LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER Library COUNSELING AND ADVISING Student Services Building Hours: M-TH 7:45am – 8pm Friday 7:45am – 4pm Hours: M-TH 9:00 – 5:00 Friday 9:00 – 4:00 or by appointment Come to welcome window Catherine Cox, Dir. LRC x4264 Ruth Moon, Librarian x4263 Email: counseling@redwoods.edu x4150 responds within 24 hours Sheila Hall, Director x4155 DISABLED STUDENTS PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Student Services Building EOPS/CARE Library Hours: M-TH 8:30 – 4:00 FRIDAY 8:30 – 3:30 Hours: M-TH 8:00 - 5:00 Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Kristin-Chorbi@redwoods.edu x4280 x4270 Cheryl Tucker, Director x4293 Trish Blair, Coordinator x4289 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES PE Building FINANCIAL AID Student Services Building Hours: M-T 9:00 - 1:00 W-F 1:00 – 5:00 Hours: M-TH 9:00 – 4:00 Email: finaid@redwoods.edu x4182 responds within 24 hours x4149 Rianne Connor, Director x4187 Joy Bessette, Loan Specialist x4183 VETERAN RESOURCE CENTER Dining Services Hours: M-TH 10:00-3:00 BOOKSTORE Bookstore DINING SERVICES Dining Services Hours: M-TH 8:00 – 6:00 Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Hours: M-TH 8:00 – 6:00 Friday 8:00 – 4:00 x4130 x4237 ADMISSIONS Student Services Building Hours: M-TH 9:00-4:00 Email: ambassador@redwoods.edu x4200 responds within 24 hours Tiffany Schmitcke, Registrar x4356 Email: veterans@redwoods.edu Crystal Morse, Coordinator x4110 CASHIER Student Services Building - Upstairs Hours: M-TH 9:004:00 Grete Valadao, Cashier x4124 PUBLIC SAFETY RBC - A Hours: Officer on duty 24/7 Burk McBride x4554 Emergency x4111 Non-Emergency x4112 MATH, SCIENCE, BEHAVIORAL & SOCIAL SCIENCES ART & HUMANITIES Office: 476-4211 Fax: 476-4224 Dean – David Bazard Secretary - Cindy Anderson Office: 476-4559 Fax: 476-4435 Dean – Erin Wall Secretary - Lorraine Pedrotti ART CIN COMM DRAMA ENGL ESL Writing Center ASTRO ANTHRO BIOL CHEM ENVSC GEOG GEOL HIST JOURN LANGUAGES MUSIC PHIL SIGN LANG LABS Leslie Leach x4586 BIO CHEM MATH MATH NAS OCEAN PHYS POLSC PSYCH SOC LABS Marlena Isham Claire Christen Betsy Buchanan x4536 x4230 x4369 HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION & ATHLETICS CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION Office: 476-4341 Dean – Marla Gleave Secretary – Cheryl Krueger AG Auto BT BUS CIS CT DM Auto Drafting CIS MT Woodshop WT Farm CDC Wendy Jones, Director x4337 DT ECON FNR FWW MT RHM WT LABS vacant Eric Arndt Amy Murphy Nick Shull Bert Hafar Jerry Goodrow John Short Office: 476-4213 Fax: 476-4427 Dean – Joe Hash Secretary – Theresa Sisson HEALTH OCCUPATIONS Alison Pritchard, Director x4236 Janet Humble x4216 x4618 x4478 x4393 x4621 x4623 x4595 599-1338 Associate Faculty Coord. - Connie Carlson x4342 Curriculum – Shereen Cockrum x4198 Scheduler – vacant DENTAL ASST PROG Hillary Reed, Coord. x4253 Debbie Piazza x4250 ADCT AJ ECE PE ATHLETICS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING CENTER Ron Waters, Director x4331 Sandi Petersen, Coord. X4332 Debbie Topping x4334 ADMINISTRATION President’s Office: 476-4170 Interim President – Keith Snow-Flamer Interim Executive Sec –Kimberly Sweet Interim Administrative Asst. – Johanna Helzer Office of Instruction: 476-4109 Interim VPISD – Mark Winter Administrative Asst. – Crislyn Parker Office of Administrative Services: 476-4172 VP Admin Services - Lee Lindsey Administrative Asst. – Lorie Walsh Human Resources Office: 476-4144 Director HR/EEO - Ahn Fielding