Basic Skill Initiative Request for Funds BSC Mission Statement Our Mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students. Preference will be given to requests connected to the Basic Skills 2014-15 Action plan submitted to the Chancellor’s Office (available on the Basic Skills web pages: (*. *Basic Skills funds are not eligible to be used to supplant existing staff or operations already funded by the college. As part of the approval and tracking requirements, you must complete the type of requisition form(s) needed to encumber your approved funds and include them in this packet. You will find the forms attached to the proposal and also on the basic skills web page under “resources:” ( If you are planning/or need to use a Cal Card, please include a Datatel requisition form which has been slightly altered and notes “Cal Card Requisition” as the form. All documents will be processed through Crislyn Parker in the Office of Instruction and Student Development. Staffing requests will require specific details of the duties. When hiring is completed/or when you know the name of the person hired, you must submit that name to Crislyn. Be sure to include estimates of tax, shipping and/or benefits! Complete the form on the page below, complete the requisition forms and email the complete request packet as an attachment to College of the Redwoods Basic Skills Committee For committee use only: Approval Date BSC Tracking Number: (fields will expand as you type) Report-out Date(s): Request for Funds 1. Author: ____________________________________ 2. Date: 3. Contact Information (phone, email): 4. Describe how your proposal supports the Basic Skills Mission Statement and/or the Basic Skills annual plan: 5. Intended Outcomes (include specific, measurable targets, which must be tied to the Colleges mission and educational goals, the basic skills mission and the annual plan): 6. Assessment Plan Timeline (specify exactly what you will measure, when and how you will measure it): 7. Anticipated expenses (attach another page if necessary): (Multiple expense requests must be itemize in detail, and include anticipated other related expenses such as taxes, shipping and estimated benefits. A copy of your requisition(s) must accompany this proposal.) 8. Will this request require ongoing funding? ☐ Yes 8a. If yes, please explain: ☐ No 9. List all faculty and/or staff involved and/or who are responsible for the project. 10. Is this request/will this request be included in your most recent Program Review? ☐ Yes 10a. If no, why not? ☐ No 11. Is technology involved in your proposal? ☐ Yes ☐ No (Prior to submitting this proposal, please discuss your request with IT tech support to determine whether your request is viable.) If yes, please explain the response from tech support. 12. I understand that if granted, basic skill funds are to be expended in a manner that predominantly benefits basic skills students. By accepting funding for this project, I agree to provide a written and oral report describing how well intended outcomes were met, the results of the assessment and how this information can be used in the future. Projects funded for two semesters will require a mid-year update as well as a report upon completion. Please note: This is a one-time allotment of funds. Any future funding is contingent upon the submissions and granting of a new request and availability of funding. _________________________________________________________________ Author signature ___________________________________ Date Submitted v2, r8/29/2014