Assessment and Transformation Program Review Yearly Update Report Information Technology Services (ITS) Technical Support Services (TSS) Review Coordinator – Steve Stratton, Integrated Technology Manager Review Team Member – Paul Agpawa, Infrastructure Manager Technical Review Support Team – Pat Watson, Tom Cossey, Jose Ramirez, Ray Kingsbury, Bill Straub, Erik Sorensen, Paul Chown 2007 - 2008 November 9, 2007 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Outcome Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodology to be used, or was used, such as focus group or exit interview.) To Whom? By Whom? Administered When? Use of Results Financial Aid processing, year end fiscal closing, and income tax processes meet system requirements Increased utilization of Blackboard-Enterprise System version of Datatel. Monitor other schools and Vendor for status, issues, techniques ITS Programming Staff, Financial Aid, Business Services, and Payroll Staff Update existing system version by December 2007, prepare Test system and analyze requirements ongoing Number of Sections using, feedback from Students, use for nonacademic purposes. Locations and Services provided, count of internal accounts, dollar amount of transactions processed by system Review data collection methods and use of data for reporting and decision making Faculty and various Committee members December 2007 for Business Office, January 2008 for Payroll, Fall 2008 for Financial Aid, ongoing Ongoing, summary at end of Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 Business Services Office, Bookstore, Cafeteria, EOPS Program Increased utilization of BlackboardTransaction System Improve data collection and analysis Maintain and improve accessibility for students with disabilities Inventory all student computer labs for number of accessible workstations. Infrastructure Network technology upgrade Plan Evaluation of current infrastructure and equipment. Assessment Status/ Findings (Indicate when the data will be available for analysis or the result of the analysis. In the next year, indicate the results of a second assessment cycle Ongoing Patches Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Intended Follow-up R18 preparation work done during Summer/Fall 2007 for conversion, Patches ongoing as available Maintain system Patch versions Increase Faculty and Staff understanding of system capabilities, expand use Ongoing during year, summarized at end of each semester More course sections posted, system used for numerous nonacademic subjects Summarize data, review system hardware capacity Fall 2007, Spring 2008 Implementation for use Fall 2008 December 2007 for Bookstore sales info, and for EOPS uses Coordinated planning with Bookstore, EOPS, Business Services Create proposal for system expansion for Fall 2008 Institutional Research, existing data users of Track-It and SARS, TAG members DSPS tech staff ongoing Consolidate data sources, automate summary data transfer into Datatel December 2007 for potential implementation Spring or Fall 2008 Reduced number of stand-alone data sets, better integration with Institutional Research and MIS requirements Create proposal for changes in data collection methods Spring 2008 -last performed in Spring 2005 Determine compliance with District Board Policy and federal and state law. Summer 2008 Formulize strategies for increasing number of accessible labs in District. Technical Support Services, VAR, Telecomm Consultant and Cisco Technical Rep. Ongoing as project phases and locations enter schedule Design and install new network technology, coordinated with other construction activities ongoing Determine which labs need accessible hardware and software. District purchased equipment and software to meet new lab requirements. Increased network throughput and higher efficient use of bandwidth - A1 - Create Plan and timeline for installation B. Department Goals Report November 9, 2007 Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Comply with Financial Aid, Business Office, and governmental reporting requirements performed through Datatel Colleague Convert to Colleague Release 18 Expand use of BlackboardEnterprise Learning System (Bb-E) to maximize value of annual licensing investment Department Goal FY2007-08 R18 in place by December 2007 Action Plan Status of each action item Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners Modify Datatel system configuration, create custom applications as required Provide Job Request completion within agreed timelines Focus on Title V actions and IR support, review system effects and implications with TAG and Clients, monitor Job Request status and completion time Completed In Progress Datatel, all Datatel users, TAG members, 3CDUG Staff Time Maintain Datatel system Patches Patches kept current and installed on regular schedule Perform Datatel Use Review, coordinate Patch actions with Clients, ITS Senior Programmer, System Operators Completed In Progress Datatel, TAG members, 3CDUG Staff Time Attend 3CDUG and DUG conferences Attend 3CDUG and DUG conferences Preview meeting Agendas, coordinate attendance with TAG members, ITS Staff Completed In Progress TAG members, 3CDUG Staff Time Bb-Enterprise version installed and in production use Increase Course Section use by 25% (68 Sections) Complete for beginning of Fall Semester 2007 