Instructional Program Review Template for Academic Year 2013‐2014                                                                                                      Section 1 ‐ Program Information   1.0 Name of Program

Instructional Program Review Template for Academic Year 2013‐2014 (fields will expand as you type) Section 1 ‐ Program Information 1.0 Name of Program: Noncredit and Adult Education Date: 10/31/2013 1.1 Program Review Authors (include names and campus locations): Julia Peterson, Eureka; Julia Morrison, Eureka 1.2 Dean’s Signature: Julia Peterson Date:10/31/2013 1.3 Individual Program Information # of Degrees offered # of Certificates offered 0 0 1.3.1 State briefly how the program functions support the college mission: Noncredit and Adult Education provide developmental education in support of students’ lifelong learning needs and encourages progression into credit career technical and transfer classes. Noncredit also supports student success in credit classes with supplemental instructional support. 1.3.2 State briefly program highlights/accomplishments: The noncredit program had no FTES in 2012‐13, however, planning to increase the noncredit opportunities at CR resulted in seven new courses being approved through the Curriculum process. Section 2 ‐ Data Analysis 2.1 Enrollment & Fill Rate Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Enrollments & fill rates Enrollment ☐ Comment if checked: Fill Rate ☐ Comment if checked: 2.2 Program Majors Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Enrollments & fill rates Enrollment ☐ Comment if checked: cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 1 Fill Rate ☐ Comment if checked: 2.3 Success & Retention Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Success & Retention Success ☐ Comment if checked: Retention ☐ Comment if checked: 2.4 Persistence of Concentrators Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Persistence of Concentrators ☐ Comment: 2.5 Program Completers Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Completions & Transfers ☐ Comment: Student Equity Group Data 2.5 Enrollments Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to Enrollments & fill rates Comment: 2.6 Success & Retention Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to success & retention Comment: cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 2 2.7 Completers Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to persistence Comment: 2.8 Faculty Information Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Faculty (FT/PT) & FTES/FTEF Comment: CTE/Occupational programs The following Labor Market section should be completed by all CTE/Occupational programs. Only CTE/Occupational programs need to complete this section (2.9). 2.9 Labor Market Data Refer to the California Employment Development Division:
Provide a narrative that addresses the following: a. Documentation of labor market demand b. Non‐duplication of other training programs in the region c. Effectiveness as measured by student employment and program completions. Narrative: Summary of Section 2 Overall, what did you learn from the data provided in this section? Be sure to indicate if your discoveries apply to the entire district, or if they vary by site. There was no FTES produced in 2012‐13. cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 3 Section 3 – Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities Curriculum & Assessment Data What courses, if any are not on track with regard to a 2‐year assessment cycle? Explain if this is a consequence of how often the course is offered or other mitigating factors such as outcome updates that may have changed the assessment cycle. # of course SLO reports submitted during 2012‐2013. Reports submitted in 2012‐13 up to the Sept 15, 2013 deadline were included in 2012‐2013. # of degree/cert (PLO) reports submitted during 2012‐2013. Reports submitted in 2012‐13 up to the Sept 15, 2013 deadline were included in 2012‐2013. % of Course Outlines of Record updated If there is no plan for updating outdated curriculum, when will you inactivate? View curriculum status: click here or go to: Select your program and click on: Curriculum Status Did the Program Advisory Committee Met? Y/N All courses will be assessed on a 2‐year cycle. 0 0 70% 7 new courses were approved and are current. 2 courses will be updated by Spring 2014 and 1 current course will be updated or inactivated by Spring 2014. no 3.0 How has assessment of course level SLO’s led to improvement in student learning (list the top three): not applicable since no FTES was reported 3.1 How has assessment of degree/cert (program) level outcomes led to degree/certificate improvement (list the top three): not applicable since no FTES was reported 3.2 (Optional) Describe assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support: Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans 4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the last program review and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed. Action plans may encompass several years; an update on the current status, or whether the plan was discarded and why. Actions Taken Current Status Impact of Action (describe all relevant data used to evaluate the impact) No previous plans were identified cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 4 4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the plan(s) contributed to program improvement: Section – 5 Planning Click here to link to Institutional Planning Documents 5.1 Program Plans Based on data analysis, student learning outcomes and program indicators, assessment and review, and your critical reflections, describe the actions to be taken for the 2013‐2014 academic year. Use as many rows as you have actions, and add additional rows if you have more than 5 actions. Please number all rows that you add. Please be specific. This section and section 6 should include a detailed justification so that the resource prioritization committees understand your needs and their importance. * Not all actions in this program plan section may require resources, but all resource requests must be linked to this section. cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 5 5.1 Program Plans Action # Action to be taken: List the specific action to be taken in enough detail so that someone outside of your area can understand. 1 Include the specific plan and action item relevant to your action For example: Annual Plan 2013‐
