Document 12362358

College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee
Executive Summary
Adopted November 6, 2009
Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic
assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas.
The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation
upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans
and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under
the strategic planning objectives.
Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the
Integrated Planning Committees, and the District.
Program Review Subject/Service Area: ___LVN___ __________________
Program Review Authors: ____Melody Pope______
Summary and Recommendations:
1. Program strengths:
Excellent pass rates;
This program is run year-around at the Eureka site on a three
semester rotation;
Good entry level program for students, especially for those
going to RN program;
Development of online programming;
2. Program challenges/obstacles:
Since this program must be completed in one year, it is a
challenge to assure students can finish the courses they need
in that time;
There are only two FT faculty supporting this program (one at
Del Norte, one Eureka); Finding qualified instructors is
Contractual issues for yearlong teaching. Faculty that must
teach over the summer do not get full time pay (or have that
time accounted toward their contact year);
Finding Clinical positions (in some cases requiring students to
travel across districts);
Getting funding processed for student/faculty travel;
There is no retention program for the LVN (like we do for
There isn’t the same funding resources as RN program;
State requirements are stringent for faculty – beyond CR and
state education Minimum Qualification requirements;
Difficulty of counseling students into right coursework;
Preparation for upcoming boards
Additional Comments:
Increased number of students in LVN to RN bridge
The program held on the Eureka campus is year
around; fall, spring and summer;
In Del Norte, the LVN program is: fall, spring, fall,
break, fall, spring, fall, break;
PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors.
Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation
PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors response (if available) to the appropriate integrated
planning committee and the CPC.
3. Commendations:
Short completion time;
Faculty working on changing curriculum to be more studentoriented; faculty have taken on retention issues;
The development and growth of the simulation center that
has improved student retention (and to some extent,
Continued program improvement (Human Biology
as an example.)
4. Program Budget/Funding Sources:
External funding is adequate at this time;
Sutter Hospital in DN covers many costs for students
but there have been cutbacks due to current
economy; the impact on Del Norte might have
impact in Eureka in the future
Recommendation to fix FT/PT contract for summer
5. Program Goals/Plans:
Development an assessment method to assess incoming
student’s skill level and provide necessary remediation.
6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs):
State levels tight etc. see RN
Continue to work with IR for better data
Ditto as seen for RN
7. Student Success/Achievement Basic Skills
obstacles/challenges: If could assess LVN, could help
retention – not there yet:
LVN program must be completed in one year
PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors.
Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation
PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors response (if available) to the appropriate integrated
planning committee and the CPC.