ITS Operators to attend training, configure system, upload Client data Completed In Progress TAG members, Faculty, CTE Staff Time Equipment Provide Tutorials web site, Faculty training sessions CTE operations and support for Faculty, provide seminars, more tutorials. Increase use from current Fall 2007 - 274 of 809 sections (34%) Completed In Progress CTE, Faculty Staff Time Use Bb-E for nonacademic functions Provide information and set up shells as requested Implement shells for Accreditation committees and Staff learning, provide motivation and support Completed In Progress TAG members, Accreditation Committee members Staff Time Convert original Blackboard server to development uses Upgrade to Server 2003, install Enterprise for backup, strategize purposes Complete Meal Plan conversion for Fall Semester 2007 use Evaluate options, configure server as hot spare backup for primary Bb-E server, use for development and testing Completed In Progress ITS, TSS staff Staff Time Work with Vendor on-site, co-ordinate conversion with HSU, Users, Business Services, EOPS, Financial Aid, Bookstore Completed In Progress Food Services, Business Services, Bookstore, Vendor, HSU, TSS Staff Time Equipment Reallocated $ Prepare strategy for Fall 2008 use – Corsair Card, Commuter Plan promotion Completed In Progress Staff Time Prepare strategy for active system use in Fall 2008 Completed In Progress Prepare strategy for active system use in Fall 2008 Completed In Progress Food Services, Business Services, Bb-TS Vendor, ITS, TSS Bookstore, Business Services, Bb-TS Vendor, ITS, TSS EOPS, Business Services, Bb-TS Vendor, ITS, TSS Evaluate Bb-Community and Bb–Content, integrate with Bb-E Provide tutorials, publicize to all Users Evaluate financial benefits, strategy by end of Spring 2008 Evaluate financial feasibility, strategy by end of Spring 2008 Evaluate financial feasibility, strategy by end of Spring 2008 Evaluate financial feasibility for Fall 2008 use Additional tutorials, publicity Evaluate financial feasibility, prepare strategy for active system use in Fall 2008 use Completed In Progress Create additional On-line tutorials. Run videos in common lobby areas Completed In Progress Support Mac computers Obtain Mac computer Obtain ITS Support Mac computer, learn use Completed In Progress Improve reliability and security of Food Services Meal Plan Remove CBORD, implement BlackboardTransaction System Increase use of BlackboardTransaction System (Bb-TS) to maximize financial return of investment Expand Bb-TS use at Food Services Increase use of WebAdvisor by Students and Staff Integrate with Bookstore – Nebraska Bookstore Company - WinPrism Integrate with EOPS and Financial Aid procedures Work with TAG members to establish timeline and procedures. - B1 - Datatel, all Datatel users, TAG members, 3CDUG Bookstore, Business Services, Faculty, Bb-TS Vendor, ITS, TSS Student Services, TAG members, Student reps, Public Relations ITS/TSS, Student Services Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Time Equipment Staff Time Equipment Reallocated $ Staff Time Equipment Reallocated $ Staff Time Equipment Reallocated $ Staff Time Equipment Equipment Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Department Goal FY2007-08 Provide capacity and strategy for implementation of each project Action Plan Increase Student enrollment and retention to increase FTES and associated funding Provide strategies and actions to increase automated data exchange Provide strategies and actions to increase success at Counseling, Tutoring, data gathering Review vendors for early alert and on-line counseling/tutoring reservation systems Evaluate SARS-Trak, SARS-Call, SARS-Alert and similar applications, evaluate in-house development, provide strategy for implementation for Fall 2008 Completed In Progress TAG members, Student Services, ITS Staff Time New Money Equipment Expand use of existing data gathering applications Create additional Locations in SARSGrid, upload data Evaluate and create Locations for use with CalWorks, EOPS, Student Discipline. Evaluate additional opportunities Completed In Progress Student Services, EOPS, ITS Staff Time Support increased use of Distance Education Update servers and devices, and educate Staff Prepare proposal for implementation Fall 2008 Update servers to current version, provide connectivity and hardware at sites Completed In Progress Academic Office, TSS, TAG members Evaluate no-cost hosted systems equivalent to Live@HotMail system, make cost/benefit analysis and strategy Completed In Progress Student Services, ITS / TSS Staff Time Equipment Reallocated $ Staff Time Equipment Design and implement for Fall 2007, maintain network security. Coordinate with Clients, provide operational support Completed In Progress Athletics, TSS, ITS, Student Services, Business Office, web master Staff Time Equipment Confirm security of passwords and personal info, purge servers. Check networks for vulnerabilities, educate users, provide autoscan of removable devices Completed In Progress ITS/TSS, Math Dept, all PCs and server users, TAG members Staff Time Reallocate $ Improve function and communication of Technology Advisory Group (TAG) Provide capacity for Football, Soccer, Baseball, Relay for Life, Graduation, etc Review all systems by end of Fall 2007, keep servers updated, mandate Client