Clyde G. Reed

Clyde G. Reed
March 2013
Contact Information
Department of Economics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6
Ph.D. in economics, 1972, University of Washington
M.A., 1970, University of Washington
B.A., 1965, University of Washington
Research and Teaching Fields
Economic history; long run growth and development, cultural economics
Employment History
2009 – present
2004 – 2009
1985 – 2004
1972 – 1985
Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University
Professor, Simon Fraser University
Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University
Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University
Lecturer, University of Washington
Papers in Progress
The economics of exogamous marriage in small-scale societies (with Gregory K.
Dow and Simon Woodcock).
The origins of sedentism (with Gregory K. Dow).
The origins of warfare (with Gregory K. Dow and Leanna Mitchel).
Refereed Journal Articles
Dow, Gregory K. and Clyde G. Reed (forthcoming), “The origins of inequality:
insiders, outsiders, elites, and commoners,” Journal of Political Economy.
Bekar, Cliff T. and Clyde G. Reed (forthcoming), “Land markets and inequality:
evidence from Medieval England,” European Review of Economic History.
Dow, Gregory K. and Clyde G. Reed (2011), “Stagnation and innovation before
agriculture,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 77(3), March, 339350.
Dow, Gregory K., Clyde G. Reed, and Nancy Olewiler (2009), “Climate reversals
and the transition to agriculture,” Journal of Economic Growth 14(1), March, 2753.
Allen, Douglas W. and Clyde G. Reed (2006), “The duel of honor: screening for
unobservable social capital,” American Law and Economics Review, 8(1),
Spring, 81-115.
Reed, Clyde G. and Cliff T. Bekar (2003), “Religious prohibitions against usury,”
Explorations in Economic History 40(4), October, 347-368.
Bekar, Cliff T. and Clyde G. Reed (2003), “Open fields, risk, and land
divisibility,” Explorations in Economic History 40(3), July, 308-325.
Reed, Clyde G. and Anne-Marie Drosso (1997), “Labour services in the thirteenth
century,” Journal of European Economic History 26, 333-346.
Clegg, Nancy W. and Clyde G. Reed (1994), “The economic decline of the
Church in Medieval England,” Explorations in Economic History 31(2), April,
Easton, Stephen T., William A. Gibson, and Clyde G. Reed (1988), “Tariffs and
growth: the Dales hypothesis,” Explorations in Economic History 25(2), 147-163.
Devoretz, Don J. and Clyde G. Reed (1984), “Evidence from the skilled-unskilled
Canadian wage index,” Industrial Relations 39(3), 526-535.
Reed, Clyde G. (1979), “Price movements, balance of payments, bullion flows,
and unemployment in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,” Journal of European
Economic HistoryI, Fall, 479-487.
Reed, Clyde G. (1976), “The profits of cultivation in England during the later
middle ages,” Agricultural History 50(4), October, 645-648.
Reed, Clyde G. (1973), “Transaction costs and differential growth in seventeenth
century Western Europe, Journal of Economic History 33(1), March, 177-190.
Reed, Clyde G. and Terry L. Anderson (1973), “An economic explanation of
English agricultural organization in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries,”
Economic History Review 26(1), February, 134-137.
Working Papers
Eaton, Curtis B., Krishna Pendakur, and Clyde G. Reed, “Socializing, shared
experience and popular culture,” Simon Fraser University.
Dow, Gregory K. and Clyde G. Reed, Economic Prehistory: Early Transitions
That Shaped the World, manuscript in progress.
Reed, Clyde G., Price data and European Economic History, Arno Press, New
York, 1981.
Book Chapters
Burrows, Jared and Clyde G. Reed (forthcoming), “Free improvisation as a path
dependent process,” George E. Lewis, ed., Oxford Handbook of Critical
Improvisation Studies, Oxford University Press.
Bekar, Cliff T., Gregory K. Dow, Clyde G. Reed, and Joshua Stine, “Signaling
risk tolerance: nuclear arsenals and alliance formation in the cold war,” ch. 11 in
Gregory K. Dow, Andrew Eckert, and Douglas West, eds., Industrial
Organization, Trade, and Social Interaction: Essays in Honour of B. Curtis
Eaton, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2010, 223-242.
Reed, Clyde G. and Lawrence A. Boland, “Economies of North America,” The
Regional Encyclopedia of Business and Management: Management in the
Americas. Business Press, 2000, 130-137.
Olewiler, Nancy and Clyde G. Reed, “Pollution,” Joel Mokyr, editor in chief, The
Oxford encyclopedia of economic history, Oxford University Press, New York,
Book Reviews
Review of Gregory Clark, A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the
World. Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007. Reviewed in
the Journal of International History, March 2009.
Review of Avner Greif, Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy:
Lessons from Medieval Trade. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Reviewed in the Journal of International History, June 2007.
Review of Elizabeth Sanders, Roots of Reform: Farmers, Workers, and the
American State, 1877-1917. Reviewed in the Journal of Economic History,
September 2000.
Other Professional Activities
Research grants:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, “Economic
Prehistory: Foraging, Agriculture, Inequality, and Hierarchy” (co-investigator
with Gregory K. Dow), April 2007 – March 2011.
Heritage Canada, “Ties that blind: the culture of prejudice,” 2002.
Health and Welfare Canada, “Demographic implications of international trade”
(with Stephen T. Easton), 1986.
Manuscripts refereed for:
Canadian Journal of Economics
Economic History Review
Explorations in Economic History
Journal of Economic Growth
Journal of Economic History
National Science Foundation
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Major Administrative Responsibilities at Simon Fraser University
Graduate Program Chair: 1982-1984
Acting Department Chair: 1983/2 and 1984/1
Undergraduate Chair: 1988-1993
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Chair: 1990-1993
Associate Dean of Arts: April - September 1992
Small SSHRC Allocations Committee: 1992-1995
Faculty of Arts Computing Advisory Committee: 1992-1995
Chair, University Committee on Advance Registration: 1994-1995
SFU Senate: 1995-1998
Chair, International Undergraduate Student Exchange Committee: 1995-1996
Senate Committee on International Affairs: 1995-1996
Senate Committee on University Budgets: 1996-1997
Senate Committee on Academic Programs: 1996-1997
Faculty of Arts Employment Equity Committee: 1996
Senate Nominations Committee: 1997-1998
President’s Search Committee for VP Finance and Administration: 2001
University Appointments Committee: 2004-2006
University Appointments Committee: 2008-2009