College of the Redwoods EXPERIMENTAL COURSES PROPOSAL AND OUTLINE DATE: 10/12/05 COURSE DISCIPLINE AND NUMBER: CIS88 COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Game Programming with Flash Is this the first time this course has been offered? TOTAL UNITS: TOTAL HOURS: [Lecture Units 1 [Lecture Hours: 18 Lab Units: Lab Hours: The second time? ] ] MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE: 20 DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED TOPIC: The description should clearly state the scope of the course, its level, and what student goals the course is designed to fulfill. An introduction to ActionScript programming for basic game development in Flash for web delivery. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: What should the students be able to do as a result of taking this course? State some of the objectives in terms of specific, measurable student accomplishments. Integrate graphics, audio, and animation into the Flash timeline. Write basic ActionScript to control movement and basic gameplay functionality. Design and develop a basic game and publish the game for web-based delivery. COURSE CONTENT: Attach a copy of the course syllabus (including description, policies, and schedule of instruction and assignments). The Flash development interface. ActionScript basics for gameplay interaction and object control. Asset compatability. Flash process for publishing games on the web. REPRESENTATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES: What will the students be doing (i.e. listening to lectures, participating in discussions and/or group activities, attending a field trip, etc.)? Relate the activities directly to the Course Learning Outcomes. Participating in classroom lecture/discussions. Researching existing Flash games online and evaluating game intent, audience, and content. Creating animations, timelines, and develop ActionScripts for game projects. Completing homework assignments outside of class. Approved: February 11, 2005 Aca Senate Approval: March 2, 2005 Page 1 May 29, 2016 ASSESSMENT TASKS: How will the students show evidence of achieving the Course Learning Outcomes? Identifying the components, menus, panels, and functionality of the Flash authoring interface. Selecting appropriate asset formats for Flash compatability. Recognizing basic ActionScript errors and identifying syntax corrections. Following step-by-stop processes for web-ready Flash projects. Complete game development projects that include integrated graphics, audio, aniamtion, and ActionScript into Flash timelines. PREREQUISITES: No Yes Course: Rationale for Prerequisite? Describe representative skills without which the student would be highly unlikely to succeed. COREQUISITE: No Yes Rationale for Corequisite? Course: RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: No Yes Rationale for Recommended Preparation? Course: DM10 and CIS12 DM10 provides background in digital asset file types and file management. CIS12 provides background in general programming fundamentals. Students will be able to go farther with their game projects with this background although the minimal necessary background information will be provided in this CIS88. EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE TEXTS OR OTHER READINGS: Title, Author, and Date are required. Author Title Murray, Everett-Church Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Game Programming Author Title Date Author Title Date Author Title Date Date 2004 Other Appropriate Readings: Online and lab intranet tutorials. Submitted by: Dave Harris, Clyde Johnson_ Submitting Division/Center Review Sydney Larson Tel. Ext.4368, 4372 Date: 10/12/05 Date: 10/20/05 CURRICULUM COMMITTEE USE ONLY Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Academic Senate Approval Date: 11/4/05 Approved: February 11, 2005 Academic Senate Approved: March 2, 2005 Yes Date: 10/28/05 Page 2 May 29, 2016 FOR VPAA USE ONLY PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER CIS-88 Intro to Game Programming with Flash TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1. Department: INFSC Information Science 16. CoRequisite Course: none 2. Subject: CIS 17. Recommended Preparation: DM-10 & CIS-12 Course No: 88 3. Credit Type: D Credit Degree Applicable 18. Maximum Class Size: 30 4. Min/Maximum Units: 1.0 to 19. Repeat/Retake: UN Unlimited retake policy variable units 5. Course Level: D Possibly Occupational 20. Count Retakes for Credit: yes no 6. Academic Level: UG Undergraduate 21. Only Pass/No Pass: yes no 7. Grade Scheme: UG Undergraduate 22. Allow Pass/No Pass: yes no 8. Short Title: Intro to Game Prgming w/Flash 23. VATEA Funded Course: yes no 9. Long Title: Introduction to Game Programming with Flash 24. Accounting Method: PAC Positive Attendance/CR 25. Disability Status: N Not a Special Class 10. National ID (CIP): 11.0101 26. Billing Method: T-Term 11. Local ID (TOPS): 070100 27. Billing Period: R-Reporting Term 12. Course Types: Level One Basic Skills: NBS Not Basic Skills Level Two Work Experience: NWE Not Coop Work Experience Level Three: 28. Billing Credits: 1.0 29. Purpose: I Occupational Ed 30. Articulation No. (CAN): Placeholder for GE OR 31. Articulation Seq. (CAN): DOES NOT APPLY 32. Transfer Status: B Transfers to CSU only Level Four: If GE : Choose One: 33. Equates to another course? course number. 13. Instructional Method: LEC Lecture and/or Discussion 14. Inst Ld (TLUs): 1.5 Contact Hours: 18 15. Prerequisite: none Particular Comments for Printed Schedule. . Curriculum Committee Approval: October 28, 2005 Approved: February 11, 2005 Academic Senate Approved: March 2, 2005 Page 3 May 29, 2016