Program/Discipline: DT Annual Program Review Update Instructions The Annual Update is conducted district-wide by each program/discipline and consists of a) analysis of general changes, staffing, resources, facilities, equipment and other needs, as well as b) reporting of curricular changes and outcomes assessment. The questions on the subsequent pages are intended to assist you in planning for your program or area. Input should be sought from all campuses. It should be submitted or renewed every year by the designated date in anticipation of budget planning for the next fiscal year. Institutional data used to document program/discipline statistics and trends will be provided by Institutional Research. Please include pertinent documents such as student learning outcomes assessment reports and data analysis to support any requests for new faculty, facilities, equipment, etc. Retain this information for your discipline’s use, Submit an electronic copy of your Annual Update Document and supporting data to the Program Review Committee. Also submit a copy of these documents to your Division Chair, Director, or Campus Lead Faculty. RevisedAnnUpdateS08 1 12/31/2008 Page 1 of 15 Annual Program Review Update *Be sure to include information from all three campuses. Program/Discipline: Drafting Technology Submitted by (names): Steve Brown Contact Information (phone and email): x4347 Date: 11/1/08 1. Program/Discipline Changes Has there been any change in the status of your program or area since your last Annual Update? (Have you shifted departments? Have new degrees or certificates been created by your program? Have activities in other programs impacted your area or program? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life-science courses.) Note: curricular changes should be addressed under 12 (Curriculum). No (go to next question) Yes Describe the changes below: A recent curriculum revision added DT23 to the DT course inventory. DT23 has replaced ENGR23 as the prerequisite course for all courses that previously required a prerequisite of ENGR23. DT23 and ENGR23 will be offered concurrently and all data referenced in this and future program reviews will consider the composite enrollment of ENGR23 and DT23 students. 2. Program/Discipline Trends Refer to the data provided (data link is located at p) and describe the trends in enrollment, retention, success rates, and student demographics. If applicable, describe how changes in these areas are impacting your discipline and describe efforts within your area to address these impacts. Data included in the analysis includes all of DT plus ENGR23. Year 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 DT/ENGR23 Enrollment Data End of Term Enrollment % Success V2 203 87% 206 89% 184 90% 195 83% Retention 95% 95% 94% 94% Enrollment: rates have been steady for the past four years with the exception of a slight dip in 2006/2007 when a section could not be staffed due the layoff of Keith Level. Staffing has been difficult since the departure of professor Level (Keith was 1/2 time DT and 1/2 time ENGR) and the remaining full time faculty member has been regularly teaching an overload. Fortunately, we have recently found two new associate faculty members who will begin teaching for us in Spring 2009. RevisedAnnUpdateS08 2 12/31/2008 Page 2 of 15 Retention and Success: rates for DT courses are consistently at 89-90% which is similar to or better than other BTECH division programs. Retention and success are slightly less for ENGR23. This should be expected for a rigorous course that has no prerequisites. The rates, however, are consistent with other Engineering courses. Student Demographics: Data specific to the DT program are not available for analysis. 3. Labor Market Review (for occupational programs) Occupational programs must review their labor market data. Links to various reports and information, as well as instructions on how to create program-specific reports, can be found at Institutional Research (IR) is available to help with surveys and reviews. All survey data (whether collected by your program or the institution) should be sent to IR to be kept on record. a. Meets a documented labor market demand, b. Does not represent duplication of other training programs (in the region), and c. Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students. There is a documented labor market demand for Drafting Technology program completers. California Employment Development Department (EDD) statistics for Humboldt County indicate considerable employment growth (approx 16%) in job classifications that could be filled by AS and BS graduates of Computer Aided Design programs. Jobs in the drafting and design fields pay well. For example, California EDD data show Architecture and Engineering Occupations median salary is $32.12; Architectural and Civil Drafters median salary is $21.53; and Mechanical Drafters median salary is $22.36. ( The DT program does not duplicate other training programs in the North Coast region. The program is part of a non-duplicative sequence of courses that begins in the region's high school and ROP programs and continues to HSU's Applied Technology program. The DT program evaluates its effectiveness in a variety of ways, including Advisory committee input, NAIT accreditation, and follow-up surveys. The Drafting Technology Advisory Committee is comprised of local employers in the architectural, engineering, and design industries. The committee meets annually to review student learning outcomes, evaluate program curriculum, and update faculty on current industry trends and employment opportunities. Advisory committee minutes are on file in the Business and Technology Division office. RevisedAnnUpdateS08 3 12/31/2008 Page 3 of 15 The 3 Drafting Technology AS degrees are fully accredited by the National Association of Industrial Technology ( The programs received initial accreditation with NAIT in 2003 and, at the NAIT Board of Accreditation hearings on October 23, 2007, were granted a 6 year accreditation extension without a requirement for a progress report. The accreditation is based on our response to the 62 NAIT standards and an onsite validation of the self study by a 3 member peer review team. While not unprecedented, it is rare that the NAIT Board has enough confidence in a program to accredit it without a report along the way. It speaks well of our programs, but we must sustain our efforts and continue to improve. We received 3 partial compliances among the 62 standards - all of them having to do with closing the loop on assessment and broadly disclosing our program data. The renewed college-wide efforts in this regard and our internal program review process will make the next NAIT accreditation cycle much easier to manage and the standards easier to validate. The NAIT self-study and visiting team report are available on the district accreditation web site and in the Business and Technology Division Office. A graduate follow up survey was conducted in 2007 and will be repeated in 2009 after revision of the survey instrument. The previous survey was conducted with assistance from Title III staff who are no longer with the college. Faculty will work with Title III staff to revise and conduct another survey after graduation in 2009. 4. Budget Resources List your area’s budget for the following categories in the table below. Restricted funds have a sponsor/grantor/donor (federal, state, local government, etc). The funds are restricted by the sponsor/grantor/donor. Everything else is unrestricted. Category Supply and printing budget Equipment replacement and repair budget Professional Development Work-study funding Additional Budget Items Unrestricted Funds 2000 Restricted Funds 400 5000 ctea 1800 ctea 12000 ctea Is the funding for these areas adequate? Yes No If not, describe the impact of unaddressed needs on your discipline or program. With the exception of three items, the existing operating budget for DT is adequate. Those three items are 1) computing hardware, 2) software, and 3) professional development. As described in the most recent action plan for Drafting Technology, each year the college purchases an annual license to use the Higher Education Autodesk software suite. Some component of the suite is used in every DT course to support instruction of students in a variety of programs (DT, MT, CT, IT, DM) The annual network license permits 25 seats of each CAD program to be installed in a single networked RevisedAnnUpdateS08 4 12/31/2008 Page 4 of 15 lab environment. The software is not sold to colleges in any other licensing format and the cost is non-negotiable. Autodesk is the industry leading CAD program and the software used by most local design firms. The expense for the license has been recurring for over 10 years and is currently $8200. Faculty have scrambled every year to cover the expense through restricted funds and were successful in getting funding through an action plan for this academic year. It is not permitted to charge recurring expenses to the CTEA grant as we have done in the past. The action plan committee suggests that the most appropriate solution to the problem is to place the necessary funds in the annual budget for the DT program. The 50 computers used by DT are between 1 year and 4 years old. Because computer purchases have been piecemeal (a few each year purchased with CTEA funds), there are multiple configurations in the lab. This scenario makes it impossible to maintain a standard image for the lab. The software used in the CAD Lab is among the most demanding of PC hardware. Some of the older boxes have less than the recommended specifications to run our advanced CAD software and it is likely that the new software versions coming out in the spring will not run adequately on many of the computers. All of the computers in the CAD Lab would nonetheless be suitable for other lab or office environments at the college running less demanding software. Our recommendation is to replace 28 computers in AT105 with an