Assessment and Transformation CalSOAP Annual Program Review Update Review Coordinator: Marcy Manning Review Team Members 2007-2008 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Expected Outcome (program and student learning) Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodology to be used, or was used, such as focus group or exit interview.) Administered When? Administrated To Whom and by whom? PLO: 80% of participants served will be retained in the project through the beginning of the next program year or will graduate from high school. PLO: 85% of participants will participate in some kind of tutoring program SLO: Students will identify their specific personal and academic plan for success. Document baseline retention levels. Fall, 2007 and Spring 2008. Program participants will be tracked by Program director. Document baseline tutoring level. Fall, 2008 Pre and post tests. Fall, 2008 SLO: Students will demonstrate the interpersonal and study skills necessary for success in college Spring 2009. Assessment Status/Findings (Indicate when the data will be available for analysis or the result of the analysis. In the next year, indicate the results of a second assessment cycle TBD Use of Results Indicate the way the data is, or will be, used to make changes to student services. An important purpose of assessment is to increase dialogue about learning.) Evaluate effectiveness of service delivery. Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Intended Follow-Up TBD TBD Program participants will be tracked by Program director. TBD Evaluate effectiveness of tutoring outreach TBD TBD Tests will be created by the Program Director and administered by CalSOAP staff to program participants. Project director will collect end of semester grade points of program participants. TBD Evaluate effectiveness of CalSOAP service delivery. TBD TBD TBD Evaluate effectiveness of CalSOAP service delivery. TBD TBD B. Department Goals Report College Strategic Plan Goal Division Goal Department Goal FY2007-08 Action Plan Goal 5 – Ensure student access Provide research based learnercentered services that support access and student engagement from matriculation to goal attainment Increase college – going rate of students above state and county levels CalSOAP staff train, communicate with and evaluate precollege advisors Status of each action item Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners CalSOAP consortium, high school students. Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated Pre-college advisors meet monthly with teens $ Completed In Progress Space Equipment Other: Students complete a senior Exit Interview Advisors give presentations on 4 topics in classrooms. Pre and post tests administered on topics. Goal 2 – Develop and manage human, physical and financial resources to effectively support the learning environment. Provide research based learnercentered services that support access and student engagement from matriculation to goal attainment Re-organize staff in relation to budget and personnel changes Determine eliminations or changes to elementary, middle, and high school services if funding is reduced. Completed In Progress Completed In Progress CalSOAP consortium, VPSLSS, VP Del Norte, VP Mendocino. Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Create transition plan as CalSOAP staff changes occur. C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year. Comment on the whether your facilities, budget, equipment, and staffing are adequate based on the services provided and the number of students served. Discuss what your operations, staffing and facilities needs may be in the next three years.) Due to declining budget allocations and staffing cutbacks and absences, CalSOAP has nothing to report for the 2007-2008 academic year. Vice President Student Services and Learning Support Recommendation Comments: CalSOAP is an important part of our general outreach function. One possible future action is to reconnect CalSOAP and Upward Bound. Keith Snow-Flamer 02/16/08 Vice President for Student Services and Learning Support Date Other: Program Review Committee Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Co-Chair of the PRC Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Recommendation Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date