Assessment and Transformation Program Review Yearly Update Report Institutional Research Martha Davis, IR Director Stephen Grimes, IR Analyst Roxanne Metz, Title III Activity Director March 6, 2008 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Outcomes Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodology to be used, or was used, such as focus group or exit interview.) To Whom? By Whom? Administere d When? Use of Results Assessment Status/ Findings Build capacity to allow the College to access valid and reliable data for decision making. Used a variety of software to complete this task: Datatel products, Microsoft, Crystal XI. Title III contracted with Zogotech to design a system to build 2 OLAP cubes, assess our SQL server warehouse schema. Research effective models and support, efforts with expertise in formulating and implementing a viable strategic and functional integrated planning model IR Director; Title III; IR Analyst; Survey Analyst; With the cooperation of ITS IR Director; Title III Activity Director From March 2007 through March 2008 Daily enrollment and class section reports emailed and on the web. Reports on enrollment, completions, retention, FTES, capacity, attrition and survey analysis on the web. Ongoing with reassessment as new software is available. From March 2007 until March 2008 Attend related meetings, research effective models and offer support sessions and resources for establishing institutional effectiveness measures and communication vehicles. Ongoing Lend leadership and direction to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee Define and monitor Program Review outcomes assessment Discussion and research to define the role of IEC, bi-weekly meetings, agendas and minutes. From Nov 2007 All members of IR served on the IEC which reviews and summarizes program reviews, action plans and related functional planning documents. As functional planning is codified and implemented IR responds with tools and methods to communicate the process to the CR community. Ongoing Define and deploy the Action Plan process to support the Strategic Plan IR Director; IR Analyst; Title III Activity Director in collaboration with ITS IR Director; Title III Activity Director; IR Analyst Meeting attendance, database development for communicating program review and curriculum review processes Collaboration and education through meeting attendance, and database development to facilitate the Action Plan process Title III has educated CR on the development and power of action plans in the new structures that we have implemented this fall. IR with ITS has created a database vehicle to communicate action plans to the CR community. Ongoing Support CR’s efforts in designing and implementing a comprehensive Strategic Plan IR Director; IR Analyst; Title III Activity Director in communication with the Facilities Planning Group, the Technical Advisory Group, and the Program Review Committee Data is incorporated into program review and curriculum outcome processes From Dec 2007 through March 2007 Ongoing Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Enrollment report informed enrollment policy. Program analyses led to continual improvement in the method of updating programs, updating course outlines. Intended Follow-up Evidence of the acceptance of IR is measured by requests received by IR for information, the number of conferences with IR for valid and reliable methods to interpret data and innovations in communicating the work of the Strategic Planning team. All academic program reviews submitted summarized and relayed to each functional group. Action plans will be reviewed in March 2007. Support Program Review Committee and outcomes assessment efforts As processes are piloted, they are assessed resulting in continual improvement and change. Action plans offer an institutionalized vehicle to empower the CR community from within. Ongoing assessment by IR with the input of all functional advisory groups. All software solutions will be continually assessed. As decision making requirements change, IR will redesign solutions. As each review is completed, the process is evaluated by IEC with discussion and an analysis of the process. IR Director; Title III Activity Director in collaboration with the Program Review Committee Support the CR’s effort to retain our accreditation Administer and analyze surveys measuring perceptions of databased decision-making as well as individual use of institutional data in planning and evaluating programs and strategies Design, administer and analyze surveys measuring entering student perceptions. Serve as resource to the college regarding mandated reporting requirements and processes IR has served on the following committees: Accreditation Steering Committee, Facilities Planning Committee, Institutional Effectiveness Committee; Technology Advisory Group and Assessment Team. Revise and administer Title III survey piloted 12/05 IR Director, IR Analyst; Title III Activities Director From March 2007 until March 2008 Attend meetings, research effective models, offer support sessions and resources to support the functional planning model developed to support the comprehensive Strategic Plan. Ongoing The work is ongoing and is presently being communicated to as many people in the district as possible. This work is ongoing. Title III Activity Director; Survey Analyst