appropriate and standard configuration while repurposing the existing computers to the small CAD lab in AT107 or another college function. We hope that this can be accomplished very soon through the proposed computer replacement process. Estimated cost: $50,000. With respect to professional development, the constantly changing technology required for teaching the DT curriculum requires a constantly changing faculty as well. Faculty have been fortunate to attend various technical training courses and events by using categorical funds such as CTEA and Faculty Development. Because software is updated annually, it seems appropriate that staff development is scheduled annually as well. Each year, Autodesk (our primary software vendor) sponsors a one week training event called Autodesk University. Total cost to attend this event is roughly $1800 and should be included in an annual budget. 5. Learning Resource Center Resources Is the level of resources provided by the Academic Support Center and Library (Learning Resource Center) adequate? Yes No If not, explain. 6. Student Services Resources Complete the following grid concerning Student Services Areas. Student Services Does the area satisfy the needs of your discipline? Area There is a connection to this RevisedAnnUpdateS08 There is a connection to this 5 Uncertain about the student service area 12/31/2008 Page 5 of 15 discipline/program and YES the student services area does satisfy the needs of the discipline. discipline/program and NO the student services area does not satisfy the needs of the discipline. provided or how it connects to this discipline/program Admissions and Records Counseling Financial Aid Career Services Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) CalWorks Residence Halls Upward Bound Student Conduct If a lack of support was indicated in the table above, describe your program/discipline need. Staffing levels for student advising appear to be inadequate. The counselors/advisors, at the current staffing levels, cannot be expected to keep up with program/curriculum changes or provide the intrusive advising necessary for student success. 7. Faculty Resource Needs Complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (data link is provided at Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for fall 2007 term DT+ENGR23 37.5 RevisedAnnUpdateS08 % of Total Teaching Load by Full-Time Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by Part-Time Faculty % Change from fall 2006 % Change from fall 2005 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) 84 16 119 92 F06 was low due to 6 12/31/2008 Page 6 of 15 the cancellation of one class (low enrollment) Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for spring 2008 term DT+ENGR23 39.5 % of Total Teaching Load by Full-Time Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by Part-Time Faculty % Change from spring 2007 % Change from spring 2006 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) 85 15 109 71 S06 had an unusually high number of sections because we were making up for cancellations in the previous year. a. Describe the status of any approved, but unfilled full-time positions. None b. If you are requesting a Full-Time Faculty position develop an attachment to this report that addresses the following criteria (as listed in AR 305.03) • The ratio of full-time to associate faculty • Current availability of associate faculty • Relation to program review recommendations • Effect on diversity of the faculty • Effect on academic offerings and ability to serve students and the community • Effect on the vitality and future direction of a program and/or the college • Effect on student learning c. If your Associate Faculty needs are not being met, describe your efforts to recruit Associate faculty and/or describe barriers or limitations that prevent retaining or recruiting Associate Faculty RevisedAnnUpdateS08 7 12/31/2008 Page 7 of 15 One course in DT will be cancelled for S09 due to poor availability of qualified part time faculty. This is a continual problem, but compounded by the S09 sabbatical of the single full-time faculty member. However, we have been fortunate to attract two new part time faculty members to cover most of the DT/ENGR23 course load in S09. The college has advertised for more than a year for part time faculty with very little success. The barriers appear to be a small pool of qualified individuals in our community and relatively low pay for the expertise required. 