Student Development Division Annual Program Review Update 2013/14 Section 1 - Program Information 1.0 Name of Program: Athletics 1.1 Program Review Authors: Bob Brown, Marla Gleave, Chris Vicory, Reed Elmore, Justin Mora, Doug Oliveira Date: October 8, 2014 1.2 Program Director Signature: Joe Hash Date: October 30, 2013 1.3 Vice President Signature: Keith Snow-Flamer Date: October 31, 2013 1.4 Program mission: To provide a diverse population of CR student athletes with a quality academic and athletic experience and to ensure that student athletes are given guidance to aid them in meeting their educational goals. 1.4.1 State briefly how the program mission supports the college mission: The program mission meshes nicely with the mission statement in that they are both centered on student learning and student success with a focus on transfer education. 1.4.2 Provide a brief description of the program’s primary function: To ensure the success of each student athlete. Section 2 - Data Analysis 2.0 Program Staffing/Budget Data and Indicators (Past years) Provide information to show changes over time (steady, increasing, decreasing, etc.). Insert additional rows as needed for your key performance indicators (KPI’s), such as program services, functions, student contacts, etc. 2011/12 2012/13 Observations (steady/increasing/decreasing) 2.1 Staffing/Budget FTE Faculty and Staff 8 8 One full-time faculty member retired in May 2013. One full-time faculty member set to retire in May, 2014 FTE Additional Workforce 14 16 Shifting to a part-time work force due to budget constraints Personnel (Dollars) 214,493 215,000 Steady Discretionary (Dollars) 251,627 294,157 Increase is due to shift of coaching stipends from 11003 “Mandatory” to 11006 “Discretionary” Other 2.2 Program Indicators Revenue Generation Student Athlete Academic Success $1.197 million 70% 3/12/2014 $1.468 million 67% Increase more than likely due to increase in football enrollments Down slightly. Lack of a dedicated academic counselor has hurt our success numbers. Page 1 Ethnic Diversity of Student Athletes 54% underrepresented 55% Comparable 2.3 Describe how the changes in indicators have impacted student achievement and learning: Two important sports programs remained suspended for a second year (2011-12) due to budget constraints. A commitment to bring back baseball has been made for 2013-14. 2.4 Provide any other relevant information that may have contributed to changes (improvement, increase, decline, barrier) for the population served by the program: These sport suspensions have negatively impacted revenue generation due to the corresponding decrease in enrollment, FTES and Non-Resident tuition. 2.5 Student Equity. Please comment on any current outcomes or initiatives related to increasing outreach, retention and student success of underrepresented students in your program. The continued suspension of the men’s soccer program has decreased the enrollment of certain underrepresented groups. Section 3 –Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities 3.0 Student Learning Outcomes & Program Outcomes Assessed in the Current Cycle (2012/2013) a. Assess current academic support program to determine effectiveness and make improvements if necessary 3.1 What changes have been made to the program based on assessment findings? A part-time counselor has been assigned to support student athletes for 2013-14. 3.2 (Optional) Describe assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support: 3.3 Provide any additional explanations for items described in section 3. While the assignment of a part-time counselor to student athletes is a step in the right direction, especially compared to not having any advisor or counselor assigned, to fully meet the academic needs of over 200 student athletes really requires a full-time person. Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans 4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the last program review and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed? Action plans may encompass several years; an update on the current status, or whether the plan was discarded and why. Actions Current Status Impact of Action (describe all relevant data used to evaluate the impact) Academic Success Program/Return of Last year (2012-12) there was no Level of first-year student athletes meeting 3/12/2014 Page 2 dedicated Student Athlete Academic Advisor to the department advisor/counselor dedicated for student athletes. For 2013-14 Athletics shares a parttime counselor with EOPS. second-year eligibility standards was down to about 45% due in part to a lack of a dedicated advisor/counselor. Support of a part-time counselor now in place for 2013-14. Commit to reinstatement of baseball & men’s soccer for 2013/14 Both sports remained on suspension during 2012-13. Baseball has been reinstated for 2013-14. Fall of 2013 PE 20 “Baseball” course initial enrollment of 38 student athletes Implementation of Measure Q Projects Still on hold Facility conditions, especially fields, continue to deteriorate. Injuries and safety continue as on-going issues. The deterioration of the fields has caused athletic programs to move home contests to off-campus venues creating additional costs as well as the burden of transporting students and/or equipment to those venues. Departmental Recruiting Plan On-going Improved enrollment, especially in women’s sports 4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the prior year plan(s) contributed to program improvement: Section – 5 Planning 5.1 Program Plans (2013/2014) Based on data analysis, student learning outcomes and program indicators, assessment and review, and your critical reflections, describe the actions to be taken for the 2013/14 academic year. Use as many rows as you have actions, and add additional rows if you have more than 5 actions. Please number all rows that you add. Please be specific. This section and section 6 should include a detailed justification so that the resource prioritization committees understand your needs and their importance. *Not all items in this program plan section may require resources, but all resource requests must be linked to this section. Action # Action to be taken: List the specific action to be taken in enough Relationship to Institutional Plans Include the specific plan and action item relevant to 3/12/2014 5.1 Program Plans Expected Impact on Program/Student Learning Describe the expected impact in a way that someone outside Relationship to Assessment Include all assessment results Page 3 Resources Needed (Y/N) A yes here requires a corresponding detail so that someone outside of your area can understand. Implementation of Board approved and prioritized Measure Q Projects for 1 Athletic facilities Assign full-time advisor or counselor for student 2 athletes Hire full-time Assistant 3 Athletic Trainer Provide head coaches 4 with updated computers your action to be taken. For example: Annual Plan 2013-2014 Theme: Persistence; or Goal 1: Student Success: EP.1.6.2 Develop a plan for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations. Theme: