5.1 b Program/Discipline: DM Annual Program Review Update Digital Media Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 1 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Annual Program Review Update *Be sure to include information from all three campuses. Program/Discipline: DM Submitted by (names): Clyde Johnson Contact Information (phone and email): clyde-johnson@redwoods.edu Dean / V. P.: Steve Brown Validation Date: 476-4372 1. Program/Discipline Changes Has there been any change in the status of your program or area since your last Annual Update? (Have you shifted departments? Have new degrees or certificates been created by your program? Have activities in other programs impacted your area or program? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life-science courses.) Note: curricular changes should be addressed under 12 (Curriculum). No (go to next question) Yes (describe the changes below): Two related programs with shadow curriculum have been approved for inactivation: RT (used to be offered at DelNorte) and GC (used to be offered at Mendo). Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 2 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b 2. Program/Discipline Trends Review and analyze the Enrollment data (Table 2.01) provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions: Table 2.01 Enrollments Number of students enrolled at census date For the purposes of these charts here, course sections have been broken down by class start time. The definitions for each start time are as follows: Early Morning Before 10:00AM Prime Time From 10:00AM to 2:30PM Late Afternoon From 2:30PM to 5:30PM*/6:00PM Evening 5:30PM*/6:00PM and later Weekend Saturday or Sunday classes TBA No scheduled start time * Evening is defined differently for semesters prior to Fall 2009 Each classification was weighted according to the following schedule: Weekend Evening Late Afternoon Early Morning Prime Time If a section had start times that fell into more than one category, it would be placed in the higher weighted category. For example, if a section met on a Saturday and started at 10:30AM, it would be considered a Weekend section. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 3 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Digital Media Fill Rate Enrollment Sections FTES WSCH Total TBA Evening Late Afternoon Prime Time Early Morning Total 2008 - 2009 TBA Evening Prime Time Early Morning Total 2007 - 2008 TBA Evening Late Afternoon Prime Time Early Morning Total 2006 - 2007 TBA Evening Late Afternoon Prime Time Early Morning 2005 - 2006 52% 61% 80% 76% 65% 62% 51% 56% 50% 59% 40% 55% 46% 56% 59% 45% 55% 74% 71% 45% 55% 55% 61% 83 226 16 16 175 516 28 124 25 86 4 267 28 162 108 27 325 53 126 36 83 41 339 6 12 1 1 12 32 2 8 2 7 2 21 2 11 8 5 26 3 7 3 6 5 24 7.26 29.72 0.62 0.87 23.86 62.34 7.38 27.41 1.39 7.11 1.03 44.32 7.38 38.06 8.03 8.43 61.9 11.7 26.99 7.91 4.42 11.73 62.75 234 720 18 27 729 1,728 216 756 54 270 216 1,512 216 1,152 288 540 2,196 324 702 270 162 540 1,998 a. Describe how changes in the discipline or area are impacting the data shown in the table above. None that I am aware of. b. Describe how changes outside the discipline or area are impacting the data shown in the table above. 1. Enrollment total dropped from 516 (05-06) to 267 (06-07), then up to 325 and 339 the following years . The 65% decrease was largely due to the branch campuses (Mendo and DelNorte) not offering DM courses after 05-06. 2. The section reduction from 32 (05-06) to 21 (06-07) were in part due to combining lab and lecture sections into single courses at the request of administration. 3. Some shadow curriculum exists between the ART and DM departments. Faculty in these departments have recognized this and established a connection and committment to work together so courses with overlapping content have SLO differences. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 4 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Review and analyze the Enrollment data (Table 2.02) provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions: 2.02 Course Success Rates Percentage of students enrolled at census receiving a grade of A, B, C, or Credit Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 5 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b DM-10 DM-10L DM-11 DM-11L DM-12 DM-15 DM-20 DM-20L DM-22 DM-22L DM-23 DM-23L DM-24 DM-24A DM-24B DM-24L DM-30 DM-30L DM-40 DM-56 DM-63 DM-70A DM-71 DM-72 DM-73 DM-74 DM-75A DM-75B DM-76 DM-77 DM-99 Total 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Success Total Enrolled Success Total Enrolled Success Total Enrolled Success Total Enrolled Success Total Enrolled 55% 121 58% 109 59% 70 46% 114 53% 98 55% 122 58% 109 68% 60 41% 49 66% 41 42% 45 66% 38 73% 60 41% 49 57% 14 40% 40 36% 14 69% 13 53% 15 45% 11 88% 17 81% 21 55% 20 89% 19 62% 47 88% 17 81% 21 65% 17 64% 11 88% 8 65% 17 67% 12 46% 13 46% 13 72% 18 77% 22 52% 21 77% 26 83% 24 69% 13 50% 16 69% 16 74% 19 82% 17 55% 20 73% 15 82% 17 55% 20 78% 9 86% 7 60% 5 75% 8 100% 5 53% 32 64% 36 76% 17 72% 18 59% 39 73% 22 90% 81 69% 39 100% 19 85% 20 91% 22 68% 22 64% 14 93% 15 90% 20 86% 29 76% 17 100% 11 87% 15 94% 17 100% 12 62% 21 100% 19 100% 17 87% 15 88% 33 88% 16 70% 10 100% 5 100% 11 90% 31 69% 51 100% 15 57% 28 91% 11 88% 8 71% 7 78% 9 70% 20 78% 18 68% 921 62% 599 68% 314 65% 383 69% 388 Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 6 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b a. Describe how changes in the discipline or area are impacting the data shown in the table above. 