8. Staff Resources Complete the Classified Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff). This does not include faculty, managers, or administration positions. If a staff position is shared with other areas/disciplines, estimate the fraction of their workload dedicated to your area. Staff Employed in the Program Assignment Full-time Part-time staff (give (e.g., Math, (classified) number) English) staff (give number) CAD Lab Instructional Aide 1 - 19 hr/wk shared by DT/MT/CT/DM/NR/IT/AG Do you need more full-time of part-time classified staff? If yes, explain why. Gains over Losses over Prior Year Prior Year (give reason: retirement, reassignment, health, etc.) 0 0 yes no 9. Facilities, and Classroom Technology Are teaching facilities adequate for achieving the educational outcomes of this Yes No discipline/program? If No was checked, complete and attach Facility Form (facilities.form) for each instructional space that does not meet the needs of this discipline/program: 10. Equipment Is the available equipment (other than classroom specific equipment described in the facilities section) adequate to achieve the educational outcomes of your program/discipline? Yes No See #4 Budget resources and Facilities forms for detail on software & computing needs. If No was checked, complete the following grid for each piece of equipment being requested for this area/discipline: RevisedAnnUpdateS08 8 12/31/2008 Page 8 of 15 Equipment Approximate Price Number of students using equipment each semester Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program/discipline educational outcomes Equipment Repair Is the equipment used for your discipline/program in need of repair, which is outside your current budget allotment? This does not include classroom specific equipment repair described in the facilities section. Yes No If Yes was checked, provide the following information to justify a budget allotment request: Equipment requiring repair Repair Cost / Annual maintenance cost Number of students using equipment each semester Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program/discipline educational outcomes 11. Learning Outcomes Assessment Update. List all expected program-level outcomes, whether you have completed the assessment loop (use of results) or not. For each outcome, identify the means of assessment and the criteria for success. Summarize the data that have been collected in the ‘Assessment Results’ column. If no data have been collected and analyzed for a particular outcome, use the ‘Assessment Results’ column to clarify when these data will be collected and analyzed. In the fourth column, indicate how the assessment results are being used to improve the program. Program Outcomes (Not all disciplines have program-level outcomes) Means of Assessment and Performance Criteria Assessment Results Summary Use of Results Produce design documentation to industry standards using Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD software) and technical sketching For all Program Outcomes: For all Program Outcomes: For all Program Outcomes: Formal assessment of the criteria will be accomplished through follow-up surveys and Informal assessment has resulted in significant degree/certificate RevisedAnnUpdateS08 - Success in next level course 9 12/31/2008 Page 9 of 15 - Job Placement - Job advancement - Employer feedback - NAIT accreditation standards employer surveys under development. NAIT standards provide additional validation. Informal assessment is based on anecdotal evidence from graduates, advisory committee input, and faculty observations. changes in 06/07 as well as the development of DT23 and DT81. Develop complete architectural plans with consideration for aesthetics, cost, methods of construction, building codes, and common industrial practices (ASArchitecture only) Develop realistic static and animated visualizations of designs Produce rapid prototyped parts using 3D printing Work in design teams Use contemporary technology, terminology, and practices to solve design and documentation problems. Communicate effectively, both written and oral Apply precision tolerancing, geometric dimensioning & tolerancing, and materials & process design criteria to their designs (ASMechanical only) Model mechanical design concepts in 3D using the parametric solid modeling(AS-Mechanical only) Develop profiles and cross sections, land subdivisions, site and RevisedAnnUpdateS08 10 12/31/2008 Page 10 of 15 grading plans, and basic earthwork calculations with correct interpretation of survey data (AS-Civil only) Develop maps and technical drawings related to transportation, hydrology, and utilities (AS-Civil only) Use surveying instrumentation and GIS/GPS systems (ASCivil only) List all course-level student learning outcomes for which some assessment activity (assessment, analysis, or use of results) has taken place since the most recent program review, and complete the table below as appropriate Student Learning Outcomes (course-level) Means of Assessment and Performance Criteria Assessment Results Summary Use of Results DT23 - Develop orthographic projections from engineering sketches using CAD and sketching. Assess student work against a rubric based on industry standards. Assess student understanding of terminology and concepts using objective and performance testing. Assess student work against a rubric based on industry standards. Assess student understanding of terminology While CAD work is generally within acceptable parameters, technical sketching work tends to be less