College of the Redwoods CURRICULUM PROPOSAL --Attach the Course Outline— 1. Division: Public Safety Center 2. Course Discipline and Number: AJ 155 3. Course Title: Juvenile Correctional Officer Core Course 4. New X Change to existing course (Indicate changes on "Summary of Curriculum Changes" form) Replacing existing course 5. (Course to be inactivated) Is this course part of a CR Degree/Certificate Program? No Yes X If yes, specify program code: AJ. CC. Juvenile Counselor Core Course X Required course Restricted elective 6. Provide explanation and justification for addition/change/deletion: Course Outline has not been updated since 1999 7. List any special materials, equipment, tools, etc. that students must purchase: Physical fitness training sportswear 8. This course will have an instructional materials fee. No Fee: $20.00 Submitted by: Gary A. Sokolow Yes X Ext.4540 Date: 2/14/05 Submitting Division/Center Review: Gary A. Sokolow Date: 2/14/05 CURRICULUM COMMITTEE USE ONLY Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Academic Senate Approval: March 4, 2005 Curriculum Proposal ACASEN: 09.03.04 Yes Date: 02/25/05 Page 1 May 29, 2016 SUMMARY OF CURRICULUM CHANGES FOR AN EXISTING COURSE FEATURES X Catalog Description OLD NEW revised Grading Standard Units Lecture Hours Lab Hours Prerequisites Corequisites X Recommended Preparation ENGL 150 Maximum Class Size RepeatabilityMaximum Enrollments X Other TITLE Juvenile Correctional Officer Core Course If any of the listed features have been modified in the new proposal, indicate the "old" (current) information and proposed changes. Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 2 May 29, 2016 College of the Redwoods Course Outline DATE: 2/14/05 DISCIPLINE AND COURSE NUMBER: AJ 155 FORMER DISCIPLINE AND NUMBER (If previously offered): COURSE TITLE: Juvenile Correctional Officer Core Course TOTAL UNITS: 6.0 [Lecture Units: 5.22 Lab Units: .79] TOTAL HOURS: 137 [Lecture Hours: 94 Lab Hours: 43] MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE: 30 GRADING STANDARD: Letter Grade Only X CR/NC Only Is this course repeatable for additional credit units: No Grade-CR/NC Option X Yes how many total enrollments? Is this course to be offered as part of the Honors Program? No X Yes If yes, explain how honors sections of the course are different from standard sections. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The catalog description should clearly state the scope of the course, its level, and what kinds of student goals the course is designed to fulfill. A presentation of specific performance and instructional topics in juvenile correctional officer responsibilities in a probation context. This course is certified by the California Board of Corrections and is mandatory training for individuals employed as juvenile correctional officers by a county probation department in California. Special notes or advisories: PREREQUISITES: No X Yes Course: Rationale for Prerequisite? Describe representative skills without which the student would be highly unlikely to succeed . COREQUISITES: No X Yes Rationale for Corequisite? Course: RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: No Yes X Course: ENGL 150 or equivalent Rationale for Recommended Preparation? Written communication is an important part of the job as a juvenile correctional officer. They are be expected to write disciplinary and incident reports and other memoranda Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 3 May 29, 2016 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: What should the student be able to do as a result of taking this course? State some of the objectives in terms of specific, measurable student accomplishments. 1. Chart the progression of a juvenile court case through the criminal justice system 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of a juvenile correctional officer 3. Identify the most significant court cases, state statutes, and Board of Corrections policies which govern the operation of juvenile correctional facilities (Titles 15 & 24 of the California Code of Regulations). 4. Identify cultural, sociological, psychological, and medical problems in a juvenile inmate which may affect his or her detention in the institution 5. Identify inmate booking, receiving, and classification procedures which are used to place the juvenile in the system 6. Analyze case scenarios to determine whether or not predictors are present which would indicate that a juvenile may become a security risk to himself or others in the institution 7. Write incident reports and other legal memoranda for use in the criminal justice system 8. Demonstrate knowledge of common juvenile transport and institutional security procedures necessary for the safety of the public, juveniles, and staff. 9. Analyze case scenarios to determine the most appropriate rehabilitative services for a particular juvenile. 10. Demonstrate knowledge of the most common daily juvenile supervision tasks that a juvenile correctional officer must perform. 11. Identify legal and ethical considerations surrounding the conditions and treatment of juvenile offenders in custody. COURSE CONTENT Themes: What themes, if any, are threaded throughout the learning experiences in this course? The necessity of maintaining good relations with citizens and the community at large The necessity of conducting oneself in an ethical and professional manner while performing juvenile correctional officer duties. Concepts: What concepts do students need to understand to demonstrate course outcomes? The development of juvenile corrections officer work into a true profession The basic structure and operation (procedurally) of the criminal justice system The requirement to maintain a professional demeanor in potentially stressful situations The importance to a juvenile correctional officer career of maintaining lifetime physical fitness and continuing professional education Issues: What primary issues or problems, if any, must students understand to achieve course outcomes (including such issues as gender, diversity, multi-culturalism, and class)? Understand issues and considerations surrounding disproportionate minority contact and confinement for youth in contact with the Juvenile Justice system. Understand both public safety and treatment needs for youth in custody. Skills: What skills must students master to demonstrate course outcomes? The ability to 1. Read and understand assignments 2. Generate ideas appropriate to the assignment 3. Respond to complex readings through class discussion and writing 4. Articulate the central idea in a text or other reading assignment Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 4 May 29, 2016 5. Organize information for an essay or other assignment. 