1. DM10 is the course with the most sections overall. In 07-08 the success rate drop was partly due to adding online sections and hybrid sections. The continued lower success rate in 08-09 is also partly attributed to the loss of open labs (DHR). CIS/BT/DM have pushed for dedicated labs which no longer provides tlus to faculty for DHR labs. DM students have historially relied on the drop-in times (DHR) for coursework. The reasons are derived anecdotally through observations and student contacts, non-IR administered student surveys also support this statement. 2. DM15 success rate has been low for most of the terms listed due partly to inconsistent and low-quality course delivery. There is now a new faculty for this course and student response so far this semester has been favorable. 3. DM courses with 100% Success are partly due to the nature of the courses at 0.5 unit lab classes and do not include out-of-class assignments. 4. Total enrollment from 04-05 to 08-09 is 58% less. This drop was due to a number of reasons: branch campuses not offering DM courses, administration direction to reduce low enrolled courses, moving to dedicated labs so fewer courses could be offered in the same time frames, and faculty issues between fulltime and associate faculty. Most of the faculty issues have been resolved. b. Describe how changes outside the discipline or area are impacting the data shown in the table above. none known at this time Review and analyze the Enrollment data (Table 2.03) provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions: Table 2.03 Course Retention Rate Percentage of students enrolled at census receiving a grade other than W (Withdraw) Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 7 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b DM-10 DM-10L DM-11 DM-11L DM-12 DM-15 DM-20 DM-20L DM-22 DM-22L DM-23 DM-23L DM-24 DM-24A DM-24B DM-24L DM-30 DM-30L DM-40 DM-56 DM-63 DM-70A DM-71 DM-72 DM-73 DM-74 DM-75A DM-75B DM-76 DM-77 DM-99 Total 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Retained Total Enrolled Retained Total Enrolled Retained Total Enrolled Retained Total Enrolled Retained Total Enrolled 77% 121 93% 109 84% 70 75% 114 80% 98 76% 122 93% 109 93% 60 73% 49 80% 41 80% 45 95% 38 93% 60 73% 49 93% 14 70% 40 86% 14 85% 13 80% 15 91% 11 94% 17 81% 21 70% 20 100% 19 74% 47 94% 17 81% 21 76% 17 82% 11 88% 8 76% 17 83% 12 77% 13 77% 13 89% 18 86% 22 81% 21 92% 26 92% 24 92% 13 75% 16 88% 16 89% 19 94% 17 75% 20 87% 15 94% 17 75% 20 100% 9 100% 7 80% 5 75% 8 100% 5 78% 32 89% 36 88% 17 89% 18 92% 39 91% 22 94% 81 82% 39 100% 19 95% 20 91% 22 68% 22 64% 14 93% 15 90% 20 86% 29 88% 17 100% 11 87% 15 94% 17 100% 12 95% 21 100% 19 100% 17 100% 15 91% 33 88% 16 70% 10 100% 5 100% 11 94% 31 76% 51 100% 15 89% 28 91% 11 88% 8 86% 7 100% 9 90% 20 89% 18 84% 921 86% 599 85% 314 85% 383 87% 388 Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 8 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b a. Describe how changes in the discipline or area are impacting the data shown in the table above. 1. DM20 was offered online for the first time in 08-09. This is a reason for the drop in retained column. I believe that every faculty member on the DM team is motivated towards quality improvement with every opportunity they have to teach a DM course. 2. The increase in DM11 completion in 08-09 may be due to offering this course with a dedicated lab although enrollment declined 37% from 04-05 to 08-09 for the same reason. 3. Numerous courses show enrollment decline, mostly due to fewer sections being offered, also because separate Lab sections merged with the lecture components. 4. DM56 shows both enrollment increase and success rate between 04-05 and 08-09. Faculty teaching this course has since resigned so direct information about this course is unavailable. It is possible the rigor of the course was deceased as well as the quality of the pedagogy increased. b. Describe how changes outside the discipline or area are impacting the data shown in the table above. The overall push towards dedicated labs in CIS, BT, and DM improves delivery of some courses, while it decreases the necessary out-of-class lab time for other courses. Review and analyze the Enrollment data (Table 2.04) provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions: Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 9 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Table 2.04 English and Mathematics Basic Skills Data for Course Success (F2005-F2008) DM-10 DM-11 DM-12 DM-15 DM-20 DM-22 DM-24A DM-24B DM-30 DM-40 DM-56 DM-63 DM-70A DM-71 DM-73 DM-74 DM-75A DM-76 DM-77 Total PASSED 1A ENGL-1A ENGL-150 ENGL-350 READ-360 UNKNOWN Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled 73% 40 61% 80 50% 