BSC Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills
Funds used from the Basic Skills Initiative should include one or more of the following:
1. Promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for
administrative, student services, and instructional programs.
2. Provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental
3. Work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to
4. Assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success.
Complete the form on the page below and email the form as an attachment to
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1. Describe clearly and in detail fund request.
The Math Department requests money to purchase additional copies of the textbook
used in Math 372 Arithmetic classes, for Math 372 students to check out of the CR
library. The textbook is: Basic College Arithmetic, 7th Ed., by Lial, Salzman, and
Hestwood. We use an older edition for several reasons, and one of the reasons is
because inexpensive copies are readily available.
We would like to replace lost and damaged copies (15) and add to the inventory in the
CR libraries for use by students enrolled in Math 372 because more sections of Math
372 are being taught.
We are requesting $875 so that we can purchase 50 more copies.
We purchased 115 copies in December 2009 to make them available through the
libraries where Math 372 is taught: 80 for the Eureka main campus and 35 for the Del
Norte campus. This semester, Math 372 was also offered at the Klamath-Trinity
Instructional Site in Hoopa; those students were able to use copies from the Del Norte
library this time because the Del Norte section of Math 372 was cancelled (due to lack
of instructor).
Since December 2009, when we bought the textbooks, 12 copies have been lost and 3
are damaged. They are very inexpensive. Right now, we can get 50 copies on
Amazon.com for an average of $12.56 each. With shipping and California state sales
tax, the total is $872.93.
If the Del Norte section of Math 372 had not been cancelled this term, we would have
had four sections of Math 372 running, and with class sizes of 35-40 each, we would
have needed 140-160 copies of the text. Generally the sections in Eureka have 40
students at the beginning of the semester, which is why we kept 80 copies at the
Eureka campus.
With 100 copies left, we would like to get 50 more.
2. Describe how your proposal supports that Basic Skills Mission Statement.
BSC Mission Statement: Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and
success of basic skills students.
This proposal supports that Basic Skills Mission Statement by increasing the immediate
availability of instructional materials to students in our lowest, most basic math class
that we offer at College of the Redwoods. By creating a situation where students can
get the book easily right at the start of the term (or even before the term starts), the
students can get started on their math homework right away. More importantly, they
can get started in the habit of being students, and learn how to study.
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Even though many students get book vouchers, there is often a delay in their acquisition
of textbooks because (a) sometimes there is a delay in their receiving financial aid
and/or the actual book vouchers, and (b) even when they have the book voucher, they
must wait until they have all the needed materials in the bookstore because they can
only use the book voucher one time – they have to get everything all at once.
3. Describe anticipated expenses (attach another page if necessary).
50 copies of the text
Sales Tax
$ 45.53
Total $872.93
4. List faculty and staff involved and/or responsible for the project.
Tami Matsumoto
5. Intended Outcomes (include specific, measurable targets):
Greater number of textbooks available for Basic Skills Math students taking Math 372.
6. Assessment Schedule (specify exactly what you will measure and how you will measure it):
Before purchasing more textbooks, we will measure the number of Math 372 textbooks
available and the number currently checked out by taking an inventory.
After purchasing textbooks, we will measure the number of Math 372 textbooks
available and the number currently checked out by taking an inventory.
7. Proposed Timeline (provide timeline details for activities):
As soon as I get the money approved, I can start ordering books.
I hope to be able to get at least 10 more before start of Spring 2012 semester to send to
Del Norte (they are short for spring), and the rest before Fall 2012 semester begins.
Order 10 or more books in November 2011
Get them to Greg Toleno for library processing in December 2011
Get them up to Crescent City in January 2012 before Spring term begins.
Order the remaining books during spring semester (Jan-March 2012)
Get them to Greg Toleno for library processing during spring semester (MarchApril 2012)
Have them ready to check out of CR library by May (so that they are in place
before Fall 2012)
8. I understand that if granted, Basic Skill funds can only be used for Basic Skill
Students. By Accepting funding for this project, I agree to provide a written and oral
report describing how well intended outcomes were met, the results of the assessment,
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and how this information can be used in the future. Projects funded for two semesters
will require a mid-year update as well as a report upon completion. Please note: This is
a one-time allotment of funds. Any future funding is contingent upon the submissions
and granting of a new request and availability of funding.
6. Contact Person: Tami Matsumoto x4543
7. Date Submitted:
October 28, 2011
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