password standards Create Mission & Vision document, create web site for communication Obtain Charter, create Mission & Vision document, set Objectives & Goals, create web pages, coordinate actions in support of Accreditation Completed In Progress Senior Staff, TAG members, ITS/TSS, web master, Staff Time Help Desk – formalize responsibilities, create knowledge base Create requirements, job description, supporting web site Evaluate responsibilities, procedures, technical requirements by end of Spring 2008. Web site by end of Summer 2008 Completed In Progress Human Resources, TSS/ITS Staff Staff Staff Time Equipment Provide on-line service request system integrating Facilities, TSS/ITS activities Create Technical Assessment and Planning document Create PC Replacement Guidelines Provide strategy by Spring 2008 Evaluate vendors Winter 2007, implementation during Summer 2008 Completed In Progress Vendors, Facilities and Operations, TSS/ITS staff. Staff Time Equipment Planning document strategy by end of December 2007 Policy document completed by end of November 2007 Perform assessments, create planning documents for Accreditation Completed In Progress TAG members, all Clients, ITS/TSS staff Staff Time Provide schedule for PC replacement, obtain financial support, incorporate with Technical Assessment and Planning Completed In Progress TAG members, ITS/TSS Staff, business Office Staff Staff Time Reduce volume of “spam” email Provide solution by end of Fall 2007 Research and implement blocking technology, educate Clients on use Completed In Progress Vendors, ITS/TSS staff, all email users Staff Time Equipment Convert all Staff email to MS Exchange 2003 Convert all accounts by end of Spring 2008 Prioritize and schedule Staff for conversion, upgrade email server capacity, promote use of Completed In Progress Vendors, employees Staff Time Equipment Investigate use of email address for Students Provide web streaming and Cable Ch8 broadcasting of athletic and cultural events Provide modern technical infrastructure Information Security Review of all networks, servers, and desktop computer systems On-Line Transcripts and On-Line Roster/Grade systems, Clearinghouse memberships, CCCTran and CCCApply, create internal data-warehouse - B2 - Status of each action item Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners TAG members, Admissions/Records, Academic Services, Financial Aid, ITS Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Time New Money Equipment Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Action Plan Move all network users into Active Directory Department Goal FY2007-08 Convert all accounts by end of Spring 2008 Provide modern technical infrastructure Replace depreciated computers in Eureka LRC and ASC Prepare proposal and timeline by end of Spring 2008 Evaluate “all-in-one” and “thin-client” devices, determine system requirements with LRC Staff, create strategy Completed In Progress Vendors, LRC and ITS/TSS staff Staff Time Equipment Increase use of web pages by all Staff Prepare proposal and timeline by end of Winter 2008 Evaluate options for all sites Create strategy for Content Management system to make use easier Completed In Progress Vendors, web master, and ITS/TSS staff Staff Time Reallocated $ Provide strategy for DN, MC, AIS, Eureka (Cafeteria and LRC), implement after approval Completed In Progress Staff Time Equipment Evaluate PC screen magnification software Evaluate cost-effectiveness and usability of current ZoomText and equivalent products., provide strategy Completed In Progress ITS/TSS, vendors, Food Services, Residence Halls, Site Managers DSPS and TSS Installation of video surveillance systems Install by end of Fall 2007 Residence Halls, Bookstore, Cafeteria evaluate for contractor or TSS installation, implement Completed In Progress TSS, Food Services, Bookstore, Residence Hall manager Staff Time Equipment Single sign-on for WebAdvisor and Blackboard, Evaluate technology, proposal in Summer 2008 Evaluate Datatel Active Campus Portal, hardware requirements, prepare strategy for implementation during Fall 2008 Completed In Progress ITS / TSS, TAG members, Datatel Staff Time New Money Equipment Portal technology for Student web services Evaluate technology, proposal in Summer 2008 Evaluate technologies, hardware requirements, prepare proposal for implementation during Fall 2008 Completed In Progress ITS / TSS, TAG members Staff Time New Money Equipment Improve data support system reliability and stability Evaluate technology, proposal in Winter 2008 Add UPS devices for support systems/PCs, cost/benefit analysis for stand-by generator for system rooms Completed In Progress ITS/TSS, Maintenance Staff Time New Money Equipment Create data-informed decision making structure for Institutional Research and MIS Automate data transfer from field applications into Datatel Create data-warehouse, create supporting programs Integrate Title V changes, determine tools (SQL, SSRS, Crystal Reports), create and operate data-warehouse system Completed In Progress ITS / TSS, IR, vendors Create applications to automate data transfer Automate transfer of summary data from Track-It and AccuPlacer into Datatel, find other applications for automation work Completed In Progress ITS, Student Services, IR Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Equipment Staff