105 31% 39 0% 3 54% 80 76% 25 55% 33 43% 37 29% 14 33% 3 45% 42 100% 2 33% 3 57% 7 50% 2 60% 10 69% 13 31% 16 0% 1 54% 13 78% 18 70% 20 63% 19 0% 1 58% 31 100% 5 67% 6 100% 1 57% 7 88% 17 91% 23 50% 24 33% 3 100% 1 72% 25 43% 7 60% 10 67% 3 67% 9 57% 14 70% 10 75% 4 57% 7 90% 10 83% 6 0% 1 60% 5 84% 19 75% 16 57% 14 0% 1 62% 21 50% 2 100% 4 100% 2 0% 1 71% 7 85% 13 100% 16 76% 17 100% 4 83% 29 83% 6 83% 12 100% 10 80% 5 100% 1 73% 15 88% 8 93% 15 100% 8 100% 2 91% 11 100% 8 100% 17 100% 12 100% 2 83% 12 75% 4 78% 9 78% 9 100% 1 100% 8 100% 7 71% 7 40% 10 50% 2 69% 13 100% 4 0% 1 75% 4 79% 219 73% 300 58% 299 40% 77 38% 8 63% 341 Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 10 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b DM-10 DM-11 DM-12 DM-15 DM-20 DM-22 DM-24A DM-24B DM-30 DM-40 DM-56 DM-63 DM-70A DM-71 DM-73 DM-74 DM-75A DM-76 DM-77 Total TRANSFER-LVL MATH-120 MATH-380 MATH-375 MATH-371 UNKNOWN Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled Success Enrolled 61% 56 67% 42 51% 70 50% 62 39% 23 51% 94 70% 27 80% 10 48% 31 45% 29 33% 6 39% 51 100% 2 0% 1 25% 4 71% 7 75% 8 50% 8 50% 12 50% 8 100% 1 38% 16 73% 22 70% 10 76% 17 58% 12 0% 1 56% 27 50% 4 100% 3 100% 3 33% 3 83% 6 94% 17 80% 10 73% 22 63% 16 50% 2 65% 26 83% 6 50% 4 43% 7 50% 4 63% 8 60% 10 88% 8 80% 5 33% 3 44% 9 60% 5 100% 4 100% 2 67% 3 75% 8 92% 12 75% 8 89% 9 43% 14 67% 3 64% 25 100% 2 75% 4 50% 2 100% 1 71% 7 95% 20 100% 8 100% 9 80% 10 33% 3 79% 29 75% 12 86% 7 89% 9 86% 7 86% 14 100% 11 100% 7 86% 7 100% 5 100% 1 85% 13 100% 13 100% 10 100% 8 100% 5 100% 3 83% 12 67% 3 100% 6 80% 5 50% 2 100% 2 85% 13 100% 7 50% 2 63% 8 40% 5 65% 17 100% 3 50% 2 75% 4 77% 238 78% 153 65% 229 55% 193 49% 45 60% 386 Given the data, what patterns can be identified in the success rate in individual courses based on the students' skill level? Identify any important changes since the last review. 1. English levels seem to have minimal influence on success rates in lab classes (DM70A through DM77) 2. General views of DM course success in relation to English course completion shows higher levels of English have higher levels of course success. Many DM courses include writing assignments, all DM courses include reading assignments. 2. General views of DM course success in relation to Math course completion shows higher levels of Math have higher levels of course success. Even though math application is not direct in most DM courses, analytical processing is necessary in most computer media applicaitons and skill development. 3. The only DM courses directly using Math beyond remedial level are DM7 and DM30 which includes event-driven, object-oriented programming for interactive media. The success rate for students with MATH375 is 33% less than students with Math 380. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 11 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b How has the discipline/program responded to these patterns and how will the discipline/program respond in the next three years? English and Math are both required in the existing DM degree. In the past, attempts to address the math competency issue through restricted access to courses have had a detrimental impact on enrollment. To date, math competency standards are handled via student advising. 3. Labor Market Review (for occupational programs) Occupational programs must review their labor market data. Provide a narrative that addresses the following issues a. Documentation of lab market demand b. Non-duplication of other training programs in the region. c. Effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students. Digital Media prepares students to work in the information design and technologies as animators, graphic designers, videographers, web developers, and a range of related media development skills that are integrated in many local and regional businesses. According to the California Employment Development Department, the projected 07-09 growth for Multimedia Artists and Animators is 4.6% , with a projected growth rate of 32% through 2016. The growth rate for Graphic Designers is 13% over the same 10-year period. These are the two identified occupations that align with Digital Media courses. DM students have a wide reach in employment throughout Humboldt county. Since the core essence of DM is the design and delivery of media, nearly every local advertising agency, television station, and web development business has a history of employing DM students (CalTrans, HSU, Bay Directories, Morse Media, Precision InterMedia). Student tracking has been informal through facultystudent contacts. The Multimedia and Entertainment Initiative (MEI) in partnership with the Centers of Excellence (COE) studied the workforce needs of emerging non-entertainment sectors within the larger game industry for California Community Colleges. According to the 2008 Emerging Trends in Game Development Environmental Scan: Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 12 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b • Employment is projected to increase by as much as 19 percent, or 1,800 jobs, in the state within the next 12 months. • The research shows a gap between