Annual data collected informs college on success of project Refine and administer annual survey measuring perceptions of data-based decision-making as well as individual use of institutional data in planning and evaluating programs and strategies Title III Activity Director; IR Advisory Group; IR Director Revise and administer survey piloted 12/05 Annual data collected informs college on success of project Revise and administer requested surveys including the Entering Student Survey. Title III Activity Director; Survey Analyst IR Director; IR Analyst; Survey Analyst; With the cooperation of ITS Surveys measure stakeholder satisfaction Ongoing Collaboration with Student Services to design an Entering Student Survey Title III Activity Director; IR Director; Survey Analyst Ongoing Revise and administer to new entering students Data collected inform policies and procedures related to Student Service to entering students. Continual monitoring of Datatel and related systems to ensure compliance with State and Federal standards. Attend state systems office training and other IR updates. Convey new requirements to CR “data owners” ARCC. IPEDS, MIS for the State. Federal, State, private surveys, Perkins and other grant funding requirements. Develop and implement an annual professional development strategy for IR Director and staff Develop and implement presentations to the Board of Trustees, and other governing groups of the College Attend State peer group meetings; consult with State IR peers IR Director; IR Analyst; Survey Analyst; Ongoing Peer group and training will improve IR capacity to serve the needs of CR Ongoing Develop list of topics; schedule sessions; maintain presentation logs IR Director; IR Analyst; Survey Analyst; Title III Activity Director Develop and implement presentations to the Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, Functional Groups, and Division Chair meetings. IR Director; IR Advisory Group; Title III Activity Director Continue participation in IR Advisory Committee Meetings Continual meetings and discussions related to IR and the CR community Technical Advisory Group and Division Meetings Continue to promote data quality, consistent data entry, and best practices of Datatel “data-owners” as relates to research and mandated reporting Develop training and deliver to affected departments and personnel (module administrators) IR Director; IR Analyst; Survey Analyst; Title III Leadership Team IR Director; IR Analyst; with the help of Student Services; ITS Governance structure and CR community is informed by IR Administrati ve Council Data-keepers understand standards and protocols and implement practices Monitor accuracy of MIS data, analyze data entry procedures a. Continue participation in IR Advisory Committee Meetings Ongoing Compliance with mandated reporting directly led to continuous quality improvement in the College’s data systems. Obtaining Program approval on a State level is communicated to the appropriate areas of CR. Training and exchange of information are a vital component of continuous quality improvement Develop list of topics; schedule sessions; maintain presentation logs Results of new techniques and methods are formatively assessed. Governance structure is informed by institutional research IR Advisory Group understanding of the goals and accomplishments of IR Continual communication More accurate information results in timely reporting, greater acceptance of data informed decision making. Ongoing monitoring Assist Academic Departments/Programs with the identification and development of related data indicators for student learning outcomes (SLO) and program outcomes Develop trend analysis related to retention, persistence, grade distribution and course sequencing reports. Serving on the Assessment Committee to research effective methods to determine student learning outcomes. IR Director; IR Analyst On schedule by term and as requested for ad hoc reports, program review, and action plans To build a data informed decision environment Ongoing Students and faculty will benefit from information related to verifiable data. The increase in information creates a climate in which decisions are made. The availability of information will allow CR to rely on data and create a climate of inquiry for the faculty B. Department Goals Report College Strategic Plan Goal Division Goal Build a culture of assessment Place Reports on the web to inform data decision making: Enrollment, FTES, and Completion trend reports for the last 5 years; Daily enrollment and course section reports; Survey Analysis Department Goal FY200708 To implement a web based system to allow the user to select parameters for reporting Objective Inform the College community Status of each action item Completed In Progress Completed In Progress Collaboration Partners ITS for technical assistance and Student Services for data validity and reliability assurance. Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Other: Build a culture of assessment Using data to inform and consolidate the 2008-2009 Program Review process, IR would create a series of term reports available to all on the web to form the basis of the College, Administrative, and faculty decisions. To implement Datatel Orchestrator and Crystal Reports to allow for quick and accurate retrieval of information Inform the College community Completed In Progress Student Services for process information and leadership, faculty for collaboration, and ITS for technical assistance Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Other: Develop and manage human, physical and financial resources to effectively support the learning environment. Create data driven resources to support CR initiatives: Databases as a communication vehicle to complete the program review cycle, automatically generated reports for web access, and reports that allow the user to select parameters for web access. To develop the flexibility and expertise to answer the needs of the College To use technology effectively to answer CR’s planning and informational needs. Completed In Progress Completed In Progress ITS for technical assistance and any College personnel necessary to compile the information needed. Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Other: C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year. Comment on the whether your facilities, budget, equipment, and staffing are adequate based on the services provided and the number of students served. Discuss what your operations, staffing and facilities needs may be in the next three years.) To assist the College in the Strategic Planning initiative, program review, action planning, assessment and the recent accreditation work, the IR and Title III have served as a resource to the College as needed. As these initiatives are achieved, IR will turn towards more focused research including student learning outcomes, more in depth trend analysis, and investigation into student persistence and retention. IR has published a variety of reports on the CR internet site including: the course section report, enrollment and FTES reports, survey analysis, completions and enrollment trend reports for the last 5 years, grade distribution reports, and the Accountability Report for Community Colleges with graphs to analyze the report. To create a climate that relies on data informed decisions, information must be readily available to all. At present, the CR intranet, which requires the user’s name and password is the most effective method for administration, faculty and staff to obtain information. To achieve this goal, IR needs to purchase the Crystal Reports option to allow web accessible reporting. At this time, IR is seeking funds to achieve this result. IR seeks baseline data to support the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan and assess the key performance indicators. This information would be published to the College intranet. IR intends to refine the work begun with the recent program review, action plan cycle by deploying viewable databases to all to assure the faculty and staff that program reviews are addressed by each of the functional groups: facilities, technology, student services, human resources and library resources. Presently, our survey analyst is part time. In the next 3 years a permanent survey and research analyst or permanent part time survey analyst would be required. Vice President’s Recommendation Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Vice President’s Signature Date Program Review Committee Comments Comments: __________________________________________________ Co-Chair of the PRC _____/_____/_____ Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Recommendation Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date College of the Redwoods Action Plan Submission Form 1. Action Plan Title: 2. Unit Submitting Action Plan: 3. Contact Person(s)/Action Plan Leader(s): 4. Date of Initial Proposal: 5. Action Plan Description (100 words or fewer): 6. Action Plan Link to Program Review ( discuss how the Action Plan is linked to program review goals, objectives and/or Quality Improvement Plans of programs impacted by this plan): 7. CR Strategic Goal(s) and 2008-09 Objective(s) specific to the Action Plan:: 8. Key Performance Indicators specific to the Action Plan: 9. ACCJC/WASC Accreditation Standard(s) specific to the Action Plan 10. Data supporting the intent of the Action Plan (include enrollment data, committee minutes, etc): 11. Intended Action Plan Outcomes (include baseline data where applicable): 12. Action Plan Activities and Proposed Timeline: 13. Is the Action Plan an inter-unit project? If yes, describe. 13.A. Contact information of involved manager(s) (name, title, email, phone) 14. Identify any additional organizational areas that may be affected or involved in this Action Plan: □ □ □ □ Facilities/Maintenance □ Marketing ITS/TSS □ Other: ________________________ Library □ Disabled Students Programs/Services Student Services (List Specific Department(s): _________________________ 15. Identify the impact on resources and anticipated costs of the Action Plan. Budget Items Supplies Equipment Action Plan Budget Submission Form Estimated Dollar Amount Justification/Notes Technology Human Resources Staff Development Facilities Other Direct Costs Other Indirect Costs Total Expected Cost 16. Manager Review:_____________________________________ Date: ___________ (name and title) Impacted Area Review (for all units/departments listed in items 12 and 13): Unit/Department Name Manager (name, title, signature) For Office Use Only Date submitted to CPC Support Team: Action Plan Number Assigned: CPC Support Team Action: Date submitted to CPC: CPC Action: Date: Review Date Comments