Office of the Vice President Student Development Annual Program Review 2012/13

Office of the Vice President Student Development
Annual Program Review 2012/13
Section 1 - Program Information
1.0 Name of Program: Office of the Vice President Student Development
1.1 Program Review Authors:
Keith Snow-Flamer, Lorie Walsh
Date: October 11, 2012
1.2 Program Director Signature: N/A
1.3 Vice President Signature: NA
1.4 Program mission: To provide high quality support services that promote access to educational programs, foster academic success, and encourage
personal and social development of all learners.
1.4.1 State briefly how the program mission supports the college mission: The division works to support access and support for students, faculty and
1.4.2 Program goals: Students will become self-directed learners.
1.4.3 Describe how the program goals support institutional planning and goals (Strategic Plan, Education Master Plan, Enrollment Management
Plan, etc.): The goals and plans of the Office of the CSSO program directly supports:
Annual Institutional Plan: Improving support for incoming students; Improve academic programs to support student success; and
Continuously improve college structures and processes.
Strategic Plan objectives 1.1 Match student readiness with educational pathways; 1.2 Continuously assess and evaluate programs to
provide effective educational programs and services for all learners; 1.3 Students will be able to complete their desired educational goals;
1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement; 1.5 Improve basic skills success; 3.3 Increase funding available for strategic
initiatives; 3.4 Increase community support for the college; 3.5 Practice continuous quality improvement; 3.6 Practice continuous
adherence to accreditation standards; 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology; 4.5 Improve data gathering and utilization to support
instructional, student service, and administrative decision making; and 5.5 Increase communications and outreach to the community
Education Master Plan objectives 1.1 Provide structured academic pathways; 1.2 Improve support for students; 1.3 Improve
effectiveness of basic skills education; 1.4 Increase transfers and degree and certificate completions; 1.5 Professional development
programs will be focused on improvement of educational effectiveness; 1.6 Improve success among underrepresented populations; 3.3
Student learning outcomes and assessment are ongoing, systematic, and used for continuous quality improvement; 3.4 Systematically use
data to inform decision making; 3.5 Provide continual and inclusive training opportunities regarding assessment; 5.1 Improve student
12/20/2012 Page 1 engagement among all students; 5.2 Develop a vibrant student center; and 5.3 Increase student engagement in the community.
Section 2 - Data Analysis
2.0 Program Staffing/Budget Data and Indicators
(Past years)
Provide information to show changes over time (steady, increasing, decreasing, etc.). Insert additional rows as needed for your key performance
indicators (KPI’s), such as program services, functions, student contacts, etc.
Observations (steady/increasing/decreasing)
2.1 Staffing/Budget
FTE Faculty and Staff
1.35 The staffing has been steady from 2010 through
2011—Vice President of Student Development
and .35 FTE confidential administrative support.
FTE Additional Workforce
Personnel (Dollars)
$173,356 VP
$24,724 Classified
Discretionary (Dollars)
2.2 Program Indicators
Number of departments with
learning outcomes identified and
Number of departments completing
program review
10 The ASC was included in the Library Assessment
plan in 2010/11 and separated out in 2011/12.
10 Campus Life was folded into Residential Life
program review.
2.3 Describe how these changes affect students and/or the program:
2.4 Provide any other relevant information, or recent changes, that affect the program: The successful passage of the Student Success Initiatives
has caused community colleges to move from a position of the “right to fail” to the “right to succeed” and will necessitate refashioning student
services and development operations.
Section 3 –Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities
3.0 Student Learning Outcomes & Program Outcomes Assessed in the Current Cycle
12/20/2012 (2011/2012)
Page 2 3.1 Summarize the conclusions drawn from the data and the experience of staff working to achieve the outcomes: Summaries can be found in
individual department’s program review documents.
3.2 Summarize how assessments have led to improvement in Student Learning and Service Area Outcomes: Summaries can be found in
individual department’s program review documents.
3.3 (Optional) Describe unusual assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support:
Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans
4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in previous program reviews and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to
actions completed.
Current Status
Inclusion of SEP language in institutional
planning initiatives
Incorporate program review and assessment in
all administrative and managerial job
descriptions and evaluations
Language relative to the completion of
student education plans and support for
student success was included in the
institutional planning initiatives.
The job descriptions for the Coordinator of
Advising (CSEA member) and all
management in the Student Development
division were revised to include language
related to assessment:
Coordinator of Advising: “Assist the
Vice President in the program review and
assessment process.”
All management: “Supports the planning
and execution of assessment of student
and program learning outcomes. Assess
the effectiveness of these outcomes.
Based upon the outcome of assessment,
implement changes the area of
Human Resources have the revised job
descriptions on file and a copy was sent to all
affected personnel.
12/20/2012 Page 3 Request funding for development of FYE
The BSC approved $19,000 for development
of a FYE framework.
Create a Veteran’s Resource Center
A VRC was created and staffed by a fulltime
coordinator funded through categorical
Create a Welcome Center
The reorganization of the Enrollment
Services areas allowed for transfer of staff to
the new Welcome Center and move
Admissions and Financial Aid into a “back
room” operation.
Reorganize enrollment services to reduce
personnel and budget.
A reorganization of the Admissions/Records
and Financial Aid departments was
completed. The reorganization did not
eliminate existing personnel nor increase the
workload for classified employees without
increased compensation. Because of the
relocation of services into the new
Administration/Student Services building, the
reorganization allowed for more efficient
scheduling of duties to best meet the needs of
students and the District.
