Online Teaching and Learning Training (OTLT) Spring 2015 DRAFT Instructor:

Online Teaching and Learning Training (OTLT)
Spring 2015 DRAFT
Instructor: Mark Winter
Office: Creative Arts 132
Phone: 707-476-4310
Office Hours: By appointment.
Instructional Technologist: Reno Giovannetti
Office: LRC 107
Phone: 707-476-4568
Office Hours TBA
Course Description: An introduction to teaching an online class at College of the Redwoods.
This short course incorporates the @One Standards for Quality Online Teaching, Course Design
Rubric for the Online Education Initiative, and Quality Matters Rubric Standards. Successful
completion of this short course meets the CR online teaching certification requirement to teach
Course Learning Outcomes: (1) Demonstrate knowledge of online course design. (2) Identify
online practices to ensure interaction and collaboration. (3) Identify methods for assessment of
student progress and acheivement. (4) Describe the elements of student support and accessibility.
(5) Demonstrate knowledge of policy, procedure, and practice specific to College of the
Redwoods distance education. (6) Apply knowledge in the creation of an online class syllabus
and topic/week module in Canvas.
Computer Skills: Online courses require adequate computer skills. You should be able to
navigate the course websites, open and download files, use a word processor with Microsoft
word (.docx) or be able to convert files to rich text format (.rtf) or portable document format
(.pdf), and submit files to the class website. It is your responsibility to meet the technological
demands of the course.
Computer Requirements: Most computers and internet providers are adequate. I would
strongly recommend broadband services from cable, DSL, or satellite providers as there are
required multimedia assignments. You need to have reliable access to the internet at least three to
four times a week for 4 weeks. Anticipate problems with your computer and internet access
(including power outages) by not waiting until the last minute to submit assignments. It is your
responsibility to meet the deadlines.
Student Commitment: This short-course requires from 5-10 hours per week for four weeks of
your time. You will need to carefully read assigned reading, watch videos, participate in online
discussions, and complete weekly quizzes/projects. Conscientiousness, attention to details, and
skills in reading and writing are critical for success.
Instructor Commitment: I access the class website regularly and respond to posted questions
and messages usually with 24 hours and no later than 48 hours. Additionally, I participate in the
discussions. There is also regular instructor-based communication with weekly announcements,
lectures, and evaluative feedback to your discussion posts.
Modular Class Discussions (100 points): Each week has multiple modular discussions for a
total of 11 discussions based on prompts. You will receive up to a maximum of 10 points for
postings and responses to other peoples’ postings (see scoring below). You must receive a total
of 70 points (70%) to pass this course.
Primary Post -- 5 points possible --Your primary post must:
React analytically, not a summary or just a personal example (1 point)
Relate and apply topic to your own personal experience (1 point)
Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences (1 point)
Be posted before the Thursday deadline (1 point)
Meet the 250 word minimum length (1 point)
Reply Postings -- 5 points possible – Each of your two reply posts must:
React thoughtfully to the content of a classmate’s primary post. Focus your reply on
your classmate’s post, not on your personal experiences (2 points)
Meet the 100 word minimum length (2 points)
Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences (1 point)
Modular Quizzes (pass/not pass): Each module will have a 10-question quiz. Seven correct
answers (out of 10) is a passing score. The quiz is untimed and can repeated until you pass. You
must pass each of the 10 quizzes to pass this course.
Final Projects: There are two projects required – Syllabus and Canvas course shell with one
complete topic/week module. The topic module may have placeholders instead of the actual
lecture, quiz, and/or video assignments. The instructor and instructional technologist will be
available to assist you. You must satisfactorily complete a syllabus and a Canvas module to
pass this course.
Week 01
Introduction and Course Design
Feb 02 –
Feb 08
Module 1.1 – Preparation for Online Teaching
Module 1.2 – CR Policy and Procedures
Module 1.3 – Elements of Course Design
Discussions, Quizzes,
PDFs, Videos
Week 02
Feb 09 –
Feb 15
Week 03
Feb 16 –
Feb 22
Week 04
Feb 23 –
Mar 01
Regular Effective Contact
Module 2.1 – Syllabus
Module 2.2 – Instructor-prepared materials
Module 2.3 – Elements of Interaction
Discussions, Quizzes,
DE Handbook
Module 3.1 – Introduction to Assessment
Module 3.2 – Quizzes, Tests, and Papers
Module 3.3 – Scoring Rubrics
Discussions, Quizzes,
DE Handbook
Shell Development
Module 4.1 – Accessibility
Final Projects – Syllabus and Draft Module
Discussion, Quiz,
DE Handbook
Syllabus and Module
Faculty Certification Requirements: You will be certified to teach online classes at CR after
you meet the following three criteria:
1. Total Module Discussion Points >75
2. Pass all Module Quizzes
3. Satisfactorily complete Syllabus and one Canvas topic/week module (placeholders ok)
Required Resources (provided): Canvas Shell, Canvas Training Tutorials, and DE Faculty
Handbook (Pasadena City College and/or Mendocino College until CR Handbook available.)
Students with Disabilities: This class is designed to accommodate students with disabilities.
Please contact me directly with specific concerns. For more information go to the DSPS website