precise, especially arcs and circles. New worksheets are being developed to target weak areas of sketching and break down the techniques to a more fundamental level. Student understanding tends to be acceptable with some improvement needed in the area of auxiliary view development (noted on test#2 F08) A project was revised to include reinforcement and practice of auxiliary view development. DT62 - Develop orthographic, section, and auxiliary views from a parametric model. RevisedAnnUpdateS08 11 12/31/2008 Page 11 of 15 DT80 Develop and apply materials with desired color, texture, and special effects. and concepts using objective and performance testing. Assess student work against a rubric based on industry standards. Assess student understanding of terminology and concepts using objective and performance testing. A weakness in the understanding of multisubobject hierarchy navigation became apparent after reviewing student work and test results. The multi-subobject material concept is now reinforced in additional projects. Discuss the extent to which part-time faculty (if applicable) have been involved in the dialogue about assessing student learning outcomes: Part time faculty participate in regular discussions with full time faculty on all curricular matters including assessment. In particular, faculty are interested in ensuring that skills necessary for success in intermediate classes are learned in the basic classes. Part time faculty also participate in advisory committee meetings where outcomes are discussed and placed in appropriate classes. 12. Curriculum Update Identify curricular revisions and innovations undertaken a. in the last year. DT25, DT31, DT40, DT50, DT62, DT71, DT80 b. planned for the coming year. none Complete the grid below. The course outline status report can be located at: Course DT23 DT24 DT25 DT31 DT32 DT40 RevisedAnnUpdateS08 Year Course Outline Year Next Update Last Updated Expected 11/07 2012 2/07 2012 2/08 2013 2/08 2013 5/07 2012 3/08 2013 12 12/31/2008 Page 12 of 15 DT50 DT62 DT63 DT71 DT73 DT80 DT81 2013 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2011 2/08 2/08 2/07 2/08 2/07 2/08 2/06 If the proposed course outlines updates from last year’s annual update (or comprehensive review) were not completed, please explain why. NA 13. Communication Are the current lines of administrative, faculty, and staff communication adequate to meet the needs of this discipline/program? Describe representative example of effective or ineffective communication. The current communication structure using Area Coordinators and Division Chairs is working well. Information flows through regular department and division meetings as well as email. Area Coordinators meet weekly with the Division Chair. 14. Action Plans List any action plans submitted since your last annual update. Describe the status of the plans. If they were approved, describe how they have improved your area. An action plan was approved for this academic year to provide funding for the annual CAD software license and for staff development of faculty. The software was purchased and installed during the summer for use in F08. Faculty will attend training during the spring semester because opportunities were not available in the fall semester. 15. Goals and Plans If you have recently undergone a comprehensive review, attach your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) if applicable. QIP Attached If you do not have a QIP, refer to the goals and plans from your previous annual update. For each goal and/or plan, comment on the current status. List any new goals and plans your area has for the coming year, and indicate how they are aligned with the goals/objectives in CR’s Strategic Plan. (CR’s strategic plan is located on the web at RevisedAnnUpdateS08 13 12/31/2008 Page 13 of 15 Quality Improvement Plan Program: Drafting Technology Year: 2008-2009 Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Status Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Status Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Status RevisedAnnUpdateS08 1 Refine and administer graduate survey after graduation in 09 June 09 Aug 09 Refine existing survey instrument with assistance from IR. Administer survey. At least 50% return. Improvement of outcomes assessment data. NA Steve Brown/IR office Weak outcomes assessment Outcomes assessment and “closing the loop on assessment” with broad disclosure of data were the only concerns expressed by the NAIT visiting team. Continued from 08-09 2 Using the model provided in the Program Review Guide to develop an Outcomes Assessment process during the 08/09 academic year Spring 2009 ongoing Create a system consistent with the Program Review Guide Program improvement based on evidence NA Steve Brown/IR office Weak outcomes assessment/weak program Outcomes assessment and “closing the loop on assessment” with broad disclosure of data were the only concerns expressed by the NAIT visiting team. Continued from 08-09 3 Investigate online CAD offerings