Assessment and Transformation Program Review Annual Update Report Disabled Student Programs and Services Tracey Thomas, Program Review Coordinator 2007-2008 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Expected Outcome (program and student learning) Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodolog y to be used, or was used, such as focus group or exit interview.) Administrated When? Administrated To Whom and by whom? PO Assess faculty and staff perceptions and needs from DSPS Biennial Web-based and paper survey for faculty and staff at all campus locations. Biennial 2008/2009 2010-2011 Survey given to district faculty and staff. Web Based survey results completed by Institutional Research office. with analysis by DSPS staff & faculty PO Maintain a systematic assessment and enhance programmatic responsiveness to changing learner needs Biennial Student Survey Spring 2009 SLO Students will state educational limitations and determine appropriate accommodatio n at any semester. % age of students who complete a Support Services Agreement and Educational limitiations each semester in reports generated by AbleAccess DSPS database Biennial 2008//2009 2010/2011 Spring 2011 End of Fall semester Survey given to DSPS Student district wide receiving services and enrolled in Special courses with analysis completed by Institutional Research office. DSPS staff/counselor 1 on 1 appointment for accommodations with student Assessment Status/Findings (Indicate when the data will be available for analysis or the result of the analysis. In the next year, indicate the results of a second assessment cycle Findings were discussed Spring 2007 Biennial 2008/2009 2010-2011 TBD Biennial 2008//2009 2010/2011 Use of Results Indicate the way the data is, or will be, used to make changes to student services. An important purpose of assessment is to increase dialogue about learning.) Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Intended Follow-Up Change ways in which DSPS interfaces with district personnel to be more meaningful. Determine level of user friendliness and adjust strategies needed to accomplish results. This was the first survey implemented by the department and will be implemented biennially. Increase participation and respresentati on of DSPS staff and faculty on key decision making committees for the district. TBD TBD TBD TBD Results 2006/07 presented to Senior Staff June 6, 2007 and Board of Trustees July 3, 2007 Analysis of previous survey results will lead to a rewrite off all student surveys questions to improve our understanding of learner needs Review and analysis of students self awareness and level of understanding of disability related educational needs. Assess ways in which information is delivered to students and change delivery strategies as appropriate B. Department Goals Report College Strategic Plan Goals Build culture of assessment. Ensure student access. Division Goal Department Goal FY2007-08 Action Plan Status of each action item Provide research based learnercentered services that support access and student engagement from matriculation to goal attainment Maintain a systematic assessment and review to ensure compliance with Title V regulations and enhance programmatic effectiveness and responsiveness to changing learner needs. Reconvene the DSPS Advisory Committee Fall, 2008 Completed In Progress Complete DSPS campus Completed survey via web with results In Progress and analysis Spring, 2007 Conduct Student Survey’s at Eureka, Del Norte and Completed Mendocino Coast campus In Progress Spring, 2007 Develop a binder of results from DSPS Student Completed Satisfaction Survey for In Progress student review in an accessible location at each campus location. Fall, 2007 Modify Student Education Contracts for students in Guidance 379 and 380 in order to assess student progress by implementation of measurable student learning outcomes. Fall, 2007 Develop a DSPS on line orientation Spring, 2008 Modify process to ensure course repeatability forms are available in DSPS master file in Eureka, Del Norte and Mendocino Spring, 2008 Collaboration Partners DCARA, Department of Rehab, Mental Health, Lighthouse for the Blind Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Institution Research Institution Research District DSPS staff Other: Fill DSPS Technology Specialist Position Spring 2008 Complete reorganization of Mendocino Coast DSPS based on student need. Investigate permanent staff position to assist with alt-media production Completed In Progress District DSPS staff Completed In Progress Web Master, DSPS Tech Specialist Completed In Progress DSPS Specialist Admin. Office Assistant DSPS Director Redesign layout of DSPS website to reflect current CR web look by Spring, 2008 Completed In Progress DSPS Director Technology Specialist Modify SEC for all DSPS special courses to include “current accommodations and educational limitations Completed In Progress LD Specialist Special Course District Instructors can be found on student Support Services Agreement” by Spring, 2008 Ensure Student Access Develop and manage human, physical and financial resources to effectively support the learning environment. . Improve program and service information for students in response to new state and federal regulations and service delivery trends. Update DSPS Student Completed Satisfaction Surveys In Progress by Spring, 2008 Modify DSPS Faculty Completed Handbook to include the In Progress provision of faculty responsibilities related to provision of print materials in alternate formats. Fall, 2008 DSPS Director IR Printing Services, Web Master Provide DSPS student information to EDTN, AIS, KT and Eureka campus locations. Completed In Progress DSPS Staff Integrate technology software purchases for district lab and instructional locations compliance into decision making and fund distribution and technology planning Completed In Progress DSPS Technology Specialist IT Manager TAG Business Office Completed In Progress Humboldt American Sign Language In coordination with a Completed qualified Sign Language In Progress Interpreter develop a mentoring program for new Sign Language Interpreters Spring, 2007 Humboldt ASL Update DSPS Student Resource Guide to include Service Animal Policy, BOT Policy 809 AR 809.07 Access to Programs and Facilities and others Spring, 2007 Completed In Progress Printing Services Update DSPS brochures to include new course outlines for special courses for Fall 2008 Completed In Progress Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment In coordination with a qualified Sign Language Interpreter develop a skills assessment for potential