Date: 1. Division: 2. Course ID and Number:

College of the Redwoods
Renewable every five years
Date: 10/10/08
1. Division: Business Technology
2. Course ID and Number: BT 53
3. Course Title: Technical and Professional Office Procedures
4. Distance Education Method:
Instructional TV on cable
Interactive TV on videoconference
5. Describe in detail how this course will apply the same standards of course quality as a
traditional classroom course (attach course outline and syllabus).
The Blackboard course management system will provide the forum to apply the same
standards of course quality as the traditional course using the Announcements
feature, distributing information to students via the Course Documents area as well
as providing web resources with External Links. Assignments will be given via
Blackboard and submitted by students with the Discussion Board, email attachments,
CCCConfer and the telephone. Podcasts and Vodcasts will also be used to deliver
content to students. Another tool that will be used is VoiceThread which is a
collaborative multimedia tool that interacts with students using the phone,
microphone, images, documents and videos. VoiceThread is also an online tool that
increases socialization, builds community, and fosters collaboration in the class.
This tool can also be used to record comments on documents or images. The Group
feature in Blackboard will be used extensively as team work is a component of this
6. Describe how this course will include regular effective contact between the instructor and
Regular effective contact will consist of instructor initiated emails to students, two or
more per week, outlining required participation and deliverables as well as:
- Blackboard will be a primary method of contact with students
- Email will be used extensively throughout the course
- VoiceThread will facilitate effective, collaborative contact with students
- CCCConfer will be used for individual students as well as groups
- CCCConfer will also be used for office hours
Curriculum Approval: April 11, 2008
Academic Senate Approval: April 18, 2008
May 29, 2016
7. Describe how standard methods of assessment will be adapted to the distance education
Students will be assessed in a variety of methods. Objective assessments will be
delivered through the Blackboard course management system. Short essay
assessments as well as projects will be assigned through Blackboard and will be
submitted in electronic format as file attachments with email. Oral assessments will
be completed by using CCCConfer.
Submitted by: Barbara Jaffari
Tel. Ext: 4328
Date: 10/10/08
Department Chair: Ken Magnuson
Distance Education Coordinator: Mark Winter
Division Chair/Director: Chris Gaines
Review Date: 10.15.08
Review Date: 10/29/08
Review Date: 10.15.08
Approved by Curriculum Committee: No
Academic Senate Approval Date: 11/21/08
Board of Trustees Approval Date: 1.6.09
Curriculum Approval: April 11, 2008
Academic Senate Approval: April 18, 2008
Date: 11.14.08
May 29, 2016