6. Analyze case scenarios to determine whether a juvenile meets the criteria for placement in a facility available for the care and custody of juveniles. 7. Analyze case scenario to determine the most appropriate treatment/program which should apply to a juvenile under his or her care. 8. To demonstrate an acceptable level of psychomotor skills to defend oneself and maintain control over juveniles. 9. Read and understand statutes, regulations, case law and policy and procedures. REPRESENTATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES: What will the students be doing (i.e., Listening to lectures, participating in discussions and/or group activities, attending a field trip, etc.)? Relate the activities directly to the Course Learning Outcomes. 1. Listening to lectures 2. Engaging in class discussion 3. Participating in physical fitness exercises such as calisthenics 4. Writing probation, pre-sentence reports and other memoranda 5. Participating in small group exercises relating to the secure detention of minors. 6. Practicing defense tactics/arrest & control techniques 7. Analyze and interpret police reports, psychological reports and evaluations, statutory and case law, medical and other documents. ASSESSMENT TASKS: How will the student show evidence of achieving the Course Learning Outcomes? Indicate which assessments (if any) are required for all sections. Representative assessment tasks: 1. multiple choice exams 2. writing incident reports/memoranda 3. crime scenario exercises 4. defensive tactics/arrest & control exercises Required assessments for all sections – to include but not limited to: 1. multiple choice exams 2. writing incident reports/memoranda 3. crime scenario exercises 4. defensive tactics/arrest & control exercises EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE TEXTS OR OTHER READINGS (Author, Title, and Date Fields are required): Author Title Date Author Title Date Author Title Date Author Title Date Other Appropriate Readings: Handouts as prepared by individual instructors and the California Board of Corrections California Penal Code PROPOSED TRANSFERABILITY: UC If CSU transferability is proposed (courses numbered 1-99), indicate whether general elective credit or specific Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 CSU BOTH NONE X General elective credit 5 May 29, 2016 course equivalent credit is proposed. Specific course equivalent If specific course equivalent credit is proposed, give course numbers/ titles of at least two comparable lower division courses from a UC, CSU, or equivalent institution. PROPOSED GENERAL EDUCATION: Rationale for General Education certification: NONE X 1. , (Campus) 2. , (Campus) CR UC CSU College of the Redwoods General Education Applicability: AREA Natural Science Social Science Humanities Language and Rationality Writing Oral Communications Analytical Thinking Rationale for inclusion in this General Education category: Proposed California State University General Education Breadth (CSU GE) Applicability A. Communications and Critical Thinking B. Science and Math A1 – Oral Communication A2 – Written Communication A3 – Critical Thinking C. Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and Foreign Language C1 – Arts (Art, Dance, Music, Theater) C2 – Humanities (Literature, Philosophy, Foreign Language) B1 – Physical Science B2 – Life Science B3 – Laboratory Activity B4 – Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning D. Social, Political, and Economic Institutions D0 – Sociology and Criminology D1 – Anthropology and Archeology D2 – Economics D3 – Ethnic Studies D5 – Geography D6 – History D7 – Interdisciplinary Social or Behavioral Science D8 – Political Science, Government and Legal Institutions D9 – Psychology E. Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development E1 – Lifelong Understanding E2 – Self-Development Rationale for inclusion in this General Education category: Same as above Proposed Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Applicability AREA 1A – English Composition 1B – Critical Thinking-English Composition Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 6 May 29, 2016 1C – Oral Communication (CSU requirement only 2A – Math 3A – Arts 3B – Humanities 4A – Anthropology and Archaeology 4B – Economics 4E – Geography 4F – History 4G – Interdisciplinary, Social & Behavioral Sciences 4H – Political Science, Government & Legal Institutions 4I – Psychology 4J – Sociology & Criminology 5A – Physical Science 5B – Biological Science 6A – Languages Other Than English Rationale for inclusion in this General Education category: Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 Same as above 7 May 29, 2016 FOR VPAA USE ONLY PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER AJ 155 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1. Department: AOJ Administration of Justice 16. CoRequisite Course: 2. Subject: AJ 17. CoRequisite Noncourse: Course No: 155 3. Credit Type: D Credit Degree Applicable 18. Maximum Class Size: 4. Min/Maximum Units: 6.0 to 19. Repeat/Retake: NR No repeats variable units 5. Course Level: D Possibly Occupational 20. Count Retakes for Credit: yes no 6. Academic Level: UG Undergraduate 21. Only Pass/No Pass: yes no 7. Grade Scheme: UG Undergraduate 22. Allow Pass/No Pass: yes no 8. Short Title: Juvenil Correct Officer Crse 23. VATEA Funded Course: yes no 9. Long Title: Juvenile Correctional Officer Core Course 24. Accounting Method: W Weekly Census 25. Disability Status: N Not a Special Class 10. National ID (CIP): 43.0102 26. Billing Method: T-Term 11. Local ID (TOPS): 210510 27. Billing Period: R-Reporting Term 12. Course Types: Level One Basic Skills: NBS Not Basic Skills Level Two Work Experience: NWE Not Coop Work Experience Level Three: 28. Billing Credits: 6.0 29. Purpose: I Occupational Ed 30. Articulation No. (CAN): Placeholder for GE OR 31. Articulation Seq. (CAN): Choose One: 32. Transfer Status: C Not transferable Level Four: If GE : Choose One: 13. Instructional Method: LL Lecture/Lab 14. Lec TLUs: 10.22 Contact Hours: 137.0 Lab TLUs: Contact Hours: 33. Equates to another course? 34. The addition of this course will inactive number). Inactive at end of term. 15. Prerequisite: Particular Comments for Printed Catalog. . Curriculum Approval Date: 02/25/05 Course Outline Senate Approved: 09.03.04 (course number). 8 May 29, 2016 (course