Spring 2009 ongoing Explore ways for students to access CAD software and develop online curriculum Increased access to DT courses throughout district Unknown Steve Brown Continued access issues to DT program courses NA New for this year 14 12/31/2008 Page 14 of 15 Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Status Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Status RevisedAnnUpdateS08 4 Work with administration to secure an uninterrupted funding stream to support annual software license expense Spring 2009 ongoing Submit request through division chair Approved and adequate line item budget for DT $8200 annually Steve Brown/Division Chair or Dean? Continued access issues to DT program courses NAIT standards are concerned with ongoing funding necessary sustain the program without relying on one time funds. Continued from 08-09 5 Pursue resolutions to deficiencies noted in selfstudy and team response. Develop a response to the visiting team recommendations. Create a timeline to develop a report if requested by the NAIT Board of Accreditation. ongoing Ongoing (current accreditation in force until 2013) Work with college IR office to develop and implement the follow-up system for graduates and program leavers. Define the responsibility of faculty and administration in the process. Use the data from follow-up studies to make curricular and programmatic as necessary. Maintain NAIT accreditation. Improved assessment process $1800 annually to attend NAIT conference Steve Brown Weak assessment plan and potential loss of NAIT accreditation. NAIT standards are concerned with ongoing funding necessary sustain the program without relying on one time funds. Continued from 08-09 15 12/31/2008 Page 15 of 15 Quality Improvement Plan Program: Drafting Technology Year: 2008-2009 Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Recommendation # Recommendation 1 Refine and administer graduate survey after graduation in 09 June 09 Aug 09 Refine existing survey instrument with assistance from IR. Administer survey. At least 50% return. Improvement of outcomes assessment data. NA Steve Brown/IR office Weak outcomes assessment Outcomes assessment and “closing the loop on assessment” with broad disclosure of data were the only concerns expressed by the NAIT visiting team. 2 Using the model provided in the Program Review Guide to develop an Outcomes Assessment process during the 08/09 academic year Spring 2009 ongoing Create a system consistent with the Program Review Guide Program improvement based on evidence NA Steve Brown/IR office Weak outcomes assessment/weak program Outcomes assessment and “closing the loop on assessment” with broad disclosure of data were the only concerns expressed by the NAIT visiting team. 3 Investigate online CAD offerings Spring 2009 ongoing Explore ways for students to access CAD software and develop online curriculum Increased access to DT courses throughout district Unknown Steve Brown Continued access issues to DT program courses NA 4 Work with administration to secure an uninterrupted funding stream to support annual software license expense Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Spring 2009 ongoing Submit request through division chair Approved and adequate line item budget for DT $8200 annually Steve Brown/Division Chair or Dean? Continued access issues to DT program courses NAIT standards are concerned with ongoing funding necessary sustain the program without relying on one time funds. 5 Pursue resolutions to deficiencies noted in selfstudy and team response. Develop a response to the visiting team recommendations. Create a timeline to develop a report if requested by the NAIT Board of Accreditation. ongoing Ongoing (current accreditation in force until 2013) Work with college IR office to develop and implement the follow-up system for graduates and program leavers. Define the responsibility of faculty and administration in the process. Use the data from follow-up studies to make curricular and programmatic as necessary. Maintain NAIT accreditation. Improved assessment process $1800 annually to attend NAIT conference Steve Brown Weak assessment plan and potential loss of NAIT accreditation. NAIT standards are concerned with ongoing funding necessary sustain the program without relying on one time funds. Facilities, and Classroom Technology Form Program/Disciplines: DT Year: 2008 Submitted by: Steve Brown List classroom or instructional space name/number: AT105 (CAD Lab) Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Other (briefly describe): Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Describe the specific action and estimated cost (if available) to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: The room is always too warm, occasionally intolerable. It is a large room with a single exterior door and no windows. The room has 28 computers that generate heat. Lately, we have resorted to using box fans to move the air around but the noise from the fans makes it difficult for students to