4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the plan(s) contributed to program improvement:
Section – 5 Planning
5.0 Plan for Future Improvements
Based on institutional plans, data analysis, student learning outcomes, program outcomes, the assessment of those outcomes, and your critical
reflections, describe the program’s Action Plan for the 2012/13 academic year. If more than one plan, add rows. Include necessary resources.
(Only a list of resources is needed here. Provide detailed line item budgets, timelines, supporting data or other justifications in the Resource
(link to two year assessment plan)
5.1 Program Plans
12/20/2012 Page 4 Action to be taken:
Better incorporate assessment and planning into
program review process
 Revise Template (Summer 2012)
 Create “division” summary with plans to the
Continue to teach students to become partners in the
learning process and to make connections with
appropriate faculty, staff and resources to fulfill their
goals and expand their opportunities by supporting
the FYE, refashioned Orientation program, and
department operations.
Relationship to
This initiative
Strategic Plan 1.2
asses and
programs to
provide effective
programs and
services for all
Education Master
Plan 3.2 Student
learning will be a
visible priority in
all practices and
structures; 3.3
Student learning
outcomes and
assessment are
systematic, and
used for
This initiative
Strategic Plan
Goal 1,
Education Master
Plan Goal 1, and
12/20/2012 Relationship to
Expected Impact on
Student Learning or
Service Area Outcomes
Number of program
reviews that include a
summary of assessment
results, include program
plans and incorporate
assessment will reach
100% for 2012/13.
Students will be able to
understand the college
processes, degree
requirements, and the
importance of selecting an
educational degree pattern.
Page 5 Resources Needed
Staff Time
FYE budget and
staff time.
Continue to teach life skills that enhance selfreflection, self-direction and self-sufficiency by
supporting the FYE and refashioned Orientation
Continue to offer high quality services, which are
accessible, accurate, understandable, clear and
timely, to our students and prospective students.
In collaboration with the VP of Instruction, aggregate
student education plan data to inform course schedule
 Develop process for aggregating SEP data
(Nov 2012)
 Pilot process for development of Fall 2013
schedule (Feb 2013)
 Process refinement and full implementation
(Apr 2013 for Spring 2014 schedule)
Plan Goals 3, 4
and 5.
This initiative
Strategic Plan
Goal 1,
Education Master
Plan Goal 1, and
Plan Goal 1.
This initiative
Strategic Plan
Goal 1,
Education Master
Plan Goal 1, and
Plan Goals 1 and
This initiative
supports Goals 3
and 4 in the
Strategic Plan
and Enrollment
Plan Goals 2, 3
and 4.
Students will become selfdirected learners.
FYE budget and
staff time.
Students will be able to
understand the college
matriculation processes.
Staff Time
The college will be able to
more accurately build an
annual schedule and
students will be able to
progress through the
degree and certificate
curriculum patterns.
Staff Time
5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanation if necessary.
Section 6 - Resource Requests
12/20/2012 Page 6 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests . Requests must be submitted with rationale, plan linkage and
estimated costs.
Check One
Planning Operational Personnel
Space for a Multicultural and Diversity
Strategic Plan
Obj 1.4 Enhance student
support and student
Obj 5.2 Support/increase
cultural activities at the
Education Master Plan
Large meeting space for ASCR
Obj 1.2 Improve support for
Strategic Plan
Obj 1.4 Enhance student
support and student
Obj 5.2 Support/increase
cultural activities at the
Education Master Plan
FYE Program Funding
12/20/2012 Y
Page 7 Obj 1.2 Improve support for
Strategic Plan
Obj 1.1 Match student
readiness with educational
Obj 1.3 Students will be
able to complete their
desired educational goals.
Education Master Plan
Obj 1.1 Provide structured
academic pathways
Obj 1.2 Improve support for
Enrollment Management
Obj 3.1 Develop Academic
FYE Program Instructional TLU Costs
Annual Plan Initiatives
Obj I.C. Include SEP
development into all new
student orientations and
refine SEP format
Strategic Plan
Obj 1.1 Match student
readiness with educational
Obj 1.3 Students will be
able to complete their
desired educational goals.
Education Master Plan
Obj 1.1 Provide structured
academic pathways
Obj 1.2 Improve support for
Enrollment Management
Obj 3.1 Develop Academic
Annual Plan Initiatives
12/20/2012 Page 8 Expansion of space for the Writing Center
in the LRC
Obj I.C. Incorporate SEP
development into all new
student orientations and
refine SEP format
Strategic Plan
Obj 1.4 Enhance student
support and student
Obj 5.2 Support/increase
cultural activities at the
Education Master Plan
Obj 1.2 Improve support for
Section 7- PRC Response by section (completed by PRC after reviewing the program review)
7.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President:
S.1. Program Information:
Supports strategic and education master plans.
S.2. Data Analysis: Good use of data and evaluation.
S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: Critical assessments noted in individual program reviews.
S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: All plans were completed.
S.5. Planning: All plans support strategic and /or educational master plans. A link to or location of the two-year assessment plan would be
helpful. (3rd column-relationship to assessment)
S.6. Resource Requests: Linked to strategic and education master plans.
General Comments: Good review.
Review approved
12/20/2012 Page 9 