the demand for game development occupations and the available supply of qualified candidates. According to the industry scan, "these findings support the creation, adaptation and expansion of game development curriculum." DM support for game development is minimal at this time but will increase with online delivery as well as face-to-face delivery. Many DM and CIS courses provide skill development relevant to occupations in the Game Development employment sector. The DM umbrella is wide, covering a range of skills and occupations. Skills training duplication in Humboldt County exists for graphic design and technical training with standard Adobe applications. This duplication at area High Schools and Charter Schools, Community Ed, and HSU often meets the needs of a different audience. The duplication can also be intrepreted as a recognized need for skills training among a wide range of students. Duplication does not exist for the specialized 2D animation courses (DM24A and DM24B) as these are unique courses in Humboldt County. The areas of web media and website development are a very important niche of education that DM currently leads in local education (DM20, DM22, DM73-76). 4. Budget Resources List your area’s budget for the following categories in the table below. Restricted funds have a sponsor/grantor/donor (federal, state, local government, etc). The funds are restricted by the sponsor/grantor/donor. Everything else is unrestricted. Category Supply and printing budget Equipment replacement and repair budget Professional Development Work-study funding Additional Budget Items Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds 700 0 0 0 540 Is the funding for these areas adequate? Yes No If not, describe the impact of unaddressed needs on your discipline or program. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 13 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Credibility of courses in Digital Media and other Information Sciences is partly related to being current in the technologies we offer. Credibility increases when we are at the leading edge. Hardware and software used in the classes is constantly driven to upgrades by the industry. A fact out of our control. Luckily the full-time faculty in the IS department are innovative, resourceful, and use discretion in defining how to use the limited funds available to us. There is a need for a recurring funding source in the District's budget to upgrade maintain and replace program hardware and software used by students for instruction. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 14 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b 5. Learning Resource Center Resources Is the level of resources provided by the Library (Learning Resource Center) adequate? Yes No If No, Complete the following: Library Needs Not Covered by Current Library Holdings1 Needed by the Unit over and above what is currently provided. These needs will be communicated to the Library List Library Needs for Academic Year Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your campus below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: 1 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 15 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b 6. Faculty Table 6.01 – Faculty Load Distribution by semester 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 FTEF % of Total FTEF % of Total FTEF % of Total FTEF % of Total Associate Faculty 0.46 30% 0.28 29% 0.60 29% 0.57 37% Regular Staff/Non-Overld 1.56 70% 1.67 71% 2.08 71% 1.82 63% Total 2.02 100% 1.95 100% 2.68 100% 2.38 100% a. Describe the status of any approved, but unfilled full-time positions. NA b. If you are requesting a Full-Time Faculty position, fill out the current faculty position request form and attach it to this document. c. If your Associate Faculty needs are not being met, describe your efforts to recruit Associate faculty and/or describe barriers or limitations that prevent retaining or recruiting Associate Faculty NA Associate Faculty needs are currently met. 7. Staff Resources Complete the Classified Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff). This does not include faculty, managers, or administration positions. If a staff position is shared with other areas/disciplines, estimate the fraction of their workload dedicated to your area. (To add additional rows to this table, press Tab when the cursor is in the far right-hand cell) Staff Employed in the Program Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 16 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Assignment (e.g., Math, Full-time (classified) English) staff (give number) Part-time staff (give number) Gains over Prior Year Losses over Prior Year (give reason: retirement, reassignment, health, etc.) Do you need more full-time of part-time classified staff? Yes No If yes, fill out the current staff request form (to be provided by Administrative Services) Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 17 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b 8. Facilities, and Classroom Technology Are teaching facilities adequate for achieving the educational outcomes of this discipline/program? Yes