College of the Redwoods CURRICULUM PROPOSAL FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE Revision DRAFT Date: 11.03.2015 1. Division: Career and Technical Education 2. Course ID and Number: DM-10 3. Course Title: Digital Storytelling 4. Please select the distance education method that describes how the course content will be delivered: Online-internet based - Delayed Interaction: Students and instructor interactions are not simultaneous, but are delayed or distributed over time. Interactive-video based - Simultaneous Interaction: Students and instructor interactions are simultaneous, with immediate opportunity for exchange among participants. Hybrid online-internet/classroom based: Students and instructor interactions are both classroom and internet based, with classroom time reduced and replaced by required online participation. 5. What perceived need will this distance education course address? DM-10 in the on-line internet based-delayed interaction modality will meet the needs of students throughout the district who cannot make it to campus to take an in-person 108 contact hour course. DM10 is advised as the first course in the DM program, required in all 4 of the DM specialization tracks, it is also a required elective in the CIS and BUS degrees, thus providing opportunity to reach out to students beyond the DM program. DM-10 as a hybrid course will provide lecture online and students meeting weekly on campus for the lab. The contact hours for this class is 108 hours, a hybrid version will allow the ability to adjust the in-person lab time to create additional hours for students to take other courses. The hybrid nature of the course provides blended learning, where students learn weekly content via online material such as visual lectures, annotated PowerPoints, web research, textbook and online reading. This format creates active learners versus traditional passive learners; and appeals to many working students, professionals, and students with a busy schedule by allowing students to more easily fit class studies into their busy schedules. Classroom time is used for applying knowledge from the week's studies by solving problems, completing hands-on labs, and developing content as defined in the assignments. 6. Describe in detail how the course design will ensure Regular Effective Contact (refer to Regular Effective Contact Policy) and include: a. Threaded Discussion Forums (or equivalent) b. Weekly Announcements (or equivalent) c. Instructor-Prepared Materials (e.g., text-based, video &/or audio files) in addition to publisher-created materials to create a virtual equivalent of the face-to-face class. The hybrid class will insure regular effective contact by meeting in an on-campus computer lab twice a week. Virtual contact is also included in hybrid delivey. For the hybrid and the fully online delivery, Instructor will post a Discussion agenda weekly with topics to explore and problems to solve. Students must review visual lecture and other support materials individually and respond in the Discussions by specified dates. If the class is hybrid, relevant topics can also be discussed during class meetings in the DM lab. Curriculum Approval: 04.10.15 Academic Senate Approval: 04.04.14 1 of 3 Student participation will be part of the overall grading structure. Students will also collaborate within an assigned team of peers (generally 3 to 5 students per team) at various defined times that align with project development. This is a project-based class where student teams work together to develop end-of-semester projects that are a culmination of skills, techniques, and knowledge they have gained throughout the semester. The Instructor will reply to the student's Discussion posts by answering questions, asking additional questions, and clarifying information. The instructor also provides a "general questions" forum where students can post questions they have about the course. These general forum questions may be answered by other students in the course or the Instructor. The instructor will prompt students to stay on task and on time by using the calendar tool, regular announcements, messages and email. Students are repeatedly reminded that they may send the messages to the Instructor concerning questions about the course. They will receive a prompt response at any time during the course. In addition, the instructor may hold a "virtual" office hour using synchronous communication technology such as CCC Confer. Students will receive feedback and earn grading points from assignment submissions, team participation, online activities aligned with discussion participation, and quizzes. Assignments will include detailed instructions and detailed grading rubrics so students will know what is expected. Students submit their completed assignments either through Canvas or submitting files during the face-to-face labs. The instructor downloads these submissions for grading. When their assignment is a group submission, each students participation level and specific project tasks are tracked. The instructor provides feedback to individual students and student teams through the appropriate assignment page and/or Discussion and will often times return student work with embedded comments. At certain times during the course, student work will also be provided as a class "show" where students are provided another opportunity to interact based on student work that is shown. 7. To illustrate the description in #6, describe what students in this course will do in a typical week of this course. Login to the management system to review Weekly Lesson Plan. Check for Messages from the Instructor, read them and respond as needed. Read assignment instructions and study support materials, including assigned reading. Study instructor-created visual lecture. Attend the face-to-face lab two times during the week (if a hybrid class) Research and review material from third-party websites identified in the assignment. Post Discussion messages to their team or to the whole class, addressing critical thinking questions from instructor and demonstrating knowledge gained from assigned studies. Review Discussion message(s) from their peers and Instructor. Reply to Discussion messages describing their viewpoint or position on the topic and sharing new knowledge gained from further research and/or reading since their original message. Complete and submit assignment via the "Assignment" link. Review instructor feedback from previous week assignment. 8. What is the course “statement ” to be included in the syllabus for instructor frequency and timeliness of instructor-initiated contact and student feedback? (refer to Regular Effective Contact Policy) DM10 related correspondence between instructor and student should be through Messages in Canvas. If the class is hybrid, correspondence can also be face-to-face during lab sessions. On weekdays during the academic semester you will usually get a response message in the same or next day, maybe even within minutes. If you do not get a response, you can contact the instructor through college email. You can also arrange to meet instructor at the Eureka campus or downtown Eureka by appointment. Curriculum Approval: 04.10.15 Academic Senate Approval: 04.04.14 2 of 3 9. How is this course designed to address Student Authenticity? Preventive measures may include: multiple assessment techniques, written assignments, threaded discussions, exams based on randomly drawn test bank items, timed exams, and raising student awareness of the College’s Code of Conduct. DM10 is primarily a project-based class. Student projects are a culmination of skills and typically reflect individual style that becomes clearer as the semester progresses. This makes authenticity identifiable by the aware Instructor. In a hybrid class, projects are developed during lab times so the Instructor sees (and hears) the individual student works in progress. 10. Describe the proctoring policy for this course. There will be no test proctoring. 11. How will this course design address Student Accessibility? Course design may include: captioned videos, transcripts for audio files, and alternative text for graphics (refer to Accessibility Checklist): DM faculty will work to comply with mandated accessiblity guidelines although providing accessible instruction in audio editing to a deaf person is not realistic as well as providing accessible instruction in graphic design to a blind person. Faculty will use various technologies and file formatting to make course content accessible and clearly let students know that if anything in the course is not accessible, they can ask for content in a different accessible format and it will be provided. Certain audio files will have text transcripts, videos that are used repeatedly will be close captioned. Digital media is about media and not all media is accessible to all people. Submitted by: Clyde Johnson Tel. Ext: 4372 Approvals: Distance Education Faculty Appointee Mike Butler Division Dean or Director: Marla Gleave Date: 11.11.15 Review Date: 11.12.15 Review Date: 11.13.15 CURRICULUM COMMITTEE USE ONLY Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Academic Senate Approval Date: 12.14.15 Curriculum Approval: 04.10.15 Academic Senate Approval: 04.04.14 Yes Date: 12.11.15 Board of Trustees Approval Date: 3 of 3