Section A – Organizational/Administrative Practices District: College of the Redwoods College

Section A – Organizational/Administrative Practices
District: College of the Redwoods
College: College of the Redwoods
Long-Term Goals:
1. Clarify to entire institution and community how developmental education is included in institutional plans.
2. Implement a process through Institutional Research to track retention, success, and progress rates of Basic Skills students in all classes.
3. Study feasibility of district-wide ESOL program.
Planned Action
1.1 Communicate developmental education mission statement,
philosophy, and goals.
Effective Practice and Strategy
A.2.1 A detailed statement of the mission for
developmental education is clearly articulated.
Target Date for
Fall 2011
Responsible Person(s)/
1.2 Review data on students concurrently enrolled in college-level A.4.4 Outcomes for basic skills students
and basic skills courses.
concurrently enrolled in college-level and basic
skills courses are carefully monitored; data are
used to adjust policies and/or recommendations.
Spring 2012
Institutional Research
Department and BSC
1.3 Post course recommendations and assessment results on Web
Advisor for students with hyperlink to advising.
A 1.5 Institutional commitment is reflected in the
level of comprehensiveness and the extent to which
developmental education is integrated into the
Spring 2012
IR, IT, Counseling and Advising
and BSC
1.4 Implement a tracking process through Institutional Research
department for one cohort of Basic Skills students.
A.4.4 Outcomes for basic skills students
concurrently enrolled in college-level and basic
skills courses are carefully monitored; data are
used to adjust policies and/or recommendations to
Spring 2012
Institutional Research
1.5 District-wide discussion of basic skills/developmental
education in the college’s planning committees.
A1.3 Developmental educators are systemically
included in broader college planning activities.
Fall 2012
Fall 2011
1.6 Support innovation of curricular and support functions that
A.3.3 A designated budget allocation exists for
address basic skills needs through dedicated basic skills action plan developmental education.
Signature, Chief Executive Officer
Signature, Academic Senate President
Section B – Program Components
District: College of the Redwoods
College: College of the Redwoods
Long-Term Goals:
1. Develop a district-wide and multi-disciplinary approach to reviewing Basic Skills curriculum and programs.
2. Develop counseling and administrative capacity to oversee comprehensive assessment, placement and orientation.
3. Incorporate basic skills data and student learning outcomes in all program reviews.
4. Develop district-wide assessment and placement policies.
Planned Action
2.1 Implement feasibility study of mandatory orientation and
assessment for incoming matriculating students.
Effective Practice and Strategy
B.1.Orientation, assessment, and placement are
mandatory for all new students.
2.2 Review data on placement instruments and practices for
placing ESOL students in math and English courses.
B.2.5. Data obtained from course/program
evaluation are disseminated and used for future
planning and continuous improvement.
Signature, Chief Executive Officer
Target Date for
Fall 2011
Responsible Person(s)/
Spring 2012
IR and BSC
Signature, Academic Senate President
Section C – Faculty and Staff Development
District: College of the Redwoods
College: College of the Redwoods
Long-Term Goals:
1. Re-establish a robust professional development center with adequate support and resources.
2. Provide ongoing staff development opportunities related to pedagogy, classroom practice, current and new research in the field, and teaching innovations.
3. Provide adequate compensation for faculty to pursue training in developmental education.
Planned Action
3.1 Offer a series of workshops providing background on the
Basic Skills Initiative and on interpreting local basic skills data.
3.2 Participate in statewide and regional events and conduct
follow up workshops on campus.
Effective Practice and Strategy
C.3.2 Developmental education staff development
activities are not based around “one-shot”
workshops; rather, staff development activities
are comprehensive and ongoing.
C.2.3 Staff development activities are widely
attended and viewed as valuable by
developmental education faculty and staff.
3.3 Develop survey for faculty/staff interests and needs regarding
strategies for working with basic skills students.
C.2.1 Developmental education faculty are
involved in the design, planning, and
implementation of staff development activities
related to developmental education. & C.3.1
Developmental education staff development
activities are clearly linked to department,
program, and/or institutional goals.
3.4 Implement survey of faculty/staff interests and needs
C.2.1 Developmental education faculty are
regarding strategies for working with basic skills students.
involved in the design, planning, and
implementation of staff development activities
related to developmental education. & C.3.1
Developmental education staff development
activities are clearly linked to department,
program, and/or institutional goals.
3.5 Include information on strategies for working with basic skills C.2.5 New faculty are provided staff
students in Associate Faculty Orientation.
development activities that assist them in
transitioning into the community college
academic environment.
Signature, Chief Executive Officer
Target Date for
Responsible Person(s)/
BSC Tri-Chairs
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Coordinator of Associate Faculty
Signature, Academic Senate President
Section D – Instructional Practices
District: College of the Redwoods
College: College of the Redwoods
Long-Term Goals:
1. Increase academic support services and strategies that promote student learning and success, such as learning communities, linked courses, and
supplemental instruction.
2. Ensure that all new basic skills and degree and certificate seeking students take a college readiness inventory as part of matriculation.
3. Create formal referral system between faculty and Student Support Services.
4. Assess student learning outcomes for basic skills students.
Planned Action
Effective Practice and Strategy
4.1 Develop a convocation activity to support collaboration D.8.3 Formal processes exist that facilitate
between Basic Skills faculty and faculty in general to
and promote the exchange of effective
establish common goals across the curriculum.
instructional strategies between faculty in
general and developmental education
4.2 Survey faculty, advisors, and counselors to determine
D.3.3 Timely interventions occur with
means of implementation of systematic early intervention
students to address emotional, social, or
strategies for counselor/advisor contact with at-risk/poor
non-academic obstacles that arise, and to
performing students.
prevent student attrition resulting from such
Signature, Chief Executive Officer
Target Date for
Fall 2012
BSC and VP of Instruction
Fall 2012
Advising and VP of
Signature, Academic Senate President
Responsible Person(s)/