Full-time Part-time staff (e.g., Math, (classified) staff (give number) English) (give number) Gains over Prior Year NR 0 0 0 Losses over Prior Year (give reason: retirement, reassignment, health, etc.) 0 Do you need more full-time staff? Part-time staff? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. Part-time staff in the form of an instructional aid, perhaps shared with related programs, would be useful in maintaining and distributing the various tools used in field exercises and aiding students in completing course projects (i.e. computer lab monitor for GIS courses, etc..). Current maintenance is declining due to a lack of time and personnel and every year some equipment is lost because of misuse or misplacement by students. 8. If necessary, to clarify your needs, please comment on current available staff and distribution of FTE's for contract and part-time faculty. Describe strengths and weaknesses of faculty/staff as appropriate to program's current status or future development. Approximately 30-40% of the TLUs in NR are taught by Associate faculty in the fall though this number varies depending on Spring/Fall course offerings at the Eureka and MC campuses. The percentage taught by associates has been somewhat reduced in recent years because of curtailed course offerings. Facilities 9. Comment on facilities the program uses, their current adequacy, and any immediate needs. Have your discipline’s facilities needs changed? If so, how? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires new or additional facilities construction, renovation, remodeling or repairs. The main facilities needed for the program are additional access to forests within the region either in terms of College supported transportation or the development of a school forest that is not impacted by a firing range. Safety issues from the active use of the firing range preclude student access to a sizable portion of the CR forest that would be useful for labs and projects. This issue was supposed to be covered by the Bond measure but has been set aside for other priorities. At least partially enclosing the firing range would vastly increase student safety and reduce potential College liability. An additional benefit would be the reduced noise level on campus which would benefit the overall atmosphere of the campus and the forest in particular. 4 Current classroom facilities are adequate though better tables in AT 127 would help with some class exercises. Additional storage/display cabinets would increase the opportunity to display more of the collected specimens currently stored in closets in AT 127 Equipment 10. Have your discipline’s equipment needs changed? If so, how? Is equipment in need of repair outside of your current budget? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires a new or additional budget allotment. Technology in the field is certainly evolving, particularly in measurements and surveying. Thus far we’ve been able to meet much of our equipment needs through outside grants though maintenance for equipment remains problematic. Other needs are outlined in Appendix B. Learning Outcomes Assessment Update 11. How has your area or program been engaged in student learning outcomes assessment? a. Summarize your results. We have addressed and listed both expected program outcomes and course outcomes for recently revised course. Both are stated in a way such that success in the course demonstrates achieving the outcomes. b. What did your program learn from these results that enabled you to improve teaching and learning in the discipline? Because of the difficulty in success in several of the quantitative courses and in program transfer, I have decided to re-align the Math requirements and specify which Science courses to take for transfer. c. How have part-time faculty been made aware of the need to assess SLOs? They have but little formal training has occurred to date. Most courses taught by associates will have linked course success to SLOs. Curriculum Update (Reminder: Send updated course outlines to the Curriculum Committee.) 12. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives undertaken in the last year. Draft revisions circulated for GIS courses (NR 65, NR 66, NR 67(new), NR 68 to reflect changing software environment and to increase likelihood of offering courses in evening (shifted credit load). We developed an initial draft of a CR Forest Management Plan. Developed new program brochures and web pages. Revised and updated NR 54 and NR 80 (as well as FOR 1, 51, and 77 courses). 5 13. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives planned for the next year. See course grid for planned curricular revisions. We would like to reinstate the GIS certificate following revision of the courses and finish development of the law enforcement option. In addition, past degree revisions from 2003 should be sent to the Chancellor’s office for approval. NR 65 will be added to MC Natural History certificate electives and a new option in biological inventories. 14. Complete the grid below Course NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Year Course Outline Last Updated 52 54 57 58 65 66 68 80 87 91 100 120 185 Year Next Update Expected 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2003 2001 2000 1990 1990 2008 2007 Inactive 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 Inactive 2007 Inactive 2007 Goals and Plans 15. If you have recently undergone a comprehensive review, attach your Quality Improvement Plan if applicable. The Forestry/Natural Resource Program underwent an external review by the Statewide Agriculture Advisory committee in 2005. Recommendations from the panel have not been completely implemented, mainly in the area of additional faculty. 16. If you do not have a QIP, what goals and plans does your area have for the coming year? The Forestry/Natural Resource Program has in place a Strategic Plan approved by the Forestry Advisory committee in 2003 (attachment D) as well as monthly meetings by the Forestry Advisory committee that guides program development. Currently the focus for the 2007-2008 year is to: 1) revise several of the courses, particularly in GIS 2) improve the recently implemented Forestry web page 3) increase contact with area high schools for recruitment 4) work towards implement a CR Forest Management Plan 5) work to attain Professional Accreditation (additional faculty needed) 6 Note: Please see Annual update for Forestry (FOR) for relevant appendices and attachments. 7