1 College of the Redwoods COURSE OUTLINE DATE: 9/9/2004 PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER: MUS 14 FORMER NUMBER (If previously offered)_________ COURSE TITLE WORLD MUSIC I. CATALOG AND OUTLINE 1. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A survey of the dominant non-Western musical cultures of the world (the Far East, Indonesia, India, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas), with comparisons to Western folk and art music traditions. Beginning with an introduction to basic musical terms and concepts, the course, which includes lectures, films, and recordings, examines the technical characteristics of each of the world's major musical traditions, and explores how music is used around the world for aesthetic, spiritual, and social purposes. NOTE: 2. COURSE OUTLINE: % of Classroom Hours Spent on Each Topic a. Introduction 2.5 % b. Basic Concepts 15.0 % c. Concert/record review writing procedures 2.5 % d. India 15.0 % e. Middle East 15.0 % f. Africa 20.0 % g. Far East 15.0 % h. Indonesia 5.0 % i. Native Americas 5.0 % j. European Folk Traditions 5.0 % Total...100.0 % II PREREQUISITES Prerequisite? No __X___ Corequisite? No __X__ Recommended Preparation? No ____ Yes (course) Yes _____ (course) Yes _ ENGL 150/150L (course Rationale for Prerequisite, Corequisite, Recommended Preparation Post-English 150 reading comprehension is strongly recommended for success in this course. PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER: MUSIC.14.COCP.9-3-2004 MUS 14 2 III. OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENTS COURSE OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES List the primary instructional objectives of the class. Formulate some of them in terms of specific measurable student accomplishments, e.g., specific knowledge and/or skills to be attained as a result of completing this course. For degree-applicable courses, include objectives in the area of “critical thinking.” Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Identify important characteristics of music from each major world culture. 2. Articulate relationships between major musical styles and cultural practices within given musical traditions. 3. Articulate similarities and differences between Western and non-Western approaches to music-making. 4. Identify characteristic instruments of each major musical culture. 5. Describe the differences between oral and notational transmission of musical traditions. 6. Describe the impact of commercialization on the major world musical traditions. COLLEGE LEVEL CRITICAL THINKING TASKS/ASSIGNMENTS: Degree applicable courses must include critical thinking tasks/assignments. This section need not be completed for non-credit courses. Describe how the course requires students to independently analyze, synthesize, explain, assess, anticipate and/or define problems, formulate and assess solutions, apply principles to new situations, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. Students write concert and record reviews in which they demonstrate critical discrimination by evaluating how successfully the review subject realized a given set of aesthetic criteria. Tests have a listening component that requires students to identify particular musical excerpts based on the main characteristics of musical styles that they have studied in class. Essay questions involving both inductive reasoning (describing the fundamental values underlying the stylistic traits of a musical tradition) and deductive reasoning (comparing ancient and more recent manifestations of a given culture's values in its music). Final project will be either a term paper that synthesizes knowledge of a culture's music and its social-historical-religious traditions, an original musical composition that exemplifies the stylistic attributes of a given world music tradition, or an original instrument that exemplifies important aspects of a mythic culture (the student must explain the interconnection between the instrument and the cultural practices of the mythic culture). 