Document 12362050

College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Executive Summary Adopted November 6, 2009 Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the Integrated Planning Committees, and the District. Program Review Subject/Service Area: ___Forestry, Natural Science______ Program Review Authors: __Tim Baker________________________________________________ Summary and Recommendations: Additional Comments: 1. Program strengths:
New certificate in geomatics (unique to area)
Incremental enrollment increases
2. Program challenges/obstacles:
Inadequate library resources
Insufficient number of introductory courses; numerous waitlisted
Tables, chairs needed in some classrooms
introductory courses negatively affects enrollment
Associate faculty departing next fiscal year
Inability to gain access to specific forested areas (private property Library needs JSTOR database and forestry journals
and liability issues); lack of available college transportation
Lack of second full-time faculty; can’t have an accredited
program with out two full-time faculty
3. Commendations
& Recommendations:
Development of a Geomatic certificate (unique to area)
Need a plan to address changes or issues identified in
Success rates high
Development of grant funding for technology
Recommend completing course updates
Submitted and received two grants for equipment purchase
Address/look into liability insurance for access to
forested areas
Following up on completers
4. Program Budget/Funding Sources:
Need for various program specific equipment/supplies:
Grant funded supplements
borers, soil charts, color charts, GIS software,
sharpening kits
5. Program Goals/Plans:
Development of a CTE grant to replace aging technology and
field equipment, tied to strategic plan
Submitted program plan thru assessment
Development of a Geomatic certificate
6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs):
Labor market data noted but not clear; there are
Assessments plan is clear and specific, but results of assessment
openings in the field due to replacement need as well as
need to demonstrate follow-up
projected openings for the north coast, but is not clear
to the author if CR grads would qualify; no formal data
to indicate program completers
Process: Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors. PRC will forward Executive Summaries to the appropriate integrated planning committees. 7. Student Success/Achievement/Basic Skills
Retention rates are high (85-90%)
Success rates slightly low; likely due to one enrollment in DN,
which likely skews the statistics
Higher levels of math and English preparedness mean
higher success in this program (typical for demanding
science-based courses)
Process: Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors. PRC will forward Executive Summaries to the appropriate integrated planning committees. 