2014 Theme: Persistence; or Goal 1: Student Success: EP.1.6.2 Develop a plan for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations. AP Goal 1: Implement alternative Develop noncredit beginning basic skills curriculum (e.g. level ESL Certificate acceleration, noncredit). 3 Develop noncredit job readiness classes. Coordinate Noncredit and Adult Education planning with at least five other adult education providers within the District. 4 5 Grow noncredit FTES in the areas of basic skills, and other noncredit areas. 2 Relationship to Institutional Plans AP Goal 2: Develop job readiness noncredit classes. AP Goal 1: Implement alternative basic skills curriculum (e.g. acceleration, noncredit). Mission Statement: Partner with the Community AP Goal 1: Implement alternative basic skills curriculum (e.g. acceleration, noncredit). S.P. Improve basic skills success. EP 1. SP.3.3.1 Increase resident and non‐
resident FTES. Expected Impact on Relationship to Assessment Program/Student Learning Include all assessment results that indicate that this action Describe the expected impact will yield the desired impact on in a way that someone outside the program. If the assessment the program can understand. has yet to be conducted, explain when and how it will The impact should be be conducted. measurable. A beginning level noncredit Offering a beginning level ESL Certificate, and the certificate will help beginning individual component level students start taking courses, will be developed. classes at CR. Noncredit job readiness classes will help students learn workplace skills to Classes will be assessed using improve their success at the same methods as credit finding and keeping a job. class assessment. Yes Understanding the needs will allow planning for those needs and assessment of success at meeting the needs. No Classes will be assessed using the same methods as credit class assessment. Yes Basic skills and adult educational needs throughout the District will be identified. Basic Skills students in the community will learn skills that move them along the pathway to being college ready. Noncredit classes will facilitate student learning in the noncredit areas. 5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanations, if necessary. cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Resources Needed (Y/N) Page 6 A yes here requires a correspond
ing request in the next section. No Section 6 ‐ Resource Requests 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests. Requests must be accompanied by an action plan in the above section. Requests should include estimated costs. If you are requesting personnel resources, you must also include the “Request for Faculty or Staffing” forms, located at review. Submit one form for each request. * The item number must match the corresponding action # from section 5. Add rows as necessary. Request Check One Amount use Describe planning requests for the prioritization above Action
committees, operational requests for your Dean?, # and Personnel requests for …….. Planning Operational Personnel $ Software: Career Ready 101 subscription – for downtown, Del Norte, Mendocino and main campus. This software will support job readiness training and soft‐skills training and will prepare students for ACT’s WorkKeys® Work Readiness certification (national third‐party stackable credential). X $5,000 2,4 Noncredit staffing to support class coordination, 1,2,4 planning, administrative work, etc. X unknown Bilingual (Spanish) support for beginning ESL students in Counseling /Advising, Admissions, DSPS 1,2,4 and eventually EOPS. X unknown Bilingual support for translation of college materials such as: registration materials, faculty’s student evaluations (most beginning students write comments in Spanish), college communications to students, marketing materials and press releases, X unknown 1,2,4 etc. Staff support position to support and facilitate the planning and growth of noncredit and adult X unknown 1,2,4 education. Install VOIP telephone system. System will be shared with CED and will connect Noncredit, CED X Est. $400 1,2,3,4 and main campus. New computers for noncredit classroom. The computers that have been identified for use are X $19,550 1,2,4 obsolete. Their obsolescence will negatively affect cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 7 Recurring Cost Y/N Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No the quality of the learning environment and will increase the cost of computer support and maintenance. 1,2,4 Classroom materials. Most noncredit classes do not require textbooks, so instructors will need in‐class materials to support their curriculum. X $15,000 Yes – for software requiring renewal No – for start‐up materials that can re‐used multiple times Section 7‐Author Feedback Provide any constructive feedback about how this template or datasets could be improved. No FTES was reported in 2012‐13. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Somewhat
Somewhat Strongly
Disagree Disagree
This year’s program review was
valuable in planning for the ongoing
improvement of my program.
Analysis of the program review data
was useful in assessing my program.
Section 8‐ PRC Response by section (completed by PRC after reviewing the program review) 8.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President: S.1. Program Information: New Program ‐ as complete as possible at this time. S.2. Data Analysis: N/A S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: Developing. Program is in process of being established S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: N/A S.5. Planning: Exemplary S.6. Resource Requests: Exemplary ‐ matched to planning section 5. cNonCredit, Adult Ed Program Review.docx 3/12/2014 Page 8 