new hires to determine appropriate course assignments Spring, 2007 DSPS Staff DSPS Staff Printing Services Other: DSPS Direction scheduled semester visits to Mendocino and Del Norte Campuses Develop and manage human, physical and financial resources to effectively support the learning environment. . . Ensure Student Access Improve program and service information and college policy to ensure college compliance with federal and state regulations. Develop DSPS Del Norte Student Resource Guide for new student intake Spring 2008 Completed In Progress Update all DSPS Master Forms for district at Del Norte campus Spring 2008 Develop a board policy to address Course Substitution for disability related compliance Fall, 2007 Completed In Progress Completed In Progress Printing Services DSPS Eureka Staff and faculty Staff Staff Time Other: Presidents Office Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Modify the Purchase Order Completed form or process for district In Progress purchases of instructional equipment, supplies to ensure disability accessible purchases and compliance with board policy Spring, 2008 Business Services Purchase officer, Business Services Technology Specialist Improve implementation of Completed Section 508 policies by In Progress providing recommendations for standardization of delivery of distance education or other on line courses, and standardization in the purchasing process to ensure the procurement of accessible instructional equipment and supplies Fall, 2007 Business Services Purchase officer, Technology Manager, DE coordinator DSPS Director DE Coordinator Technology Specialist Implement DE/Online course accessibility checklist Spring, 2008 Completed In Progress Modify Emergency Preparedness Plan for district Spring 2008 Completed In Progress DSPS Director Health & Safety Committee Develop a FAQ for disabilities and accessibility for quick reference for Action Plan Spring, 2008 Completed In Progress Technology Specialist DSPS Director Space Equipment Other: C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year. Comment on the whether your facilities, budget, equipment, and staffing are adequate based on the services provided and the number of students served. Discuss what your operations, staffing and facilities needs may be in the next three years.) The DSPS Comprehensive Program Review was completed for 2006-07. Progress was submitted in a DSPS Program Review Annual Update in October 2007. This Annual Update highlighted significant progress toward objective completion made between spring semester 2007 and October 2007. Since the October 2007 Annual Program Review Update additional progress has been made. Many continuing and new objectives continue to rely heavily on process improvements to expedite service and Title V compliance for DSPS to prepare for the Chancellor’s Office on site review in spring 2009. Since fall 2007, DSPS modified the DSPS Faculty Handbook, adjusted developed a DSPS Student Handbook for the Del Norte campus. A DSPS student online orientation was developed and made available on the DSPS website in spring 2008. All DSPS Special course outlines were updated and approved by Curriculum Committee by February 2008. Annual Academic Program Reviews for Guidance and Physical Education were completed by the respective divisions in fall 2007 and included DSPS Guidance and Adapted Physical Education course information. DSPS FACILITY NEEDS DSPS facility needs were addressed in Measure Q projects at Del Norte and Mendocino Coast campuses in summer 2007. DSPS EQUIPMENT and TECHNOLOGY NEEDS DSPS equipment and technology needs, at present, have been met by categorical and instructional block grant funding. DSPS STAFF NEEDS DSPS Technology Specialist is currently being filled by temporary staff and recruitment efforts are extended due to an insufficient applicant pool. This position serves the district and is the primary contact for district compliance with Section 508 regulations. The expertise of this position is relied heavily on by the district. Effective March 10, 2008 a resignation of the DSPS Specialist position at the Mendocino Coast campus has resulted in a reassignment and reclassification of the DSPS Instructional Support Specialist II. Effective fall 2008 Special classes in Guidance will not be offered on the Mendocino Coast campus. Student notification and efforts to transition support services for fall 2008 are being coordinated with student services support staff and faculty on the campus. Emerging staff issues are readily apparent in the area of alternate media production. Currently, DSPS has one full time classified position to serve district needs in the area of alternate media production. Data indicates a steady increase in the number of students eligible for alternate text as an accommodation, consequently increasing the number of textbooks being requested. DSPS has consistently hired temporary staff for 4 years to assist in the production. Turnover of the temporary staff, textbook complexity and demands for retraining provide challenges and impact textbook production time. DSPS responsibility in the timely production of the student requests will require the development and procurement of a position to assist in the production of alternate media for students served in our district by fall 2008. In the area of Learning Disabilities, our district is experiencing significant transformation. With 16 years of exceptional service, the retirement of Learning Disabilities Specialist at Eureka campus will occur at the end of spring 2008. In January 2008, DSPS is pleased to have hired a new Learning Disabilities Specialist for the Del Norte campus who will complete the Chancellors Office Learning Disabilities Eligibility Model Training in summer 2008. DISTRICT DISABILITY COMPLIANCE for FACILITIES & TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT With respect to the district’s efforts in a growing awareness of compliance with disability access regulations and College Board policy, the integration of facility, technology, and equipment requirements based into our decision making and district planning efforts continues to offer the district opportunities for growth. Vice President’s Recommendation Comments: I agree that the district needs to infuse ADA compliance in its facilties planning efforts. Keith Snow-Flamer Vice President’s Signature 3/5/08 Date Program Review Committee Comments Comments: __________________________________________________ Co-Chair of the PRC _____/_____/_____ Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Recommendation Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date