Increasing Persistence; Goal 1: Student Success. In order for students to achieve success and persist in meeting their educational goals, they first need to be provided with a safe classroom environment. Theme: Increasing Persistence; Goal 1: Student Success: EP.1.2. Improve support for students; EP.1.4. Increase transfers and degree and certificated completion; EP.1.6. Improve success among underrepresented populations Theme: Increasing Persistence; Goal 1: Student Success Goal 4: Technology; SP.4 Technological Relevance 3/12/2014 the program can understand. The impact should be measurable. Increase in facility safety, decrease in injuries and improved ADA access to facilities. All student athletes, especially those “at-risk”, would benefit from increased focus and attention on their needs for academic guidance and assistance Providing a safe environment with personnel knowledgeable to provide proper injury prevention and treatment should increase student persistence in the program Coaches have computers from 2005. With improved that indicate that this action will yield the desired impact on the program. If the assessment has yet to be conducted, explain when and how it will be conducted. request in the next section. Provide a safe classroom environment is the first step to a student having success and persisting in their educational goals. No, Measure Q Funds already prioritized Relates directly to the assessment of student athletes persistence rates which are tied to their ability to meet 2nd year athletic eligibility standards. Yes, assignment of full-time advisor or counselor. Could be the assignment of a present advisor or counselor. Provide a safe environment is the first step to a student having success and persisting in their educational goals. Yes, hiring of a fulltime certified assistant athletic trainer Yes Page 4 technology faculty/coaches will be able to improve teaching and delivery Provide video cameras 6 for all sports Annual Plan 2013-14, Goal3: Fiscal & Operational Sustainability. SP.3.3.1 Increase resident and nonresident FTES. Strategic Plan Goal 4— Technological Relevance, 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology. Purchase a large 7 passenger bus for travel Strategic Plan 3. Fiscal and Operational Sustainability, 2. Improve college operational efficiencies. Reinstate men’s soccer 5 program Associate Athletic 8 Director Theme: Increasing Persistence; Goal 1: Student Success; EP 1. Ensure Student Success; Objective 2. Improve support for students Historical enrollment in men’s soccer was around 25 students. Most of these students would be new to the district or would be former students who stopped out. Relates to the ability to recruit new students to the district, especially underrepresented students Yes Coaches would no longer need to drive passenger vans long distances after a long day of competition mitigating unsafe travel practices. Increase student success and persistence Yes Assistance with the academic support of student athletes will relate student success and a higher level of student athletes meeting eligibility standards 5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanations, if necessary. 3/12/2014 Yes. Approximately $30,000 was reduced from the Athletics budget with the suspension of soccer. This would need to be reallocated, as well as TLU’s and stipend for the head coach. Page 5 Yes Section 6 - Resource Requests 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests. Requests must be accompanied by an action plan in the above section. Requests should include estimated costs. Submit a support ticket if you do not know the estimated costs. If you are requesting personnel resources, you must also include the “Request for Faculty or Staffing” forms, located at review. Submit one form for each request. Additional Instructions: Put down the full amount you are requesting in the “Amount” column. Put down the annual amount of any ongoing or recurring costs in the “Annual Recurring” column. For example, a personnel request for a permanent position might show an Amount of $30,000 and an Annual Recurring Cost of $30,000. A request for equipment might show an Amount of $5,000 and an Annual Recurring cost of $200. A professional development request might show an Amount of $800 and a recurring cost of $0. If you have a grant or some other source of funding, include in the “Request” column a brief description of the source of funds and the dollar amount that is expected to be covered by the other source and if the other source covers any of the annual recurring costs. Note in the “Request” column if this is a repeat request, and how many times you have submitted this request. The item number must match the corresponding action # from section 5. Add rows as necessary. Type of Request (Check One) Action Request Operational Personnel Planning Describe your request here in a way that # To be someone outside the program can use # To be reviewed by To be understand. above Prioritizatio reviewed and reviewed grouped by by Faculty n Prioritizati Committees Associate Deans. on of the Committe Budget e. Planning Committee 1 Implement Measure Q Projects (Repeat request 2x) Professiona l Developme nt To be reviewed by the Professional Developmen t Committee List of projects already approve d by board of Trustees List of projects already approved by board of Trustees 3/12/2014 $ Amount Page 6 $ Annual Recurrin g Costs Contact Person (Name, email, phone) 2 Assign full-time advisor or counselor for student athletes (Repeat request 2x) Could be achieved by assigning present advising or counseling personnel to student athletes x 3 Assistant Athletic Trainer (Full-time) x $60,000 60,000 4 Computers for Head Coaches x 5 Reinstate men’s soccer program (Repeat request 2x) 6 Four video cameras x 10,000 7 Passenger Bus x 8 Associate Athletic Director x 100,000 Release Time/Sti pend? 20,000 $30,000 $10,000 40,000 Section 7- Author Feedback Provide any constructive feedback about how this template or datasets could be improved. How much do you agree with the following statements? (mark your choice with an x ) 3/12/2014 Page 7 40,000 10,000 Joe Hash x4242 Joe Hash x 4242 Joe Hash X4242 Joe Hash x4242 Joe Hash x4242 Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree This year’s program review was valuable in planning for the ongoing improvement of my program. [] [ x] [] [] [] Analysis of the program review data was useful in assessing my program. [] [x ] [] [] [] Section 8‐ PRC Response by section (completed by PRC after reviewing the program review) 8.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President: S.1. Program Information: Completed S.2. Data Analysis: Completed. Good linkage of data to planning and success. Recommendation to include breakdown of success by athletic team. S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: Completed. Recommendation: note if survey was specific to athletics. S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: Completed S.5. Planning: Completed. Linked to institutional plans. S.6. Resource Requests: Completed 3/12/2014 Page 8