No If No was checked, complete a Facility Form for each instructional space that does not meet the needs of this discipline/program. Additional facilities forms are available at the end of this document for each separate facility being addressed. Facilities, and Classroom Technology Form Program/Disciplines: Year: Submitted by: List classroom or instructional space name/number: Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room ADA temp access Other (briefly describe): Number of seats / work stations Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Describe the specific action and cost to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: Students: Describe how these changes will improve student learning outcomes: 9. Equipment Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 18 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Is the available equipment (other than classroom specific equipment described in the facilities section) adequate to achieve the educational outcomes of your program/discipline? Yes No If No was checked, complete an equipment form. If No was checked, complete the following grid for each piece of equipment being requested for this area/discipline: (To add additional rows to this table, press Tab when the cursor is in the far right-hand cell) Equipment Price, include tax and shipping Number of students using equipment each semester Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program/discipline educational outcomes Equipment Repair Does the equipment used for your discipline/program function adequately, and does your current budget adequately provide adequate funds for equipment repair and maintenance? This does not include classroom specific equipment repair described in the facilities section. Yes No If No, provide the following information to justify a budget allotment request: (To add additional rows to this table, press Tab when the cursor is in the far right-hand cell) Equipment requiring repair Repair Cost / Annual maintenance cost Number of students using equipment each semester Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program/discipline educational outcomes Everything works at this time. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 19 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b 10. Learning Outcomes Assessment Update Program and Course Learning Outcomes Refer to the assessment analysis forms that track discipline meetings held to summarize and discuss SLO assessment. Use that information to complete the following table for each SLO and/or PLO analyzed during the previous academic year. Additional tables are available at the end of this document to summarize the results for each SLO and/or PLO analyzed. Course SLO Measured: DM10 Create a digital media presentation that includes text, graphics, audio, video, animation, and interactivity. Or PLO Measured : Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO or PLO. Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable. How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? Final project checklist / rubric that addresses each area of media and presentation quality separately. Students are shown this list when project development begins and the completed assessment rubric is returned to them at the end of the semester. Course requirements in all sections need to have consistency, whether they are online, face-to-face, at Mendo, Eureka, or Klamath Trinity. The changes in delivery (online with a new LMS system, hybrid, no more DHR lab hours, new faculty) all have effects on the consistency of this course. Some problem areas or weaknessess cannot be realized until they are experienced and with each new modality or environment, new problems need to be solved. The primary goal for DM10 at this time is to realize problems and implement solutions so beginning level students can follow course content and complete the course successfully. There are no overall needs and issues revealed by the assessment. The assessment is detailed so faculty can identify trends or common low scores. If common low scores are identified this is a direct indicator to faculty that specific course content needs to be strengthened. Strengthing course content can be done any number of ways: clearer examples, less information at one time, repeated techical demonstrations, logical sequences of skill development so students acquire problem-solving skills. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 20 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. 1. Providing the currect course outline to every faculty member teaching this course. 2. Remind every faculty member they are required to deliver the course described in the outline. 3. Use the same assessment tool for all sections of DM10. 