Assessment and Transformation Program Review Yearly Update Report Public Safety Department Review Coordinator: Tim Flanagan 2007-2008 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Outcome Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodology to be used, or was used, such as focus group or exit interview.) To Whom? By Whom? Administered When? Use of Results Assess faculty and staff satisfaction with the operation and service of the Public Safety Department Staff and Faculty satisfaction survey Staff and Faculty January 2005 Determine ways in which we can improve our response to client’s needs and safety issues. Analyses of results were completed by Public Safety Personnel. Provide adequate supplies and equipment for officer stationed at Downtown Site. Distributed by Public Safety Department. Survey questions compiled by Public Safety Department Comprehensive Program Review Public Safety Department February 2006 Security Officers are first responders; this will provide them with the equipment necessary to respond to medical situations. Assessment Status/ Findings (Indicate when the data will be available for analysis or the result of the analysis. In the next year, indicate the results of a second assessment cycle Fill potholes in parking lots Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Intended Follow-up Working with the Maintenance Department potholes are filled when time and money allow. This work is performed before the start of each fall semester to prepare the parking lot for the return of staff and students. Use results of survey to implement improvements for the safety and security of the District. Many buildings and areas are not well lit at night Changed all pathway light fixtures from 70 watt to 150 watts, increasing light levels around campus Design a video surveillance system in various locations to improve safety Video cameras have been installed at both Residential Housing units. Cameras for Cafeteria have been purchased and will be installed in the near future. To be determined Purchasing supplies from list received from Public Safety Officer. Better responsiveness to medical emergencies. Maintain medical supply inventory to reflect any new methods or supplies. B. Department Goals Report Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Provide a safe and responsive learning environment Provide administrative services to support the mission and strategic goals of the District Department Goal FY2007-08 Increase full time permanent officer positions from current two to four Action Plan We are in the process of hiring one full time permanent officer Status of each action item Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners Resources Needed / Reallocated Human Resources Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space We staff the Eureka Downtown Instructional Site Monday through Thursday 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Completed In Progress Replace three computers with faster units Purchasing one new computer for back office, used for security reports Completed In Progress Purchase three new hand held radios Purchased five new hand held radios Completed In Progress Work with both the Sheriff’s Office and Highway Patrol to increase their presence on the Eureka Campus Contact the Sheriff’s Office and Highway Patrol and offer space in the Security building for a sub-station Completed In Progress Create security positions at all College sites Provide a safe and responsive learning environment Provide administrative services to support the mission and strategic goals of the District Equipment Other: Technical Support Services Sheriff’s Office and/or Highway Patrol Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Develop a system of emergency alerting Initiate text messaging system available to staff, faculty, students, and parents that will allow them to receive alerts related to incidences of natural or man made emergencies Completed In Progress Private vendor, Waterfall Mobil Equipment Other: Provide a safe and responsive learning environment Provide administrative services to support the mission and strategic goals of the District Provide a system of communication to classrooms for emergency notification Install phones in classrooms to be used in emergency situations Completed In Progress Technical Support Services, private contractors Staff Time New Money Equipment C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year.) In addition to the Eureka main campus we have an instructional site located in downtown Eureka where we offer day and evening classes. We now have security staff scheduled there Monday through Thursday, 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. This site gets some transient population that has been a concern of staff and students. Having a security presence there has alleviated many of these concerns. The security staff are also trained as emergency medical technicians which provides a rapid response to medical situations. Creating security positions at all College sites was identified in the 10 Year Department Goal in the comprehensive program review in 2006. We have a Public Safety Officer attend the residential housing orientation meeting for students and family. They are available to answer any questions regarding safety and emergency operation. A large portion of our reponses originates at the residence halls. By participating in these meetings it helps alleviate some of the concerns and indicates to the students and parents that we are responsive to their needs. We have Security staff scheduled 24/7 and they make regular patrols around the Residence Halls. Vice President’s Recommendation Comments: The district is currently operating with significant staffing reductions in the Public Safety Department. Current staffing levels need to be increased as soon as feasible. In addition, consideration should be given as to whether it may be nearing the time when our Public Safety Department needs to evolve into a full fledged Campus Police Department. An analysis of this potential change should be accomplished in the near future. Scott Thomason__________________________________________ Vice President’s Signature 11/08/2007 Date Program Review Committee Comments 1. Has the program identified program and/or student learning outcomes that are relevant to its mission? X Yes 2. Are appropriate instruments used to assess learning outcomes? X Yes 3. Are results of assessments used to improve the program? X Yes 4. Are program goals consistent with the college’s mission? X Yes 5. Are improvements or rationale clearly articulated? X Yes Comments or suggestions to strengthen the program and/or the Program Review: Department goals are very clear, achievable, and measurable. A suggestion could be to include a program outcome (measuring need) that would lead to the improvement of safety district wide and support the department goal “create security positions at all college sites”. Also, include cost information to provide security personnel. Consider including the number of overtime hours worked during the past 6-12 months to help support the request for increased security officers Consider investigating grant fund availability to help pay for increased security Keith Snow-Flamer Co-Chair of the PRC Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Comments 11/08/07 Date Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date