Time Simplify data collection and analysis Consolidate existing data applications, Evaluate SARS-Trak and similar applications, strategy for Fall 2008 Completed In Progress Student Service, ITS, IR Support data-informed decision making with Institutional Research Develop technical abilities Understand technical requirements Learn .NET, system integration, reporting tools Completed In Progress IR Staff, ITS Research and implement software tools for data warehouse Determine optimal software tools by end of Fall 2007 Install Orchestrator, work with IR Staff to determine use of SQL-SSRS or Crystal Reports, then install, configure, use Completed In Progress IR, ITS Staff Time Reallocated $ Equipment Improve efficiency of business processes Document imaging system, automation of business work flow Evaluate, create strategy for systems Document Imaging and Work Flow - review vendors, survey 3CDUG, create proposal and timeline for implement Completed In Progress ITS, Student Services, Human Resources, Business Office Staff Time Space Equipment Faster processing of checks Reduce processing time and handling Evaluate use of laser printer created checks, create implementation timeline Completed In Progress ITS, TAG members, Business Services Staff Time New Money Evaluate, provide, improve wireless (Wi-Fi) access points Meet accessibility requirements for students with disabilities Improve State MIS Reporting timeliness and accuracy Prioritize and schedule Staff for conversion, end use of Novell and legacy network systems - B3 - Status of each action item Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners ITS/TSS, affected Staff, TAG members Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Time Staff Time Reallocate $ Staff Time New Money Equipment Staff Time Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Department Goal FY2007-08 Confirm structure capabilities for data hardware and support locations Investigate, present strategy, implement system hardware Action Plan Bond Measure Q funded Projects: Modernization, remodels, new construction, infrastructure technology update and data network refresh. Participate in Facilities Planning Prepare strategy by March 2008. Consult with vendors, obtain equipment specifications and costs, purchase, install Completed In Progress Planning Committee, vendors, TSS and ITS Staff Staff Time Equipment Complete by December 2007 Coordinate with site contractor, architect, Measure Q consultant, engineers, project manager, and site manager. Provide technology/technical specifications, change orders, RFI’s, oversee contractor Completed In Progress Contractors, Facilities staff, construction design team. TSS staff. Staff Time Equipment Del Norte Campus Technology modernization and installation Complete by December 2007 Coordinate with site contractor, architect, Measure Q consultant, engineers, project manager, and site manager. Provide technology/technical specifications, change orders, RFI’s, oversee contractor Completed In Progress Contractors, Facilities staff, construction design team. TSS staff. Staff Time Equipment Eureka Campus Technology modernization and installation - Dental wing Applied Technology Building Complete by September 2008 Coordinate with site contractor, architect, Measure Q consultant, engineers, project manager, and site manager. Provide technology/technical specifications, change orders, RFI’s, oversee contractor Completed In Progress Contractors, Facilities staff, construction design team. TSS staff. Staff Time Equipment Eureka CampusBookstore, Cafeteria and Student Union Technology modernization, new building construction Eureka Campus- Forum Theater - Technology modernization Complete by September 2010 Coordinate with site contractor, architect, Measure Q consultant, engineers, project manager, and site manager. Provide technology/technical specifications, change orders, RFI’s, oversee contractor Completed In Progress Contractors, Facilities staff, construction design team, Facilities planning team. TSS staff. Staff Time Equipment Complete by December 2008 Coordinate with site contractor, architect, Measure Q consultant, engineers, project manager, and site manager. Provide technology/technical specifications, change orders, RFI’s, oversee contractor Completed In Progress Contractors, Facilities staff, Facilities planning team. TSS staff and Maintenance. Staff Time Equipment Implementation of network zoning and VLAN. Refresh network and infrastructure equipment technology. Telephone PBX system Update/replacement Evaluate VoIP Attend meetings, provide input Provide implementation plan by Spring 2008 Prepare action plan by Summer 2008 Completed In Progress Completed In Progress TSS staff, Cisco. Staff Time Equipment Staff Time Equipment Prepare proposal and implementation plan Summer 2008 Research, create strategy. Consult with Telecommunications consultant, manufacturer, vendors Completed In Progress TSS, Bond construction team, Telecomm consultant. TSS staff. Staff Time Equipment Upgrade key network servers Prepare action plan for Summer 2008 Prepare action plan for Summer 2008 implementation Completed In Progress TSS, system users, Planning Committee Staff Time Equipment Install equipment after remodel MC and DN sites Complete for beginning of Fall Semester 2007 Coordinate with site contractor, project manager, site manager Completed In Progress Contractors, Facilities staff Staff Time Equipment Update Datatel HP9000 hardware to new platform, provide separate work / test systems Mendocino Coast Campus - Technology modernization and installation Coordinate with site contractor, project manager, department managers. Confirm equipment specifications, make purchases Work with Bond construction team, TSS, Vendors, and planning committee. Status of each action item Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners Planning Committee, Contractors, Facilities staff Bond consultant, Project director. Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Time - B4 - November 9, 2007 C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year.) Modified management structure - reduced administrative expense by 50% and headcount by 33%, also revised approach to management methodology. Provided regular schedule of on-site technical support to Del Norte and Mendocino sites after loss of local support staff. Expanded Blackboard capacity - upgraded from Basic to Enterprise version, ITS Operators developed and presented training for all Faculty after loss of CTE staff, increased usage by 36% from 209 Sections in Fall 2006 to 274 Sections and 10 Administrative shells in Fall 2008. Implemented Blackboard-Transaction System - replaced troublesome CBORD Meal Plan system. New internally managed system offers numerous expansion options, for use at Bookstore, Corsair Card, EOPS vouchers access security, and much more. Institutional Research – technical analysis and programming support for construction of data-warehouse capacity Del Norte and Mendocino sites ready for Fall semester – substantially delayed construction schedule resulted in very late hand-off to TSS crews. Relocation of Eureka Networking Lab from Applied Technology to Forum Building for Nursing Remodel, remodel of Forum areas to accommodate moves. Relocation of Prosperity Center and REBRAC to Eureka Downtown site – reduced rent cost, consolidated staff. Specified, purchased and implemented new classroom technology (Smart Classroom) throughout the district. Provided technical specifications and technology design for Bond modernizations and remodels at Del Norte and Mendocino - Nursing, Dental, new Bookstore/Cafeteria/Student Union building. Security cameras installed in Eureka Bookstore and Dorms – selected and coordinated vendor for installation work. Datatel Colleague Release 18 conversion - Extensive preparation, coordinated testing, rollout schedule and methods with TAG. Set up dedicated PC testing location. Web streaming for athletics and community events – also created ability to broadcast over local Channel 8. Will expand by improving network capacity and connectivity from more campus locations. Numerous Accreditation committees participation - provided technical analysis and planning support. Library database search tool-bar add-in allows Students to search numerous information databases from LRC and home PCs - ITS reviewed, modified, and approved for installation on LRC PCs and download to Student owned PCs. Email spam filter – researched, configured, implemented Sophos appliance to reduce burden on internal email servers and users. Technology Advisory Group – focused activity on support of Accreditation work, Technical Assessment and Planning document creation, PC Replacement Guidelines, formalization of Mission & Vision document Vice President’s Recommendation Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Vice President’s Signature Date Program Review Committee Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Has the program identified program and/or student learning outcomes that are relevant to its mission? Yes Are appropriate instruments used to assess learning outcomes? X Yes Are results of assessments used to improve the program? X Yes Are program goals consistent with the college’s mission? X Yes Are improvements or rationale clearly articulated? X Yes X Comments or suggestions to strengthen the program and/or the Program Review: The analysis was very thorough and impressive. What is the process for allocation of ITS resources? Do you have enough staff in ITS to meet your goals and/or district needs? The Blackboard Transaction System is different than the POS system reported in the bookstore program review (WinPrism). Outcome assessments lead to program improvement in support of the overall functions of the College. Very thorough report on outcomes and goals. Is Blackboard enterprise learning outcome assessment method of # of faculty consistent with the goal of Bb use expansion increase to 25% of course sections. Does attending 3CDUG and DUG conferences utilize more resources than just staff time? If possible, narrow goals down and focus on a few with given timelines for implementation of action. Good articulation of improvements This is an excellent evaluation of the numerous projects IT staff has been working on and will be continuing to work on in the upcoming year. I would encourage you to add information about staffing needs and how that relates to the timeline and completion of projects. Also consider formalizing the prioritization process. Keith Snow-Flamer Co-Chair of the PRC 11/08/07 Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee Comments ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date