4. At the end of each term, student projects are shared among faculty who make select projects available to future students and "raise the bar" for project quality as defined by the assessment tool. 5. Collaborate with faculty to improve the course as needed for changing technologies, trends, labor market needs, and best of all - to make DM10 a rewarding experience to students. Prior to every semester the outlines are sent to faculty. At the end of every semester, the final project assessments are discussed and updated as needed. Course SLO Measured: DM 20.3 Demonstrate script-based interactive animation sequences using software with a frame-based timeline. DM 20.4 Demonstrate the ability to import, compress, and synchronize sound with images. Or PLO Measured : Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO or PLO. Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable. The assessment tools are itemized lists delivered to students so they know expectations for earning points. These lists provide specific technical definitions. The instructors are committed to provide the necessary background training so students can successfully earn passing levels grades if they utilitize the instructional content. The grading rubric is derived directly from this list. The same lists and assessment tools are used for the face-to-face and the online sections. The performance data are the grades students earn. The grades are derived from detailed rubrics that break assignments into specific tasks, items, and subjective criteria for evaluating the quality of student work. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 21 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? When the projects that demonstrate the skills defined in the SLOs are delivered, faculty can clearly see if there are trends in low scores which would indicate a possible need for strengthing the delivery of specific course content. List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning 1. Provide students with clear examples of high quality work that they can reverse engineer as need to understand how the examples were created. The examples not only provide techincal reference but attention to design as appropriate to the assignment. 2. Provide an venue such as online discussion forum where students can post questions and help each other with problem-solving. Faculty will also participate in the problem-solving discussions. 3. Deliver techincal training is logical sequences: skills build on skills. These priorites are ongoing. Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. Indicate where learning outcome assessment forms (Course-Discipline, Course-Section) are archived (e.g, Division Office, Dean’s Office). This is required to provide accreditation documentation of the District’s assessment activities. 11. Curriculum Update Identify curricular revisions and innovations undertaken a. in the last year. 1. updated this semester: DM7, DM23, DM30, DM71, DM73, DM74 (approved by Curriculum Committee on 9/25/09 2. currently on Curriculum Committee 10/9/09 agenda for updates: DM15, DM22, DM24B, DM56, DM70a, DM70b 3. inactived all GC courses as shadow curriculum is unnecessary, and inactived all RT courses as no longer offered 4. DM7 and DM11 will be taught online for the first time in Spring 2010 Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 22 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b b. planned for the coming year. updates to the DM A.S. Degree and DM Certificate of Achievement will follow course update approvals c. Complete the grid below. The course outline status report can be located at: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/IR/Reports/Curriculum/Curriculum_Course_Outlines.htm (To add additional rows to this table, press Tab when the cursor is in the far right-hand cell) Course DM7 DM10 DM11 DM12 DM15 DM20 DM22 DM24A DM24B DM30 DM56 DM70A DM70B DM71 DM72 DM73 DM74 DM75a DM75b DM76 DM77 Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 23 of 33 Year Course Outline Last Updated 2009 2005 2005 2001 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 2009 2009 2007 2007 2005 2005 Year Next Update Expected 2014 2010 2010 Inactivated 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2012 2014 2014 2012 2012 2010 2010 5/29/2016 5.1 b If the proposed course outlines updates from last year’s annual update (or comprehensive review) were not completed, please explain why. All completed or pending approval by Curriculum Committee. Along with these updates, a two-year schedule will be designed in an attempt to provide courses to students who have chosen the DM pathway. 12. Action Plans List any action plans submitted since your last annual update. Describe the status of the plans. If they were approved, describe how they have improved your area. none 13. Goals and Plans. Address either item a. or b. in the section below a. If you have undergone a comprehensive review, attach your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) and address progress made on the plan and list any new plans that have been developed (using a new QIP form). QIP Attached Rec #1 Annual review documentation addresses this. Rec #2 Two new online courses are scheduled for Spring 2010. Rec #3 CIS, BUS, BT, and DM continue to work collegially in providing the "Build the Base" strategy developed in 06-07. Rec #4 DM outreach to area high schools declined in the last 3 years, attempts at reestablishing HS faculty connections will be facilitated by such events as the CTE showcase and the Curriculum Alignment workshop which is being developed by Prudence Ratliff. DM faculty will participate in both these events as well as the 8th graders college day on Oct. 16. Rec #5 Course revisions and updates provide clear SLO requirements for each course. Faculty teaching every DM course will be required to read these documents and deliver courses so SLOs are met. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 24 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Rec #6-7 A new DM Advisory committee will be established this year. Committee agendas will include identifying local industry needs and assessing how the current DM curriculum meets these needs, or doesn't meet these needs. Follow up may include course updates or possible new courses. Rec #8 The DM program has been reduced from two to one full-time faculty. Adjustments to this have been made by hiring or rehiring five Associate Faculty with expertise that can be aligned with specific classes. We currently have the strongest DM Faculty team that has ever existed in this program. Rec #9 Completing annual review at a satisfactory level addresses this. b. If you do not have a QIP, refer to the goals and plans from your previous annual update. For each goal and/or plan, comment on the current status of reaching that goal and/or completing the plan. NA List any new goals and plans your area has for the coming year, and indicate how they are aligned with the goals/objectives in CR’s Strategic Plan. (CR’s strategic plan is located on the web at http://inside.redwoods.edu/StrategicPlanning/strategicplan.asp). None planned except to adjust to changes in DM Faculty, Online delivery Learning Management Systems (Sakai), Administrative agendas, State level mandates, evolving trends in local and regional industry, and ever-changing technologies directly related to DM courses that put faculty on a constant learning curve. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 25 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Additional Forms Facilities and Classroom Technology Form List classroom or instructional space name/number: Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Other (briefly describe): Describe the specific action and cost to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: Students: Describe how these changes will improve student learning outcomes: Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 26 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Facilities and Classroom Technology Form List classroom or instructional space name/number: Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Other (briefly describe): Describe the specific action and cost to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: Students: Describe how these changes will improve student learning outcomes: Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 27 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Facilities and Classroom Technology Form List classroom or instructional space name/number: Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Other (briefly describe): Describe the specific action and cost to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: Students: Describe how these changes will improve student learning outcomes: Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 28 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Facilities and Classroom Technology Form List classroom or instructional space name/number: Check if any of the following are not adequate: Ventilation / room temp ADA access Number of seats / work stations Technology (computers, projectors, internet) Other (briefly describe): Describe the specific action and cost to make this space adequate for your instructional needs: List the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: Students: Describe how these changes will improve student learning outcomes: Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 29 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Program and Course Learning Outcomes Course SLO Measured: Or PLO Measured : Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO or PLO. Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable. How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 30 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Program and Course Learning Outcomes Course SLO Measured: Or PLO Measured : Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO or PLO. Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable. How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 31 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Program and Course Learning Outcomes Course SLO Measured: Or PLO Measured : Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO or PLO. Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable. How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 32 of 33 5/29/2016 5.1 b Program and Course Learning Outcomes Course SLO Measured: Or PLO Measured : Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO or PLO. Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable. How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. Annual Program Review Template, Approved Spring 2009 Page 33 of 33 5/29/2016