hear presentations. Numerous requests over many years to solve this problem have resulted in no change. I was told that this room would be connected to the new ventilation system that was installed for the remodeled Dental/Nursing facility using Measure Q funds. This did not happen. Since the building housing AT105 is not slated for abandonment, it seems prudent to extend the modernization of the HVAC system to the rest of the building. Maintenance will need to provide an estimate of this cost. The 28 computers in the lab are between 1 year and 4 years old. Because computer purchases have been piecemeal (a few each year purchased with VTEA funds), there are multiple configurations in the lab. This scenario makes it impossible to maintain a standard image for the lab. The software used in the AT105 (CAD lab) is among the most demanding of PC hardware. Some of the older boxes have less than the recommended specifications to run our advanced CAD software and it is likely that the new versions coming out in the spring will not run adequately on many of the computers in AT105. All of the computers in AT105 would nonetheless be suitable for other lab or office environments at the college running less demanding software. Our recommendation is to replace the 28 computers with an appropriate and standard configuration while repurposing the existing computers to the small CAD lab in AT107 or another college function. Estimated cost: $50,000. List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: 7-8 sections per semester Students: 140 serving students in DT, CT, MT, IT, AG, DM Facility, Classroom Technology Form 12/31/2008 Page 1 of 2 Facility, Classroom Technology Form 12/31/2008 Page 2 of 2 Facilities, and Classroom Technology Form Program/Disciplines: DT Year: 2008 Submitted by: Steve Brown List classroom or instructional space name/number: AT106 Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Other (briefly describe): Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Describe the specific action and estimated cost (if available) to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: The room is typically far too warm. The door must be left open, even at night, subjecting students near the door to cold wind and noise. Numerous requests over many years to solve this problem have resulted in no change. I was told that this room would be connected to the new ventilation system that was installed for the remodeled Dental/Nursing facility using Measure Q funds. This did not happen. Since the building housing AT105 is not slated for abandonment, it seems prudent to extend the modernization of the HVAC system to the rest of the building. Maintenance will need to provide an estimate of this cost. List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Students: 150 Sections: 8-9 sections per semester serving students in DT, CT, MT, IT, AG, CET, DM. This room is used occasionally by Academy of the Redwoods Facility, Classroom Technology Form 12/31/2008 Page 1 of 1 Facilities, and Classroom Technology Form Program/Disciplines: DT Year: 2008 Submitted by: Steve Brown List classroom or instructional space name/number: AT107 (small CAD Lab) Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Other (briefly describe): Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Describe the specific action and estimated cost (if available) to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: Recent work by maintenance has made the room's temperature tolerable most of the time. However, the temperature is inconsistent especially when the 25 computers are operating. The room has a single exterior door and no opening windows. The room has 25 computers that generate lots of heat. The door must be left open, even at night, subjecting students near the door to cold wind and noise. I was told that this room would be connected to the new ventilation system that was installed for the remodeled Dental/Nursing facility using Measure Q funds. This did not happen. Since the building housing AT105 is not slated for abandonment, it seems prudent to extend the modernization of the HVAC system to the rest of the building. Maintenance will need to provide an estimate of this cost. The 25 computers in the lab are between 4 and 5 years old, handed down from AT105 as they became available. The CAD and GIS software used in the AT107 (small CAD lab) is among the most demanding of PC hardware although we generally teach the intro courses in that room and therefore don't demand as much from the machines as we do of those in the main CAD lab. Our recommendation is to replace the 25 computers with the boxes in AT105 (when they are replaced - see Facilities Form for AT`105) while repurposing the existing computers to another college function. Estimated cost: $0. List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: 3-4 sections per semester Students: 100 serving students in DT, NR, AG plus significant use by students as an open lab Facility, Classroom Technology Form 12/31/2008 Page 1 of 1