College of the Redwoods Curriculum Proposal Distance Education Course Renewable every five (5) years Date: January 21, 2006 1. Division: Business Technology 2. Course Discipline and Number: BT 16 3. Course Title: Word Processing I 4. Distance Education Method: Instructional TV on cable Interactive TV on videoconference Online 5. Describe in detail how this course will apply the same standards of course quality as a traditional classroom course. (attach course outline and syllabus) Students taking this online word processing class will complete exactly the same assignments as those students taking the class on campus. A course syllabus, weekly lecture notes, weekly assignments, online quizzes, midterm and final will be available on Blackboard. 6. Describe how this course will include regular effective contact between the instructor and students. Students will have access to the instructor's email address and telephone number both at home and at school. Students may choose to come into the lab for assistance or to work on their assignments during open lab time. In addition, students have access to weekly announcements and discussion board available on their Blackboard accounts. Blackboard discussion board as well as email will be used extensively for communication between students and instructor. 7. Describe how standard methods of assessment will be adapted to the distance education format. Chapter quizzes, a midterm, and a final exam will be administered through Blackboard. Quizzes are open book and may be taken only one time. Once a student begins a quiz, he or she must complete the quiz within one hour to receive credit. Students will email their chapter assignments directly to me using the Dropbox on Blackboard or their own email accounts. I will then correct their assignments and record them on Blackboard. Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005 May 29, 2016 Students will check the gradebook on Blackboard for their grades on assignments and quizzes. In addition, the instructor will email students with comments regarding their assignments. Grades will be earned using the same grading scale used in the on-campus BT16 course. Approvals: Clyde Johnson 1/25/06 Department Chair Date Mark Winter 2/9/06 Distance Education Coordinator Date Sydney Larson 1/25/06 Division Chair Date Curriculum Committee Approval Date: 3/10/06 Academic Senate Approval Date: Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005 May 29, 2016