3. ASSESSMENT Degree applicable courses must have a minimum of one response in category A, B, or C. If category A is not checked, the department must explain why substantial writing assignments are an inappropriate basis for at least part of the grade. PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER MUS 14 MUSIC.14.COCP.9-3-2004 3 A. This course requires a minimum of two substantial (500 words each) written assignments which demonstrate standard English usage (grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary) and proper paragraph and essay development. In grading these assignments, instructors shall use, whenever possible, the English Department’s rubric for grading the ENGL 150 exit essay. Substantial writing assignments, including: _____ essay exam(s) X term or other paper(s) _____ laboratory report(s) _____ written homework _____ reading report(s) _____ other (specify) If the course is degree applicable, substantial writing assignments in this course are inappropriate because: _____ The course is primarily computational in nature. _____ The course primarily involves skill demonstrations or problem solving. _____ Other rationale (explain) B. Computational or Non-computational problem-solving demonstrations, including: __X__ exam(s) _____ quizzes _____ homework problems _____ laboratory report(s) _____ field work _____ other (specify) C. Skill demonstrations, including: _____ class performance(s) _____ field work _____ performance exam(s) _____ other (specify) D. Objective examinations, including: _____ multiple choice _____ true/false __X_ matching items __X_ completion __X__ other (specify) listening identification, short essay E. Other (specify)________________________ NOTE: A course grade may not be based solely on attendance. PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER MUS 14 IV. TEXTS AND MATERIALS APPROPRIATE TEXTS AND MATERIALS: (Indicate textbooks that may be required or recommended, MUSIC.14.COCP.9-3-2004 4 including alternate texts that may be used.) Text(s) Title: EXCURSIONS IN WORLD MUSIC __X__ Required Edition: 4TH______ _____ Alternate Author: Nettl, Capwell, Bohlman, Wong, Turino _____ Recommended Publisher: Prentice-Hall Date Published: 2004 (Additional required, alternate, or recommended texts should be listed on a separate sheet and attached.) For degree applicable courses the adopted texts have been certified to be college-level: _X__ Yes. Basis for determination: __X is used by two or more four-year colleges or universities (certified by the Division Chair, or Center Dean) OR _____ has been certified by the LAC as being of college level using the Coleman and Dale-Chall Readability Index Scale. No. Request for Exception Attached. REQUIRED READING, WRITING, AND OTHER OUTSIDE OF CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Over a 16-week presentation of the course, 3+ hours per week are required for each unit of credit. ALL Degree Applicable Credit classes must treat subject matter with a scope and intensity which require the student to study outside of class. Two hours of independent work done out of class are required for each hour of lecture. Lab and activity classes must also require some outside of class work. Outside of the regular class time the students in this class do the following: X X _X Study Answer questions Skill practice X Required reading Problem solving activity or exercise X Written work (essays/compositions/report/analysis/research) Journal (reaction and evaluation of class, done on a continuing basis throughout the semester) Observation of or participation in an activity related to course content (e.g., play, museum, concert, debate, meeting, etc.) _X other (specify) Required listening examples PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER MUS 14 V. TECHNICAL INFORMATION I. Contact Hours: (1 unit lec = 18 hrs, 1 unit lab = 54 hours) Lecture: 54 TOTAL HOURS Lab: __ TOTAL HOURS MUSIC.14.COCP.9-3-2004 (Use Request for Exception sheet to justify more-than-minimum required hours.) Lecture Units 3.00 Lab Units _____ or Variable Unit Range ___ 5 2. TLUs 4.50 (12 hr lec or 18 hr lab = 1 TLU) 3. Does course currently fulfill a General Education requirement? (For existing courses only; for new courses, use GE Application Form) __X__ Yes _____ No Articulation with UC requested____ If yes, in what G.E. area? AA/AS Area __C__ CSU/GE Area ___C_ IGETC Area __3___ 4. Method of Instruction: _X__ Lecture _____ Lab _____ Lecture/Lab _____ Independent Study 5. Recommended Maximum Class Size 40 6. Transferability _X_ CSU _X_ UC List two UC/CSU campuses with similar courses (include course #s) CSU/CHICO-MUSIC 045-Intro. to the World of Music UCR - Music 006 - Intro. to World Music 7. Grading Standard __X__ Letter Grade Only _____ CR/NC Only _____ Grade-CR/NC Option Grade-CR/NC Option Criteria: _____ Introductory _____ 1st course in sequence _____ Exploratory 8. Is course repeatable _____ Yes __X__ No If so, repeatable to a maximum of: _____ Total Enrollments _____ Total Units (Use Request for Exception sheet to justify repeatability.) 9. SAM Classification __E Course Classification __A_ MUSIC.14.COCP.9-3-2004